Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 418 Sky City Project

"Warning! Warning! Warning!"

"The gate of gods and demons is about to open, the countdown is 10, 9, 8..."

At the base of the Antarctic Gate of Gods and Demons, rays of light shot up into the sky. When there was no expectation, the gate of Gods and Demons was suddenly opened, which alarmed a large number of extraordinary troops and groups of workers stationed at the base of the Gate of Gods and Demons. personnel.

"What's going on? Why did the door open at this time?" A middle-aged station master in uniform stood on the steel bridge, looking out the window at the gate of gods and demons and the abyss.

"There isn't any supernatural force preparing, it should be that someone opened the door temporarily on the opposite side of the door! It may be an organization of some supernatural force, and some important incident happened." A person beside him is also in charge of opening and closing the door of gods and demons. The deputy head of the station looked at the log projected in front of him and said quickly.

"No! Look what that is!"

A round of bright moon slowly rose from the icy lake at the bottom, illuminating the thousands of miles of snowy fields, ignoring the many barriers covering the sky.

Under the radiance, tens of thousands of people in the base of the Gate of Gods and Demons were illuminated by the moonlight, and all their extraordinary powers were imprisoned. No one alone could make any resistance.

One by one, wearing military uniforms, and an unknown number of Transcendents who were working up and down raised their heads in horror at the same time. The power was as deep as the sea, covering the aurora and the stars in the sky.

A white figure in the bright moon turned his head and glanced at the pale earth and the endless ice, and left without saying a word.

"That! Who is that?" Everyone knew that the moonlight was gone before they dared to ask. The power emanating from that existence just now, even the staff who were used to fourth-order transcendents entering and exiting the gate of gods and demons, could not be heard. Feel the horror and shock.

Many people didn't understand why, just now the door of gods and demons opened and only one of them came out, and left in the blink of an eye.

Without any reporting or registration, he didn't even leave through the formal process and the gate of the base, but directly ignored the numerous barriers above his head, which could withstand the attacks of the fewest fourth-order extraordinary people. The world, in front of it, seems to not exist at all.

The persons in charge of the various supernatural forces stationed at the gate of gods and demons immediately knew who was coming out, or in other words, many people had already made preparations before.

On Huaguo Station, the current person in charge of the station is a woman. Seeing this scene, she couldn't help but marvel: "Fengdu Taoist! He really became a fairy!"

In an instant, the news about Fengdu Taoist's return from the mountain and sea world spread all over the world.

Fengdu, as the extraordinary person who ranks first in the list of gods in the world, no matter where he is, he is equivalent to an existence that surpasses nuclear weapons, and can affect the structure of the world. concern.

But this time is different, before, the information about Fengdu stepping into the rank of gods and demons and actually stepping into the realm of gods and demons has already been transmitted from the gate of gods and demons.

Eternal, immortal, immortal, gods and demons with power beyond all appeared in this world.

In the past, Fengdu Taoist was like a big mountain, pressing down on the extraordinary city of Baigang, overriding the extraordinary world, suppressing everyone breathlessly, but now, it has become an existence out of reach of everyone.

Immortals, gods and demons, eternal gods, no matter which term is used on them, it sounds extremely scary!

In Huaguo, the top of the central energy tower in Weigang City, the light condenses into a light ball, and the light is emitted to detect and inspect any possible existence and fluctuations in the sky. The entire Weigang City is also under monitoring at the same time.

On the energy tower, the entire department of the Investigation Bureau and the officials responsible for the management of the extraordinary world gathered together. The topic of the meeting was about the future world structure and the direction of the extraordinary world.

The world has come to this point, no matter from all aspects, the impact of the extraordinary world on the entire world has penetrated into all aspects. Although countries have not yet disclosed the information of the extraordinary world, except for ordinary people and netizens at the bottom, rich people and politicians all over the world Almost everyone knows the existence of the extraordinary world, and even has a close relationship with it.

As soon as the meeting ended, Zhou Yang, the director of the investigation bureau, received a message from Antarctica and immediately summoned all the teams.

"Too fast, too fast!" Holding the document in his hand, which contained all the recent information about Taoist Fengdu, an old man with eyes made an anxious and amazed tone.

"Our layout has taken the lead, but before everything is mature, he has already become a god and demon at a speed beyond our imagination, eternal immortality, immortality, what else in this world can do nothing to him !"

Lin Shu wore a black combat uniform: "Is there any difference? Even before, no one could do anything to him!"

The old man with eyes said: "But at least lifespan and death are equal. Although the original superhumans are powerful, they have a lifespan limit and are still subject to the constraints of this world. Since the appearance of the fourth-order superhumans, their lifespan has been extended to one thousand. In two years, the Transcendent has completely lost control."

"And now Fengdu Taoist has entered the sixth level and turned into a real land immortal. Although strictly speaking, he is still half a step away from the seventh level of the gods and demons, he has completely jumped out of the limitations. It can be said that he is completely different from us. They are two species, and they are gods who surpass all living beings, and the original equality will be completely broken!"

A young man next to him is a transcendent of the new era. When he stepped into the transcendent world, Taoist Fengdu had already stood at the peak and was regarded as a god by all transcendents. He was not surprised or amazed by this situation: " It depends on whether Feng is willing to break it, he used to lean towards us, at least we can't push it to the other side."

The old man let out a long sigh, and said helplessly and unwillingly: "The feeling that the fate of the whole world is in the hands of others really makes people feel uneasy!"

However, Zhou Yang did not dwell on this topic at all: "We have known about the news that Taoist Fengdu has become a real land immortal. We have discussed it before, so we will not discuss it this time."

"The main problem now is that the Extraordinary City White Harbor has completed the fourth-generation construction plan. John Fogel, one of the fifteen kings, has integrated the Celestial Stone into the Extraordinary City and is preparing to turn it into a sky city. This is a major event that will directly affect the world structure."

"Xiao Liu, open it and show them!"

The image of the projector on the wall immediately appeared a bustling and magnificent image of an extraordinary city, a miraculous city amidst the ice and snow, the outer city was shrouded in wind and snow, and the inner city was shrouded in transparent crystals. Layered crystal walls divide the city into seven layers.

A majestic white tower runs through seven floors and reaches the apex.

Xiao Liu clicked a few times, and the screen kept changing. Finally, the impact projection of the Celestial Stone appeared, as well as the various steps and key projects in the construction of the fourth-generation Extraordinary City. A picture of the furnace fortress-like building facilities.

"The Sky City project has reached the final step!"

"He has been hit and blocked from all sides in this plan. Extraordinary forces and countries all over the world are afraid that the city of the sky will rise into the sky, because in this way it will have the ability to control the entire world and directly attack any part of the world. With the strike, the extraordinary city of White Harbor is no longer confined to the Antarctic, but has become a city in the sky above the world."

"Even the other members of the Fifteen Kings of White Harbor are also stalling for time. Although the alchemist John Fogel forcibly completed the fourth generation of Extraordinary City, he was blocked at the last step. After all, even if he , and cannot suppress the opinions of the other Fifteen Kings of Baigang, let alone have the courage to fight against the whole world."

When Xiao Liu explained this point, he suddenly stopped: "He has been waiting!"

"Wait for Fengdu's return before launching the Sky City project. He knows that he has no power to fight against the whole world, let alone suppress the other members of the Fifteen Kings of Baigang, but Feng is different."

Xiao Liu spread out his hands, and on the projector behind him, a shadow of a bright moon appeared from the gate of gods and demons. God! Even if the forces of the whole world add up, it will be the same.”

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