Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 497 What Are We?

"Do you know what the origin of planes and matter is?" The Lord of Destiny asked Fang Xiu.

"Chaos Worm?"

Fang Xiu has seen the origin of the plane in the world of the Eternal Ring. The source of the origin and birth of all matter and planes comes from the chaotic worms that shuttle through the star world, the void, and even the origin of time and space.

From the very beginning of its birth, the Chaos Worm has continuously extracted source matter from the origin of time and space, the source of everything. It was born from nothingness, grew to the limit, and died in nothingness. The corpse after death is the plane.

And some chaotic worms develop abnormally or overgrow for some reason during the growth process, forming demi-planes, elemental planes, or unstable spaces.

These terrifying existences can be called the most powerful creatures. Except for the existence of the main god level, no one dares to approach the living chaotic worms. Even the true gods will be swallowed by them in an instant.

"That's right! Chaos worms are the source of matter and planes, but pure planes and matter cannot form a stable space-time, and some worlds are also called crystal wall systems."

Fang Xiu seemed to understand something: "Then how can we form a stable time and space?"

The Lord of Destiny hesitated again and again, as if he was very reluctant to bring up this topic, but finally said: "A brand that can record all laws, stabilize the long river of time and the memory of time and space!"

"Or a mythical host, or a clock that controls the order of time and space."

Fang Xiu's face became a little dignified, and he looked at the huge wooden wheel under his feet: "Like this wheel of time?"

The Lord of Destiny nodded: "This is an artifact I created by imitating the power of the Lord God and the Ruler of Time and Space, but it can only be called a toy. It has its own spirit but no essence, and it is not enough to support a real Time and space, stabilize the long river of time."

Fang Xiu had imagined what kind of existence the time-space ruler would be. In his previous speculation, he once wondered if the time-space ruler would be the consciousness of the chaos worm, and after the death of the chaos worm, he would become the master The existence of space-time order was later denied by himself.

Because a space-time can have several planes ranging from a few to infinite, it would not be logical at all if every chaotic worm gave birth to a space-time ruler.

He also thought about it, maybe the ruler of time and space is the administrator of the law selected by Clock City, the spokesperson of order.

Or in these countless time and space, there is the same Fang Xiu, they are just different sides of a projection, maybe called by different names, divided into different numbers, and manage different parallel time and space, but in essence they are different. is a person.

Finally here, got the answer.

The corner of the Lord of Destiny's mouth was raised high, as if he asked excitedly, "Is it different from what I thought?"

Fang Xiu: "It's a little different!"

At this time, the Lord of Destiny spread his hands, shaking his gray robes with a bit of old and dilapidated, as if with a hint of sneer, he said, "Do you know why Clock City is called Clock City?"

At this time, a huge gray clock with some rusty spots rose slowly from behind the Lord of Destiny. The original pattern was imprinted with the original law, recording the imprint of the long river of time.

It is somewhat similar to Fang Xiu's silver clock, but there are some differences. Fang Xiu's is more delicate.

The master of fate leaned against the huge clock, and the vast gray light surged.

"Because each of us is a clock, a clock that records the passage of time and controls the order of time and space!"

The Lord of Destiny suddenly said: "I hate this kind of statement!"

"I will not accept this innate mission and task!"

"Have you seen the creatures in the Book of Destiny? Are they similar to us?"

"From the beginning, there was a thread hanging over our heads, and our destiny was arranged."

The Lord of Destiny seemed to be very familiar with Fang Xiu before. When he met him at the moment, his tone of voice was a little condescending, but this was only in Fang Xiu's opinion.

"In this world, we shouldn't be born with what we should be, with a destined destiny."

The Lord of Destiny seems to be extremely disgusted with the existence of the ruler of time and space, so he gave up the time and space that originally belonged to him, and created this book of destiny, as well as the dimensional world in the book.

This made Fang Xiu suddenly think of the main god in the world of the Ring of Eternity, who also gave up his own time and space, and disappeared.

One seat after another was left in the air, and the creatures in countless planes struggled and howled in the dusk of the doomsday, and were finally dragged into the abyss of death together.

In Fang Xiu's view, these main gods are really a little irresponsible, or too capricious.

Shouting something, this innate destiny is shackles or chains, but Fang Xiu looked at the large number of true gods, eighth-level wizards, and eighth-level protoss who were kneeling at the feet of the Lord of Destiny before. An eighth-order archangel controlled by the Lord of Destiny.

They don't even have the chance to put on the shackles. For the infinite beings in all time and space, they are the time and space rulers who are born with the personality of the main god, which is the biggest injustice in the world.

No matter whether it is inherent responsibility or destiny, it belongs to its own time and space, and countless creatures born in it are annihilated and died because they want to escape the so-called cage.

Fang Xiu is quite satisfied with being able to become the ruler of this time and space. At least according to the time and space of the earth, he was an ordinary person a few years ago, and he has become such a life and existence at the top. What is there to be dissatisfied with? of.

Fang Xiu didn't speak, but the Lord of Destiny looked at Fang Xiu, as if he knew what he was thinking: "If you are really satisfied with your life? Why go back in time and erase your memory?"

Fang Xiu suddenly remembered what the time stowaway said, and suddenly felt that he was not so sure. Maybe if he lived long enough, he would become like this in tens of millions of years, who knows? What is the future like?

"We are all the same, we will eventually get tired of this endless cycle and mission!"

"At that time, you may come to me!"

The Lord of Destiny seemed to have finished all the words, and when he waved his hand, he saw that the wheel of time began to turn again, the collapsed world began to gather again, and the edge of the dimensional world, the sky and the earth, everything began to be born from nothingness.

Angels flew down from the blank space of the painting, repainting the world, and the black dimension was once again turned into colors.

There will be new stories, new chapters born here.

The Lord of Destiny stopped talking. After Fang Xiu looked at it for a while, he said goodbye to the Lord of Destiny, turned and left, and disappeared into the dimensional world of the Book of Destiny.

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