Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 499 Chaos Worm

Fang Xiu sat on the hour hand of the huge silver clock, and behind him were the complicated gears imprinted with the original law of time and space, densely packed, each of which seemed to represent time and space itself.

Even in this world of shadows, various tools representing time constantly float out from the clock, which is the realization of time in the eyes of life in endless time and space. After all, time is an abstract concept, and people When thinking of time, the first things that come to mind are clocks, annual rings, and hourglasses.

And at this moment, the realization of countless concepts of time floated beside Fang Xiu and the huge clock, constantly turning back and forth.

It feels like in the deep sea, surrounded by all kinds of marine life, coupled with the silence and darkness of the shadow world, it really makes people feel like they are shuttling in the sea.

"Hey! Your Majesty the Great Ruler of Time and Space, I know that your main god artifact is very dazzling and powerful, but can you turn off this special effect? ​​It has been shaking me for more than half a month, and I am going crazy!"

The Wind Crow, which looked like a paper-cut painting, stood on Fang Xiu's shoulders. At this moment, its two wings anthropomorphically hugged its little head, twisting wildly.

"Can't close!"

"Let's do it!"

"Who made you fly so slowly!"

Fang Xiu's three combo immediately made Feng Ya die down.

The flat and distorted clock shuttled through the Shadow Realm. Fang Xiu and Rost Joel the Wind Crow seemed to be pressed into the clock as two small parts and became part of it.

However, after replacing it with the time-space clock, the main god artifact, the speed is much faster. Fang Xiu should be able to save a lot of time and rush to Clock City in advance.

On the upper layer of the Shadow Realm, images of time and space flowed past one after another, as if countless bubbles were constantly spreading.

But as Fang Xiu and Feng Ya approached the origin of endless time and space, Clock City, they could see that these bubbles became less and less dense, and the projection of the upper dimension that Fang Xiu could see also changed. become increasingly rare.

It feels as if endless time and space come from the origin of that time and space, and each time and space and crystal wall systems are born from there, and then continue to go far, expand, and spread more and more.

In this way, the farther the space-time is, the earlier it should be born, and the space-time and crystal wall systems that are closer to the clock city should be born recently.

"In this way! My original time and space is still an old-fashioned time and space and crystal wall system, and I am not a newly born ruler!" Fang Xiu thought in his heart at this time, but immediately remembered the farther away. Those ancient time and space and crystal wall systems, in the endless time and space and bubbles, there must be older existences.

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer upper-dimensional projections around him, Fang Xiu's mood gradually improved, and his anticipation for Clock City overwhelmed his bad mood, "You seem to be in the store and auction of the Star World Merchant in Floating Void City. I bought a lot of good things at the meeting, didn’t you borrow money from me because you have no money?”

Wind Crow Roster Joel tilted his head and chuckled: "Quack! The Wind Crow has friends all over the world. Wherever we go, we will meet the sponsorship of kind people!"

Fang Xiu looked at its precious postal bag, and the crow immediately used the black wings on its wings to cover up its postal bag tightly as if to guard against thieves.

"Don't take my idea of ​​things!"

"A lot of your scraps of copper and iron were taken from me. Is there anything worth looking at? See if our route has deviated, and how far is it from Clock City!"

Fang Xiu looked at Feng Ya suspiciously: "You can't really find something good on the floating city, right? So cautious?"

"Oh! It turned out to be this, no, no, I just bought some antiques, some useless antiques." The actions of the wind crow seemed to be a little self-deprecating, but Fang Xiu didn't really believe that the crow could really find any valuables on it. Among so many eighth-level true gods, mythological wizards and arcanists, among hundreds of high-gods and mid-gods who have stepped forward, it can really pick up any big leaks.

"Let me take a look!" Rost immediately released the mail bag, took out his clock city imprint, and projected the space-time coordinates.

"We should be in..."

However, Feng Ya hadn't finished speaking yet, suddenly there was a roar like the twilight of the doomsday in the shadow world in front, the sound was made by the vibration of the soul, rumbled along the shadow world and continued towards the distance .

The two sitting on top of the huge clock immediately looked into the distance, only to see a huge mouth that could swallow the world, opening and closing, continuously drawing powerful power from the origin of time and space.

The giant mouth carried a strong shadow storm, and the storm spread for thousands of miles.

And this terrifying storm was not intentionally emitted by it, it was born simply because it was breathing.

Then there was another roar, and it got closer. The flat shadow turned, revealing the scene on the other side. Fang Xiu saw that it was an unimaginably huge beast, or a worm.

The silver vortex in its body is rotating with enough power to destroy the world, and it is like a galaxy flowing in its body.

It passed through Fang Xiu and time and space, and the two sides seemed to overlap. If it was an ordinary true god or an eighth-level existence, it might be swallowed by it in an instant.

But at this moment, as the clock turned, Fang Xiu and the time and space seemed to not exist, overlapping with the worms that devoured the world.

"Chaos worm?" Sitting on the clock of time and space, Fang Xiu immediately thought of what it was. Although he had mentioned it many times, it was the first time Fang Xiu had actually seen it.

The source of all planes and matter, the existence that devours and destroys the world.

"The larva of the Chaos Worm? No need to look, we must be not far from the Clock City, it should be in front!" After seeing the Chaos Worm, Wind Crow Roster Joel immediately put down the Clock City seal in his hand, affirming Said.

Fang Xiu asked, "Is this just a larva?"

Wind Crow Roster Joel said as a matter of course: "Of course, once the Chaos Worm matures, it will turn into a real plane, and you can imagine how big it is."

"For some special reasons, deformed or mutated chaotic worms can even be unimaginably large, giving birth to special plane worlds."

"These chaotic worms were born from the origin of time and space behind Clock City, then sneaked into the distance along this shadow world, and finally entered the time and space of the upper dimension, and became a plane world after death."

"This juvenile Chaos Worm should have just been born from the origin of time and space and entered the Shadow Realm. The Clock City must be in front of it. Just follow the trace it came from and go straight forward. It will definitely not go wrong."

Fang Xiu looked at the chaotic worm going away, and couldn't help sighing, "What does Clock City look like?"

The Wind Crow Roster Joel should also be home soon. He was very excited: "It's coming soon! You just have to see it for yourself!"

"We should hurry up now! Go ahead!"

Following the traces of the chaotic worms, they finally arrived at the source or the end of the shadow world. They didn't know how much time and space they passed along the way, and how far they traveled, and they finally arrived at their destination.

Looking up, you can see that at the end of the shadow world, there is actually a door that looks like a painting. There is only a simple but huge symbol on the door.

It is a horizontal 8, and it is like two giant snakes that are endlessly looped together.

Fang Xiu didn't know what this symbol meant in Endless Time and Space and Clock City, but he knew that as long as he pushed it away, there was Clock City behind him.

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