Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 514: The Immortal Artifact That Can Cross the Starry Sky

"In the final analysis, I have returned to the Primordial Heavenly Court. It is not easy to seek the position of the Star Lord from the Heavenly Court."

"We can only guarantee that this fairy weapon can be refined, but we cannot guarantee the success of your plan, but the Tianshi faction has the absolute right to support your plan."

The contemporary celestial master Zhang Yusu was walking on the Taoist Palace of Longhu Mountain, followed by a few Taoist boys, and beside him was a man in a suit who looked like an official staff member, talking to her.

The man in the suit talked in all directions, making people feel like a spring breeze. Facing this prominent and profound contemporary celestial master, he seemed neither humble nor overbearing: "This is enough! The position of star master is naturally planned by the people above, but this fairy We hope to finish it on time.”

"The embryo of the fairy artifact will be conceived and formed soon. I will personally take this fairy artifact to the mountains and seas to experience calamities. My master Zhang Heming is the master of the Jiugong Xingfu. I can use the power of the Jiugong star to sacrifice the immortal artifact. It will delay the work, but I can't guarantee whether this fairy artifact can be engraved with fairy patterns without destroying it."

Heavenly Master Zhang Yusu didn't feel any embarrassment. For ordinary practitioners, even real immortals on land, it is difficult to refine a piece of immortal artifact. Whether it is the blueprint of the immortal artifact, the method of sacrificial refining, or the creation of various immortal materials. It is hard to find, and in the end, it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to engrave the immortal pattern with the help of the power of the Avenue of Stars.

But now someone provided the blueprints and fairy materials, and it was a breeze for her to use the power of the Avenue of Stars to inscribe the fairy patterns.

"The celestial master is joking, not only the old celestial master is the star god of the Nine Palaces after obtaining the certificate of becoming an immortal, but several of your uncles are also among the immortal gods of the upper world. , for the Tianshi faction, it is really easy."

Zhang Yusu turned around and looked at the man in a suit beside him: "It's a great fortune for Master and the master uncles to help me, a junior, sacrifice a magic weapon. How dare you say it's easy?"

"That's that! I'm not right, but we still hope that this fairy artifact can be engraved with the power of the Nine Palace Star. After all, it is used to cross the void. Even mortals can withstand the power to break through the space and cross the void."

"If the Celestial Master wants to open up an extraterritorial dojo or seek the position of Star Lord in the future, where we are needed, we will naturally help."

"It is imperative to open up an extraterritorial dojo. Even if we don't move, the West, other parts of Asia, the Americas, and other large and small practice organizations will also take action. It is our honor that Longhushan can contribute a little bit."

The generation of Longhushan in the mainland, as the Tianshi sect became stronger and stronger, this generation was also divided into protected areas. There are thousands of disciples under the Tianshi sect, most of them are good at making talismans, refining weapons, and alchemy. The generation of Longhushan has also become a large-scale The Artifact Refining Dojo, day and night, will continuously provide all kinds of magic weapons, talismans, and pills sent by celestial masters to all parts of the country.

Some time ago, an important task was assigned to the Tianshi faction from above, requiring the Tianshi faction to create an immortal artifact according to the blueprint. Thousands of disciples of the Tianshi faction did not care about day and night, and the fairy fire in the Danhuo Valley did not stop for several months. Zhang Yusu offered sacrifices in person, and even took out his housekeeper's wealth.

Looking down from the sky, you can see that in the crater-like Danhuo Valley from top to bottom, there is a crystalline state on the barriers of the valley mouth, densely packed runes extend from the valley mouth to the bottom of the earth, several veins The dragon is connected to the Valley of Fire, continuously providing power. The entire Valley of Pill Fire is like a melting pot of heaven and earth.

Only such a fairy furnace can sacrifice a real fairy embryo.

In the caves at the mouth of the valley, hundreds of practitioners wearing the robes of the disciples of the Celestial Masters are now fully controlling the fire, continuously melting the immortal materials.

On the front, you can see a constantly expanding and shrinking nine-square grid-like existence in the Valley of Fire, which turns around and looks like an ancient oriental Rubik's Cube.

A total of twenty-seven grids are ups and downs in the Danhuo Valley, constantly rotating and interlacing. When they are small, they seem to be only a few long, but when they are big, they seem to explode the entire Pillfire Valley. Each grid is a small square. The small mysterious palaces are connected to each other and can be used for people to walk and shuttle. The nine palaces are integrated, and they can be used to attack and defend as one rotates with the nine palaces. They release various Taoism techniques, especially powerful defensive power, which is extremely difficult to break through from the outside.

This is the Immortal Artifact they sacrificed - the Nine Star Palace. From time to time, the shadows of a few giant monsters can be seen emerging from it, roaring towards the sky, and the power shakes Longhu Mountain for thousands of miles, causing many His eyes peeped here.

The giant monster is in the shape of a horse. It is the ancient sky demon Lu Shu, with a white head and tiger pattern and red tail. Once it reaches the sixth level, this giant monster has the ability to cross the void. For some reason, it was discovered by the Great Zhou Dynasty. The army was mobilized to besiege and kill them all, and all nine of them were sacrificed and entered the Nine Star Palace to become weapon souls.

The celestial master Zhang Yusu is standing in the center of the Pill Fire Valley at the moment, and the chains are continuously extending from the valley wall, and finally penetrated and locked on the Jiuxing Palace. Pentium out of it.

Nine deer and Shu walking in the upper realm of the void stepped out of the air, and as the chains shook and resounded, they pulled the Nine Star Palace out of the valley of fire.

The Jiuxing Palace, which is thousands of meters in length and width, is pulled by nine giant starry sky beasts all the way towards the sky. The entire Longhu Mountain has a radius of thousands of miles, and the huge movements and scenes can be seen.

The fairy embryo took shape, and the heaven and the earth seemed to be resonating. The rosy clouds streamed down from the sky, and the sky demon pulled the Jiuxing Palace and stepped on the rosy clouds to go away.

Lu Shu pulled Jiuxing Palace across the sea all the way, and the whole world was shocked by it.

Huaguo's idea of ​​establishing an extraterritorial dojo is now well known to everyone. This move can be said to have officially kicked off, forcing countries all over the world to catch up with them, and it is also a show of their own strong strength.

But at this moment, in the City of Sky in Baigang, the uppermost floor of the Tongtian Tower, in Fengdu's Laurel God Realm, a dark and deep vortex suddenly opened.

Chen Jin and Heisha who were inside the Houtu Temple and the Mountain Sea Boundary also immediately noticed the movement. The two doors on the top floor of the lakeside small building were pushed open at once, and the two of them appeared in the house and looked outside.

The deep vortex leads to the shadow world. A figure in a white robe is like a paper man, breaking free from the black shadow, slowly falling to the ground, swelling up suddenly, and turning into a man.

The black wind crow on the shoulder also laughed loudly: "Wow! I'm finally home!"

"Chen Jin, little black cat, I, Rost, are back."

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