Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 518 Nine Palaces

Xianjun Jia Yi walked down the Dengxian Road, and the first thing he saw was Taibai Xingfu, the fairy world and the gateway of Dengxian Road. As Tianwaitian drifted with the tide, Jia Yi returned here again.

However, when he passed, Jia Yi was just a low-ranking immortal who ascended from the lower realms. When he returned, he was already an official of the heavenly court who was officially conferred by the immortal world and famous as an immortal.

At this moment Lord Taibaixing was sitting in Changgeng Palace, as if he knew everything already, and was waiting for Xianjun Jia Yi.

Although this envoy is a temporary post, not included in the title, but the power of the post is unimaginable, and it is an immortal granted by the imperial edict in the fairy world, which is different from ordinary post, not to mention However, once Jia Yi completes the duty of recruiting a fairy envoy, he will definitely be bestowed with a heavy duty, and Lord Taibaixing will not treat him as an ordinary little fairy or god.

This time, Jia Yi appointed three hundred and sixty-five star kings in the lower realm, and he definitely needs the support of this Taibai star king. Lord Taibai Xing of Jiemen and Dengxian Road cannot be missing.

One of the two guards the Heavenly Star Mansion in the Upper Realm, and the other is the imperial throne of the Star Monarch in the Lower Realm, both of which are an important part of opening the Immortal Realm and welcoming the Heavenly Emperor back to his throne.

"Congratulations to Xianjun! Congratulations to Xianjun!"

"Recruiting an envoy for the Heavenly Court this time is a heavy duty. I don't know if the immortal can make a plan. When will he leave for the lower realm?"

Taibai Xingjun sat high on the cloud bed. Compared with Jia Yi, this Xingjun, who had been reincarnated from the ancient times and became an immortal at an early age, had a much higher level of cultivation.

Jia Yi didn't dare to put on airs in front of him. In the lower realm, he was an ancestor, the pinnacle of the world. After reaching the upper realm, he realized that he, a fairy god who had just ascended, really had no status.

Since Fengdu, Nanhua, Lord of the Immortal Heavenly Palace, Zhang Heming, and Changde have ascended one after another, plus Tianhe Patriarch, Tian Xingzi, Maji, Yuan Shendao Patriarch and others who have ascended from the emperor of the underworld, there are only about thirty or so. .

If it weren't for the fact that there aren't many gods and gods in the upper realm right now, I'm afraid he won't even move when he ascends to the upper realm. Immortal, this majestic Taibai Xingfu Xingjun, probably won't even be able to see each other, let alone the attitude of treating each other with courtesy now.

Although it is said that Jia Yi's lower realm appointed the 365 star kings as gods this time, among them, the Taibai star king and the Taisui star king already have masters, and the rest of the star kings have already lost their positions. If there is an arrangement, Jia Yi will find the three hundred or so star kings in the lower realm, and form a large array of stars in the next week in the upper realm.

Jia Yi: "The Divine Edict of the Heavenly Court has been issued, and the Immortal dare not delay. After visiting a few old friends from the Upper Realm, the Immortal is ready to descend to the Realm again."

"This time I'm here, I'd like to ask the Star Lord Xiaxian to show me the way. After all, Xiaxian has just ascended to the upper realm, and I don't know where the star masters' Dongtian Xingfu is."

Taibai Xingjun suddenly laughed: "Don't you have a map of the stars in the sky? This map records the orbits of the stars in the sky, and the laws of the Dao of each star mansion. You can know how many stars there are in the sky, and how many stars are there in each star house. The location of Dongtian Xingfu."

Xianjun Jia Yi took out the map of the stars in the sky and looked at it, and couldn't help laughing: "I am stupid, let Xingjun laugh at me."

Before leaving, Taibai Xingjun repeatedly told Jia Yi, the envoy to recruit immortals: "This time in the lower realm, the identity of the immortal monarch is the immortal god of the upper realm. You should not easily reveal it to the world, let alone interfere too much in the world of the sun. The heavenly court decrees the lower realm, but the heavenly rule that gods should not enter the human world lightly is still there."

"Once the power of the Immortal God Dao is used, it will arouse the suppression of the laws of the Yang world, and the Heavenly Court will also record your merits and demerits on the immortal book, remember to remember!"

"Xiaxian remembers."

After finishing speaking, Jia Yi floated away from Changgeng Palace, left Taibai Star Mansion all the way, and flew towards the outer sky. Jia Yi held the Celestial Order in his hand, and he could shuttle along the Dengxian Road, guided by immortal light all the way, surrounded by clouds , so that ordinary immortals will not get lost in the vast and empty sky outside the sky.

Along the way, Jia Yi could see star mansions passing by, and each star mansion was a vast world.

The big ones are like the three hundred and sixty-five main star caves, with states and lands in them, the power of the stars is strong, the law of the road is perfect, and the small ones can also see mountains and rivers. Of course, you can also see some caves that are in birth. The inside was chaotic, but it attracted Jia Yi to stop and watch. The birth law inside this newly born cave was even more mysterious.

The more he looked at Jia Yi, the more he sighed: "The sum of the big and small caves and star mansions in the upper world is probably much larger than the entire earth of the world."

"It really is only when you ascend to the upper realm that you know how vast this world is. Each of the stars in the sky is a world. The vast galaxy, born perfect and in the process of being derived, adds up to the sand of the Ganges River , cannot be counted in detail.”

"Compared to the original world, there seems to be nothing to be nostalgic about. This is the world that truly belongs to the gods, the place where the gods of the upper world belong."

The closest to this Taibai Star Mansion is Zhang Heming's Jiugongjie Dongtian Star Mansion. After completing the conferment of the Dragon God of the Four Seas and accumulating enough merits, the patriarch of the celestial masters in the world ascended first, and got such a Jiugong in the upper realm. It can be said that the position of Star Lord is very pleasant.

Jia Yi walked down the Dengxian Road in the fairy light, and finally came to a small Dongtian Xingfu.

Looking inside from the outside of the world, this world is like a chessboard, the space is divided into grids, and the law of stars is the same, with the power of the law of the avenue that orders and divides space.

And in each of these spatial grids, the floating fairy mountain floating islands drift like chess pieces. If you look closely, you can feel the power of the formation.

Among the space grids and fairy mountains and floating islands, there are mysterious horse-like fairy beasts that use escapism to shuttle through this cave of stars. Jia Yi shouted loudly, and his voice immediately passed through the barriers of the cave and entered Within the Star Palace, thousands of spirit beasts and fairy beasts were aroused to fly from the fairy mountain.

"Heavenly Master! An old friend is visiting, so hurry up to greet him."

Not long after, I saw a fairy mountain floating from it, wrapped in clouds and fairy light, and the immortals who were playing chess on it looked at Jia Yi. It was Zhang Heming, Chang De, and Nanhua Xianjun who had met to play chess and discuss Taoism together. .

Zhang Heming looked at Jia Yi in surprise, "I've been waiting for you for a long time every time I think of you, too."

Jia Yi was overjoyed to see his old friend: "Second Master Chang and Immortal Nanhua, I didn't expect you two to be here."

Dongtian opened a door of light, and the sealing formation was no longer suppressed. Jia Yi stepped in from outside the boundary, landed on the fairy mountain, looked left and right: "Where is Fengdu? He didn't come to your place? Could it be that he was cultivating secretly in Juntian Realm?" ?”

Zhang Heming: "Fengdu? He should be still in Youdu right now! I heard that his precious apprentice is going to sacrifice a possession to wait for the catastrophe. Good guy, the speed of these juniors' cultivation is really unimaginable."

"I went to the Juntian Realm a few days ago, and I met the sage Zhuang Li from the Xundu Academy. In the past, I had seen this disciple from Fengdu in Xundu, and he also came to my Jiugong Realm a few days ago. In the same room, I didn't see Fengdu, this Fengdu has become an immortal now, so I don't want to stay in this upper world to enjoy the blessings of immortality, and I'm still running around."

At this time, Jia Yi showed a subtle look on his face: "Haha! I am afraid that no one in the three realms will be able to calm down anymore. You, Zhang Heming, may not be able to enjoy the blessing of immortality."

The three immortals looked at Jia Yi together, knowing that something must have happened to him when he said this.

Chang De: "Why did you say that? By the way, Jia Yi, you proved to be a celestial being. It stands to reason that you should ascend to the fairy world and directly enter the heavenly court. Could it be that you have already entered the fairy world? Or did you get any news from the fairy world? "

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Heming and Nanhua Xianjun couldn't calm down, and looked at Jia Yi Xianjun seriously.

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