Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 522: Killing Tribulation Started

In the counties and counties of the Great Zhou Dynasty in Dongzhou, gods and gods seemed to have felt the conquest, they emerged from the earth, and bowed to the sky. The stars of the Zhou Dynasty were set up, and all the gods felt a powerful force The inspiration that locked the entire East Continent from the sky, truly cut off everyone's sight from peeking into the interior of Dongzhou from the outside, and no one was able to deduce the slightest hint of the secret.

The Great River Dragon King and other water gods floated up from the water and circled towards the sky, attracting the vast star power falling from the sky.

The statues of Shuwang Mountain God and other righteous temples shook, and the whole earth seemed to feel that star power merged into the earth's veins.

Practitioners from various sects flew out of the mountain gate one after another, and the bell continued to ring, even the great practitioners who had been sleeping for a hundred years woke up one after another.

But everyone found that there was a strong suppressing force in the sky, and no one could fly directly into the thirty-six heavens of Dongzhou sky, and could only walk out of Dongzhou along the ground.

Even at the border of Dongzhou, first-class figures of land true immortals have been banned from entering Dongzhou. Internally, all the cultivation bases of the transcending tribulation period and land true immortals have been suppressed, and thunder calamity will descend as soon as they make a move. This is not allowed. Wait for the near immortal or someone who can be directly called an immortal to be born.

The Great Zhou Dynasty's martial arts and powerful army that suppressed the world is guarding Tianyang Pass at this moment, deterring and suppressing the various tribes and royal courts of the Rong people who are about to move recently. At this moment, a general wearing a unicorn gold armor stepped out of the camp Stepping towards the sky, the monstrous blood energy on his body gathered into a flaming unicorn to follow behind.

"Who is blocking the world, sealing the entire Dongzhou?" The general's eyes became extremely sharp at this moment, but there was an incomparable shock inside. This person was able to seal the entire Dongzhou. The entire Dongzhou.

Now that the entire East Continent is sealed off, no one knows what they want to do, which makes people feel uneasy and terrified.

On the bank of the thousand-mile wine pool, there is a Zhaixing Pavilion built on the dangerous peak, and at the foot of the mountain is the thousand-mile wave of the wine pool.

"Boundary Sealing Formation, this is an Immortal Formation! It actually moves the stars to surge, why have I never heard of such a formation?"

An old man in the Tianxing School looked at the sky, and the compass in his hand kept spinning. It seemed to be malfunctioning at the moment. Layers of talismans were spinning in the compass, like a headless chicken, but with his eyes alone, the old man recognized that this was One of the legendary immortal formations, the Boundary Sealing Formation, is generally only used within the Upper Realm Cave, to isolate the inside and outside, and to control the world.

But at this moment, if someone uses it on Dongzhou, it is tantamount to holding the entire Dongzhou in the palm of their hand.

Several deacons and elders of the Tianxing faction behind said: "This is definitely not an ordinary fairy formation. It can block the entire Dongzhou. As expected by Mr. Jianzheng, there will be a big change."

"Could it be that it was done by the power of the upper realm, which is related to the reincarnation of the gods and gods in the lower realm of the stars."

"I'm afraid this is no longer the work of ordinary gods, but the layout of the Heavenly Court of the Upper Realm!"

"Has it really started? What is the Heavenly Court of the Upper Realm going to do?"

Although everyone was shocked by this huge vision, they didn't show too much panic, as if they already knew something.

Many members of the Tianxing faction are from the present world, and they have a very close relationship with Qin Tianjian. Before that, they received a letter from Li Tianxing, the supervisor of Qin Tianjian. Li Tianxing guessed that the lower realm of the stars must be the work of the upper heaven. This is likely to be just the first step, and it is still unclear what the next step will be.

In the dozens of barbarian countries in the south, the demon sects of millions of mountains have come out one after another, each walking and plotting, and the tribes of the Rong people in the sea of ​​bitterness in the north, one by one, also announced that this is a punishment from the gods on the earth. God will reincarnate and return again to save the earth on earth.

"The sun is hidden, the stars appear!" The ballad that was originally sung in various states and counties of Dazhou has been confirmed, and everyone is predicting that the real catastrophe will come later, maybe it is that Dazhou is about to get lucky.

At this time, as the Zhoutian star formation completely enveloped the entire Dongzhou, the 365 main stars lit up one by one.

Sitting outside the large formation of stars and stars, Jia Yi, who was at the junction of the sky and the earth, held the divine edict of the heaven and spoke, and his voice spread along the wind to the four continents in the southeast, northwest, and within the five lakes and four seas.

All practitioners can hear the voice like Hong Zhong Da Lu.

"The Lower Realm of the Stars, the Killing Tribulation begins!"

"This time the Heavenly Court confers on the Divine Star Lord, and anyone who is destined can enter the land of Dongzhou to be robbed."

"The person with the destiny of the stars completes the killing and calamity, and he can ascend to the upper realm to become the righteous god of the heavens."

"When the killing is over, the day when the Heavenly Court opens."

After saying this, Jia Yi put away the Divine Edict of the Heavenly Court, and sat directly above the Zhoutian and Star Formation, no longer entering the East Continent, but overlooking the entire Dongzhou, and maintaining the entire Zhoutian and Star Formation. The operation of the big array.

When the killing and robbery starts, Jia Yi's duties are half completed, and the rest is to wait for the killing and robbery to end, and welcome all those with star destiny to complete the killing and robbery and return to their positions.

The inside story that was still secretive, the appearance of various guessed demon stars, and the prophecies of chaos in the world have also come to an end.

Now, with the establishment of the Zhoutian Xingchen formation, the killing and robbery has begun, and it has become known to everyone.

Everyone knows that this is the immemorial Heavenly Court that is about to open, and selects the star kings of the upper realm from the human world. The immortals and gods who fell during the ancient catastrophe are reincarnated one after another, and all those with star life will be born in response to the catastrophe.

As long as they can seize the luck of the person with star life in this killing and robbery, they can replace each other and become the star king of heaven,

At the same time, this Xingjun killing calamity was pushed to a peak. In addition to the Middle Earth Daomen, the Southern Demon Gate, and the Northland Witch God who had already made various preparations, the other three continents also began to act.

The Buddhist disciples of Xizhou also started to go to Dongzhou by big boat. For a while, even the temples of the Great Zhou Dynasty gradually disappeared, and a large number of monks began to appear.

Some aliens, missionaries, and sons of gods from Nanzhou who wore strange clothes, white robes, or turbans also began to enter the territory of Dongzhou.

Even the demon kingdoms in Beizhou, some demon gods, and heavenly demon families sent their direct descendants to Dongzhou to participate in the killing of the star king.

Countless practitioners in the world are crazy. For the position of the star king of the court, they crowded towards Dongzhou. Everyone seemed to have no deep thought that this was a killing of the star king, but only paid attention to the majestic star king. The throne of the emperor, above the personality of the gods in the heavenly court.


Youdu, within the Immortal Palace.

Great Heaven Palace is the other residence of Great Heaven Immortal Lord within the You Palace. Everyone knows that when Immortal Great Great Heaven is not in the upper realm, Shichang will arrive at Youdu from the lower realm and live in this You Palace.

Ordinary people can't enter You Palace, let alone enter this fairy house, disturbing the cleanliness of immortals, but today, a guest who came from afar came into You Palace with a token of Immortal Lord Juntian.

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