Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 538 Sapphire Floating Dust

Ji Chongming was born at the foot of Siqiong Mountain in Shanyin County, in a village with the surname Ji of the Xuanyuan family. He had visions at birth and had double pupils, so he was named Chongming.

The Xuanyuan clan who was on Siqiong Mountain at that time saw this vision, vaguely guessed that the man with a star destiny had reincarnated to this place, sent people down the mountain to find him, took him to the mountain, and carefully hid him.

Ji Chongming was told since he was a child that he possessed visions and was the reincarnation of a fairy god in the sky. The entire Xuanyuan family on Mount Siqiong regarded him as the next generation successor of the Xuanyuan family. Everyone said that he would revive the Xuanyuan family and The Xuanyuan family has completely reached the peak.

Looking at the ancient statue, Ji Chongming wondered why the Xuanyuan clan still worshiped him knowing that the ancestor god Xuanyuan was dead.

"Ji Chongming! Do you understand? You are our last hope."

At this time, the words of the high priest of the Xuanyuan clan reached Ji Chongming's ears, and Ji Chongming suddenly raised his head: "Ah! I feel that everyone in the clan is better than me, why do you all think I am different?"

The high priest touched Ji Chongming's head: "Your star life hasn't been activated yet, you will know when it is activated."

"You are the emperor of the world destined by the heavens, the reincarnation of Ziwei Xingjun from the upper world."

The high priest touched Ji Chongming's head, his eyes looked a little doting. At this moment, there was a sudden bang from high above the sky, and then the entire Siqiong Mountain Spiritual Realm shook for a while, and the closed formation split apart heavily in an instant.

In the spiritual realm, people from the Xuanyuan clan who were playing the piano, collecting herbs, and playing on the mountain, as well as mortals with the blood of the Xuanyuan clan living in several towns in the valley, were all affected by the huge shock and fire at this moment. The red light came out of the house one after another, or put down the things in their hands.

When everyone looked up, they saw fiery red light descending from the sky, crashing into the spirit realm, and the fire spread instantly, igniting the surrounding forests, pavilions, towers and pavilions, turning into a sea of ​​flames.

One after another, the Dharma boats broke through the spiritual realm, descended from the sky, and landed towards the spiritual realm of Mount Siqiong. Thousands of warriors stood on each boat. The back quiver aimed downward.

The high priest of the Xuanyuan clan rushed out of the ancestral temple, and groups of Xuanyuan clan members gathered towards the ancestral temple.

Looking up from below, the large Dharma boats were pressed down from above like hills, covering the sky, and the hull of the boat blocked the shadows cast by the sun, making the entire Siqiong Mountain Spiritual Realm dark in an instant. Only the raging fire brought a dark red light, which looked as red as blood.

She immediately knew where the Dharma boat came from, and said almost gnashing her teeth: "Great Zhou Dynasty, Qin Tianjian is Li Tianxing!"

And an old man in an official robe on the boat also looked down, staring at the ancestral temple of the Xuanyuan clan, and a group of Xuanyuan clan members in front of the temple, with an indifferent look on his face: "This is it!"

The high priest of the Xuanyuan Clan was wearing a fiery red sacrificial robe, standing in front of the waterfall cliff and asked angrily toward the sky, "Li Tianxing! What do you want to do?"

In Li Tianxing's cold eyes, there was no intention of reasoning with Xuanyuan's family, and he said directly: "Xuanyuan's family hides the reincarnated person of the demon star! It violates the laws of the Zhou Dynasty and the imperial edict."

"Kill without mercy!"

In the words, there was no room for the Xuanyuan clan. From Li Tianxing's point of view, the Xuanyuan clan that is now in decline, even its high priest is only at the alchemy realm. Sending a few five-featured Lingtai Lang over is enough to wipe them out, and the Great Zhou Dynasty and Li Tianxing didn't take them seriously at all.

If it weren't for the fear of the person with Ziwei's star destiny, and the existence hidden in the dark who is likely to get the news and wait for an opportunity, how could he use his majestic Qintian Supervisor plus two martial arts immortals to make a move.

The High Priest of the Xuanyuan Clan saw that Li Tianxing didn't have the slightest intention to bargain, and he didn't even intend to listen to their explanations or chat, so he directly condemned the entire Xuanyuan Clan to death, and roared angrily: "Li Tianxing! The Xuanyuan Clan They belong to the ancient gods, and if you act perversely today, you will suffer retribution."

Li Tianxing snorted coldly: "You, a man with a snake-tailed body and a snake tail, dare to talk about retribution with me."

"Do you know what destiny is? What is retribution?"

Li Tianxing waved his hand, and saw the archers on the ship pull the crossbow, and thousands of fire rain fell from the sky, spreading the already raging fire to the entire valley.

One after another figures fell from the sky, rushed into the palaces and valleys, and headed towards the ancestral land of the Xuanyuan clan.

Wearing armor, the army forming a combined formation formed a queue, and the members of the Xuanyuan clan also revealed their bodies, with huge snake tails deriving from under the skirt, holding various magic weapons to fight against the elite army of Da Zhou together.

The sound of fighting shook the sky, Taoism and supernatural powers fought against each other, magic weapons and magical weapons intertwined and made harsh sounds, and with the fire all over the sky, the entire mountain top seemed to become purgatory in an instant.

And several villages and towns down the mountain were also in chaos, shouting and roaring, everyone knew that someone had come in, and judging by the posture, they still wanted to drive them all out.

Looking at these large Dharma ships and the people wearing official robes and armor on them, it is certain that the Great Zhou Longting's army has arrived. Mount Siqiong, which has been peaceful for hundreds of years, has never seen such a formation.

A big river flows around the valley, and there is a stone bridge built on the river. Many people ran out of the bridge with their children's packages, but they saw the exit of the valley head-on. Thousands of soldiers rushed in.

These soldiers were full of evil spirits, holding sharp knives, and had cruel expressions. The order they received was that none of the Xuanyuan clan and their descendants in this valley should be left behind.

The country that Dazhou inherited from Dapan has always been extremely jealous of the Xuanyuan clan, and the Xuanyuan clan has been weakening the influence of the Xuanyuan clan in the past dynasties. For a family, the emperor is even more determined to kill them, and is determined to kill them all.

Li Tianxing and two commanders wearing divine armor stood on the largest dharma boat. Before they got down and made a move, the situation in the entire Siqiong Mountain Spiritual Realm was in a one-sided state.

The densely packed Da Zhou soldiers continuously surrounded the entire Xuanyuan clan's spiritual realm and occupied most of the places. The Xuanyuan clan's high priest led thousands of Xuanyuan clansmen to fight hard.

However, under the siege of a great Zhou leader, the tribe continued to fall, they could only continue to retreat towards the ancestral temple of the Xuanyuan clan, and finally relied on the ancestral land left by the high priests of the Xuanyuan clan for generations and the ancestor god of Xuanyuan The seal left behind resists the Zhou army soldiers outside.

But she knew that this was just a temporary plan, Li Tianxing brought two martial arts immortals so powerfully, the seal of Xuanyuan Ancestral Temple would definitely not be able to stop them.

The High Priest of the Xuanyuan Clan was thinking of a way to send Ji Chongming out. At this time, a martial arts immortal from the boat jumped down from the sky, and transformed into a huge human immortal form in mid-air, kicking it up to tens of meters. palace.

There are many seals and spells entangled on it, and they are entangled towards the human and immortal form. Chains and chains rise from the earth to the sky, revealing the background of the Xuanyuan family. There are three nails on the broken ship, not to mention Xuanyuan handed down from ancient times. clan.

But at this time, Li Tianxing, who was standing on the big boat and always looking down on everything, made a move. A gorgeous purple mirror floated behind him, and the mountains and rivers of the Great Zhou were engraved on the back. Mountain Spirit Realm.

The light descended from the sky, directly melting the chains, piercing through many palaces, and breaking a big hole in the mountain.

It slowly fell from the sky like a fairy god, and landed in the ancestral land of the Xuanyuan family. Facing such a blow from the sky, and the mountain-like martial artist and immortal figure behind him staring covetously from the ruins of the palace... Looking outside the cave, looking inside the Xuanyuan Ancestral Temple.

Even the Xuanyuan clan, who were not afraid of death, felt trembling at this moment. The opponent was so powerful that they could not resist at all.

Looking at the destroyed Xuanyuan Ancestral Temple and the melted statue of Xuanyuan Ancestor God, the high priest of the Xuanyuan Clan was extremely desperate and angry: "Li Tianxing, you slaughtered my people and destroyed my ancestral temple. Even if you die, I will curse you!"

The High Priest of the Xuanyuan Clan held a silver hook and set off a 100-meter silver light, and bombarded towards Li Tianxing. Li Tianxing flicked his finger on the silver light, and saw a starlight turn into a rope and go out, and the High Priest of the Xuanyuan Clan tied up.

Thousands of soldiers outside walked along the collapsed ancestral temple and the ruined palace, heading towards Li Tianxing's place. Everyone was covered in blood and their eyes were full of murderous looks, like ghosts from hell.

"Leave the high priest of the Xuanyuan clan and the demon star, and kill the others without mercy."

At this time, Ji Chongming suddenly rushed out from behind. The Xuanyuan clan respected the matriarchal line and inherited the customs of the ancient barbaric period. At this moment, most of the people in this ancestral temple are women. Although Ji Chongming did not awaken the star life, he just An ordinary person, but at this moment he stood up.

"Stop! What are you doing? What are you doing?"

Ji Chongming followed the collapsed palaces, the burning palaces and buildings, the mountains and forests, the massacres and screams in the villages and towns below the mountains. This scene seemed to be the ancient myth that the high priest once told him, the battle between the Xuanyuan family and Huan Wanghua, that When the Xuanyuan Clan was defeated, Huan Wanghua also led the army into the Xuanyuan Kingdom in the same way. The people were devastated, and the Xuanyuan Clan declined.

Li Tianxing looked at the young man in front of him with double pupils, exactly the same as what he saw when he was monitoring the world with the Nine Heavens and Ten Directions Formation.

Although Li Tianxing looked down on the high priest of the Xuanyuan clan, he was extremely cautious when facing the young man: "Are you the one who is destined by Ziwei?"

At this moment, Ji Chongming's face was pale and dull, and he turned his head to look at Li Tianxing stiffly.

"They told me that I am the future of the Xuanyuan family, and that I am the destined emperor."

"The master of the world, the god of heaven."

"Actually, I don't think there is any difference between me and others. I always ask them if they made a mistake. I never thought about being an emperor, nor did I think about the imperial way."

Ji Chongming clenched his fists and asked: "Have you ever thought that you really made a mistake and killed so many people just for an illusory star?"

Li Tianxing snorted, if he killed other people or even the descendants of the Xuanyuan clan in Shanyin County, Li Tianxing might still feel a little guilty, after all, those are all human blood.

But the Xuanyuan clan is different in Li Tianxing's eyes: "If you make a mistake, you will make a mistake. If one Xuanyuan clan dies, it will bring peace to the clan."

"It's certainly worth it for tens of millions of people in the world to be stable!"

Ji Chongming stared at Li Tianxing: "Isn't the Xuanyuan family a human race? They are also a part of the human race!"

Li Tianxing looked at Ji Chongming: "Although you are the reincarnation of a demon star, you are a human race, but you have been confused by these aliens."

"As for the people behind you, look at them. Their bodies are snake-tailed. How can they be considered as human race? If they can all be regarded as human race, then the Rong people in the north and the Yi people in the south are more human race than them."

Ji Chongming looked behind him, left and right, the high priest was covered in blood, his soul was locked up by the spell, and he passed out without knowing whether he was alive or dead. Well, since ancient times, the Xuanyuan clan has been merging with the human race, they have combined with the human race, have children, and the entire Zhengzhou is the descendant of the Xuanyuan clan, why are they not human race."

"The Xuanyuan family has long been a part of the human race. They are rooted with the human race, whether it is through customs, blood, or other things. They cannot do without the human race."

Li Tianxing even laughed and said: "So, only by killing the last pure blood of the Xuanyuan clan, can the descendants of the Xuanyuan clan be integrated into the Great Zhou and into the human race, right? Then they should be killed."

Ji Chongming could see that the person in front of him had no intention of letting go of the Xuanyuan clan, and had decided to get rid of the Xuanyuan clan from the very beginning.

At this moment, he suddenly felt powerless. Facing the person in front of him and the priests of the Xuanyuan clan behind him, he seemed to recall what the high priest said again: "You are our last hope."

Li Tianxing tried a few times, and he could almost see that the reincarnated Ziwei star life in front of him had never activated his star life, which was not much different from ordinary people. When facing life and death crisis, there would be a star life protector, but At this moment, Li Tianxing did not have a killer, so of course this situation will not happen.

It seemed that the trip was much smoother than he had imagined. As long as the reincarnation of Ziwei Xingming and the high priest of the Xuanyuan clan could be brought back, the task would be completed.

Just when he was about to order to kill the rest of the Xuanyuan clan, suddenly a powerful aura shot up into the sky outside, and the spiritual light burst down from the sky with a bang. Immortal, was directly blasted into the mountain, as if he was pressed to the ground with his foot and couldn't move.

At the same time, a cloud of sapphire dust descended from the sky. The dense silver threads stretched tens of thousands of meters, falling from the sky like a waterfall of the Milky Way, and quietly penetrated along the mountain from behind the palace.

The silver thread penetrated into the Xuanyuan ancestral temple, rolled up the Xuanyuan family priest and Ji Chongming gathered inside, pulled it out all at once, and pulled it towards the sky.

Li Tianxing just turned his head to look at the knocked down human immortal Faxiang outside, and the sudden shock made him want to return to the commander of the imperial guards outside, and then he was caught off guard for a moment, and the person in front of him was swept away by the floating dust. It was too late to make a move, and he could only use one blow of Taoism, bombarding the silver thread of floating dust, but was bounced back all of a sudden.

His face was black and white, and his expression was mixed with shock and anger: "Sapphire floating dust! Heavenly masters!"

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