Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 547: King Xing Returns to His Throne

The black army surrounded Yangjing one after another. Tens of thousands of wolves lined up outside the city. The cavalry in tanned leather armor led the demon wolves. Tame as a dog.

In addition, there are flying troops riding Gu carvings in the sky, cavalry soldiers riding horses in the far north are overwhelming, and there are also infantry and soldiers in the distance behind.

The grandeur of the military and the strict military discipline make it hard for many people who have never been to the Northern King's Court to imagine. After all, from the beginning of the barbarians to the establishment of the Rong people and the King's Court, the northern Rong people also have thousands of years of experience. In addition to the barren and bitter cold of the northern land, the two sides still have many similarities in many aspects through trade, contact, and war.

In Yangjing, except for those who didn't have time to escape, or the rest had a fluke heart and were reluctant to part with their own family business in Yangjing.

After all, when they were in Baizhou in the north, the Rong people not only wantonly killed warriors, suppressed practice sects, demolished temples of gods, but also plundered all kinds of spiritual materials and treasures in their hands, as well as practicing exercises and magic weapons.

For ordinary mortals, laws and loose management are adopted. After all, the army of Rong people and the powerful wizards, witch priests, etc. don't look down on ordinary people's gold and silver property. Even ordinary soldiers, their daily practice The blood pills and divine weapons cannot be bought by ordinary gold and silver, only incense money can make them tempted.

For mortals, except for some big families, it doesn't matter who they change to rule, and the Rong people issued decrees in the northern border, still let people from the Central Plains be officials, etc. After rumors of governance came, many people thought that the Rong people should It is impossible to massacre the city as rumored, and it is likely to continue the previous situation in Baizhou in the northern border.

So despite the horrific and bloodthirsty rumors about the Rong people, some people still stayed in Yangjing. Few people think that this is a great opportunity to stand up.

The army was stationed outside the city, and a large number of vacant houses in the north of the outer city became barracks. Only Jin Lin'er's pro-army entered the inner city and began to rectify and tidy up.

Although many wolf cavalry and army cavalry were extremely greedy for the capital city that had been operated by Da Zhou for hundreds of years, and wanted to rush in and plunder like they broke through those Middle-earth sects and gods' spirit realms before, but under Jin Lin'er's order, even These tiger and wolf masters did not dare to disobey in the slightest.

At noon, Jin Lin'er's pro-army cleaned up all the important facilities in Yangjing, and guarded all the imperial city, Qintianjian, arsenal, and granary in Yangjing. Although almost all of them were empty, the dragon boat left before At that time, I brought almost everything I could bring with me.

The army is guarding the seven-killing star Jin Lin'er and swaggers in from the north gate. This is the first time in thousands of years that the northern Rong people have invaded the middle land, and even occupied the capital of the middle earth dynasty. Every single one of the Rong people is extremely proud In front of the gate of the imperial palace, rows of aristocratic families and officials who came to serve here fell to their knees. There were even a few former eunuchs and eunuchs who personally led Jin Lin'er into the imperial city and introduced it to him.

When the army passed through the street, many people peeked out from the cracks in the door. They looked at these Rong people who were half-human, half-beast, like monsters and beasts in the legend, but found that most of these people were similar to the middle-earth soldiers. People are similar in appearance, and it is not uncommon for a few of them to have some demonic features on their faces. Some warriors of the Great Zhou Dynasty also have such changes after practicing the supernatural blood.

Jin Lin'er wore a black black armor, walked through the nine-fold palace gate all the way, and stood on the Golden Palace of the Great Zhou Dragon Court.

Looking back, one can see the entire Yangjing and the world, as if standing here, one can grasp the universe, the sun and the moon.

"Now, maybe it's my turn to take the lead!"

After finishing speaking, Jin Lin'er went straight to the top of the Golden Hall, and sat on it with a long knife in her hand.


In an instant, the large array of stars and stars above the sky appeared together, the sky was full of stars spinning, the Seven Killing Stars once again burst into blood-red light, and the vast star power appeared in the Yangjing Imperial City like a bright beam of light.

At this moment, the starlight came out from Jin Lin'er's body, and as he defeated the Great Zhou army all the way, and broke through the city, the life of the Seven Killing Stars on his body echoed with the Seven Killing Stars in the sky.

The seven-kill star power poured into the body, which is the reason why it continued to become stronger, but now it forced the emperor of the Great Zhou to flee, lost most of the country, almost wiped out the Great Zhou by himself, and his star life has already opened To the top.

When he was sitting on the dragon chair in the Golden Palace, he suddenly felt something, it was as if something in the sky was calling him, his destiny had been fulfilled, but his vitality in the mortal world was about to be exhausted.

He took charge of the army from Tianyang Pass, and set off a mighty massacre all the way. Kunyang City by the river bank was bloody for three thousand miles in the first battle, and corpses were scattered all over the field. Now Da Zhou has almost lost the world, and the Seven Killing Stars have no effect.

In the future, if he stays in the human world, his strength will gradually weaken, his body will gradually age, and his destiny and luck will leave him little by little, until he dies and returns to the upper realm.

"The fate of the stars is back, and the destiny is over?"

Jin Lin'er's immature face under the black-gold helmet revealed a trace of awakening and confusion, but suddenly centered on the dragon chair throne, a terrifying force exploded.

Some people had expected that at this moment, his star life would be fulfilled, and his destiny would return to his body. Taking advantage of the moment when he merged with his star life, he launched a fatal blow.

A black shadow emerged from the depths of the ground, stretched continuously from the ground, covered the entire imperial city, and dragged it into darkness.

A dark golden long sword with countless Buddha seals flowing on it came across tens of thousands of meters from the darkness, and pierced through Jin Lin'er's chest.

On the hilt, a slender and beautiful hand held the Buddha sword tightly, and the power of the Dao Law was derived, and the power belonging to the immortal god burst out.

"Shameless bastard!"

"Die to me!"

Seven-killer Jin Lin'er's eyes showed extreme murderous intent for a moment, her face was extremely ferocious, and huge blood-colored stars floated up from her body, sweeping everything around her.

But it was already too late, the opponent's angle of timing was extremely precise, and his luck began to reverse because of the fulfillment of his destiny, and even the most basic sense of life and death was blocked.

The moment the Seven Killing Star Jin Lin'er counterattacked, she immediately let go of the fairy-level Buddha sword in her hand, and once again hid in the darkness.

In an instant, the great sun in the sky gradually dimmed, and a solar eclipse appeared in the sky, bit by bit blocking the light of the great sun.

For mortals, it is a solar eclipse and visions of heaven and earth, but for practitioners, they can see a round of terrifying black stars gradually blocking the light of the sun, bringing darkness to the earth.

Yangjing was completely plunged into darkness, and everyone, even practitioners, couldn't find a way out or direction in this chaotic darkness.

Jin Lin'er was holding the long knife in her hand coldly all over her body, blood was constantly oozing from the broken chest mirror on her chest, dripping down, and dripping along the Excalibur that passed through her chest.

He turned his head, and saw in the deep darkness, a coquettish woman in a black robe with an extremely evil temperament stepped out of the twisted darkness.

There was no earth under her feet, no sky above her, just darkness.

Such an evil woman, but with a Buddhist relic on her chest, exudes magnificent Buddha light and Tianyin Chan Chan, reflecting it like a clean goddess, two completely repulsive temperaments combine in her body together.

Jin Lin'er, the star of the Seven Killings, held the Buddha sword on her chest, and stared at the woman in front of her: "The Great Compassion Zen Lifting Sword, one of the seven treasures of Buddhism, and the Buddha's relic of the Great Leiyin Temple, also have a formless and formless body. The dignified Xizhou Buddhist sect actually value me so much, Jin Lin'er."

"Who are you?"

The woman was smiling, she didn't look like she was here to send Jin Lin'er to her death, but she was looking at her lover indulgently: "My name is Luo Hu!"

"Luo Huxing! It's actually a woman?"

The woman walks like a celestial maiden scattered flowers, unable to see the direction clearly, walking in the darkness, the alluring shadows keep flickering and appearing in different directions: "Seven Killing Stars! Your star destiny has been fulfilled, you can go back!"

"The position of the star king of the heaven is already in hand, why bother to miss this mortal world."

Although Jin Lin'er, the star of the seven kills, was extremely angry, she knew that she could no longer stay in this world of the sun. If the mortal body is destroyed, she can only return to the upper realm and go away according to the destiny: "Buddhism and you plan on me. Seven kills must be rewarded."

After speaking, I saw Jin Lin'er's body turning into starlight and dissipating, a blood-colored star conceived out of her body, rushed towards the sky, penetrated the thirty-six layers of heaven, and headed towards the outer sky.

"The Seven Killing Stars return!"

"The Seven Killing Stars return!"

"The Seven Killing Stars return!"

At this time, from a fairy palace in the depths of the Thirty-Six Heavens above the Zhoutian star array, there was a voice of calling for immortals, and it continued to spread to the distance, the place where the entire Dongzhou killing robbery opened. Practitioners can hear it.

In an instant, everyone in the world knew that the Seven Killing Star became the first existence that fulfilled the fate of the star and escaped from the catastrophe.

In the imperial city of Great Zhou Yangjing, an abyss appeared underground, engulfing all the endless palace buildings in a radius of several miles. Horrifying and depressing roars came from the ground, and evil spirits gathered into clouds and rose into the sky.

The imperial city of Great Zhou collapsed completely, revealing a huge hole like a bottomless abyss underneath. The palaces and city walls followed the huge hole and continued to slide down, rotate, and finally completely swallowed by the darkness.

That was the time of the Pan Dynasty of the previous generation, because the huge pit and abyss created by the emperor Yan Motian, the demon of Yangjing, was so deep that it went straight to the deepest part of the ground, as if it was connected with the Yin Road of Huangquan.

In the deepest part, there are ancient ruins, as well as the horror and weirdness formed by the resentful souls of countless people and demons who died in the evil calamity.

After the Great Zhou established Yangjing as its capital, it completely closed the huge pit and abyss, rebuilt the imperial palace and imperial city on it, and set up a large array to protect the country to seal everything inside, and now it is revealed to the world again.


In the Longevity Pool of the Celestial Master School, the first Celestial Master Zhang Heming raised his head: "Luohu Xing!"

A boy in Tianjian Mountain who was holding a fairy sword and was frozen at the bottom of the ice lake suddenly opened his eyes, and thousands of swords shouted together: "Does the Buddhist sect make a move now?"

In Shiwan Dashan in the south, there were four tattered Taoist priests and a young man. The five of them were destitute and looked like they were starving and fell to the ground.

Daoist Canggou has a sallow face and a thin face. He seems to have run out of mana, and he has used secret techniques: "We have chased and killed all the way, we have traveled tens of thousands of miles, from the south to the east, and back again. The guy is still following us."

Taoist Fenglong's fairy clothes were smashed and polluted, and the bones and internal organs could even be seen underneath, so he was not dead: "The ancestors of the top ten demon sects have all shot, and the old monsters who have trained the immortal body of gods and demons have joined forces. To kill us, this magic door looks crazy."

The young man leisurely bit the dog's tail grass: "It's not that you are too much, the sects of other people who have been pitted are all wiped out, the orthodoxy is gone, and others still don't work hard with you."

The starving old Taoist got up from the ground: "You unworthy disciples, the old Taoist will be pissed to death by you sooner or later!"

As soon as the words of the Four Scattering Immortals of the True Immortal Temple were finished, the sky suddenly darkened, and a round of black shadows engulfed the sun, and the day completely turned into night.

Baihe Sanxian took a look, pinched his fingers and figured out what went wrong. Although it was impossible to figure out what happened in the nightmare due to the chaos of the sky, it was relatively easy to know the location.

Then there was the voice of an envoy from the nine heavens, and the news of the return of the Seven Killing Stars, which shocked everyone speechless for a long time.

"That position is Yangjing, the Seven Killing Stars have returned, and the Luohu Star has come out, we can't delay any longer!"

I went back to my hometown to do some errands recently, so I haven't updated much, sorry.

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