Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 553 Breaking the Army

Tianshi sent the mountain gate.

As the head of the sect and three generations of celestial masters, Zhang Yusu, dressed in celestial master robes and holding a celestial artifact, sapphire floating dust, sat high on the cloud bed, and on the left and right were elders and deacons who were the lowest in rank and also in the realm of longevity.

From the inside of the Tianshi Temple to the practice field paved with jade outside, and the stairs leading directly to the mountain gate, all of them are disciples wearing Taoist robes of the Tianshi Temple.

The majestic look looks like Wanxiu coming to court.

Of course, it is rare to see this kind of scene on weekdays, but it is different these days. Since the Royal Court of the Great Rong broke Kunyang City and crossed the Great River to the south, most of the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty fell, and finally even the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Yangjing, was lost. Emperor Kong Qi brought all the civil and military officials to the south in a hurry, which means that the Great Zhou had completely given up half of the northern territory and lost control of these places.

Immediately, dozens of counties and counties in Gyeonggi, Zhengzhou, Yanzhou, Teng, Chang and other places fell into chaos. The courtiers are still struggling to support.

The same is true for the Land of Zhengzhou. When the news came that Jin Lin'er, the third prince of the King's Court of the Great Rong, had captured Yangjing, several counties and counties in Zhengzhou started to move. People fought over, and the Great Zhou scrambled for power among themselves. Among them, the county magistrate killed the county magistrate to stand on his own, and the county magistrate took over the power of the county magistrate.

Then came the big clans that had been suppressed for many years, and the powerful warriors led the clan soldiers and warriors who had been trained for many years to rise up, seize the county and attack each other.

As early as before, the Celestial Master Sect sent Ziwei Emperor Xing down the mountain. A year ago, Ziwei Emperor Ji Chongming married the only daughter of Changwen, the governor of Shanyin County, and then changed his name to become a subordinate of Shanyin County Lieutenant. A captain in charge of border guards.

The news of the chaos in Gyeonggi came. The county guard Changwen first planned to take down the county captain of Sanyin County and seized the military power. As a job, the first difficulty is to clear up the chaos in Sanyin County.

Several counties under him were in chaos, and three of them even showed a tendency to unite and wanted to attack the county.

After Ziwei Emperor Xingji regained power, her fate and luck were unimaginable. First of all, the first batch was thousands of elite Taoist soldiers from the Celestial Master Sect, as well as a large number of collateral descendants of the Xuanyuan clan who came to vote. , Helped him sweep Shanyin County, suppressed the rebellion and recovered various places.

The land of one county in Sanyin County, first of all, rushed to settle down in the chaotic situation of the counties of Zhengzhou and Gyeonggi.

Next, a large number of Buddhist disciples brought 3,000 cavalry to vote, and even many feathermen from the Nanzhou Yumin Kingdom joined Ji Chongming's banner. This time, Ji Chongming not only had cavalry, but also flying soldiers. The flying army formed by the Feathermen, if you look at the Gu Carving Army of the Dayong Royal Court before, you will know how powerful it is.

With the advantage of being the first to unify a county, Ji Chongming quickly started to attack the surrounding counties without any delay, intending to unify the state.

At this moment, no matter whether it is in the southwestern province of Strider or in the east of Gyeonggi, there are many existences living in the dragon spirit, who follow the trend and even appear to be not weaker than Ji Chongming. Zhou, maybe someone else will come to the door with the background and soldiers of a state. When the time comes, dragons and snakes will fight. Don't look at him as the Ziwei Emperor Star. He may also swim in shallow water, and may even lose half of his life. .

Don't look at Taoism, Buddhism, and foreign practitioners who are now voting. If he loses power or even loses half of his life, even if he is Ziwei Emperor Star, he may become an abandoned child in an instant. Ji Chongming, who has experienced so many things, can see it. very clear.

Ji Chongming personally led the army to fight against all sides, and pacified the counties and counties of Zhengzhou one by one. After half a year, the land of Zhengzhou was finally defeated by Ji Chongming. Changwen, the original governor of Shanyin County, even immediately appointed himself as Zhengzhou State animal husbandry.

This state shepherd is almost self-reliant and no longer under the jurisdiction of the Great Zhou, but it is not as obvious and attractive as Wuwei Hou's claim to be king.

This official position only appeared in the Gyeonggi area in the late period of Dapan. Since Dapan destroyed the country, there was no such official position in the Zhou Dynasty. Further upwards are basically empty positions, and they don't even work in the local area, but in the capital.

After the unification of Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou no longer used troops outside, but began to train soldiers. The original 30,000 soldiers instantly expanded to 100,000 troops, but many of the soldiers were even warriors whose blood had not been activated. , It is not comparable to the old army of the Great Zhou Dynasty, but at the very least, the bloodline has been opened, and the commander is the existence of the fifth rank or even a martial arts immortal.

A month ago, Zhengzhou Mu Changwen, who was originally a civil servant, passed away after his 90th birthday. He fell ill and finally died of illness in Shanyin County a few days ago.

As the son-in-law and heir of Zhengzhou State Mu Changwen, Ziwei Emperor Xing Ji Chongming, there is no doubt that he will be the next Zhengzhou State Mu.

At this moment, the disciples from all over the sect of the Celestial Masters gathered together to agree on the Ziwei Emperor Xing Ji Chongming. Zhang Yusu would personally go to Shanyin County to congratulate Ji Chongming on his succession as the governor of the state.

At the same time, I hope to discuss with Ziwei Emperor Xing Ji Chongming to clarify the order of Zhengzhou Shinto, and let the disciples of the Celestial Masters be in charge. If Ziwei Emperor Xing Ji Chongming can ascend to the throne of God in the future, the Celestial Masters will be able to establish the position of the Celestial Masters again , back to the top.

Therefore, this is the call for the celestial masters to send all the disciples, and a large number of people will be selected from these people to join Ji Chongming's command, responsible for suppressing those yin gods and land only who are constantly resisting and making trouble, and then confer the right people as mountain gods and water masters.

These people came here this time to compete for this great opportunity. Whoever can snatch it first and join it is likely to become the next generation of celestial masters in the future, and even take charge of the world's divine order.

At the same time, whether Ji Chongming can ascend to the throne of God and end the murder is related to whether his ancestors can become enlightened, and it is related to the future of the entire Tianshi Sect, so they cannot help being cautious.

And I heard that once the Heavenly Court is opened, the Heavenly Court Immortals and Xingjun are eligible to enter the Heavenly Realm to worship the Heavenly Emperor. At that time, they will be able to bring some disciples into the Immortal Realm. It is said that those who enter the Immortal Realm will live forever. God-like treatment can't help those practitioners from the lower realms not to be crazy.

Zhang Yusu sat on the cloud bed and shook the floating dust: "Let's start! Who can assist Dixing, you and I will use our own means."

Above the heavenly dome of the Heavenly Master Sect, within the barrier of the great formation, terrifying and majestic rays of light erupted, and all kinds of Taoisms were criss-crossed, and they did not stop for several days.

Zhengzhou rebuilt a mansion on the former site of the national palace of the ancient Zhengguo, where Muji Chongming of Zhengzhou took the position of state herdsman. On this day, the streets of the entire Shanyin County were overcrowded, and fireworks were set off everywhere. Firecrackers and even fireworks.

The identities of the visitors in the state pastoral mansion can be described as terrifying. Needless to say, Zhang Yusu, the third generation of the Celestial Master Sect, was present in person. In addition, Yun Gan, the true disciple of Buddhism and the deputy head of the Tianxing Sect, and the various major sects of Zhengzhou, aristocratic families, and warriors All the gatekeepers are in the dojo.

Zhou Muji Chongming looked a little too young, still wearing a pair of Da Zhou's official robes, sitting on the main seat.

However, no one dared to underestimate him. Even if those powerful Taoists had not entered the city of Shanyin County, they could still see the mighty purple dragon aura and faintly formed dragon pillars covering the sky from tens of miles away. This is just a state with such a weather, if it is waiting for him to become emperor, it will be fine.

It wasn't until night that Ji Chongming finally let go of his pretentiousness and returned to the study, where several staff and warriors had already been sitting.

In particular, Li Cang among them can be said to be both a teacher and a friend to Ji Chongming. All the way here, whether he became the son-in-law of the Shanyin County Sheriff or raised troops, it was all his advice and advice that made him what he is today. .

After Ji Chongming ordered the following matters, he dispersed the others, leaving only Li Cang. Li Cang also stood up at this time, and finally talked about the key thing: "Chongming! We are going to fight the Strider state, or enter Guan attacked the land of Gyeonggi."

Ji Chongming seemed to have already thought about it a long time ago: "Fight Strider, once I go to Strider, I will become the king, and I will go down to the capital of the Great Zhou with the king's teacher, sweep away these ghosts and monsters, and restore the world to a peaceful and prosperous world."

Li Cang nodded: "Alright, after becoming king, Emperor Ziwei's star life will be completely opened, and no one in the world can do anything to you. From then on, the king's way and hegemony will be in our hands."

At this time, Li Cang looked around, and then moved his fingers to set up an isolation circle, and finally said cautiously: "I am here today not only because of the matter of using troops in the Strider State, but also something else I want to tell you. "

Ji Chongming's face turned serious: "What's the matter?"

Li Cang: "If nothing goes wrong, I have already found Pojunxing."

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