Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 555 Tude

The Great Rong Royal Court is the name of the Central Earth Dynasty for the northern Rong people. In fact, according to the internal speech of the Rong people, the current royal court is the Jinlin Dynasty. Ruler of the Great Rong court in the north.

Before the Rong people, the north was still in the barbarian era of the barbarian period. All the Rong people in the entire northern wilderness believed in the ancient mountain god, and the ancient temple was the biggest god of the Rong people.

In the later period, the various dynasties of the Dayong Royal Court continued to rule in reincarnation, and the ancient temples gradually declined, and were even forgotten. Until Changde returned from the underworld and ascended to heaven as a god, the splendor and status of the ancient temples were once again lost. When the Rong people recalled it, it resounded through Dongzhou and the world again.

However, the various tribes in the north are only awed by the existence of a deity and devil in the ancient temple. The Jinlyn Dynasty of the Royal Court of the Great Rong still does not recognize the status of the ancient temple, and the ancient temple has not returned to its former status. Everything about the Northern Wilderness people.

This time the Golden Lynn Dynasty led its troops southward with great ambitions, trying to use the power of the Seven Killing Star Jin Lynn'er to suppress the middle-earth snobbery. Even if they could not take over the middle-earth, it would definitely change the situation that the Rong people had been unable to go south for thousands of years. At least it can expand the territory of Dayong Royal Court to Tianyang Pass.

After mastering Tianyang Pass, it will be easy for the Rong people to go south to invade the Middle Earth Dynasty.

However, all the avenues, gods, and aristocratic families in Central Earth can sit back and watch the royal court of the Great Rong go south to destroy the Great Zhou Dynasty, but they will never sit back and watch the Rong people go south to rule the Central Plains. Shensha fell into the hands of the magic star Rahu and the calculations of Buddhism.

In the snow-swaying desolate ancient mountain, it is covered with ice and snow all the year round, and in the depths of the temples and ancient temples built of huge stones, beside the cliffs, the terrifying black light continues to extend, gradually assimilating the entire mountain into a black sacred stone.

Built along the cliff, as if the entire barren ancient mountain had been hollowed out, the huge shrine faced the wind and snow, allowing the frost to continuously blow into it.

In the shrine, a young man in a black robe sat on a simple altar, but black lotuses were blooming everywhere under his feet. He looked like he was still in a mortal body, but he could see the truth of the Dao that could swallow all darkness. spirit.

"God Lord! The person who is destined for the Tude star has been determined, but it is the great witch Tuming of the Chenghuang tribe. He was born twenty-four years ago. It is almost certain that it is the reincarnation of the star."

"The few of us even went to the place where Tu Ming was born to see it. It is said that when he was born, he held the divine jade in his hand, and the earth roared. Now it has become a thousand-foot-high mountain."

The ancient god Changde sat on it like a god and Buddha, and a group of ancient witches sat on the bottom wearing simple sackcloth and straw sandals. Among them, the middle-aged ancient witch said that his body was densely packed with divine patterns, and his skin was shining with golden light. It's like an indestructible golden body.

Chang De said: "Born with the divine jade in your hand, it must be the weapon of the gods. When the Primordial Heavenly Court granted the gods of the heavens in the past, Zhou Tianxing Lord's natal object, this time the lower realm will follow his lower realm. The elephant should be True Monarch Tude."

"Zhenjun Tude is the real monarch of five qi, and he is one of the most noble stars among the stars in the sky. Except for the six stars of the Southern Dipper, the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper, and the twenty-eight constellations, no one can compare with them. , even among these star kings, only a few in the front can stand shoulder to shoulder with noble stars like Tude Zhenjun."

At this time, the ancient witch in his prime continued to say: "The shaman gods of the Chenghuang tribe seem to have known that this life is the reincarnation of Tude Xingjun, and they designated him as the next generation heir of the great witch when he was young. Riding on the army of King Rong against the Great Zhou Dynasty of Middle Earth, the third son of King Rong, Jin Lin'er, was defeated. Suddenly, dozens of tribes, large and small, gathered together, and a total of 80,000 people attacked the Jinshui generation where the golden account of the king's court was located. There are currently less than 30,000 elites."

"He probably wants to use the power of this great witch to become the new king of Rong and re-establish the royal court."

The wind whistling in the distance passed along the corridors and pillars of the huge shrine, making a humming sound, and the deep fire crystals illuminated the palace room, but Changde laughed all of a sudden.

"You are wrong. The shaman god of the Chenghuang Tribe wants not only the throne of King Rong of the Great Rong Court, but also the throne of True Lord Tude."

Immediately seeing the complexion of many people below changed, the ancient witch said: "The fate of such noble stars is hard to deprive, and they are born in accordance with the destiny, even the real immortals on land can hardly kill the reincarnation of these stars. people, not to mention that even if you kill them, this fate will not fall into the hands of this witch god."

"Could it be that this witch god has already figured it out, what is the destiny promised by True Monarch Tude?"

Chang De nodded: "The northern wilderness is in a corner, and we are not well-informed about being in this wasteland, so we may not know much about the situation in Middle-earth Shenzhou. Zhang Heming told me a few days ago that the magic gate existed long ago. So I found Zhenjun Huode and Zhenjun Shuide among the five qizhenjuns, taught these two people the magic sect's mysterious skills, and practiced the immortal body of gods and demons."

"Among the dozens of large and small Yi kingdoms in the southwest a few days ago, these two people ascended the throne and became the rulers of Zhongyun Kingdom and Mengze Kingdom, which are divided into two Yi kingdoms in the southwest. Several great demon sects jointly used the art of concealing the secrets to cover it up."

Chang De's eyes seemed to have seen through everything long ago: "This five-energy true monarch descends to the realm, and his destiny is to create a country outside the five directions, which also happens to be in line with his noble star's fate."

"The sorcerer of the Chenghuang Tribe probably also knew about this, so he rushed to destroy the King's Court at this time."

"On the one hand, it is in accordance with the fate of True Monarch Tude. On the other hand, Zhenjun Tude is under his command and is suppressed by him. It is the witch god of the Chenghuang tribe, who can take away the star life that originally belonged to Zhenjun Tude."

Chang De sneered endlessly: "It's trying to deceive the world and reverse its fate, and I still pretend that I can't see it."

"It seems that these great witches and witch gods don't have the slightest reverence for this ancient time."

He stood up and waved his hands and said: "Order the witches of the tribes of the Golden Snake, Gu Diao, Feiyi, and Long Snake to stand by. This time, I will go down the mountain and let the whole Northern Wilderness know that I, the Ancient God, will come to the world for the first time."

All the ancient witches prostrated themselves on the ground in an instant, shouting in unison: "Desolate Ancient God!"

Afterwards, Chang De thought of something again, and said to the bottom: "Send someone to the Shangxian Academy in Zhongtubu County, and I heard that Fengdu's lower realm is now. For many years, I have never made a move or manifested in the world. He always likes it." Watching the excitement, it is true that after becoming a fairy, it is rare for him to be interested in anything."

"Let him come over this time to take a look. He hasn't been to this barren ancient mountain for a thousand or two thousand years. Maybe I haven't seen him for a long time."

"Just let him see the changes in the Northern Wilderness and reminisce about the old days."

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