Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 558 Tea Life

Having just experienced the massacre, they entered the carnival Jinshuiwang Tent. At this moment, they saw thousands of people rushing out of the tent. All of them uttered strange yells in Rong language, and looked at the sky in shock.

I saw only a ten thousand zhang sacred mountain falling from the sky with rays of light, and the momentum caused the whole earth to crack layer by layer. Thousands of beasts, cattle and sheep on the earth ran wildly, even if it was a witch who had mastered the art of controlling beasts. Can't hold them down.

In the distance, the ghost bird guards kept flying back, making a dull sound of horns, which was a reminder that there was an incoming army from afar.

The witch god of the Chenghuang tribe who had already settled in the original King Rong's Jinding king's tent also raised his cast at this time, and looked at the holy mountain that was pressed down by the sky, his expression constantly changing.

At the same time, a few words were fiercely spat out from the mouth: "Desolate Ancient God...Changde!"

The ground was torn apart, and the Skeleton Demon God crawled out of the boundless cracks, and the carrier billowed thick smoke roaring from the ground, and punched towards the sky.

In an instant, I saw a large formation congealed in the bone, blasted out, and exploded layer by layer with the void, heading towards the holy mountain in the sky. The power spanned dozens of miles in an instant, as if it wanted to smash the mountain into pieces .

At this time, a phantom like a god and Buddha emerged from the barren ancient mountain, overlooking the earth.

"Samsara is impermanent!"

As soon as you look out, you can see the sky, the sacred mountain, and the sea of ​​clouds, all of which have disappeared.

Only six black vortexes were left swirling down, obliterating everything under the earth. The skeleton demon god hit the black vortex head-on, and was instantly stirred into it, even if it was like a god and demon. The body also disappeared in an instant until there was no dregs left.

The Skeleton Demon God backed away in fear, but the six black vortexes in the sky and the darkness covering the sky and the whole world could not be dispelled no matter what.

Countless Rong people looked at the sky. The former alien beast Jinlin and the skeleton demon god, even if they were so powerful that they could move mountains and drive mountains, burn rivers and seas, but in this world where practitioners are everywhere, they are still in their hands. within the imagination.

But at this moment, the vision of the sky and the power belonging to the gods and demons have completely exceeded their imagination. Everyone is in a mess, just like cattle and sheep facing a natural disaster. They are unable to fight back against the sky and can only flee in horror. , or kneel on the ground and pray to the sky for forgiveness from the gods.

"Avenue of law!"

The witch god of the Chenghuang tribe had an extremely ugly face, and he tried his best to support the skeleton demon god to condense into a giant formation and head towards the sky. However, the Dao law domain in the sky was pressed down, and the skeleton demon god was continuously collapsed and annihilated in an instant. No matter how he roared, to no avail.

It was like an ant carrying a big mountain. When the mountain fell, it crushed the overwhelmed body in an instant.

At the critical moment, the witch god of the Chenghuang tribe took out a khaki jade pendant, poured all his Taoist power into it, and instantly saw it forming a sky curtain, covering a hundred miles away.

When Changde's Great Dao legal domain fell, the six continuously rotating black vortexes were crushed down, and they were resisted desperately by it, and even showed a tendency to counterattack.

The khaki jade pendant is undoubtedly an artifact above the level of a fairy god. At a critical moment, the witch god used the power of this jade pendant to display another kind of Dao law that does not belong to his own Taoism. I don't know how far it is to truly become a fairy.

The witch god of the Chenghuang tribe immediately shouted into the distance: "Tuming, you and I are both members of the Chenghuang tribe. This Changde came here for the fate of Tude. If I die, you will die too!"

"This desolate ancient mountain god reincarnated from the lower world, but it's just a reincarnated body. Together, you and I will be able to contend against him..."

In the distance, the Tude star-destined man Tu Ming, who had been held hostage by the witch god of the Chenghuang tribe since childhood, and whose natal artifact fell into the hands of the rain witch god, did not respond at all, or he was hesitating, and Changde made another move.

On the top of the Dao legal domain, there is a desolate ancient mountain.

Chang De waved his hand and saw a mighty power surge out, his whole body turned into an ancient god and demon, and his robes turned into black and white.

What's even more frightening is that a mourning stick appeared in his hand, and when it moved, thousands of dead souls roared out, and the world seemed to be crying for it. Under the body of the gods and demons and the mourning stick, the priests and Taoists can only bow their heads obediently and let them snatch away their souls.

The huge shadow of gods and demons pressed down towards the ground, and the mourning stick swung down across the khaki sky.


On the golden-roofed king's tent carried by the strange beast, the witch god instantly saw the power of the agitation in his hands dissipate in an instant, and the thick black smoke spread from tens of miles to dissipate in an instant, but in an instant.

And the Skeleton Demon God, who was struggling to support and was mostly wiped out, also collapsed.

The Dao law domain in the sky also quickly dissipated, and Chang De, who was dressed in black and white robes, sat in the sea of ​​clouds like a giant god, looking towards the earth.

"Borrowing the way of others, even if you use the power of the Dao Law, it is full of loopholes. What's the use?" Chang De felt that the witch god of the Chenghuang tribe was ridiculous. Fear of Changde.

But this borrowed avenue is full of flaws in his eyes. Using the mourning soul, even through the sky, can instantly snatch away the true spirit of the witch god and kill him.

After Changde killed the shaman of the Chenghuang Tribe, before he had time to take care of the reincarnated person of Tude's star destiny, he looked up at the nine heavens again, and a terrifying sea of ​​thunder descended, submerging the entire barren ancient mountain.

Changde uses the power of the gods in the mortal world, even if it is only for a short moment, the thunder and punishment from the nine heavens will come in an instant. If it is delayed for a longer time, Changde may have to carry the thunder and punishment again and again during the battle. .

Even if he is a star god who is far superior to ordinary little immortals and possesses a star palace in the cave, it is difficult to resist with a reincarnated body at this moment, and maybe he will really capsize in the gutter, and return to the lower realm without success this time.

A large number of wolf cavalry and soldiers from a distance rushed towards this place, and quickly took over the chaotic situation. Most people surrendered in an instant. Thousands of soldiers, sorcerers, and witch priests knelt on the ground without any resistance heart of.

Yesterday, they slaughtered the headquarters of the Golden Lynn Dynasty, sacrificed tens of thousands of people to the witch gods in the bonfire, and cheered happily. Today, the situation changed instantly, and it was the turn of the prisoners.

And the ancient sacred mountain also fell on the bank of the golden water, and the winding golden water bypassed the ancient sacred mountain, looking like a ribbon wrapped around the feet of the gods.

The people, sorcerers, and soldiers who originally belonged to the Chenghuang tribe were completely scattered and detained. A large number of great witches and priests were hooked through the bones of the lute by rune locks, sealed their cultivation, and dragged to the ancient mountain.

In front of the Great Hall of the Holy Mountain, densely packed and powerful Rong practitioners knelt down from the front of the ancient temple to the foot of the mountain. Thousands of sinners were pressed in front of the boulder square, waiting for the desolation of the ancient gods.

Paved with rough boulders, like a shrine where gods and men live, Changde didn't care about the thoughts of these mortals at all. If it wasn't because of the killing of Xingjun this time, everything in this mortal world would not be worthy of his concern in his heart .

He was waiting in the shrine for the great witch from the Chenghuang Tribe who had been detained, who was the reincarnated person of Tude Xingming. Although Changde wanted to take that Tude Xingming, he did not have to kill him. The other party, especially the other party is an existence such as the reincarnation of the ancient immortal god, Changde is going to meet the other party.

Although the other party has fallen, and the glory of Taikoo is long gone, Changde still invites him here as a gift of peers, without the slightest intention of humiliating and suppressing him. At least in terms of tolerance, Changde thinks he still can't afford to lose this person.

Guarded by a group of white-haired, hair-skinned witch priests, a float continued to shuttle up from the foot of the mountain along the Yunguang Ladder, and finally passed through the heads of countless ancient witches and priests kneeling on the square, along the promenade. And the divine pillar went inside.

Changde, who was sitting in the shrine, finally saw the appearance of Tu Ming, the reincarnation of Tude's star destiny.

It was a woman in light-colored sackcloth, sitting on a float made of intertwined petals and branches, holding a bunch of light-yellow flowers in her arms, looking as quiet as a portrait.

An ankle-length white long hair flows down smoothly, a pair of narrow and bright eyes, pupils with the color of a foreign race, eyebrows look more like faint dao lines, not to mention her very different from ordinary people, white as if In glowing complexion.

Among the gods and female cultivators, there is an indispensable woman who can overwhelm the country and city, and charm the world, but this woman has an aura that is completely different from other people.

At this moment, Changde seemed to feel that he had returned to thousands of years ago. At that time, he entered the mountain and sea world alone holding the talisman of Fengdu Taoist. At that time, he was in a small tribe outside Tianyang Pass. A woman who is different from ordinary people.

The woman seemed to have caught Chang De's gaze, and raised her head, but only uttered two words, which were her name.

"Tu Ming!"

Changde also responded: "Changde!"

The Royal Court of the Great Rong perished in this chaos. Changde left the fairy body to reincarnate in the lower world with a mortal body, erasing the old system and customs of the Royal Court of the Great Rong, and even abolishing the tribal system and totems of the original ministries. He merged the various tribes into one and created the Great Desolation Dynasty.

Although this Great Desolation Dynasty seems to have a lot of problems at present, but in this world where the world can be suppressed by one's own power, and the gods can live forever, this is not a problem at all.

Changde believes that one day, this Great Wilderness Dynasty will be able to rival the former Great Zhou Dynasty, and perhaps at that time, it will be able to go south, and the Great Wilderness Dynasty in the north will also be able to truly become the co-lord of the human race and control the destiny of humanity.

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