Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 567 Breaking the Martial Pass

In the battle between Chang and Teng counties, the three cities of Chang county were captured, and the county city of Teng county fell that night. However, because the Tiger Guards arrived in time, they stopped Zhongyun Kingdom and Mengze.

Otherwise, the entire Fengyang, Chang, and Teng might have fallen by now.

When Qin Tianjian arrived with the emperor's imperial decree, he realized that Fengyang had not been lost yet, and the army of Yeting Kingdom was repelled by thousands of guards in Fengyang County. Big win.

"Thousands of county soldiers defended and repelled 30,000 strong troops?"

When the news came, Qin Tianjian was dumbfounded, but after learning that it was the head of Fengyang Academy who took out a sacred object of the school's heritage, he retracted his astonishment.

"These gates and great powers, the inheritance of the immortal gods should not be underestimated. Even a collateral lineage can produce such a thing of the immortal gods and defeat tens of thousands of troops. force."

After Qin Tianjian finished sighing, he immediately said seriously, looking at the military commander of the Tiger Guard Army: "Your Majesty ordered the Tiger Guard Army to pacify the entire Fengyang, Chang, and Teng counties immediately."

"Now that Fengyang has defeated the army and gathered tens of thousands of soldiers from the county, Fengyang's terrain is dangerous, the local waterway has been cut off, and it can block the local logistics and retreat at any time. We should pursue it immediately, and we must not give the enemy the slightest chance. .”

"I will immediately send the Deputy Superintendent to lead several Lingtai Langs to Fengyang County. At this time, Fengyang County must be stabilized."

The Marquis of the Tiger Guard Army also laughed loudly: "At this time, I am afraid that the commanders of Zhongyun Country and Mengze Country are also panicking. I didn't expect that the small Fengyang County might become their dead end."

Da Zhou Qintian Supervisor said with a serious expression on his face: "There was a Marquis of Wuwei who committed a rebellion before, and now Marquis Ding Jun has also rebelled. The emperor and Da Zhou must take down Marquis Ding Jun and the entire Zhenwu Army."

"The Tiger Guards are ready, up and down."

The 100,000 barbarian troops gathered in Chang and Teng counties confronted the big Zhou tiger guards' army for several days, and a big battle broke out suddenly. The two sides had a total of more than 200,000 troops, as well as demon monks and Taoist monks.

The barbarian army originally wanted to drag the Great Zhou Tiger Guards here, so that Zhenwu Army and Ding Junhou would have time to completely wipe out the entire Shaozhou and Yongzhou, break away from the control of the Great Zhou, and rebuild the ancient Shao Kingdom.

At the same time, they plundered the resources of the three counties in the rich land of the Great Zhou, and robbed the rich gods of the Great Zhou and the incense money and various spiritual weapons that were like mountains and seas in the spiritual realm of the gods. If possible, they even wanted to swallow them directly. The land of the three counties under this great week.

Now it can be said that stealing chickens will not lose money, and it may even take the old foundation into account.

The tiger guards of the Great Zhou savagely bit the army of Yi countries such as Zhongyun, Mengze and Xu who were trapped in Chang and Teng. A martial arts immortal who survived the three disasters suppressed the Chinese army and suppressed Mengze. There is also a great general who has not survived the three disasters and six disasters. The martial arts giant led his army to attack the armies of other countries.

As for the monks, Qin Tianjian was present in person, mobilizing almost half of the forces to gather in these two counties, combining only the gods of all parties, suppressing the monks of the Demon Sect, and setting up a large formation.

The army of the Yi country could not retreat, nor could it win the battle. Behind them were soldiers from Fengyang County who guarded Fengyang Lake to cut off reinforcements and supplies. Nearly 100,000 Yi troops were trapped in this place, forming a trapped beast situation. .

In the view of Longting of the Great Zhou, in the end, either the Demon Gate Yi Kingdom in the south surrendered and withdrew its troops and gave up supporting Dingjun Hou Wuheng, or they sent people to support and rescue this army.

However, the barbarians are no better than the Central China and China. To be able to form such an army of 100,000 warriors has already accumulated thousands of years of foundation, and it is impossible to send a large army to support them later.

Then it can only be done by the powerful giants of the Demon Sect, but the Dao Demons have been fighting against each other for thousands of years. After crossing this Lishui, I couldn't go back.

Especially when a large army of the Yeting Kingdom was defeated in Fengyang just now, it is said that the king of the Yeting Kingdom was seriously injured, and the existence of such gods and demons did not bring any benefits. It is estimated that there are not many people at the ancestor level who are willing to fight for the Marquis Wu Heng of the Zhenwu Army.

Under such circumstances, Great Zhou Longting turned all his eyes to Wuguan, where the real battle will be decided.


Shaozhou is divided into three counties, Shaozhong County, Shaonan County, and Shaobei County. Among them, Wuguan is located in Shaobei County, but in addition, the three counties of Yongzhou are also under the control of Dingjunhou. The army occupied Yongdong County, Yongbei County and Tianque County, which was newly established in Dazhou.

The army was stationed at this dangerous pass, guarding the throat of the Yi Kingdom's east entry. If the Marquis of Dingjun and the Zhenwu Army hadn't let the Yi soldiers enter, the entire three counties of Fengyang, Teng, and Chang would not be facing such a crisis.

Wuguan is a military town and an important place for ordnance production in the south. Most of the armor, siege equipment, and magic weapons in the south come from here. There are no streets and houses in the city, only various military camps and smelting workshops. .

Looking from a distance, the entire Wuguan should be a huge city like an iron barrel, filled with the killing spirit of gold, iron, swords and guns.

However, at the moment Shaobei Wuguan has completely lost sight of the city.

In other words, the entire Wuguan was completely reduced to ruins, everything in sight was flattened, and everything was destroyed.

The city wall and formation completely collapsed, and a huge pit with a diameter of more than ten miles was formed inside the city. The traces of the flint and meteor bombardment could be seen inside and outside the ground, and the ground cracked layer by layer, and the flames burned everything.

Among the cracked ground and buildings, densely packed corpses were piled up, and there was even a stench and a smell of barbecue, which were intertwined and made people sick.

A few miles away from the huge pit with a diameter of more than ten miles, densely packed troops surrounded them, and the flags of the Imperial Army of the Great Zhou Dynasty fluttered, but no one dared to approach, because it was the place where the two generals fought for the last time.

One person borrowed the power of the nine-day star to reveal the star's dharma, the other fought with the golden body of martial arts, and the two attacked together, turning the Wuguan, which was not protected by a large formation, into ruins.

In the end, the big pit in the center of the city was formed by the nine-day child-killing general Xu Hao with a magic weapon dragon gun. Yan Shan, who showed his martial arts golden body, was directly nailed to the ground, unable to move, and was exhausted by the dragon gun The blood of the golden body formed a pool of blood at the bottom of the giant pit.

Yan Shan, the guard who said before that he would let General Jiutian Kill Tong fall into the sand at Wuguan, turned into a corpse and lay in the huge pit at this moment.

Wearing a golden light armor and holding a dragon spear, Xu Hao stepped on the opponent's chest, bent down and grabbed the head of Wuguan guard Yan Shan with his wide palm, and tore it off.

The eyes of the bloody head were still firmly open, as if it was still roaring unwillingly until death, but Xu Hao didn't seem to see it at all, and even clasped a few fingers on its eyes.

He held the head in his hands, jumped into the army, and threw his head into the hands of the lieutenant general.

"Report to Your Majesty!"

"Wuguan, broken!"

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