Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 587 Return of the Immortals

Two divine decrees turned into divine light descended from the sky, and fell into the hands of Juntian Jun and the envoy Jia Yi, who immediately put on white and black imperial robes, and everyone could feel the strong pressure of the divine way Get crushed from him, especially the Heavenly Official Emperor against the Star Gods.

"Congratulations to Emperor Shangyuan Tianguan!"

"Congratulations to Emperor Qingxu, the local official of Zhongyuan!"

Immediately, I saw all the immortals congratulating the two newly promoted heavenly gods. For ordinary immortals, this level of immortality can be said to have reached the apex that all immortals can imagine, and only Jinxian can match it. The high and mighty Fang Tianzun is now.

However, at present, this is only the title of deity. If Jia Yi wants to have the power that matches that of the local official Emperor Qingxu, he still needs to understand the power of the Dao law that belongs to the local official emperor from this position. This time may be It takes tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

Similarly, most of the star gods and kings of Zhou Tianxing are also new to the god position. It still takes time for the gods of all parties to fully grasp their own Dongtian Xingfu, fully grasp the power of the Dao law and the authority of the divine way corresponding to themselves.

Even the immortal officials and servants of the heavenly courts at the top saluted the heavenly official emperor and the local official Dadi headed by the immortal gods below. These creatures in the heavenly realm were also extremely curious about the lower realm and all the ascending immortals, and looked carefully at them. Looking at the immortals below.

The Heavenly Court Siyu Tianguan put away the Heavenly Court Divine Edict and nodded to these two.

At this time, among the guards of the immortals, the aloof Tianzun finally said: "One year later, the heavenly court will hold a feast of flat peaches. This is the first feast of flat peaches since ancient times. Only immortals and gods above can enter."

"Thank you, God! Thank you, God!"

After all the immortals in front of the fairy gate thanked Tiandi and Tianzun one after another, they saw Tianzun's dharma driving and returning to the fairyland immediately on the cloud. , and also went into the heaven together.

At the same time, the gate of the heavens is no longer closed, but opened directly.

However, a layer of vast enchanted legal domain shrouded the gate of heaven, and the four giant spirit gods who were integrated with the heavens, who looked like gods and world spirits, came across the sea of ​​clouds and the heavens, wearing divine armor and holding ancient divine soldiers to guard them. The gate of Tianmen.

Every giant spirit god is like a giant mountain. Standing under its feet, mortals can't even see its belly button upwards. Even in the heavens, it is impossible to break through the barrier of this giant gatekeeper.

It has the thunder punishment of heaven in the palm of its hand, covering tens of thousands of miles with the palm, and has a single-eyed giant pupil on the forehead, which shines through the three worlds and nine secluded places. Open the lock, connect the heavens and the world with the gate of the fairy world, and the endless void.

The group of immortals is not allowed to enter at this moment, they can only disperse along the road to ascend to the immortals. There are three or four groups meeting, some familiar congratulations to each other, and of course there are people who have accumulated hatred in the lower realm and are hostile to each other, but no one dares to go before this heaven. Fighting, this has just ascended to the god position, if at this time the emperor, celestial venerable, and all the great gods in the heaven saw it, annoyed them, and lost the god position, it would be impossible to turn over again.

Only the Heavenly Official Emperor and the Earth Official Emperor entered the Immortal Realm and never left.

In the lower realm, all kinds of visions gradually dissipated, the starlight connected with the unreturned Xingjun slowly dissipated, the swaying and rotating galaxy in the sky receded, the moon receded, and only a big sun reflected the sky .

And the Zhoutian star array that originally covered the entire Dongzhou, even blocking the entry and exit of Dongzhou, gradually lost its protection and slowly opened.

After worshiping the heavens and the earth from the altar of worshiping the heavens, Ji Chongming, the Taizu of the Great Zheng, returned to the palace and worshiped the ancestral temple. For the queen, the Nine Dragon Emperor Seal was also enshrined in the ancestral temple. The combination of the Dragon Pillar of the National Games and the National Defense Array, like the cornerstone of the entire Shenzhou human race, suppressed the great expedition.

It's just that this time there are several more layers of protection. The high priest of the Xuanyuan clan even personally stationed in the ancestral temple of the Dazheng Dynasty to guard the emperor's seal.

After all, both Xurishu and Xinyuehu were able to steal the sky and change the sky by virtue of their talent and immortality, and stole the Nine Dragon Emperor's Seal. Dazheng Dynasty and Ji Chongming were able to inherit the destiny so smoothly and seize The world, what if someone repeats the old trick in the future? The Dazheng Dynasty couldn't help but pay no attention to it.

After all, in the past, there were only a few immortal gods in the world, and there were very few who had the ability to affect the luck of the entire human world, but now it is different. There are countless powerful and strange existences.

In the end, Ji Chongming sat at the highest place in the palace hall, accepting the worship of civil and military officials, shouting long live, the founding ceremony of the Dazheng Dynasty was truly over, and the first year of the Dazheng began.

The Great March ruled the world, and Shenzhou became strong again, but at the same time, the Great Desolate Imperial Court in the north and the Yi Kingdom in the south also became stronger along with it.

After the founding of the Great Wilderness Dynasty and the reconstruction of the system, it also attracted many people from the Middle-earth China, especially many monks from Buddhism and Taoism, and even disciples from the school palace. A place of desolation and bitterness.

Buddhist monks want to recruit disciples and gather faith, while Taoist sects want to establish mountain gates and confer gods. After all, the Rong people of the Great Desolation Dynasty in the past were mainly nomadic, and they could no longer consecrate other gods except the totem wild gods, but now it is different , many Daoist sects, large and small, have also seen opportunities to rise in the Northern Wilderness.

And some open academies, the lower-ranked academies also gave up competing with the five great academies and the twenty-four academies in Middle-earth, and went to the Great Desolation Dynasty to educate the people, pass on their own ideas, and at the same time strengthen themselves and reopened. The idea of ​​the same line, after all, some people think that the lineage of the Shangxian Academy has been in charge of the academy for two to three thousand years, and the older generation of schools and academies have begun to become rigid, and after the Shangxian Academy, there is no longer one. There is a new sage born in the school, and someone wants to open up a new path.

The barbarians in the south benefited greatly from the previous Xingjun's killing and robbery, and the chaos in the Middle-earth Shenzhou. Even Da Zhou and many thousand-year-old Taoist sects and gods were looted by the demon sect. The ten demon sects took advantage of this. The Yi people became strong because of this, and they no longer succumbed to the Chinese state of China.

At the same time, the control and power of the Daoist sects in Middle-earth China have become stronger again, and it is impossible to allow the Dazhou Qintian Supervisor to seal the gods of the world and accept the disciples of the Daoist sects from all over the world to serve him like the previous Great Zhou Dynasty.

Like the Great Zhou Dynasty, it is very difficult for the Great Zhou royal family to coerce the world and suppress the world's Taoists and gods. It is also difficult for Dongzhou to have a human emperor as powerful as the Great Zhou Taizu Kong Huai.

At the same time, many other people who came from the four continents to participate in the killing of the Star Lord also began to leave one after another, the Beizhou monster clan, the Nanzhou ancient survivors, the Xizhou Buddhist arhats, and even many people with star destiny Leaving together, Xingjun's killing and catastrophe ended, and without the shackles of the Zhoutian Xingchen formation, he returned to his hometown.

In the next few decades, all the gods who were reincarnated from the lower world, as well as the newly promoted star kings of the heavens, returned to their positions and flew away in turn.

In the end, Ji Chongming, the great ancestor of the Dazheng Dynasty, also sat down in the Dazheng Ancestral Temple, in front of the high priest of the Xuanyuan family, and the Dazheng Emperor was succeeded by his eldest son Ji Shang.

The originally mighty Xingjun catastrophe, the lower world is full of immortals and gods, and the shivering situation during the catastrophe period is finally over.

All the immortals returned to the upper realm, preparing for the upcoming feast of the heavenly realm—the Feast of Peach.

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