Shadow Palace! The old man looked slightly puzzled. He had been paying attention to the Soul Palace since it first appeared. He had sent people to observe it carefully for a long time but did not find any other forces!

He had never heard of the Shadow Palace that the middle-aged man mentioned!

Looking at the old man's puzzled expression, the middle-aged man said,"Could it be that you didn't find out any news about the Shadow Palace?"

Hearing this, the old man shook his head and said,"No, I only found out about the Soul Palace. As for the Shadow Palace, I have never heard of it!"

"What about you?" Seeing the old man shaking his head, the middle-aged man turned his head and looked at the others.

When the others heard this, some nodded and some shook their heads.

At this point, the middle-aged man thought for a while and said,"Then it should be another situation. Maybe it's because of the distribution of their power, so some people have heard of it and some have not!"

Then, he looked at everyone and said,"Have you noticed that these two forces are very strange? The Soul Palace and the Shadow Palace only take action against other forces, but not against forces like ours?"

"Instead, they moved against those forces that had no background. Another point is that they would never take action against forces that had a relationship with the Heavenly Palace. Every time they met, they would forcibly avoid them!"

Hearing this, everyone's expression could not help but raise their eyebrows. After thinking about it, they found that it was indeed the case!

"Could it be that this group of forces is from the Tianxuan Sect?"A man in a white robe saw this scene and stood up and said.

The middle-aged man glanced at him and frowned!

Others did not speak when they saw this.

After thinking for a long time, the middle-aged man slowly said:"Let's not worry about whether this Soul Palace and Shadow Palace are the forces behind the Tianxuan Sect for now?"

"The main goal this time is to get rid of the Tianxuan Sect. If the Soul Palace and the Shadow Palace dare to interfere, we will eliminate them together to avoid having to deal with them later!"

"What do you think?"The middle-aged man looked at the four people!

The four looked at each other and nodded slightly!

"We naturally have no objection!"

Seeing this, the middle-aged man smiled!

"Well, without further ado, I would like to trouble you all to lead your clan disciples to meet up in Wucheng!"

Hearing this, the four nodded, and their figures turned into a wisp of bubble and disappeared on the spot!

Looking at the place where the four disappeared, the middle-aged man shouted to the outside of the door:"Someone come!" As soon as he finished speaking!

A young man in a white shirt and a cold face walked in. He knelt on one knee and bowed to the middle-aged man and said:"Master!"

The middle-aged man looked at this man and said:"Immediately send all the people in the clan who have reached the level of Martial Emperor to Wucheng!"

Hearing this, the young man was stunned and nodded without saying anything.

""Yes, sir!" He finished speaking!


In the air, hundreds of spirit boats were parked in the sky. On the spirit boats stood countless figures, both men and women and old men!

Everyone stood there with a serious look, looking down!

Wucheng, which was crowded with people not long ago and bustling, has now become a deserted place, with empty streets and no one to be seen!

The reason why they are not here is because they have received news!

The five major forces led the clansmen to Wucheng with great momentum, and there were countless strong men among them!

This is the news they received, so now Wucheng has become a deserted place!

In the air, the people of the five major forces exuded a strong murderous intent, which soared into the sky and began in an instant. Dark clouds covered the sky, which was originally clear, and it suddenly became dark!

The strength of each of the disciples of all the clans of the five major forces has reached the realm of martial emperor at the lowest, and even reached the realm of half emperor at the highest!

The five clan leaders have not shown up yet!

And all the clan members are waiting for their patriarchs to give orders!

At this time, in the palace courtyard!

All the disciples and elders of Tianxuan Sect are standing on the steps paved with bluestone!

There are two figures standing right in front of them!

It is Linggu and Xiao Ran!

The two have already noticed the strong murderous intent in the air, and the terrifying aura that is revealed from time to time is enough to make them look embarrassed!

Linggu looked up at the sky, his face was sad, he shook his head and sighed:"What is coming is finally here!"

Then, he looked at everyone and said:"I believe you all feel that murderous intent!"

Everyone nodded!

""I feel it, Elder Ling, are we going to die?" Guang Qian asked weakly.

Hearing this, Ling Gu glanced at him and asked back,"Do you think we will die?

"...Guangqian looked hesitant and shook his head:"I...I don't know!"

Seeing this, Linggu chuckled, did not speak, but looked at other people!

He found that except for the elders, only Xixue and Yun Fengyi's faces remained calm, as if the many strong men in the air were floating clouds in their eyes, and they did not let them have a trace of fear!

Seeing this scene, Linggu could not help but admire the two of them!

In the sky!



A ten-meter-long space crack suddenly opened!

The space turbulence that made people feel the breath of death kept wandering in the air!

Five powerful figures walked out of them, and they were the patriarchs of the five major families!

At this moment, their own martial emperor-level strength is no longer hidden, and they are released without scruples!

Just one release, the terrifying breath is enough to make everyone in the courtyard feel suffocated and start to breathe!

Seeing this situation, Linggu looked at Xiao Ran beside him and asked:"Can the shield still be used?"

Hearing this, Xiao Ran looked at him helplessly, spread his hands and said:"No, the Five Domains Competition has long passed, and the shield will not be retained for a long time. It is already good for us to live here!"

Seeing this, Ling Gu sighed, and then his expression instantly became calm, looking at the five people in the sky! They looked at each other without showing any weakness!

Seeing this, the five people showed a hint of amusement on their faces!

They had never seen a person with the strength of a Martial Honored who dared to look directly at them who had the strength of a Martial Emperor!

No matter how tragically they died today, just this courage was worthy of their admiration!

But it was just admiration!

The figure in the middle of the five people waved his hand!

A huge palm like the sky appeared in the air, and the palm was aimed directly at the people in the courtyard!

The people below suddenly felt a shadow covering them, and looked up into the sky!

"this..."What is this? It looks so scary!" a female disciple said in fear.

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