"Although it’s not serious, I have offended the Heavenly Palace. I believe you all know what kind of power the Heavenly Palace is. It is the overlord of the entire Tianxuan Continent!"

"The bloodthirsty one defeated the Heavenly Palace disciples and beat them without leaving a trace of disfigurement on their faces, making them lose their arrogant look!"

"But having slapped them in the face, we naturally attracted the attention and hatred of the Heavenly Palace. So in the Tianxuan Secret Realm, those disciples of the Heavenly Palace teamed up to get rid of my disciples, but unfortunately, we did not succeed, and instead lost our lives!"

"But I also believe that the Heavenly Palace knows about it, and they also know that we were the ones who killed those people in the Heavenly Palace. It was only recently that the Heavenly Palace took action against us!"

"We directly mobilized five Martial Emperors and countless Martial Masters and Kings. Among them, Martial Saints and Martial Masters won countless trophies, but in the end, we won!"

"Because I sent a Martial Emperor-level warrior to the Central Region. His name was Chu You, and his strength was at the peak of the low-level Martial Emperor. He directly fought against five people alone and defeated them firmly, and even almost killed them. All the people he brought were directly killed by Chu You, so we won a great victory!"

"But winning is winning, but I am also afraid that the Heavenly Palace will be angry and send more powerful Emperor Wu to deal with us, so I moved the Tianxuan Sect to the Central Region. Moving here, there is no other way but to compete with his Heavenly Palace and strike his arrogant arrogance, so I hope that you will practice more diligently, otherwise when the Heavenly Palace strongman breaks in, I hope that by then, you will understand the meaning of practice!

After listening to everyone, some people pondered, some nodded, but without exception, they all fought against the Heavenly Palace together, and did not raise any questions or fears!

Looking at the expressions of the crowd, Qin Xuan did not say anything more, saying more would be nonsense, and waved to everyone and said:"Okay, I don't want to say more, you can leave!"

Seeing this, everyone stopped talking and bowed and retreated!

After speaking!

I saw a dark place!

There is no light here, only endless magic fog, and the dark magic fog wanders around like a little snake, like a demon!

The next moment, a blood-red eye appeared in the magic fog. He looked around with his copper bell-like eyes, and then stepped out!

His own terrifying aura directly mixed with the nearby monsters, as if they were fighting!

He was tall, with sharp fangs on both sides of his mouth, his body was like a bear, his arms were like a tiger, and the sharp claws on his hands seemed to be able to tear the void with his bare hands! His name was Gui Yan, and he was an ancient monster beast. He was sealed here for unknown reasons. Originally, he thought he would live here until he died, but God gave him hope, and Li Ziyun released him!

Li Ziyun used the token to remove all the seals inside, so he rescued this ancient monster beast from it, and he no longer had to endure the pain of loneliness!

But coming out also has to pay a price, and the price is to solve the Tianxuan Sect and others who are alive in the world one by one, and no one can be left alive!

When the ancient monster beast heard this price at first, he naturally agreed to it happily. After all, no matter how difficult the price is, nothing is more important than him coming out!

"It's time to complete the task that woman gave me!"The monster's throat made a hoarse sound, and then the tall figure disappeared in the magic fog!


I saw a space crack appear above a vast and glorious city!

The figure in the space crack walked out of it. It was a powerful monster, it was Gui Yan!

Gui Yan's dark nose kept sniffing, as if he smelled something, and looked up not far away!

He found that there were several black-robed figures sitting quietly on the house not far away to practice!

Seeing this scene, Gui Yan laughed. He felt the breath that Li Ziyun told him in these figures!

These black-robed figures were the disciples of the Shadow Hall. The reason why they had The aura of Bloodthirsty and others was because they had come into contact with Bloodthirsty and others not long ago, and it was them who brought Bloodthirsty and others back to the main hall of the Shadow Palace!

They were quite happy when they first received this task, after all, they rarely came into contact with the people above.

The tall figure of Gui Yan appeared in front of them today, and before they could react, a terrifying blood nail directly pierced into their chests until it was firmly nailed to the ground. At this moment, bright red blood also covered the entire Jade Street!

Gui Yan looked at the painful expressions on their faces and smiled coldly!

The strength of several people was too weak for him, and they could not arouse his fighting spirit at all. I thought I could still fight against strong men, but now it seems that I won’t meet any strong men!

Several people are also unlucky. If they hadn’t come into contact with the bloodthirsty ones, perhaps they wouldn’t have died so innocently! Gui

Yan didn’t want to kill them.

If they didn’t have that aura, Gui Yan would not bother to do it to them!

He is also a person who is afraid of trouble.

Although he is very powerful, he will not act against a mysterious force without any signs.

He is also afraid that he will be hunted down by the strong people behind him.

Gui Yan is not stupid.

On the contrary, he is very smart.

When Li Ziyun gave him this task before, he had already asked everything clearly, but Li Ziyun only told him half the truth.

Half fake, after all, he himself didn't know what level of strength the strongest man of Tianxuan Sect had reached!

Several people looked weak, looking at Gui Yan who appeared in front of them, and didn't understand why this monster wanted to attack them!

He looked hesitant, wanting to say something but couldn't speak a word because of the pain in his body!

Until half an incense stick of time passed, several people died slowly due to excessive blood loss!

Looking at the bodies of several people, Gui Yan's figure disappeared from the spot and appeared in other places, because he felt that breath again!

In a dark and damp house, three men in black robes were sitting on chairs!

Looking at the expressions of the three people, they seemed to be talking about something!

"The Heavenly Palace has not made any moves. I don't think it's necessary to monitor them anymore. Just keep an eye on them!" The black-robed man sitting at the head said lazily.

"Look for yourselves, seven days have passed now, let alone any movement from them, even their disciples have not made any movement, staying in their own houses to practice day after day!" When the two heard this, they didn't know what to say, and their expressions were slightly lost in thought!

But the next moment, the figure of Gui Yan appeared in front of the three!

Seeing this scene, the three were horrified, knowing that this person must be a strong man. Before they could speak, the bodies of the three were firmly controlled by Gui Yan.

Looking at the expressions of the three, Gui Yan said with disdain:"Humph, you are like an ant, and you still want to struggle in my hands. If you don't have that strength, you might as well die in peace!" As soon as the words fell!...

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