Chu Yulei looked at the dirt and stench nearby and couldn't help but frown. For her, this place was too dirty and messy. She didn't like this kind of place, but now she had nowhere to go.

Her identity was too sensitive. Chu Yulei was afraid that she would be noticed by the group of strong people outside.

Unless she had the strength to recover to the level of Martial Honor.

Thinking of this, a dark crystal appeared in Chu Yulei's hand. The crystal was white and black. The black was as black as the underworld, and the white was so pure and incomparable, as if the cleanest thing in the world was like this.

Looking at this crystal, Chu Yulei whispered:"Qi Xiao, I don't know if you have awakened, don't keep me waiting for a long time!"

Chu Yulei was talking about the demon Qi Xiao who was accidentally released by Ling Gu that day. They were figures in ancient times. Their strength was between Martial Saint and Half Emperor. Like Yan Ling, they were sealed by the Martial Emperor!

It's just that time has passed. If Chu Youlei didn't have a trace of bloodline left in her body, she might have to spend years or let others accidentally damage her body to revive like Qi Xiao did.

But her current strength is no longer what it used to be. Like Yan Ling, she can only exert the strength of a martial master and a martial master. The rest of her strength must be slowly recovered by herself.

"It seems that next, we must not only find that woman, but also find Brother Qi Xiao back!"

Thinking of this, Chu Youlei frowned, feeling a little troublesome. She herself was a trouble-averse person.

Then her eyes looked deep into the canyon, where a huge monster was imprisoned.

"Maybe this little thing can be of use to me!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she appeared in the depths of the canyon. Listening to the roars around her, Chu Yulei showed a trace of disdain at the corners of her mouth. Her slender thighs moved slightly and walked towards the place where she was imprisoned.

After half an incense stick of time, Chu Yulei looked at the monster and chuckled.

This monster has wings on its back, legs and feet like wolves, a body like a bear, and a head that is somewhat similar to the legendary white tiger, but its mouth is different. There are a pair of sharp teeth on both sides of its mouth, but the teeth have become rotten and there is no sense of deterrence.

Although he looks very majestic, he is now slowly tied up by chains from all directions. As long as he dares to struggle, the chains will send waves of paralysis. This feeling is okay at the beginning, but it is no different from being worse than death in the end. He has been imprisoned here for hundreds of years, and this feeling has made him close to despair.

Listening to the footsteps outside, the monster looked up and saw the charming woman looking at him with a smile on her lips. He couldn't help but feel a little confused. He didn't understand why he appeared here. He asked in human language, but his voice was a little weak.

"Who are you and why are you here?"


Chu Youlei smiled, walked closer, and pressed her hand on his chest.

Then she closed her eyes. Chu Youlei did this to feel the current strength of the monster.

After a few breaths, she opened her eyes and looked at the nearby chains. Each chain had strange patterns on it, but these could not stop her at all.

Chu Youlei had already felt the strength of the monster, which was probably around the first level of Martial Honor. This strength was enough for her to do certain things.

Then she looked up at the monster and asked,"Do you want to break free?"

The monster's huge head was stunned. He felt that the question asked by this woman was really strange. He had been trapped here for hundreds of years and had been thinking about getting out all the time. This question really sounded like a mentally retarded one.

But it was just a thought in his mind, and then his huge head nodded.

"Okay, I can let you out, but you have to agree to one condition."

The monster nodded without thinking. Anyway, as long as he could get out, any conditions would be rubbish.

Chu Youlei seemed to see what he was thinking. Her eyes lit up. Although her own strength had not recovered yet, she was a top alchemist back then and had tens of thousands of ways to punish the monster for her own use.

Then a black pill appeared in the palm of her hand. The appearance of this thing frightened the monster's soul. He didn't understand why this woman, whose strength was lower than his, would scare him when she took out something.

Without waiting to think about anything else, Chu Youlei handed the pill to him, meaning for him to eat it.

This made the monster hesitate. After all, he had just felt the danger of this pill. He was very resistant and didn't want to eat it.

But if he didn't eat it, he would be trapped forever. If he ate it, he would become this woman's slave.

The two choices resounded in his mind, and time passed slowly.

Chu Youlei felt impatient. She looked at the monster coldly and said coldly,"I'll give you another incense stick of time. If you don't eat it, you'll stay here honestly for the rest of your life."

This time the monster hesitated for only a few breaths before swallowing the pill. After all, he didn't want to stay here any longer.

Seeing the monster swallow the pill, Chu Youlei's face returned to normal, and then she uttered an incomprehensible spell. In an instant, streams of spiritual power flew towards the chains that bound the monster!

Bang! Boom! Boom! With a bang.

The chains broke, and the monster finally broke free.

The wings behind him, which had not moved for hundreds of years, spread out, and with a kick of his legs and feet, he instantly flew into the sky outside the canyon. He opened his huge arms, raised his head and roared at the sky. The deafening cry resounded between heaven and earth. The nearby monsters all lay on the ground when they heard the sound, as if they were afraid, or as if they were surrendering. At this moment, he was the king.

"Are you happy now? Do you want to obey my orders now?"Just when the monster was happy, a voice came from the bottom of the canyon and rang in her ears.

The monster also understood that he was now under her control. Even if he had the ability to reach the sky, he might not be able to escape.

Then he turned around and flew towards the canyon and appeared beside Chu Youlei.

Chu Youlei nodded with satisfaction. She liked such a good and obedient person. She stroked the monster's head with her hand and patted it.

"By the way, do you have a name?"

Huh?" The monster was stunned. Name? He didn't know what a name was.

The huge hand scratched his head and said,"Master, I don't have a name."

"Oh, that's how it is!"

"Then let me help you choose one!"

Thinking of this, Chu Youlei looked at the red hair of the monster, thought for a while, and then said:"From now on, your name is Chishenhu.""

Chishenhu? The description feels that this name is a bit dull, and it doesn't fit his domineering image at all, but Chu Youlei doesn't think so. In her eyes, the name Chichenghu is so domineering and extraordinary that she is even a little proud. But the monster is different. In his opinion, this name is too rubbish, but he didn't dare to refute it. After all, it was given by his master, so he could only nod helplessly.

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