The bloodthirsty man on the other side didn't know what this person was talking about, and even if he knew, he would still be disdainful!

This is the confidence that comes from strength.

The cold face stared at the opposite side, and his eyes lit up.

The will-o'-the-wisp gathered around himself and turned into a dark demon.

""Don't embarrass yourself here, you ants! Get out of here!" Bloodthirsty said coldly.

Bloodthirsty's arrogant words made Yang He's face angry!

He couldn't help cursing in his heart!

"You just won dozens of battles, why are you so arrogant? You are just a person from a rubbish place who got the advantage of luck. I will teach you a lesson later!"

After saying that,

Yang He roared at the sky.

""Red wind!"



A group of violent storms appeared!

Where the storm appeared, it actually caused a small crack in the nearby space. Although it was small, it was certain that this storm was enough to mince people with low strength!

The storm turned into a shape similar to a tornado and attacked Bloodthirsty!


The violent storm made the aura of the demon in front of Bloodthirsty drop by a level.

Seeing this scene, Bloodthirsty raised his eyebrows and said,"It's interesting, but that's it!"

After that,

Bloodthirsty waved his palm, and the ghost fire on his body was continuously injected into the demon's body. The aura that the demon had just lost came back, and it became even stronger.


The demon yelled and rushed towards Yang He.

At the moment when the demon came into contact with the storm!

The demon's body turned into a wisp of black mist, and then it rotated counterclockwise along the storm and came out. The black mist mixed into one and turned into a demon.

The demon's face, which could not be seen clearly, showed a mocking look.

Then it rushed to Yang He again, and turned into black mist again to cover him!

The black mist made it impossible for people outside to see what was inside, and only heard the sound of pain coming from inside.

The next moment, Yang He's body was thrown out by the demon.

Yang He lay on the ground in embarrassment, his face pale, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

This made some people wonder if he was squeezed dry.

Bloodthirsty saw this scene with disdain.

The black mist gathered again and turned into a demon!

The demon laughed, walked in front of Yang He, opened his bottomless mouth, and prepared to swallow him in one bite.

Yang He showed a look of fear, and his hands and feet kept struggling, but all his strength and spiritual power had been absorbed by the demon, and he couldn't move a step no matter how he struggled.

Bloodthirst, who was not far away, saw this scene and frowned!

He couldn't let the demon do this, so he waved his hand!


Something seemed to break, and the demon dissipated.

Although Bloodthirst was excited, he had a rational mind and knew what the occasion was now. He couldn't kill here.

He should find a place where no one was.


The elders of Longquan Sect wiped their cold sweat and slowly exhaled.

They thought that this Bloodthirst would kill them, but they were scared!

Fortunately, they calmed down at the last moment, otherwise they didn't know how to explain to the sect leader.

In the eyes of outsiders, although Yang He was just an ordinary disciple, he was different in their eyes. These elders knew that Yang He had another identity, that is, one of the eight great priests of the current Tiangong, the only son of Yang Qingyun.

And the sect leader of Longquan Sect was Yang He's uncle.

If Yang He died here today, it is conceivable how serious the consequences would be!

Bloodthirsty walked up to Yang He indifferently and said in a cold voice:"You are lucky today. I will spare your life this time. Next time, you should understand your own strength before challenging me. Otherwise, you will be a loser like you are now!"

Yang He looked at Bloodthirsty with a pale face, gasping for breath, unable to utter a word. The surrounding space began to disappear, and the figures of two people appeared in the venue. As soon as Yang He came out, he was taken away by several martial saints in an instant.

Bloodthirsty still had a cold face, standing in the field with his arms around his chest, looking at everyone with disdain and provocation in his eyes.

Such a look naturally attracted the anger of a large group of people.

But he still calmed down and did not challenge. After all, his strength was not enough, and he would only be beaten if he went up.

"The winner of this battle is the bloodthirsty inner disciple of Tianxuan Sect!"


The people of Tianxuan Sect in the distance instantly attracted the attention of a large group of forces!

Being watched by so many people, some disciples showed embarrassed expressions, but a few people did not think so.

They showed proud expressions on their faces and puffed up their chests, as if they were enjoying this feeling.

"This old guy, you are a little too arrogant, don't you know that you have been targeted?" Yun Fengyi saw this scene and shook her head.

She would not show a happy expression. Ten thousand years of experience have allowed her to control her expression.

Yun Fengyi frowned. There was an extremely powerful person nearby. His talent was definitely not inferior to them, and even stronger. He turned his head and looked at a man in the distance.

The man was dressed in black, standing against the wind, his jet-black hair fluttering in the wind, and his dark eyes were full of indifference on his face that was as sharp as a knife. It seemed that standing there already put people in the cold!

"I wonder which sect this person belongs to?"

""I feel an extremely strong sense of oppression from him. I haven't had this feeling for many years!" Yun Fengyi murmured.

Linggu, who was beside him, heard the voice, turned his head and looked at her and asked,"What's wrong? Do you feel a strong enemy?"

Hearing Linggu's question, Yun Fengyi did not turn back, but pointed at the man who was going away and said,"Great Elder, look at the man over there!"

Linggu raised his eyes and looked in the direction Yun Fengyi pointed.

Instantly, he felt a mysterious breath coming towards him.

He frowned slightly, looked at Yun Fengyi and said,"Are you saying that this person is a threat to us?"

Yun Fengyi nodded:"Yes, I feel a mysterious breath from him, but I can't guess it!"

"but...What I can be sure of is that he is the only one among all the forces that poses a threat to our Tianxuan Sect!"

"My opinion is that we should make that bloodthirsty guy more restrained. His actions have attracted some strong people!"

"Otherwise I'm afraid..."

Hearing Yun Fengyi's words, Ling Gu nodded without saying anything, his eyes lost in thought.

Lei Wutian on the other side naturally heard the conversation between the two, and there was a slight flash of lightning in his eyes.

He had been paying attention to the man the two were talking about for a long time. In this competition, he divided nine points of his consciousness and kept an eye on the man's expression and next move.

Yun Fengyi was right. This man was the hard stone of their five-domain competition. They had to find a way to cross it.

Thinking of this, Lei Wutian disappeared without anyone noticing.

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