When Ah Xue and Ah Da walked into the cave side by side, many disciples greeted them.

One disciple who seemed to have a good relationship with Ah Da asked Ah Da with a smile:


"Junior Brother Liu, is this direct disciple your friend?"

This is a direct disciple!

It's rare for inner disciples to come to the outer disciples' cave, let alone direct disciples.

Today, a direct disciple actually came. Junior Brother Liu usually doesn't show off, but it turns out that he is a real person who doesn't show off his true colors!

"I am his sister, Liu Axue."

Axue looked at the disciple in front of her with a smile on her face. It can be seen that he and Ada have a good relationship.

Ada looked at the little girl beside him in surprise.



Ah Xue was intentionally supporting herself and being her backer.

Suddenly tears flashed in her eyes. This time she was really moved.

Ah Xue tilted her head and asked mischievously,"Is there a problem?"


Ah Da looked at Ah Xue with tears in his eyes.

""Thank you!"

Thank you, Axue.

Thank you for supporting me.


Shaking off the goose bumps on her body, Axue smiled and nodded to the disciple in front of her,"My brother and I will go back first."

After saying that, she looked at Ada and said,"Let's go to your cave and take a look."

""Well, OK."

Ah Da happily took Ah Xue into his own cave.

This cave had four rooms. Two outer disciples in green disciple uniforms were sitting at a stone table in the yard, chatting.

When they saw Ah Da come in, accompanied by a direct disciple, they quickly stood up with a smile,"Junior Brother Liu is back, who is this?"

"Brother Chen, Brother Zhu, this is my sister Liu Axue"

"Ah Xue, this is my senior brothers Chen Hongyu and Zhu Qiming who live with me."

"There is also a brother named Ye Qiuqian, who recently accepted a mission and went out to practice."

Speaking of this Brother Ye, Ah Da admired him very much.

They were both outer disciples, but this brother advanced very quickly, and he practiced very hard. Now he has reached the sixth level of Qi Refining.

I believe he will be able to break through again this time. He will definitely have a place in the sect competition.

"Ah Xue, my room is over here."

"Yeah." Ah Xue nodded in response.

What a coincidence.

The night swing was probably the dark horse in the previous life.

Ah Xue followed Ah Da into his room. He divided the room into two rooms, one for sleeping and the other for meditation.

There was only a simple set of tables and chairs in the room.

Ah Xue walked over and sat next to the table.

Ah Da embarrassedly added two cups of light tea,"Ah Xue, I don't have anything to treat you here."

"But don't worry, I will work hard to practice and then complete the mission.……………"

""Hmm," Axue nodded again and responded. She silently put the wood-related skills given to her by her master into the storage bag in the space.

Ada has three spiritual roots of gold, wood and earth, so he is just right for learning the wood-related skills.

Axue took out the storage bag containing the skills from the space and placed it on the table.

She looked up at Ada and said,"This is for you. It contains some low-level and intermediate skills."

"There are a few exercises in there that are suitable for you. You can keep them for practice."

"There are some that you don't need, you can sell them and exchange them for spirit stones, or you can exchange them for points in the sect."

Ah Da's eyes widened in surprise, and he stammered


"this…………this………Too expensive"

"I………I can't accept it."

Although I really, really want it.

But, this is also what Ah Xue worked hard to get, I can't keep it.

Ah Xue looked at Ah Da in front of him, who obviously liked her very much but tried hard to resist the urge to accept it.

She nodded secretly in her heart, fortunately, Ah Da maintained his true nature and was not dazzled by the prosperity of the immortal world.

That's enough, isn't it?

Ah Xue comforted and said,"Ah Da, you keep it, I can't use these"

"This was found in a cave when my senior brother took me out for training recently. Its owner has been dead for many years."

"Moreover, you have to become stronger before you can go out to train, otherwise you will die."

Just like in the previous life, I lost my life in vain.

"Practice well, I'll go back first."

Axue said without giving him a chance to refuse, she got up and walked out of the room, the two outer disciples were no longer in the yard.

Ah Da hurriedly followed her out the door,"Axue, thank you!"

Apart from this thank you, how else can he thank her.

However, he will not always be so mediocre, with these skills given by Axue, he must work hard to practice and become stronger.

Axue nodded to him, and reminded him again with concern

"Go practice now"

"You must learn the magic well before you go to practice, understand?"

Ah Da quickly assured,"Ah Xue, don't worry, I will."

After hearing his assurance, Ah Xue left with peace of mind.

She hoped that with her help, Ah Da would be able to escape the fate of his previous life like herself, and no longer lose his life innocently.

It was because of Ah Xue's temporary decision today that Ah Da not only did not lose his life in the subsequent training, but also saved several fellow disciples.

Gradually, he gained his own popularity. Within ten years, he successfully established his foundation after Ye Qiuqian and became an inner disciple.

Ah Xue walked into the outer sect cafeteria, had a satisfying meal, and then plunged into the library.

In the previous life, he did not dare to enter the library because he did not have points. In this life, after becoming a direct disciple, he had 100 points in his token.

Look for any jade slips in the library that he needs.

There are not many water-based and wood-based exercises, and they are all of low attack power.

After looking for a long time, he did not find a good exercise.

Slowly walked to a shelf marked with rare treasures.

Rare treasures………

Maybe there is something I need in it.

The senior brother in charge of spiritual beasts and spiritual plants have exchanged them for me.

And these rare treasures are also very necessary.

When you are training outside or entering a secret realm, you will usually encounter many treasures.

But the prerequisite must be that you must know these treasures.

Pick up the jade slip and walk to the door. The gatekeeper is an elder in the God Transformation period.

Ah Xue respectfully saluted with both hands,"Greetings, uncle master, I want to copy this jade slip."

The elder in the God Transformation period raised his head and glanced at the little girl in front of him.


Not bad, not bad, he has reached the peak of Qi Refining, and his foundation is very good, his spiritual energy is not impetuous at all.

The key is that he knows how to hide his shortcomings, and his character is also good.

Not bad, not bad………

He took out the empty jade slip next to him and quickly copied it for her.

"Ninety-nine points in total"

"Give me the disciple token"

"Yes. Ah Xue handed over her token respectfully.

Soon, ninety-nine points were deducted from the token, and she became a pauper again.

""Okay, you can go now."

Elder Huashen looked at the little girl in front of him with a painful look on her face and couldn't help but want to laugh.

I don't know which peak this disciple is from?

It's really interesting.


Axue took her token and the rare treasure jade slip she had just exchanged and returned to her cave.

Sitting on the cushion, she held the jade slip to the center of her forehead and her consciousness entered the jade slip.

It was indeed a rare treasure, and the precious treasures recorded in it were all valuable. The points she spent were worth it.

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