Chapter 0023 A Trip to the Island Country!

Thirty million!

As soon as Jiahe heard this number, he almost knelt down for Lin Mu and called Dad.

What about 90 percent of the shares?

Now in this situation, Jiahe is a miserable mess, and was sued by Shaw Brothers in court, whether they can make money or not, they themselves have no bottom.

Of course, the situation will be much better next year.

Next year, Golden Harvest will welcome a heavyweight kung fu superstar - Li Xiaolong.

In the face of Lin Mu's investment, Jiahe naturally has no intention of refusing.

Entertainment is going to be a huge industry.

Of course, Lin Mu also has some careful thoughts, won the entertainment industry, not to mention making money, countless beautiful girls are not left to their own choice.

You always have to build a big harem.

Of course, this is all a few years later, and at this stage, Lin Mu still has to stabilize his high income.

There are many businessmen in Xiangjiang, but there are very few entrepreneurs.

For example, Li Jiacheng basically relied on the land and house to control the hydropower of Xiangjiang and became an invisible super landlord in Xiangjiang.

As a result, except for real estate and finance, Xiangjiang has almost no technology that can be used.

And Lin Mu intends to reverse all this.

Simply signed an agreement with Jiahe, Lin Mu did not manage Jiahe for the time being, and the people under him now are not enough, so naturally he has no heart to manage the price.

However, Li Xiaolong, Lin Mu is eyeing him.

In the future, he still has to use Li Xiaolong to make money for himself.

The film industry is also a huge industry extending out, and after Jiahe pondered how to poach Li Xiaolong, Lin Mu got a visa and prepared to go to the island country.


There is still no news from Paradise Island.

However, Lin Mu still came first, mainly to investigate the market size of the island country.

Today's island country is still a paradise for cottages, and all kinds of cottages are emerging in endlessly, relying on the patience of the island nation to burst out of powerful productivity.

The current island country is not the most advanced, but cheap goods are constantly hitting the market throughout Europe and North America.

In the 80s, the island countries were ready to hit high-end production.

Then, the rest of the Plaza Accord is a carnival.

The island country is a pure dog, completely for the owner to take care of the home, the owner is unhappy and has to cut off the meat for the master to eat.

Set foot in the island nation

Lin Mu couldn't help but sigh, the current island country gives people a little different spiritual outlook.

Some people say that the island country in the 80s was humble, the island country in the early 90s was high-spirited, and the island country after 2,000 years was decadent.

So, how to describe the island nation in the seventies.

Lin Mu searched his intestines and scraped his stomach, and in the end he only thought of two words.

- Industrious!

The island nation in this era is actually industrious.

This surprised Lin Mu.

After the Olympic Games were held in the island country, the economy has indeed ushered in a huge wave of growth, and the people of the island country are now working hard and struggling.


Lin Mu felt a little ridiculous, but he had to admit that there were still upward channels in island countries in this era, unlike fifty years later, the upward channels were completely locked.

Lin Mu's main investigation is the video game city.

Nowadays, there are more video game cities in the island country than in the phenomenon of forest and animal husbandry, and the number of teenagers who come to consume is not a small number.

These teenagers don't have the idea of their parents being frugal, they are all about having fun.

The number of teenagers in this video game city is not a small number.

Lin Mu secretly thought in his heart.

The consumption potential of island countries is indeed not ordinarily large.


After returning to the hotel, a waitress lady politely came to Lin Mu's face: "There is your phone number, it is from Xiangjiang!".

"Okay, thank you!" Lin Mu nodded slightly, but sighed in his heart, how good it would be if he had a mobile phone.

However, it is a pity that the system has not given the mobile phone technology to itself for a long time, otherwise, on his head, nine times out of ten can add the title of the father of mobile phones.

casually called the phone back to Xiangjiang.

"Boss!" A moment later, Jiang Muyan's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"How!" Lin Mu said lightly: "Have you contacted Paradise Island?"

Jiang Muyan nodded slightly and continued: "Yes, boss, the president of Paradise Island wants to meet you in person!"

"President?" Lin Mu narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "What's your name, age, is there any information about him?"

"I'm ready!" Jiang Muyan naturally made Lin Mu extremely relieved, and he quickly said: "It will be delivered to you in an hour!"

"I know!" Lin Mu nodded slightly, and then continued: "If there is any news, we will contact you again!"

An hour later, the information of Paradise Island was also sent to Lin Mu.

Before coming, Lin Mu had actually investigated the information of Paradise Island.

Today, Paradise Island is still mainly based on toys, but five years ago, Paradise Island began to recruit high-paying college students who graduated from science and engineering. Started the research and development of primary electronic toy products.

Three years ago, an immature invention by Gunpei Yokoi caught the attention of Yamauchi, the president of Paradise Island, and when Yokoi was on break, he combined the parts in the toolbox into a robotic-like toy to entertain himself, which was a simple device that mechanically controlled the expansion and contraction of springs, and the probability of failure was much greater than when it succeeded.

Yokoi took the spring device he named "Super Strange Hand" to show it to the president, and Hiroshi Yamauchi ordered Yokoi Gunhei and Hiroshi Imanishi to form a new product development department and confirmed that "Super Strange Hands" would be the main Christmas merchandise of the year.

This was followed by a total of 1.4 million sold around Christmas that year, making it the brightest highlight of Paradise Island throughout the second half of the '60s. Since then, Yokoi has invented products such as "Super Baseball" and "Super Periscope", which has made Paradise Island gradually emerge in the electronic entertainment industry.

However, all this was crushed by Lin Mu, as soon as the arcade came out, video games swept the entire game industry in an instant, and Paradise Island also suffered a heavy blow.

The popularity of arcades naturally attracted the attention of Paradise Island, and at the same time, Paradise Island was also preparing to start developing arcade games and put its own power on the market.

And Lin Mu took the initiative to ask to meet with Paradise Island, which immediately aroused the idea of the entire Paradise Island.

Lin Mu is the developer of the arcade machine.

They attach great importance to forest and animal husbandry!

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