Chapter 36 Lishi's new head!


Lin Mu exhaled fiercely.

I feel that I have traveled through this less than a year, and I can actually do this to this extent.

Of course, this premise is also that I have a great father.

The Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce behind my dad has given me a lot of help, and in addition, the relationship between these club bosses and my dad is quite good.

Otherwise, it will not be so easy for you to get up.

November 22nd

This day is also Lin Mu's birthday, and after this birthday, he will be sixteen years old.

It was on this day that the Clarion Daily suddenly made a front-page headline about the change of ownership of Lishi. This caused a big sensation in Hong Kong.

"Li's TV changes flags, and the game wizard is the sole proprietor in charge".

The report on the first day introduced the development of Lishi's TV station in recent years, and focused on the difficulties that Lishi has been in in recent years.

In particular, the rise of Infinity has plunged Leigh's TV station into an unprecedented crisis.

And now, the game wizard Lin Mu spent more than 200 million yuan to eat all the shares of the TV station, not only becoming the new head of Li's TV station. And he also became the wholly owned owner of the TV station.

As soon as this report came out, it immediately caused an uproar, because there was no news about this matter before, and even most of the employees of Lishi did not know about it.

You must know that even if it is an unlimited station, it can almost be said to be Shao Yifu's unlimited station, but now Shao Yifu only holds about 10% of the shares of wireless TV station, and Lin Mu actually owns Lishi, which is really bizarre.

How much did it cost?

Nobody knows!

However, there is a more critical issue in front of everyone.

How much money does Lin Mu have?

Before, the Lin family was engaged in real estate, and occasionally did some small business, but the sudden rise is a bit scary?

All of a sudden, countless people began to talk about it.

How much did Lin Mu spend to get Li's TV.

Forcefully took Li's TV from the hands of the Eagle Country.

The Daily Clarion followed this news with another opinion piece. Start bragging.

It is mainly said that Lin Mu has made various achievements this year, and claimed: "Lin Sheng is a business wizard who has never met in a century, and in just over a year, he has achieved a career that others cannot do in 20 years..."

If you have to say that Lin Mu is a business wizard, it is not wrong.

This year, his arcade market is really bigger and stronger, you know, Li Jiacheng has been mixed for so many years, and he still has a Far Eastern Bank in his hand, but his real net worth is only more than one billion, and if he wants to double his assets, he will have to wait until Cheung Kong is listed, which will double his assets.

As for Inspector Lei Luo, who has been greedy for so long, he has only mixed up to 500 million.

And Lin Mu took less than a year to already have a net worth of more than Liu Yi. can be regarded as the richest man who made his fortune in Xiangjiang the fastest.

All of a sudden, the Xiangjiang River shook.

Everyone began to speculate about how much money this Lin Mu made this year.

"Every penny Lin Mu earns is our children's money, he is a heinous vampire!" - Ming Pao!

I have to say that now Lin Mu and Ming Pao are completely enmity.

Soon, though, the Clarion Daily began to fight back.

All of a sudden, the entire newspaper industry was very lively.

However, more people are curious about how much money Lin Mu has made in less than a year.

Some estimate it to be 200 million, others estimate it to be more than 1 billion.

No one knows the specific number, but everyone knows that Lin Mu has made money.

There are even masters who come out and analyze Lin Mu's numerology in a clear manner.

Finally, he concluded: "Lin Mu, this guy, is unspeakably expensive, the name Lin Hong is clever, there is water in the forest, naturally you can make a fortune, however, the water potential is past, and it is easy to break wood." However, the name Lin Hong gave Lin Mu is very different. Mu, on behalf of another meaning, Mu in ancient times also has the meaning of domination, management, Lin Hong's money can not be suppressed, but Lin Mu can be suppressed. "

The master also said: "Lin Mu has tens of billions of gold in his life, and earning 100 million a year is just the beginning, and it will definitely be more developed in the future!"

The fishing boats in Xiangjiang are very free, and at the same time, they are also very superstitious.

Even the top richest people are no exception, Li Jia has specially built a Zhuang Mingyue building here, just to suppress his financial luck.

This master after analyzing Lin Mu's numerology. It actually caused a large-scale recognition.

The Lin family is really famous.

Lin Mu almost didn't laugh on the spot when he saw this kind of news, he was full of materialism, these so-called numerology studies, nine times out of ten are nonsense.

But I didn't take it too seriously, which rich celebrity in Xiangjiang has not been analyzed by the masters?

In the end, it's just an auspicious picture.

Lin family!

As soon as Zhuang Yuexia went home, she directly threw the newspaper in her hand in front of Lin Mu: "Amu, did you really spend more than 200 million yuan to buy a TV station?"

Lin Mu smiled and continued: "Well, it's not that much, less than 100 million, Mom, what are you asking for this?"

"You kid, now your wings are also stiff, don't tell your mother anything!" Zhuang Yuexia sat down directly on the other end of the sofa, and then said: "You say, why did you buy a TV station?"

"This is our mouthpiece and our voice in the future!"

Lin Mu smiled, glanced at his mother again, and continued to speak: "We must keep us able to make enough noise in Xiangjiang, the TV station is a good intervention point, now, whoever provokes us, we can scold him on the TV station, but he can't scold us!"

Zhuang Yuexia couldn't help but be slightly stunned, she really didn't know what to say for her son's metaphor for a while.

"In addition, I'm going to merge Clarion Daily and Li's TV!" Lin Mu smiled and continued to speak: "Then shoot TV series, and plan some variety shows, as long as the ratings are raised, it's still not a big problem!"

"It's not a big problem?" Zhuang Yuexia twitched the corners of her mouth slightly, and couldn't help but speak: "Can you make money with this thing?"

"Mom!" Lin Mu smiled, glanced at Zhuang Yuexia, and said with a smile: "When did my son and I lose money?"

Zhuang Yuexia fell into silence instead.

She really didn't know when her son had lost money.

"Don't worry, I will make our Lin family the top family in Xiangjiang!" Lin Mu glanced at Zhuang Yuexia and said with a smile.

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