Chapter 52 Big Money!

No matter what Shao Yifu thinks, Lin Mu has this ability.

How many clubs have begun to make money because of Lin Mu's intervention.

And how many merchants have increased their sales because of increased exposure.

Now I want to sell the K series to Shao Yifu, Shao Yifu has to buy it, and if he doesn't buy it, he has to buy it, his ratings are already so miserable, how can he increase the exposure of his movie?

However, what gives Shao Yifu a headache now is that on the one hand, he is acquiring Lijia's shares in Infinity, and on the other hand, he has to pay for the live broadcast rights, which suddenly makes Shao Yifu's self a little stretched.

"I think, buy!" Fang Yihua took a deep breath: "This matter has to be discussed with the Li family, after all, this unlimited station also has their shares, it's a big deal, if the Li family advertises, its own TV station can be cheaper, the stakes in this, okay, the Li family must be willing!".

Shao Yifu nodded frequently when he listened, he did have the idea to control the infinite station in one fell swoop, but he also knew that this was unrealistic, and he didn't have that much cash on hand.

"Our movie also needs to be prepared more!" Shao Yifu thought for a while, and then slowly said: "Let's have a good chat with the Li family!"

Shao Yifu is also embarrassed now, if he comes up with an extra 10 million.

This chain of its own funds is about to be broken.

However, if Lin Mu doesn't give him the right to broadcast live, the ratings will not rise at all, although the Li family is too lazy to take care of the majority of the shares of Unlimited Television, but this share can be sold to himself or to others.

What if you meet someone who wants to meddle and take care of things?

Not to mention anything else, what if it is sold directly to Lin Mu himself?

It's even very possible.

The Li family didn't want to interfere, but that didn't mean he didn't want to sell this thing.

Although Shao Yifu is getting older and older, he can also judge that in the future, TV series will be the general trend, but now Lin Mu has come in and intervened, which instantly makes Shao Yifu extremely uncomfortable.

The chain of funds in hand cannot be broken.

Shao Yifu now feels that he is very embarrassed, and he feels that this guy Lin Mu is completely playing a trick on himself, is this going to toss himself to death?


In all fairness, Lin Mu really didn't have this idea.

The idea of acquiring Infinity was swirling around in his mind before he was thrown aside.

Now that a Phoenix platform has not yet developed, it is somewhat unrealistic to think about winning unlimited Taiwan, and what is missing now is not the platform, but the content.

Take your time, don't rush!

Lin Mu is also confident, as a traverser, he is confident that he will not be able to develop Infinity Terrace.

Harmony Building

At this moment, Zou Wenhuai, He Guanchang, Huang Xizhao, Zhong Jinghui, and Jiang Ruiguo are all together.

In addition, Lin Mu also has an extra secretary named Zuo Shi by his side.

Zuo Shi is mainly responsible for helping Lin Mu to deal with some work tasks.

After the final box office of "Big Brother Tangshan" came down, it really shook the entire Xiangjiang, and at this moment, it also made Zou Wenhuai hesitant and full of ambition, and he was more confident in the future development route.

And after the TV station "Hero Huo Yuanjia", "Chen Zhen" also began to become popular and continued to maintain ratings.

Both the fields of film and TV series are doing very well.


Lin Mu said lightly: "What we need to do is to set up our own wireless artist training class, Phoenix Satellite TV artist training class, this matter, Lao Huang, you deal with it, in the next period of time, we need enough talents!".

Huang Xizhao immediately nodded: "Boss, don't worry, just leave this matter to me to deal with!"

"In addition, we are going to hold a large-scale beauty pageant next, this event, Jinghui, you will handle it!".

Speaking of this, Lin Mu paused slightly, and continued: "Just call Miss Xiangjiang, how?"

Choose Sister Hong Kong!

Zhong Jinghui was shocked, and then he heard Lin Mu continue: "The time is scheduled after the end of the K World Championship, and then, it will start on a large scale!"

In fact, there have been similar elections in Xiangjiang for a long time, and the election of Miss Xiangjiang began as early as 1946, but at that time, the citizens of Xiangjiang did not say that it was a beauty pageant, and eating was a problem, and they didn't have the heart to care about who was the great beauty of Xiangjiang.

Therefore, between 1946 and 1973, Miss Xiangjiang successively selected 10 Hong Kong sisters, but there was no splash, and they dispersed casually.

Until, in 1973, Infinity began to officially launch the "Miss Hong Kong Election", which monopolized the title of Miss Hong Kong in one fell swoop, although later Asia Television also made the casting of Miss Asia, but, both in terms of popularity and slogans, it is not as good as the election of Sister Hong Kong.

Of course, the election of Miss Hong Kong 50 years later is also difficult to explain.

Zhong Jinghui's brain is very flexible, and he immediately grasped the essence, and quickly said: "Then boss, do we want to publicize it?"

"Of course, you and Jiang Ruiguo get a plan for me!" Lin Mu rubbed his temples and said slowly, "The slogan, for the time being, is "beauty and wisdom are equally important".

Zhong Jinghui nodded: "Okay!".

In the 70s, the Miss Hong Kong election was criticized for being bold because of the introduction of swimsuit displays, but its selection criteria still reflected the judges' recognition of traditional culture. Therefore, in the early days, the Hong Kong sisters were noble and dignified, and they could be called female models.


Then, Lin Mu's eyes fell on Zou Wenhuai's body: "How is the preparation of "Jingwumen"?".

Zou Wenhuai said quickly: "Don't worry, boss, it has already started publicity, and some time ago, the man named Cheng Long said that he wanted to shoot a movie called "Serpentine Trickster", and the general idea was chatted with our screenwriting department, and the screenwriting department thought it was feasible!".

"Then shoot!".

Lin Mu said lightly: "Make a good budget, don't be afraid of losing money, I can afford to lose, we may take some detours, but it doesn't matter, we can afford to lose!"

Zou Wenhuai could only smile, and I have to say that it was indeed much easier to follow the big boss.

Aren't you afraid of losing money at all?

Cheng Long, this kid can be regarded as lucky, and he actually got Lin Mu's approval.


After the adjournment of the meeting.

The door of the office was knocked a few times, and Lin Muyi looked up, "Please come in!"

Then, I saw Jiang Muyan walking in, she greeted Zuo Shi, and then smiled: "Boss, Coca-Cola has agreed to cooperate with us, but they are only willing to give us 20 million advertising fees, and they need to be named on the game, and besides, if you ask Bruce Lee to endorse it, it will be three years to sign a contract!!".

"Tell them, there is no 30 million without talking!" Lin Mu shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently: "It's just one year, and next year it won't be this price!".

"I'll talk to them!" Jiang Muyan smiled, and then continued: "By the way, Shao Yifu also called me, saying that he wanted to talk!".

"Boss, we've made a lot of money during this time!".

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