Lin Shen’s explanation made Duan Yongping very amazed. He never expected that it could be operated like this.

Of course, he knew that many industries had industry standards, national standards, and even international standards, but he did not expect to become the standard setter.

When Lin Shen said this, he suddenly became enlightened.

What Lin Shen just said,”Third-rate companies make products, second-rate companies make brands, and first-class companies make standards” naturally comes from later generations.

When many industries in later generations reach a certain level, they will join forces to establish a certain industry association, and then formulate a certain industry association.

According to the standards of each industry, products that do not meet the standards are not allowed to be produced to reduce disorderly competition, raise the industry threshold, enhance the authority of the industry, and at the same time enhance the reputation of the entire industry.

For example, if we set a standard for milk, including nutrient content and bacterial colony count, milk plants whose equipment does not meet the standards and which invest relatively little will not be able to engage in this industry, directly reducing countless potential competitors.

Mengniu and Yili, which were criticized in later generations, are rumored to be the leaders in the dairy industry and can influence the standards set by the country at will to suit their own interests.

However, Duan Yongping still had many questions that he didn’t understand. He said:”Mr. Lin, I still don’t understand. According to what you said, we allow other manufacturers to produce VCDs. Then the question comes. Isn’t this still a problem? Should we cultivate our own competitors? It will not do us any good if they become bigger.”

“Mr. Duan, as you just said, their costs are very high, right? The cost is two thousand yuan. What if we earn these two thousand yuan? Lin Shen said.

Duan Yongping was stunned, suddenly realized, and said:”Mr. Lin, do you mean that we need to provide them with spare parts such as movements?””

“Yes. We can lower the price appropriately for them, so that they don’t need to import high-priced foreign parts and can directly get parts such as movements from us. Every VCD they sell is actually making money for us. Lin Shen said

“Wonderful! Duan Yongping slapped the big (Harmony) leg and said,”That’s great!””

Duan Yongping seemed to understand all of a sudden. Lin Shen was right.

Zulong Technology has a patent, so why not directly produce movements and sell them to competitors, so that their competitors can make money for themselves?

“The important thing is that our own products must continue to introduce new ones and update them. As long as we maintain industry-leading standards, we are not afraid of these competitors. Moreover, in this way, we will not fall into vicious mutual price cuts and maintain a relatively high profit level.”Lin Shen said.

Duan Yongping was completely convinced by Lin Shen’s method. Not only did it solve the problem of competitors, but there was no need for a price war. In the long run, once Zulong Technology can really become the setter of industry standards , the benefits are even greater.

Other senior executives of Zulong Technology also think Lin Shen’s method is good, and they all agree with it.

“Mr. Lin, then I will do as you say. We can provide a more affordable price than imported movements and eliminate the risk of being sued. They will definitely be very happy to cooperate with us! Duan Yongping said excitedly

“Okay, then contact several large domestic VCD manufacturers and ask them to come to Zulong to discuss cooperation. Lin Shen said

“Okay, I’ll go back soon and find their contact information. Duan Yongping said excitedly.

After the meeting, Duan Yongping went back immediately and asked his secretary to count the VCD brands currently on the market.

Of course, it was not all small factories that had a certain scale.

Because there are even many manufacturers that do not only produce VCDs, such as Jinlida VCD.

Their company has been established for ten years.

They previously produced radios, CD players, LD players, etc.

, and they only started assembling them last year.

The only companies that started producing Jinlida VCD and became big are Feixiang VCD and Jintai VCD.

Of course, Duan Yongping also contacted them in the name of Zulong Technology. Invitations have been sent to all these VCD manufacturers, asking them to come to S Haizulong Technology Co., Ltd. next Wednesday. They have important matters to discuss with them.

It is conceivable that these manufacturers have received invitations from Zulong Technology. Afterwards, everyone felt how they felt, because their first reaction was that Zulong Technology was going to cause trouble for them.

They all knew that Zulong Technology had sued several companies that produced VCDs and asked them to pay compensation and apologize. , now Zulong Technology invites them to go to S Sea, they are very worried.

Is it going to sue them again? Why should they go to S Sea first? Or is Zulong Technology using some other tactics?

They also specifically requested that the company boss should go in person, because the person who would receive them would be Duan Yongping, the general manager of Zulong Technology.

Although he didn’t know what Zulong Technology wanted to do, in the end, these manufacturers who were invited decided to go to Zulong Technology. Let’s take a look at Long Technology. After all, they are still somewhat afraid that Zulong Technology will sue them.

It is impossible for them not to give this face.

Therefore, the bosses of these manufacturers are very worried. , one after another embarked on the transportation to S sea


The boss of Feixiang VCD is Jia Bingwu. A long time ago, he stayed with Mou Jizhong at Nande Company for a while, and later even worked on satellites with Mou Jizhong. But later Jia Bingwu resigned from Nande Company, and later he started the Feixiang VCD brand. And so far, his Feixiang VCD is selling pretty well in Guangdong and Guizhou provinces.

Jia Bingwu received the invitation from Zulong Technology and came to Shai. After getting off the train, he took a taxi and went to Shai Garden Hotel.

S Sea Garden Hotel is the hotel that Zulong Technology told him when he invited him. Zulong Technology has arranged the hotel and paid for the hotel this time when he came to S Sea. He only needs to show his ID card. Ready to move in.

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