After lunch, Xu Hengda did not dare to stay at Lin Shen’s place anymore, but hurried back to handle his work.

After talking to Lin Shen, Xu Hengda strengthened his confidence. No matter what, his first real estate project must only succeed and not fail.

Xu Hengda himself gave himself a military order


Finally, Lin Shen, a student of Fudan University, entered the countdown to graduation.

The defense of the graduation thesis has officially begun.

The teachers in the school did not embarrass the students. After all, college students in this era are very serious about completing their studies and will not delay their studies by playing games and watching TV dramas. The professors cannot find fault with everyone. As long as the paper is done seriously, you will generally be given a pass.

There was nothing wrong with Lin Shen’s paper. Professor Sun even suggested that Lin Shen’s paper should be published in academic journals.

Of course Lin Shen had no objection and agreed.

The entire Chinese Department has passed the graduation thesis defense, which is equivalent to graduation.

Lin Shen, on the other hand, allowed him to stay in school���The appointment of a teacher has also been made.

Lin Shen will stay in the Chinese Department of Fudan University.

Of course, because Lin Shen has no teaching experience and his qualifications are still relatively low, he can only start as a teaching assistant and also be a counselor.

Lin Shen is likely to stay in the school at the beginning and will not have the opportunity to teach alone.

His main work may focus on students’ ideological and political education, daily management of students, employment guidance, mental health and other aspects.

A bit like the head teacher.

The monthly salary is 420 yuan.

After being appointed, Lin Shen began to move to his dormitory because the school allocated him a new staff dormitory.

Anyway, he has graduated. Sooner or later he will leave the student dormitory and move into the staff dormitory, which will be a seamless transition.

As for Lin Shen’s three roommates, they also started packing their luggage. They should leave the school in two days.

Although students of their generation had various negative emotions because the school did not guarantee distribution, now that the classmates who have lived together for four years are about to enter the society and go their separate ways, all emotions have been replaced by sadness.

Because most people, once separated, will probably never see each other again in this life.

So before graduation, under the organization of the monitor, the Chinese Department held its last dinner party.

Every New Year’s Day before, although the class also had dinner parties, Lin Shen did not attend every time. This was Lin Shen’s first time attending a group dinner in the Chinese Department.

The dinner was held at a small restaurant near the school. All the students in the class were present. Only then did Lin Shen realize that there were several classmates whose names he had never known.

Some of these students will continue to study in the future, some will go back to their hometowns, where they have already found jobs, some will stay in Shai, some will be lucky enough to get the quota assigned by the package, and some will be confused and don’t know what their future will be. What to do? One classmate even said that he planned to go back and find a temple to become a monk.

Lin Shen could also understand this classmate who said he wanted to become a monk. The world was changing too fast and he would be lost in a short time.

Several boys in the class went to carry four bottles of beer and half a box of Ruiao pre-mixed cocktails. Everyone drank wildly that night.

The boys staggered around, the girls hugged each other and cried, and some even took the lead in singing”You at the Same Desk”. The scene was very touching.

Lin Shen was the only one who didn’t drink. He paid for all the meals that night by himself.

After all, there is not much money.

Lin Shen’s classmates stayed in school for another week, and the school issued graduation certificates, announcing that Lin Shen and his class had officially graduated.

In the next two days, one after another students picked up their bedrolls and left the school.

Everywhere downstairs in the dormitory, you can see touching scenes of classmates hugging each other and saying goodbye. Just like when they came here four years ago, they also arrived carrying heavy bedrolls, and now they leave here dressed in the same way.

Many students turned back three times every step of the way, reluctantly looking at the place where they had lived.

There were also many students in Lin Shen’s class who began to leave the school in twos and threes.

As a classmate, it is natural to say farewell to some classmates.

Because Lin Shen is the only boy in the school who owns a car, his classmates enjoy special treatment, because whenever a classmate wants to leave Shai, it is Lin Shen who drives them to the train station, and they also send them to the train station. Platform.

Many students on the platform always feel sad when the train is about to arrive.

Finally, board the train and run to the distance. Before leaving, you have to lean half of your body out of the train window and wave goodbye vigorously.

Of course, there are many classmates who are still embarrassed to let Lin Shen see them off. After all, they don’t feel that they are very familiar with Lin Shen, but Lin Shen is fine. Anyway, they have nothing to do recently, so it is good to say goodbye to their classmates.

However, more and more students left later, and Lin Shen was a little unable to send them off.

He called Guo Yao to drive his Mercedes-Benz to the school, and sent two cars together.

Of course, the students didn’t think much about it and thought Guo Yao was just Lin Shen’s friend.

A few days later.

The students left the school one after another, and the corridors in the dormitory building seemed a little empty.

Even Lin Shen felt a sad emotion growing in his heart.

In the end, all the classmates left, and I was the only one left.

However, Lin Shen’s three roommates have not left yet, but the three of them have also begun to look for a place to rent a house in Shai. After all, I can no longer live in the school dormitory.

After they found a house, Lin Shen drove and helped them transport all their luggage from the dormitory to the rented house.

These three people still rented in the same place. Shen Wentao found the house. The conditions were better than the school dormitories, and Shen Wentao also provided the money.

Lin Shen asked the three of them. Shen Wentao and Liang Feng planned to start a business together, while Jiang Fei, as he had said before, still wanted to work at Juewei Food Company. He originally retained a small stake in Juewei Food Company, but he still dreamed of enlarging this share to achieve his own financial freedom.

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