As a competitor in the color TV industry, Ni Changhong was sitting in his office looking at Changhong’s financial statements for last month. At this moment, the sales manager hurried into his office.

“Ni Ni Mr. Ni! Oh no.”The sales manager gasped.

“whats the matter? So panicked?”Ni Changhong frowned. He always felt that everything was not going well this year. Seeing his subordinates in such a panic made him feel very uncomfortable.

“Panda Panda Electronics They have launched a new color TV! Currently only available at Zhenxing Electric Appliances.”said the sales manager

“oh? What’s there to panic about?”Ni Changhong is not surprised that Panda Electronics will launch new products.

“Uh, Mr. Ni, you didn’t see that their color TVs are only so thin!”The sales manager made a thickness mark with his index finger and middle finger.

Seeing the thickness mark in the sales manager’s hand, Ni Changhong stood up with a roar.

“What a joke!” Ni Changhong said

“It’s really Mr. Ni. I’ve been to our Zhenxing Electrical Appliances store to see it. It’s really only this thin, and the price is 9,999 yuan! No���Discuss! How did they do that!”The sales manager said excitedly.

After hearing this, Ni Changhong knew that what the sales manager said was not a lie. He immediately hurried out and asked the driver to take him to the Zhenxing Electrical Appliances store in the city center.

When he arrived at the Zhenxing Electrical Appliances store , , Ni Changhong ran into the store, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw many people gathered around on three floors inside and outside, talking about it.

Ni Changhong squeezed into the crowd, squeezed to the front, and then he saw the center of the crowd. On the booth, there were three TVs with very thin screens. One was playing Sichuan TV programs, one was connected to a VCD to play movies, and the other one was also connected to a VCD to play songs.

Ni Changhong saw how thin they were. color TV, with a face full of disbelief

“How did Panda Electronics do it?”Ni Changhong was inexplicably shocked. He came close to the LCD TV and looked carefully around, not missing every detail.

“Is this plasma technology? Ni Changhong said to himself,”That’s wrong.” This is not plasma technology.”

In fact, the color TV industry has been trying to find ways to overcome plasma technology. Once plasma technology is conquered, it can also make the color TV screen thinner and replace the current cathode ray tube technology.

Plasma technology, to put it bluntly, is a two-chip super Injecting a mixed gas between thin glass plates and applying a voltage to use phosphors to emit images is also very high-tech, but it will take at least three years for plasma technology to mature, and now Panda Electronics has launched this TV with a very thin screen.

, although it is very similar to plasma technology, it seems a little different, and the most important thing is that the sign hanging next to it has already written, this is called”LCD color TV”,

Ni Changhong is no stranger to it, after all, it can be seen everywhere.

The electronic watch screen is an LCD screen, but this kind of LCD screen can only display black and white.

I heard that foreign companies have been working on it when applied to TVs, but it seems that there will be no breakthrough in the near future.

Liquid crystal technology can be used in the production of color TVs.

When did they master such cutting-edge technology? But whether it is plasma technology or liquid crystal technology, the size of color TVs can be made so small.

The future of Panda Electronics is unstoppable.

With market share and the most advanced technology, Panda TV can put all domestic color TV brands under its feet.

“Panda Electronics is about to take off!”Ni Changhong murmured to himself,”No, Panda Electronics should have never had such cutting-edge technology before. All this happened after Zulong Technology and Zhenxing Electric invested in them last time. Could it be that this technology was brought over by Zulong Technology? No wonder! Panda Electronics is really in luck! It’s over, I’m afraid no one can stop the rise of Panda Electronics.”

Ni Changhong was greatly hit. If Panda Color TV did not come up with such cutting-edge technology, Changhong Color TV might still have a chance of winning in the protracted competition in the future. Now the chance of winning is basically zero!

In an instant, Ni Changhong My heart feels cold


The LCD color TV launched by Panda Electronics immediately caused a huge sensation in the market.

After all, this thing is so trendy and cool. Such a thin color TV is much better than the previous large-head color TV. It can be easily moved by one person and does not take up space. More and more consumers who heard the news ran to Zhenxing Electrical Appliances stores to watch this magical color TV.

On the first day, the National Zhenxing Electric Appliances Store made statistics and found that a total of more than 700 LCD color TVs were sold across the country on the first day.

It doesn’t sound like much, but don’t forget, one unit costs 10,000 yuan.

The sales generated on this day were already 7 million yuan.

And on the first day it was launched, not many people knew about it.

The news that Panda Electronics launched LCD TVs was reported in major newspapers and media across the country the next day.

These newspapers and media don’t know much about technology, but they are all very good at bragging.

Anyway, they felt that the color TV launched by Panda Electronics was particularly awesome, and they immediately praised it one after another.

It was an epoch-making product, an innovation in color TV technology, the forefront of the world, and it caught up with the old Americans and British, and all kinds of praises.

Even the Ministry of Industry of the Dragon Kingdom was alarmed. After all, this thing looked too high-tech.

Of course, the domestic color TV brands were also frightened. Over the past year, they had been living in trepidation. The price war had just come to an end when Panda Electronics directly threw the first-hand king bomb in front of them.

How can we compete? Their only way is to ask Panda Electronics to sell them this LCD screen.

In addition to domestic brands, those foreign home appliance brands with branches in Longguo also naturally knew the news, and they quickly sent this important discovery back to their respective company headquarters. This thing is so lethal and has a huge impact on foreign brands like them, so they have to be on guard against it.

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