After listening to Soros, his assistant Crowley said:”Mr. Report, after we launched the attack yesterday, the ghost funds used their commonly used foreign exchange accounts to sell off one billion US dollars. of baht, responded to our attack”

“Hahaha! Soros laughed loudly,”It is indeed him!” What a reliable partner! Always charge side by side with us and fight with us.”

Assistant Crowley also said:”Yes, since we attacked the pound in 1992, ghost funds have been fighting side by side with us. Whenever we attack, ghost funds will always be by our side and are our solid allies.”

Soros nodded. He believes that the strength of the ghost fund is no worse than his.

It’s just that the ghost fund has always kept a low profile.

“They are indeed ghosts. They have always been invisible and no one knows their true identity. Soros said,”Unfortunately, sometimes being a financier still requires a high profile.” Otherwise, how can we respond to everything at once?”

“Boss, this time there is a ghost fund taking action with us. I believe Dai will be able to defeat it in one fell swoop.”Crowley gave a few compliments.

“Of course. Although this guy is mysterious, he is a bloodthirsty shark like us. The Ghost Fund may be better prepared than us for this blood feast.”Soros finished the last bite of his sandwich and said,”Prepare the car, it’s time to start today’s decisive battle.”

Assistant Crowley quickly walked out of the room and prepared a car for Soros. Today Soros is going to fight the Dai government again.


As for Lin Shen, he had also arrived at Goldman Sachs Bank. In the VIP room, the atmosphere was as tense as yesterday.

The NY foreign exchange market has not yet opened, and the needle drop can be heard in the entire VIP. All traders are making pre-war preparations for what may happen today.

Tang Shijie rubbed his hands and came to Lin Shen and said,”Mr. Lin, Miss Ouyang has already told you about today’s news, right?”.?”

Lin Shen said lightly:”I’ve already said it”

“There won’t be any problem, right?”Tang Shijie said with some uneasiness.

“There will be no problem, don’t worry, the baht will plummet. Lin Shen chuckled and said,”You just need to do what I ask.””.”Tang Shijie’s anxious heart finally felt relieved. There is another reason for this anxiety, that is, he had previously bought a high-risk investment fund sold by Jinyang Capital. He realized that the money from the fund he bought would definitely go into this short-selling war against the Thai baht.

Soon, the time came and the NY foreign exchange market officially opened. As expected, the battle was fierce as soon as the market opened.

International hot money has been selling off the Thai baht in its hands, and Lin Shen has also been instructing Tang Shijie to sell the Thai baht that Lin Shen had borrowed earlier to use it to smash the market.

While Lin Shen and his gang were smashing the market, the Dai government was also taking over. No matter how much international hot money Lin Shen and Soros were spending, the Dai government could only bite the bullet and take over.

However, the huge number of empty orders seems to be a bottomless pit that can never be filled.

By the time the NY foreign exchange market closed, the Dai government had placed a total of 18 billion US dollars in short orders.

Now Dai’s foreign exchange reserves are like a broken bag, leaking everywhere.

The NY foreign exchange market closed, and international hot money led by Soros temporarily stopped. Lin Shen also decisively took the people back to the hotel and took the time to catch up on some sleep.

After sleeping until noon and getting up, Ouyang Qianyi once again brought new news

“Boss, the Dai government borrowed foreign exchange from Shicheng and Indonesia. They borrowed a total of $100.”Ou Qianyi said

“Ha ha. The good news is that this shows that Dai’s own foreign exchange reserves are already stretched thin. Lin Shen smiled.

Then at night, Lin Shen appeared at Goldman Sachs Bank again.

Just like the previous two days, Lin Shen and Soros, a group of international hot money, have been selling the Thai baht, and they are having fun. When the market was about to close that day, the intensity of the selling was still unabated.

Then Lin Shen finished his work and went back to the hotel to sleep.

After three days, the Thai baht was already crumbling.

Although the Dai government was still taking orders, it was because the Dai government increased lending.

Interest rates have caused many foreign investors to flee, because they are afraid that if the Thai baht plummets, they will be directly buried in the Dai country.

Of course, they must take the US dollars with them when they flee, and it is impossible to take the Thai baht with them.

All the money earned in the Dai country must be used.

Then , as soon as these foreign investors fled

, the Dai State had to settle foreign exchange for them. These fleeing foreign capital instantly made the Dai government’s foreign exchange reserves even worse, because they took away a large amount of U.S. dollars.

Our own people are also panicking, and various rumors have begun to appear within the Dai country, saying that the country cannot sustain it, and the Thai baht is about to plummet.

The Thai baht has plummeted, and the money in the hands of the people has naturally become worthless, and the people also want to take it.

All the Thai baht in the country was converted into U.


dollars, so the Thai baht depreciated, and they did not panic with the U.


dollars in hand.

So countless Dai people rushed into the bank and asked the bank to convert the Thai baht in their hands into U.



As a result, these Dai people themselves, He also became an accomplice of international hot money, which greatly depleted the foreign exchange reserves of the Dai government.

When Lin Shen heard what Ouyang Qianyi reported to him while having lunch, a smile appeared on his lips.

“.The time has come when the Thai baht plummeted, and all that was left was to block the dam with mud and collapse. Lin Shen chuckled.

In the next two days, Lin Shen continued to smash the market together with Soros and others, and the smashing became bigger and bigger, and the Dai government was stunned.

At the same time, there were also incidents within the Dai country. Serious problems have caused the people to panic, assets have depreciated significantly, and some of Dai’s own financial institutions have begun to short the Thai baht. The moment has come when everyone is in danger.

Faced with internal and external troubles, Dai officials are calling for no response every day. , causing the earth to become inoperable, extremely miserable

“The battle is almost over.”Lin Shen said cheerfully._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP! (qq_987057785)

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