Lin Shen looked at the third stack of documents.

The third stack of documents is an acquisition case.

What Lin Shen asked Mu Tingting to acquire was a state-owned automobile company called”L Auto”.

The automobile company Lin Shen acquired was a little-known company, and there was nothing that could be done about it.

There were now hundreds of domestic car-making companies, all of which were state-owned units.

Last year, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces alone, eight state-owned enterprises announced that they would start building cars.

However, corresponding to this, currently all Longguo’s state-owned enterprises are qualified to build cars, while private enterprises do not have the qualifications to build cars.

To build a car, you must have a”car manufacturing license” issued by the state.

However, this license is not issued to private enterprises.

In other words, people like Lin Shen who do not have a state-owned enterprise background are not allowed to build cars, especially car licenses, which are even more difficult.

Lin Shen will definitely take the road of getting rich by building cars in the future. After all, the growth of Longguo’s car market will be explosive in the future, which is something that cannot be missed.

Lin Shen couldn’t wait two more years, so Lin Shen asked Mu Tingting to buy”L Auto”.

Of course, although private companies do not have the qualifications to build cars, the first private car company was born in Longguo last year, and this company is Jili Automobile.

The boss of Jili Automobile is called Li Xufu. He came from a grassroots background and later started producing motorcycles. Then he suddenly had a whim and decided to build Longguo’s first private car, but he did not have the qualifications. Li Xufu had no choice but to secretly build cars in his motorcycle factory. Then he tried his best to get a”6-digit bus” license, and in August this year, Li Xufu’s first car finally rolled off the assembly line.

Of course, because there is actually no license to produce a car, this car is actually a black car.

Moreover, the first Jelly car could not even pass the rain test because it was assembled from pieces and pieces everywhere.

Lin Shen’s thinking is different from that of Li Xufu. Li Xufu is not as rich as Lin Shen, so he can only build”black-family cars”, but Lin Shen is different. Lin Shen is rich, and he can directly acquire a state-owned automobile company with car manufacturing qualifications. So simple

“Boss, this is the document for company name change.”Mu Tingting found a few pages among all the documents and showed them to Lin Shen.

Now that”L Auto” has been acquired by Lin Shen, it has officially changed its name to Tesla Motors.

It is called Tesla. It was decided by Lin Shen. The main purpose is to have a strong character. Of course, if Musk wants to scold Lin Shen in the future, Lin Shen will not mind. But if you scold him, you should change your Tesla to a Chinese name.

“Boss, although we acquired this L Automobile Company, I went to see it.

This company is a bit disappointing.

In the 1970s and 1980s, it once became one of the top car companies in the country with the production of trucks.

However, because this company has always been Resting on its laurels, relying too much on old models, and not making progress.

The technology currently mastered by this company simply cannot support its re-emergence.

Boss, if you acquire them, be sure not to make a loss-making deal.

“Mu Tingting said.

Mu Tingting was right. Lin Shen spent a lot of money, but this car company was already on its deathbed. Buying him was actually just buying a car production license.

“Haha, Tingting, please consider me. Yes, this company really needs technology but not technology, and equipment but not equipment. But while I asked you to acquire this company, Ouyang is also in Korea, helping me acquire another company. As long as Ouyang can help me win this company, everything will be uncertain. Lin Shen chuckled.

“Ouyang is in Korea?”Mu Tingting said

“Um. It’s been about half a month. Lin Shen said

“Which company did Ouyang go to acquire?”Mu Tingting said curiously

“It doesn’t hurt to tell you now, Daewoo Motors of Daewoo Group. Lin Shen said

“Daewoo Group? Is it the giant Daewoo Group in Korea?”Mu Tingting said in surprise

“Yes, you also know that since the Asian financial crisis started last year, Daewoo Group has been at the center of the storm. Now Daewoo Group is already crumbling and on the verge of bankruptcy. As far as I know, if Daewoo Group counts, it will have liabilities of about US$80 billion. Daewoo Motors is also facing bankruptcy. At this time, I think it is the best time for us to take action. Lin Shen said

“Is Daewoo Group going bankrupt?”Mu Tingting said in shock.

“I think it will be next year at the latest.”Lin Shen laughed.

If the Daewoo Group suddenly collapsed, it would cause a sensation all over the world.

Mu Tingting opened her mouth wide, she couldn’t believe it.

After all, the Daewoo Group was once crazily studied and imitated in the country. It seemed like it was still banqueting guests yesterday, right? The idol that everyone worships will collapse tomorrow and there will be nothing but chicken feathers everywhere.

“Daewoo Motors expanded wildly in the 1990s, acquiring the Worthing Technology Center of the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets, the Northland Gorky Power Research Institute, and a dedicated design center in Bavaria, Hans, to accept cutting-edge international design concepts.

It only took Daewoo Motors just twenty years from its establishment to its rise to become a giant in the automobile manufacturing and sales industry.

If we can successfully acquire it, we can bring all the technology and technical personnel to our country.

What effect do you think it will have? Lin Shen said to Mu Tingting

“Boss, I really didn’t expect that you watch and don’t care about anything all day long, but secretly know everything. You are so awesome.”Mu Tingting said in surprise

“Haha, although I don’t leave my house, I have read thousands of books.”Lin Shen patted himself and spread out a table of books.

“As expected of you.”Mu Tingting said

“Now we are waiting for news from Ouyang. Lin Shen said lightly.


That afternoon, Ouyang Qianyi, who was far away in Korea, called Lin Shen. During the phone call, Ouyang Qianyi’s tone was not relaxed.

“Boss, the situation is not very optimistic. Not only us, Stars and Stripes General Motors and other Western car companies are also interested in Daewoo Motors. Among them, General Motors is the most determined to win and is our main competitor this time. It seems that I will spend the Spring Festival in Korea.”Ouyang Qianyi said with a hint of complaint in her tone.

In the last life, Daewoo Motors was eventually acquired by General Motors. It is conceivable that Ouyang Qianyi encountered resistance.

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