Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 185 Titan Company Is Established! The Last-Ditch Battle Between Gu Ge And Tesila!

Because of this incident, the relationship between Gemini was very tense for a time.

Coupled with various reasons, Gu Ge's car project has been established for many years, but it has been unable to be implemented. This has caused many doubts within Gu Ge.

Not only many employees have questioned, but even shareholders have expressed dissatisfaction!

"We invest in you, not to let you waste it!"

Under this huge pressure, Gemini had to compromise on this matter!

In the end, Page took the initiative to have a long talk with Brin, and the two parties finally reached a consensus, and this is what happened today!

"I believe everyone has guessed that what will be announced next is indeed Gu Ge's driverless car project!"

“As one of the most powerful technology companies in the world, Google has been committed to the development of artificial intelligence and driverless cars. Previously, Google invested heavily and huge manpower to establish the driverless car project and launched it in 2016. We reached relevant cooperation with FAC (Cressler) Company in 2018, trying to promote our technology!”

"But after a few years, the results are not very satisfactory~!"

Everyone present was silent, quietly listening to Page's story.

Things have come to this, no matter whether you are surprised or not, you can't change what has been done!

“After learning from the experience, we believe that there is a problem with Google’s direction! As a technology company, artificial intelligence and driverless technology are our strongest projects.

But we put more effort into physical car manufacturing than anything else!"

"There is no doubt that this diverts our energy greatly!"

"It turns out that there are specialties in the technology industry! So after discussions at the board of directors and shareholders' meeting, our Guge company decided to officially abandon the physical car manufacturing project! Guge will be committed to the development of driverless technology and seek out car manufacturers in the industry. Authorize business cooperation!”

Brother Gu gave up!

After the fruit company, another giant company failed in the field of automobile manufacturing!


The scene was silent for a moment, and then a burst of warm applause broke out!

This is not surprising, because everyone knows about Gu Ge’s intelligent AI Alpha Dog. Once Gu Ge concentrates on this field, he will undoubtedly achieve greater breakthroughs!

And the business partners chosen by Brother Gu are already about to be announced!


Amid warm applause, Page officially announced the final answer!

"There is no doubt that among the global car manufacturers, Tesla is definitely the leader in the field of driverless cars. After a long review, we believe Tesla is the best business partner!"

"In the first half of this year, our two sides have already conducted commercial negotiations on this matter. After several months, our two sides have reached a series of agreements on this aspect of business cooperation!"

“Starting today, Google will jointly establish a holding company with Tesla with a registered capital of US$5 billion, of which Google will hold 60% of the shares and Tesla will hold 40%. This company will operate independently and enjoy the benefits of Google. And Tesla’s financial, technical, and human support! At that time, Google’s autonomous driving project team will be separately divided into the company’s autonomous driving project team together with Tesla’s autonomous driving project team, and officially merged!”

"This company will be named Titan!"

"At the same time, Google promises that the company's artificial intelligence project team will also permanently open the licensing of patented technology in intelligent AI to Titan Company! It will also provide technical support for autonomous driving projects in the long term! And Google searches, Andesk The system will also provide it with relevant big data support!”

Musk then took Page's microphone and stepped forward to continue speaking!

“Guge is a great technology company that has always been at the forefront of the world in the field of artificial intelligence! On behalf of Tetra, I would like to express my welcome to cooperate with Guge!

"After the establishment of Titan Company, Tesla also promised to open its database and share comprehensive data in all aspects! I believe that in this regard, Tesla can give Titan Company extremely strong support!"



The audience once again let out a gasp of air!

The words of Page and Musk were like a sledgehammer, hitting everyone's hearts hard!

Titan Company!

Share big data!

Almost every piece of news is enough to make headlines in major media!

"Hi! Another strong cooperation! Yesterday we just broke through the communication barrier with Microsoft and completed the sharing and circulation of big data. Today we established Titan Company to integrate Tesla's driverless project. This is a big move. It’s too much!”

0...Please give me flowers...

"Unmanned driving technology, to put it bluntly, is one of the application fields of artificial intelligence. As the world's top intelligent AI, the help provided by AlphaGo will probably improve Titan's technology a lot! Together with Microsoft and Google, With the big data provided by the three Tesla giants, AlphaGo may be able to evolve into real artificial intelligence!”

"I think the emergence of real artificial intelligence is not good news! Don't forget the plot in the movie. Can a real artificial intelligence coexist peacefully with humans?


Many people couldn't help but feel shocked!


The in-depth cooperation between the three top global giants is far more powerful than the original MIO alliance!

The original MIO alliance actually only joined forces to block Beichen Technology. Its own technology and valuable data were not shared, so it quickly collapsed.

However, this time it was different. Gu Ge, Microsoft, and the three companies were obviously serious about it!

"Early before the press conference, Tesla had already carried out preliminary cooperation with Gu Ge to further optimize and upgrade the existing driverless system!"

"The optimized system has greatly improved in terms of accurate recognition rate and driverless safety! Tesla will push OTA upgrades to Tesla vehicles around the world in the future. We welcome the global Tesla owners have upgraded and given us feedback and suggestions!”

"We sincerely hope that we can achieve truly driverless driving in our lifetime!"

Musk's face was glowing at the moment. The cooperation with Guge Company gave him more confidence. At this moment, he can be said to be full of ambition and high-spirited!

He can already imagine that with the support of big data from Microsoft and Google, Tesla will only need ten years, no, maybe even five years, or even three years to achieve true unmanned operation. drive!

“As the world’s top player in driverless cars, Tesla has the confidence and strength to achieve this goal!”

"Please wait and see!"

"Thank you everyone Maru!".

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