Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 207 The Mysterious 635 Research Institute! Ouyang Ming Appears Again!

The next day.

A jeep parked at the entrance of the courtyard.

"Mr. Luo, I've finally waited for you!"

Ouyang Ming, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, came to visit directly in his casual clothes!

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

Luo Yang welcomed us warmly.

The two haven't seen each other for a while. If it hadn't been for today's arrangement, I don't know how long it would have been. After all, Ouyang Ming's department is highly confidential, and it would be very difficult to go out in private!

After sitting down and drinking a cup of tea, Ouyang Ming couldn't wait to leave.

"Let's go, the itinerary has been arranged by the above, so your people don't need to follow. You understand the confidentiality regulations!"

Ouyang Ming blinked.

This was the planned itinerary. Luo Yang nodded to Zhao Liang and followed Ouyang Ming into the jeep.

As soon as he turned around the alley, Luo Yang noticed a car following him. Seeing Ou Yangming's expression as usual, he knew it was the security force arranged by the superiors.

The convoy arrived at the international airport, and through a special passage, the two entered a chartered flight that they had been waiting for for a long time.

From the outside, this charter flight 04 looks no different from ordinary civil aviation, but you can clearly detect some differences in the cabin crew!

"Mr. Luo, Mr. Bai, please do not move around after the plane takes off. We will notify you in advance when we arrive at the destination."

The flight attendant reminded the two of them with a smile.


Luo Yang glanced at Ouyang Ming, who was winking at him.

It's a fake name!

To be precise, it is not a fake name. For a highly confidential department like Ouyang Ming, there are few identities that are too embarrassing to go out.

As for authenticity, who dares to say that the certificates officially issued by the Inspection Department are fake?


Luo Yang suddenly came back to his senses: "Could it be that the name Ouyang Ming is fake?"

This left him speechless!

The two have known each other for so long, and this was the first time he thought of this problem.

"Don't ask! I won't answer if you ask!"

As if he guessed what he was thinking, Ouyang Ming spoke directly, blocking Luo Yang's doubts.

"Gan, I suddenly realized that when dealing with you, no matter how smart you are, it's not enough!"

Luo Yang couldn't help but vomit.

As for asking Xiaobei to investigate, I'm afraid there will be no results.

Really highly confidential data will not be connected to the Internet at all, especially when it comes to information such as identity files. Without the Internet, there is nothing Bei can do.

Four hours later, the plane landed at an airport.

Looking out of the porthole, there are towering mountains and lush forests filling one's field of vision. After getting off the plane, one is greeted by a steaming heat wave!

This is clearly an extremely secretive airport somewhere!

Luo Yang glanced around. This airport hidden in a certain mountain was obviously not for civilian use. Apart from his own plane, there were only two camouflage green armed helicopters on the long runway!

It’s actually Wu-20!

Although he is not a professional military fan, Luo Yang had seen this model before when he participated in a confidential project in his previous life, so he recognized it at a glance.

This is one of the main models of Longguo Army Airlines!

"Let's go, we have to change planes the rest of the way!"

Ouyang Ming didn't know when he had changed into camouflage clothes, got off the plane and patted Luo Yang.

After the two got on the helicopter, the portholes on both sides were covered by a layer of camouflage netting, making it impossible to see the outside scene. Obviously, the rest of the journey was still completely confidential.

This is not the first time Luo Yang has flown in a helicopter, but it is the first time in an armed helicopter.

The headphones blocked a large part of the roar of the wings, but the bumpy feeling still made him a little uncomfortable.

It’s about to knock people apart!

When the plane landed, Luo Yang finally arrived at the destination of his trip, a secret research institute hidden in the middle of a mountain!

"Mr. Luo, welcome to the 635 Research Institute!

A group of scientific researchers in white coats warmly welcomed his arrival.

"Let me introduce, this is Professor Xu from Institute 635, who is responsible for the No. 2 project we are going to carry out. That is Professor He, who is responsible for the swarm drone combat system we cooperated with before!"

Ouyang Ming introduced the other party's identity to Luo Yang.

This was the first time Luo Yang saw each other.

Long before this, Longguo J had reached several confidential cooperation agreements with Beichen Technology through Ouyang Ming's help.

In accordance with Fang's confidentiality requirements, Luo Yang only selected the technical personnel sent here. After that, only when Party J encountered difficulties, he would contact him through a confidential line and provide technical consultants through remote contact. He himself was the first See the true face of the partner for once!

"Mr. Luo, we have finally come to you! Lao He and I have already reported to the superiors and hope to meet with you as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the confidentiality of this project is too high, so it has been delayed until now!"

Professor Xu and Professor He, both of whom had gray hair, were very excited to hold Luo Yang’s hand!

It's better to meet than to be famous. The two of them have already heard of Luo Yang's name!

"Two professors are very polite. I just have some experience in some aspects. If I really want to focus on scientific research, I can't sit still. At the critical moment, I have to rely on you, the pillars of the country."

The researchers in front of him are all important talents carefully cultivated by the country. Luo Yang does not dare to take credit in front of them at all!

His attitude is very respectful!

It is these scientific researchers who are hidden behind the scenes and have always been unknown that Longguo has achieved technological breakthroughs in countless important fields and allowed ordinary people to live a peaceful life today!

Luo Yang is also an ordinary person who enjoys this benefit!

Without his valuable experience in the previous life, he would not be qualified to appear here!

"Mr. Luo, you are too polite! We must know that your Beichen Technology has achieved 760 breakthroughs in many important fields! These projects are the shortcomings of our Dragon Kingdom!"

Facing Luo Yang, Professor He did not show any airs.

Although Luo Yang is young, Professor He can't help but be amazed by his series of achievements!

"Not to mention anything else, the breakthroughs in the two major projects of basic software, computer operating system, and database have filled the two major gaps in Longguo in this field! These are important projects that our Longguo urgently needs to break through. ah!"

"When the U.S. spy mirror plan was exposed, I felt terrified all over!"

Professor He’s words resonated with many people!

This is why they attach so much importance to Luo Yang!

Whether it is an operating system or a database, these basic software are related to the country's underlying data security, especially the database, which is related to the safety of the entire Dragon Kingdom people!

For example, the household registration system of the Audit Department has extremely high requirements for the stability and security of the database!

The Dragon Kingdom has a population of 1.4 billion. Even if only some basic information is entered, the server will be overwhelmed by the huge data flow. It is difficult for ordinary database software to meet this requirement. Stuttering and crashes are commonplace when retrieving data. , losing data is the most troublesome thing!

So when you go to do business, don’t always dislike the slow speed of official personnel, because the database is really difficult to use!

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