Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 161 I Still Like Your Unruly Look!

Beichen Technology Headquarters.

"Sasheng, drink tea!"

Luo Yang served tea with a smile.

All alcoholic beverages were withdrawn this time. This was what Ou Yangming meant.

The second time I came to the Dragon Kingdom, Mr. Sasha was still in charge of the negotiations. As for Ms. Yeva, she did not come, and Luo Yang didn't care.

"Ahem, cough, well, I, um...

Holding the teacup in his thick palm, Sasha had a tangled look on his face at the moment. If the great motherland didn't need him, he would never come to the Dragon Kingdom again!

Especially the headquarters of Beichen Technology!

Different from the cold in high latitudes, the climate in Shanghai makes Sasha feel uncomfortable. The temperature here is much hotter than Sochi, the most suitable place for Big Bear to live!

"Yeah, it's okay. Mr. Sasha, please speak slowly. We are not in a hurry."

Ouyang Ming held the tea with a smile and drank it happily, as if what he was drinking was not water, but banknotes!

Most of the people present were the same group as at the last meeting. More than two months ago, Mr. Sasha very "arrogantly" proposed a series of conditions to Beichen Technology. As a result, the negotiations broke down directly and he turned around and returned home!

Then two months later, Mr. Sasha sat here obediently again!

Luo Yang and the negotiation team are more leisurely than the other at this moment. They have no choice but to use the "647" method. Who will let the other side ask for help from them!

There are not many opportunities for this kind of lion to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai with its mouth wide open!

After drinking the fourth cup of tea, Mr. Sasha, who felt that his bladder would not be able to hold it any longer, finally blushed and made his request.

"We hope to reach a series of cooperation with you! Including but not limited to software, hardware and other services!"

The eyes of the Dragon Kingdom team present lit up and they all looked at each other.

"Ahem, these are easy to talk about!"

"Whether it's hardware or software, as long as the conditions you give are reasonable, we can provide these things! I just don't know how sincere you are willing to show this time?"

Luo Yang spoke.

Sasha gritted his teeth.

"We can open up policy and safety review restrictions to you and allow you to build a joint venture factory with us! You can have a controlling stake, but the maximum cannot exceed 55%. This is the red line!"

Compared with the last time Big Bear asked for a controlling stake, this time's conditions seemed much more sincere.

"Not enough, we require the holding to be no less than 85%!"

A senior executive next to Luo Yang spoke directly. Seeing that Luo Yang did not stop him, he knew that he had the boss's tacit approval, and he felt confident!

"This is impossible!"

Sasha's blond hair is like a roaring lion: "This is absolutely impossible! Even your Dragon Kingdom does not allow controlling shares in foreign Internet requirements. Our ability to allow you to hold controlling shares is the biggest concession!!!"

"Ahem, Mr. Sasha, after all, the national conditions are different. Our Dragon Country is a country where the people are the masters of the country. Naturally, we cannot let foreign companies take control of the country. But your Big Bear Country is a free capitalism. Country! How can we copy our country’s policies in this area?”

"You might as well be a big bear, don't you have any pride in yourself?"

Ouyang Ming spoke directly.

Sasha looked at Ouyang Ming and her eyes suddenly seemed to be cannibalistic!

Good guy, you really don’t deserve to be a human being, do you?

Just pouring salt into the wound, right?

Swearing to expose someone's shortcomings, right?

What the hell... you're right!

Sasha wanted to refute something, but seemed to not know where to start. Everyone understood that the other party was remembering a scene thirty years ago.

The moment the red flag fell from the Kung Palace, the red bear fell.

Today’s Big Bear is a capitalist country that is “unprepared”!

"57%, this is our bottom line!"

Sasha slapped the table! His expression was like a glaring King Kong!

Ouyang Ming sneered, blew the tea leaves in front of him, and gave Luo Yang a wink.

Luo Yang: Got it!


"I advise you not to bully others too much! Young people want rat tail juice! 60%!"


"You young people don't have martial ethics! You, the boys in Nancun, are bullying me because I am old and weak, you, you, you... 63%!"


After some bickering, the two parties finally reached an agreement. Beichen Technology and a domestic enterprise in Daxiong jointly held a joint venture with no less than 69% of the shares, achieving absolute control!

As a joint venture partner, Daxiong Country has supervisory powers and will send two members to the board of directors. One will be responsible for supervising data security, mainly responsible for local sensitive data stored in Daxiong, and one will be responsible for supervising finance, mainly responsible for taxation, etc. .

After finalizing the joint venture ratio, the two parties reached preliminary opinions on further cooperation.

"Currently, we need you to open relevant software permissions in my country as soon as possible. Ahem, we will remove technical restrictions on your operating systems, software, Internet services and other products as soon as possible."

For example, accessing the official website of Beichen Dragon Kingdom from Daxiong territory is no longer a 404!

"As for electronic maps, your idea of ​​collecting map data is impossible! For data security reasons, we can provide you with 1-3 private map data suppliers. The data generated by your operations in our country Relevant confidential data | must be stored on our local server!”

Sasha continued to make concessions.

Luo Yang agreed after thinking for a moment.

"In terms of hardware, for your Beichen mobile phone, our Big Bear Country has completed the review of the relevant network access license. However, in terms of tax rate, we believe that the cumulative tax rate of 27% for customs duties and value-added tax is very reasonable..."

"No, no, no, Mr. Sasha, this tax rate is too high. We request tax reductions and exemptions from corresponding policies! For example, a reduction of 5%!"

"This is impossible!"

The teams representing both sides were quarreling and negotiating bit by bit, arguing over every decimal point!

The unit of the number behind this decimal point is hundreds of millions!

The currency is Dragon Yuan!

The negotiation lasted for three days, during which in addition to a series of regular conditions, there were also many confidential conditions that were not disclosed to the public. In this regard, the second representative team led by Ouyang Ming conducted the negotiations.

Luo Yang, as a person with corresponding authority, also participated in this negotiation!

The negotiation team next to Sasha also had many new faces, and these people came from the embassy in Dragon Country.

Luo Yang glanced at these people from the corner of his eye. He was tall and capable, and his every move gave people a military style!

As early as after the last negotiation, Luo Yang asked Xiaobei to collect relevant information about Sasha and his negotiating team, and learned that the other party was a retired navy man who later became a civilian and was transferred to an official organization. His background came from his father-in-law.

His father-in-law is a senior executive in Daxiong, and Ms. Yeva who came last time is this executive’s youngest daughter, Mr. Sasha’s sister-in-law...

"Mr. Sasha, Beichen Technology is a well-known enterprise in my country. The export of many of its technologies and equipment is subject to review by the relevant confidentiality departments. The export is not allowed without obtaining an export license!"

"However, we, Longguo and Daxiong, have always been good friends and are willing to lend a helping hand in times of crisis. Based on the principle of win-win cooperation, we are in principle willing to export relevant technologies and products to you!"

Sasha's face on the opposite side was livid, and the corners of his mouth were twitching!

"Damn Grandet! Vampire!"

Every time they met the smiling guy opposite, Sasha and Big Bear would be slaughtered once!

What he negotiated with Beichen Technology before was a private business cooperation agreement, but what he is negotiating now is whether Longguo will allow Beichen Technology to export related technology products!

If he can't handle Ouyang Ming, then the previous cooperation conditions will be equivalent to failure!

"So, Mr. Ouyang Ming, what do you think this so-called principle should be like?"

"Well, it's like this. We learned that you have suffered unfair treatment internationally, which has caused the related products to be unsaleable. As friends, we have the obligation to solve this sales problem. At the same time, we promise that we are willing to sell products at a price no lower than the market price. Mainstream price standards, large quantities and unlimited purchases!”

"As for currency, whether it's US dollars or dragon dollars, we can do it."

Ouyang Ming said and handed over a form.

Sasha's hand holding the form was trembling.

Each of the things recorded on this form is worth a lot of money!

What made him even more depressed was that these were strategic materials!

"Oil, natural gas, iron ore, coal mine...Palladium, platinum, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium..."

Sasha's mouth twitched.

Oil and natural gas were within his expectations. After all, one of the two parties is a major oil exporter and the other is a major oil importer. This condition is normal.

Coal mines and iron ores are one of the most common import and export materials, which he expected.

However, palladium, platinum, rhodium, ruthenium, and iridium are all very popular platinum series precious metals in the world!

Platinum series precious metals have a wide range of application scenarios, especially as indispensable materials in electronic devices, semiconductors, batteries and other industries. Unfortunately, the resources of platinum series 4.7 precious metals in Long Country are very scarce!

Platinum series precious metal resources are mainly concentrated in North America, Big Bear, South Philippines and other countries. They are one of the important raw materials that are in short supply in the Dragon Kingdom.

Sasha admitted that after seeing what was on this form, he really had the idea of ​​giving up!

He looked at each other with the negotiating teams on his left and right.


"I can agree to the request for coal mines and iron mines, but I have not received the corresponding authorization for oil, gas, and precious metal resources! I need time to ask for instructions from the country!"

Ouyang Ming was not surprised.

"Of course, we are very patient!"

That night, a meeting was held in Big Bear Country, and 48 hours later, instructions from Big Bear reached Sasha.

After receiving the authorization from the country, Sasha closed his eyes in pain as he looked at Ouyang Ming, Luo Yang and other negotiators sitting across from him sharpening his knives.

"We agree to all these conditions!"


Ouyang Ming silently gestured to Luo Yang!

Looking at Sasha who was being held tightly by Ouyang Ming, Luo Yang sighed silently.

"Mr. Sasha, I still prefer your unruly look!".

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