Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 166 The Creepy Cross! The Fate Of The Betrayer!

Although he is a retired agent, in Winston's heart, he has never thought of betraying this country!

During his long service, he made countless contributions to the Daying Empire!

But this time he miscalculated!

As a member of the Daying Empire, he failed to step forward when the empire needed him most.

As one of the nine angels in the Garden of Eden, he missed the opportunity to have a life-and-death confrontation with Lucifer.

As one of the strongest players in the hacker world, he missed the reappearance of Kevin Mitnick and the high-profile rise of the ghost!

At the same time, as a royal knight personally conferred by the Queen, he failed to respond to the Queen's call at the critical moment!

At this moment, Winston regretted it.

He began to reflect on whether his previous actions were too irrational.

Because of his many years as an agent, he never trusts anyone. Even the people he sleeps with are just passers-by in his life!

For him, his most trusted companion should be the beagle that has only been with him for many years!

Of course, there is also Mrs. M, the immediate supervisor and liaison person!

As 007, he did too many things during his mission, which directly put him on the blacklist of various countries, and he was also the target of countless intelligence agencies eager to get rid of him!

It is also true that after he retired, in order to avoid being tracked by various forces, the most common places where "467" appeared were in various deep mountains and old forests, as well as various desolate places, and he was also very addicted to this kind of close to primitive. human life.

There is no verbal confrontation, no conspiracy and betrayal, and no fancy life. In these extremely desolate places, his life can be said to be extremely simple!

In these places, he lives in the most primitive way, tempers his body, and exercises himself. Even though he is middle-aged, he still maintains a very strong combat effectiveness!

When he went to the Big Bear Country to perform a secret assassination mission, he had a confrontation with the Snow Fox Mercenary Group. According to rumors in the industry, the Snow Fox Mercenary Group located deep in Siberia was trained in such extremely harsh and cruel conditions. member!

The mortality rate exceeds 70%!

And that battle almost caused Winston to sink into the sand!

In the mercenary industry, in addition to the Snow Fox Mercenary Group, the top teams include the Cobra Mercenary Group located in the Congolese rainforest, the Blood Orchid Mercenary Group operating in the South American tropical rainforest, and the Dark Night Mercenary Group in the Southeast Asian region. Mercenary group.

These major forces are all extremely fierce and powerful existences!

While in Africa, Winston, who was "fishing" deep in the Congo River, narrowly missed the Cobra mercenary group on a mission and escaped.

After all, he has retired and without the protection and support of M16 behind him, once he encounters the main force of the Cobra mercenary group, the outcome will be very dangerous!

Who told him to trick a cobra back then?

After his mentality changed, his attitude towards Mrs. M also changed, and Mrs. M was also keenly aware of this.

After waiting for a long time, Ying, the troublemaker on the S floor, is ready to make a move again!

This time, their targets are Beichen Technology and Longguo!

After receiving instructions from the superiors, M16 immediately began to plan this confidential operation, and Mrs. M immediately thought of Winston, and thus, today's meeting took place.

Silence, long silence!

The only sounds in the room were the breathing of the two people and the sound of the old clock moving.

Winston looked a little struggling. He wanted to do something for his motherland, but he didn't want to lose his peaceful life and get involved in a new turmoil.

Mrs. M watched him quietly.

She knows the other party's mentality very well, and at the same time she has no doubts about the result!

She noticed that under Winston's slightly unwilling eyes, there seemed to be some relief and excitement hidden?

"You know how to inform me."

For a long time, after leaving a word, Winston's figure disappeared from this room, as if he had never appeared before. However, none of the surveillance equipment located in every corner of M16 captured his figure!

"Hehehe, hounds are still hounds after all, and the instinct to hunt prey will never disappear!"

Mrs. M showed a satisfied smile.

She pressed a series of numbers.

"The hounds are ready, and the "Armageddon" plan is officially launched!"

".....…as you wish!"

A mechanical voice answered, and then the phone was hung up.

The United States on the other side of the ocean is also preparing a conspiracy!

Located in a mountain range in Oregon, there are lush redwood trees growing there. These straight, tall and tall trees are like a group of loyal guards, guarding their owners deep in the valley!

It was a luxurious manor covering an extremely large area!

The manor is surrounded by a huge valley, and its location is very hidden. Surrounding the mountains are large areas of uninhabited jungle. There is only a hidden road leading here. There are many secret sentries and monitoring equipment along the way, and the guards are very tight!

“Buzz buzz—!”

The unique roar of the helicopter sounded, and an S-76 luxury private helicopter produced by the American Sikorsky Company quietly landed here.

"Mr. Volta, welcome to your arrival. The master is already waiting for you."

The white-haired manor housekeeper wore a crisp suit and received the visitors elegantly.

The middle-aged white man he calls Mr. Volt is the owner of the global automobile giant, Volt Motors, and the current patriarch of the Volt family!

"Is everyone else here too?"

Volt adjusted his suit and glanced around.

"Yes, everyone who has received the invitation has attended.

The old housekeeper looked calm.

After flicking the ash from his cigar and not caring about it falling on the newly built lawn, Volt strode into the manor.

If the outside of the manor feels very mysterious, then when you walk inside, you will be shocked!

What comes into view is a huge cross. This symbol, symbolizing the crucifixion of Jesus, is very common in countries that follow Christianity.


What is on this huge cross is not a crucifix, but a living one!

A middle-aged white man was nailed to a cross. Huge iron nails were deeply embedded in his limbs. Red blood slowly flowed along the cross, and many dried blood stains could be seen.

The man's expression was extremely painful, even numb, and his head hung weakly.

No one knows how long he has been here.

Volt's expression was stern, and he couldn't help but frown at this brutal scene.


Da da.

The footsteps of the old butler sounded behind him.

"Mr. Volta, this is just an arrogant fool. It's just that he didn't do what the master told him to do, and he stupidly exposed all his plans to the world!"

"It would be fine if he died, but unfortunately, he didn't even have the courage to die! He chose to hide behind the police and survive!"

"For me, stupidity is not terrible, Cai!"

Hearing the voice of the old butler, the man on the cross slowly raised his head. His defeated and skinny face stared at Volt for a moment, as if he wanted to say something, but all he could make was a sound like wind...

It was this glance that allowed Volt to see the face of the other person clearly - a person who had once met him once, but now, his teeth and tongue were gone.

"Are you...Pete???"

Volt's eyes widened in horror, and the cigar in his hand fell directly onto the expensive wool carpet, burning a hole!

The man on the cross turned out to be the former AML senior vice president, Pete, who was rumored to have committed suicide in fear of guilt by the Holland police not long ago!

Because he and the other three people jointly planned the backdoor scandal in the AMSL lithography machine system, which caused a serious blow to the Wanwan semiconductor industry, and finally chose to directly join the Long Kingdom camp!

Later, the four Peters, whose true identities were discovered by Ghost and Lucifer, were directly called the Devil Four by all walks of life!

And the fate of the foursome was worse than the last!

AMSL President Malfoy was stabbed to death by Senior Vice President Pete!

Kent, the former president of the SLA Association, died of a heart attack after ineffective rescue efforts. The headquarters of the SLA Association was set on fire by angry people and burned to rubble!

The top hacker hired by the trio - Twisted Angel Abraham, after his vest "Blue Devil" was revealed, fell off a cliff while driving to escape. Abraham died on the spot! Even his body was burned by the explosive grenade. ashes!

Only Peter survived the hand-to-hand fight with Malfoy, and was subsequently arrested by the local police. Because he was seriously injured, the police did not prosecute him until he recovered from his injuries, but remained in custody!

Later there were rumors that Pitt was ready to admit his crime and voluntarily be extradited to Dragon Country for trial!

Then just two months ago, Pete, who was recuperating in a secret medical institution, suddenly set fire to commit suicide. After the fire was extinguished, the police and forensic doctors compared the human tissue remaining at the scene with Pete's DNA and confirmed that the deceased was Pete!

Because the defendant was dead, the original plan to extradite him to the Dragon Kingdom was naturally abandoned!

As for the Devil Four, although the other party belongs to the semiconductor industry, Volt came into contact with this person at a certain business exchange meeting organized by the Black Palace, so he still has an impression!

The miserable situation of the other party at this moment made Volt feel cold all over, and a stream of cold air reached directly from his head to the soles of his feet.

He never expected that the other party would end up like this!!!

"Hasn't he already been announced by the Helan police to have committed suicide out of fear of crime? It caused quite a stir at that time. At that time, the forensic doctor and the police examined the body and confirmed that it was Peter himself! So now..."

Volt's brain was spinning wildly.

"Haha, yes, this idiot is Peter, an idiot who chose to betray the organization and also betrayed the master!"

Another voice sounded from behind Volt. He turned around and saw an old acquaintance who was also the current president of the SLA Association and the former secretary-general Vincent!

With the support of Wall Street, Vincent successfully drove away Kent's son, Kent Jr., and became the president of the SAL Association!

Afterwards, Vincent changed the high profile of the SLA Association and chose to hide behind the scenes.

Being able to appear in this mysterious manor, it is obvious that Vincent, like Mr. Volt, is also one of the people who received the invitation from "Master"!

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