Strategic vision!

Very empty stuff, but the most important thing for a company's leader is actually a strategic vision. If you don't have it, then you may fall behind in the future.

Behind is to be beaten!

Some lagging behind may make you lose a lot of things forever, for example, your business disappears in the long river of history.

This statement is not an exaggeration!

Especially in high-tech companies, if you lag behind, sometimes you can’t catch up. In this type of company, a leader’s strategic vision is very important. If the strategic vision is correct, you can lead you. Of companies continue to catch up with the front line, as long as there are no accidents in the middle, your company will at least not be eliminated, and it will continue to survive.

Just because you know the future direction of development, you continue to lead, and you will definitely do a lot of research and development work. If you work around this theme, how can you not produce results?

The one with the most bottom line is that it can always survive and won't be completely eliminated.

And An Ran throws a quantization to show his strategic vision.

In fact, it is too early to talk about quantization, and it can even be said that there are some holes, but there is already such a statement in China, but it is very difficult to realize it.

Quantitative calculations!

Very scary, a small quantitative computer is enough to compare with a complicated supercomputer.

If multiple miniaturized and quantified computers are put together, what kind of height the calculation will reach is unimaginable. Although the PC terminal has declined, there is one thing you cannot deny, that is Existence is necessary, it is only the side of ordinary commercialization, and it will always be indispensable in the entire industrial structure.

If not, why do so many countries continue to type supercomputers?

You need to know that the cost of supercomputing is extremely high, whether it is building or subsequent maintenance, but many developed countries spare no effort, just because the industry wants to develop, they will never be able to leave the supercomputing.

Even the current concept, the so-called cloud computing, is indeed terrifying, but what is behind cloud computing?

After all, the supercomputer is still supporting it, that is the carrier.

Having a huge amount of calculation can not only improve efficiency, but also is inseparable from industrial development. Obviously, the future is the world of quantum computers, and how can quantum computers be separated from quantum chips?

Godson International, the future path is still based on the field of chips, and the future is the world of quantum computers, so what about quantum chips?

That is the way to the future!

This is enough, and proves An Ran's strategic vision. Maybe you don't need to study it now, but you will definitely enter this area of ​​research in the future. This is inevitable and certain.

"For An Dong, you control Godson International, we have 100% trust."

Lin Jianyong first expressed their attitude. This attitude is very important. However, as an investor, even if he does not mention his identity for the time being, from the standpoint of an investor, it cannot be like this: "We are The Godson International under your leadership, whether it is now or in the future, still maintains optimistic confidence, but...people will always make mistakes."

"Indeed it is!"

An Ran also nodded in agreement, but he admitted that it was one thing, and being tough was another thing: "But I still have the same attitude. Everything about Godson International must be 100%, and I still To have absolute control, this is my bottom line, and it cannot be changed. Maybe the future Godson International can have other voices, such as some suggestions, but that is the future, maybe in a few years, Or maybe ten or twenty years from now."

"Longson International is my leadership. I don't want any problems to cause internal problems. I will not forget the original intention and will not allow some unexpected factors. Even if more investors enter the market, the same will happen. It is my bottom line and principles, otherwise, investors should not enter the market."

"The current Huaxin International is actually the best example. Is it really just the conflict between the professional management, the shareholders and the founders? In the final analysis, it is still the disagreement of some internal investors, and then on various issues, Even if the operation of this company is still okay, and it has achieved results year after year, but they are making progress in research and development, and how much progress can be made, everyone with a discerning eye knows."

"To put it bluntly, there are still disagreements, and there is also the problem of commercialization. Investors have seen profits and made money, and they have opinions on R&D investment. They are thinking about whether they can get more bonus points. After all, the company has made money. Well, in this case, how much investment can be invested in research and development?"

"With this premise, Godson International is absolutely not allowed to appear. Investors can come for the purpose of making money, business, but in the short term, even if the company has strong profitability, it will not pay dividends, except for this. In addition, Loongson International will not be listed, and will never be ipo. In order to maintain a high degree of centralization, the company will always maintain its investment in research and development. Maybe in the future, when the profit is very strong, a certain amount will be formulated. Let’s pay dividends in proportion, but it is conservatively estimated that in the next ten years, no matter how far it is, there will be no dividends."

"You should consider this, and you should think about it seriously."

An Ran simply spoke more openly and more profoundly.

People's background, people's ideas!

Putting aside some things, it is still an investment company after all, and an investment company is about returns. This cannot be changed. You can never stand on a moral level, and because of other people’s background, you say that people should not run. It is not realistic to talk about dedication to earn money.

No dividends within a short period of time!

This is to make it clear, don’t when Godson International really produces results, and then put it on the market, after all, the domestic chip market is there, but when there are results, then Godson International will definitely be an instant hit, even if it is. Being able to make very low-end chips, I believe that the market space will be huge, then it can be sure to have a lot of profitability.

Once they have profitability and greatly exceed R&D investment, will investors ask for dividends?

It is not impossible, it should be said that it is very possible.

Of course, R&D investment will never be enough to talk about no, but annual planning can be enough, depending on how you plan.


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