Integrate a search engine in line with the trend of the times!

is it hard?

It's really not difficult at all, and once it is out, it can really sweep the thousand degrees into the garbage.

It can be said that if nothing amazing appears behind Thousand Degrees, then their distance is completely finished, it is really just a matter of time.

You need to know that in the Internet field, from the original PC end to the cloud computing behind, Qiandu did not account for any benefits, but in terms of cloud computing, the three giants actually stand together, except for the old horse. In addition to the Penguin Group’s online shopping empire, there is also Weihua Company.


Regardless of the fact that Weihua is not an Internet company, Weihua is not weak at all in terms of cloud computing.

Remember that little ball breaking movie?

Known as the representative of domestic science fiction blockbusters, even none of them exist. Their special effects rely on cloud 12 computing, and their special effects are supported by nothing else. It is for the Chinese company, and the special effects company for the Chinese company. It provides cloud computing support, and even a lot of technical support, which makes the special effects of the small ball so shocking.

That's definitely a world-class special effect. Many years ago, many practitioners said that it was impossible to make decent special effects in China, but it was just a small break. No one knows it, that is, it is low-key for the Chinese company. Otherwise, if you switch to a higher-profile company, no one in the country would have been ignorant.

All right!

Weihua Company is really not an Internet company.

So in the final analysis, in the Internet field, the situation of the two giants is still inseparable. From the perspective of An Ran, it is impossible. Although he is not an angry young man, he will not worry about the country and the people, but he stands here now. The height really shouldn't be, but it's really not an easy task to change this situation.

To be honest, the emergence of Longyue Ventures, is there no such factor?

It’s just that Longyue Ventures really has no way to completely change this embarrassing situation, because Longyue Ventures is just an investment company, not an Internet company, two Internet giants, they finally became the absolute two giants. , What they rely on is nothing more than their traffic, or to put it simply, their huge data.

Even if Longyue Ventures intervenes here, it can't change the situation. If you want to really change this situation, you still need to solve the problem from the root.

Two key figures!

Old Ma and Xiao Ma!

Just trying to convince these two people is not an easy task.

It seems that An Ran did not intend to persuade them, especially the old Ma, who has gone farther and farther on the original road, but the little Ma, after the attack, is more low-key and more sensible, but it is easier to persuade. Some, but they are big bosses after all, persuasion is not a compulsory order, and he doesn't have that ability.

Just to mention, stand at the top level, and then move with affection, and speak with reason. As for whether Brother Xiao Ma will do or not, it is a matter of other people. Anyway, I really want to talk about it and it doesn’t matter to him. As for the matter, he can do his own one-acre three-point land. If something happens in the future, or when he has the power to change the overall situation, he will stand up.

Now, forget it!

He doesn't have that ability, he doesn't have that ability, and he has no way to force others to do something.

What we really need to do is sacrifice, and the sacrifice is not average, because if we give up something, one or two Internet giants may emerge in a few years. In that case, they will give The Penguin Group poses a great threat.

No one knows what the consequences will be if this one is not good.

The risks involved are so huge, you can even think about it.

From a friend's point of view, it can be said, but not now, at least not at the moment.

After all, it is now meeting with the Shennan State-owned Investment Group.

The difference is that the meeting is now basically done. It should belong to the part that An Ran said. It can be said that all the questions have been said. The next thing is about them, Xiao Ma and Ren Lao. , Is not the core part, or what we will talk about next, there is not much nutrition.

Of course, if you want to formally reach it, it's not as simple as you might think, and you still need to go through multiple rounds of consultations, and there are still many details that need to be confirmed.

After all, this involves an acquisition of 80 billion yuan. This is not a small hand, or even a big one, which means that the two parties are relatively tacitly agreed. Even if it is finally reached, it will not be announced. Otherwise, it will definitely be. It caused a strong earthquake, but it is certain that once it is reached, it will cause a big earthquake in the domestic capital circle or in a certain field.

It's just a small area, or maybe it caused shock in a small circle.

This is good for 2016!

Even in 2020, as much as 80 billion of real gold and silver will cause shocks. The current 80 billion is even larger than the 200 billion four years later, because the 2,000 after four years There are already a lot of large-scale projects with more than 100 million yuan. Even if it is shocked, many people are already numb.

It's a big deal after all!

Even if they have talked about the same thing now, it will take time to really confirm it, and it will take many rounds of consultations to confirm all the details before it is truly reached, that is, the two parties formally sign the contract.

The entire meeting ended with a follow-up discussion of some topics that did not have much business.

After that, we will arrange an appointment and conduct detailed consultations, but those who do not need them to dispatch, leave it to the people below to do it. If they need to come forward for everything, then why do they need them to do it.

Although it’s a big deal, it’s a big deal, but they need to confirm the core foundation. They have to come forward and raise so many subordinates for everything. They do everything and keep those things. Do people eat dry rice?

Both sides dispersed!

However, they belonged to An Ran's camp, but they didn't disperse.

For today’s meeting, whether it’s Mr. Ren or Brother Xiao Ma, they always set aside the itinerary, or a lot of time, and many of the two sides reached a core agreement, so there is a lot of money left. Time, you can sit down and gather for a while, or at the same time, chat about something.


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