"The current Penguin Group, according to the market value of the stock price, is less than 1.7 trillion Hong Kong dollars. If converted, it will almost look like 1.6 trillion domestic currency. To complete the privatization process, and after the completion , The amount of holdings can be calculated."

The more Ma Ge speaks, the more solemn he is. It can be said that he has entered the role. It also shows that he has this determination and courage to complete the privatization of the Penguin Group: "Although I don't know how much is needed in the end, the requirements are not high. , Almost 51% of the shares are enough."

"If it is replaced by the previous words, or an industrial company, 51% of the equity is equivalent to absolute control, but now there has been a big change. The 51% of the equity cannot be To reach the point of absolute control, the real insurance is 67%."

"But the Penguin Group is an Internet company after all. If you want to complete the control of the group, the main problem lies in voting rights. The current voting rights are not problematic, but a voting right is not insured. It has a large amount of voting rights. , Owning another 51% of the shares is to be insured again."

“Of course it’s 12. If it reaches 67% of the shares, it’s more insurance, but there are pros and cons. Considering that after privatization and delisting in the future, to complete the ipo again, the shares held cannot be so. It’s too much, so 51% of the equity can be said to be the highest. There is no way to increase it. If it increases, it will have a lot of impact."

Xiao Ma obviously said this after careful consideration.

After privatization and delisting, 51% of Penguin Group’s holdings were repurchased, which belonged to their camp.

If calculated according to the current market value of 1.6 trillion, 10% is as much as 160 billion, and 51%, but an astronomical figure will exceed 800 billion.

800 billion, if An Ran came out alone, it would be almost impossible. He can't take it out. No, he can take it out. All he needs to do is pledge and then make loans. I believe many banks in China are willing to do so. Grant him a loan of up to 800 billion yuan.

There is no need to doubt that he can indeed borrow so much, and he does not need to pledge too many industries. One Longyue Venture Capital is enough to lend so much money.

Don’t doubt the value of Longyue Ventures. The minimum valuation is RMB 1 trillion, which is not a problem at all. At such a high valuation, the loan of RMB 800 billion is really not excessive at all. Absolutely high-quality assets, because the companies invested by Longyue Ventures are all unicorn-level.

Every year it rises rapidly, and it doesn’t take too long. I believe that in the next three or four years, there will be at least two to three companies ipo. Once ipo, it will be a rapid increase, and Longyue Ventures will be able to do so in the future. There is no way to predict how far it will be, but it is inevitable to be absolutely optimistic.

Come this way!

It can be confirmed that the future market value of Longyue Ventures will become higher and higher. The valuation of more than 1 trillion yuan is a matter of minutes. Then the bank will approve no matter how many loans.

It's just that the account cannot be calculated like this, and at the same time, it is impossible to eat it alone.

Not to mention that An Ran cannot pay such a large price to eat. Even if he is willing to eat, he would not agree to come to Xiao Ma. It also includes those alliances of Xiao Ma. It is impossible to agree. After all, he is alone. Becoming the largest shareholder of the Penguin Group, not to mention that it is not insurance, is also an infringement on the interests of many people.

Dispersing shareholding, not to mention the ability to disperse power, but also to divide the cake, the big cake can always attract more people, seeing a piece of fat, a bite is inevitable, and if you don’t distinguish some If you do, people still hate you.

Not to mention, even if they want to repurchase 51% of their holdings, it can’t be the real 51%. Don’t forget, including the shares currently held by Brother Xiao Ma, In fact, it needs to be subtracted.

How much does Ma Ge currently hold in Penguin Group?

It's almost 8%.

Remove this part, in fact, they need to repurchase almost less than 43%, and it does not count to remove the shareholding of Brother Xiao Ma alone. What about his alliances?

For example, the founder who holds a lot of shares has almost 5% of the shares in his hand. If you reduce it, there will be more than 30% left. There are some others, zero. In general, the shares they need to repurchase are far less than imagined.

In the end, it will definitely not exceed 25%. This is inevitable. Under this share, if a person can eat 10%, it is already quite a lot. I am afraid that he will finally operate. Can't own so much, just because this share is too much.

"The biggest one, how much can you give me?" An Ran asked.

This also involves his own interests. It is still necessary to ask clearly. At the same time, it is also asking the bottom line of Xiao Ma's heart. He needs to know how much equity Xiao Ma is allowed to give him.

Friendship belongs to friendship, and friends belong to friends.

When it comes to issues of interest, in the future, it will be a cooperator, investor and other identities. It is necessary to distinguish between public and private. After all, it is the same thing from his point of view, but from the point of view of Brother Xiao Ma, It's another story again.

Do you think Brother Ma will not prevent you from seizing control of the Penguin Group in the future?

If you hold too many shares, it is not impossible. Then you certainly cannot hold too many shares. There is a limit here, which has nothing to do with friendship, only thorough interest and power.

But then again, if you don't give too much, only a little bit, what about a beggar?

Just a little bit, why does An Ran want to help you complete the privatization now?

Once the privatization is completed, the person who will benefit the most will definitely be Xiao Ma. This is something that does not need to be doubted. The biggest piece of cake belongs to him. No one will deny and question it. This must be the case. However, for help Your people also need to divide a big piece of cake, it depends on how much you want to divide?

Come to think of it, Xiao Ma has also considered this issue.

Although I said that I haven't done this thing now, I'm just going to do it, but no matter how short the time is, there is always a confession in my heart.

"Eight percent!"

Xiao Ma had obviously considered this question and gave the answer quickly.


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