China Merchants Bank!

In other words, the China Merchants Group is more suitable. It is a domestic official institution, a financial institution, and it can grow with it. Now it can be said to be the largest capital in the country.

That's right!

It's not too much to call it a consortium.

Regardless of the penguin group, which is infinitely beautiful, and the online shopping empire, how much is the market value, but those are after all the market value, even if the market value is higher than the sky, what about it?

Just like the current Penguin Group, its market value is as high as 1.6 trillion yuan. However, looking at other China Merchants Group, the market value they control absolutely exceeds 7 trillion yuan, and even can reach more than 8 trillion yuan.

This is not a joke at all, and there is no trace of water in it.

Over time, they become stronger.

In the latter part, some people in the National VII-43 Specialized Statistics, and the results of the statistics are also very scary. The four major domestic consortia can't see the shadow of the Penguin Group and the online shopping empire, even at that time, Penguin The market value of the group is as high as 5.6 trillion, and it is still not in the top four, or even in the top ten.

And ranked in the top four!

The first position is China Merchants Group. By 2020, the market value wealth controlled by China Merchants Group has reached as much as 10 trillion. The industries under its name are invested in all walks of life and have footprints all over the world.

Ranked second is the Huaxin Group. The number it controls is also extremely scary, exceeding 8 trillion. The famous big funds belong to them, and they also have their insurance and other aspects of business.

The third place is the absolute industry. It can be said that domestic food, clothing, housing and transportation are inseparable from them. It is the Zhongrun Group. Its investment in Shennan City is also very scary. It should be said that Zhongrun Group also made a fortune in Shennan City. Created.

The fourth place is also very familiar. It is the Shennan State-owned Investment Group they have just contacted. By 2020, they will control more than 6 trillion yuan of capital. Of course, the specific = how much, I'm afraid even the people inside them don't know it.

After all, the four of them have invested too much, and it is impossible to be stable, and there is no way to calculate. Among them, they invest in some listed companies. Today is the stock price, and tomorrow comes a big rise, then the market value may be very different. Volatility, making them fall by one billion eight billion is only a momentary thing.

The market value rose by several billions in an instant, and it was also a matter of moments. There is no way to say this accurately, and obviously, all four of them are like this.

To know!

In 2021, the man who made mineral water turned out to be unable to see him, but in less than a year, his figure appeared on the list of the richest people in the world, and the ranking is still very impressive. It is worth tens of billions of dollars because the stock price of the company under his name has soared.

The time only happened in a short period of a few months. In short, it would not exceed a year. That is a real wealth myth.

So, listed companies are like this. A small fluctuation can become a myth of wealth, and it can also make you fall from the altar. The gap between the front and the back is sometimes very large.

Obviously, An Ran wants to find them, and only their joining can make the Penguin Group complete the privatization process more smoothly.

You need to know that they need funds and funds, and they need backgrounds and backgrounds.

Now that funds are used to complete the privatization of the Penguin Group, it is not a simple matter to re-ipo in the future, it is not a simple thing to want to ipo in two places at the same time, after all, there is no such precedent, and the difficulty is imaginable. Yes, especially there is no such case.

On Hong Kong Island, there is relatively more capacity. Not to mention the personal network of Pony Ma’s own, the influence of Penguin on Hong Kong Island, plus the Hong Kong Island network established by An Ran, as well as the Penguin Group itself. There is no problem with the high-quality products, but the difficulty lies in the country.

If it is a single application for ipo in China, I believe there will be no problems. After all, the influence of the Penguin Group is there. It is willing to apply for ipo in China. I believe it can be passed smoothly. However, if the two places are ipo at the same time, there will be no such problem. It's easier. There are more procedures for approval and stricter requirements.

If there is no certain network, background influence, etc., there will be some difficulties...

Regardless of the fact that the domestic financial system is not so mature, the domestic ipo is not as easy as you think. Especially with the problems that have occurred over the years, if you want to apply for the domestic ipo, it is more stringent, at least since last year. After the financial sniper war, it became more stringent.

When the financial sniper war broke out, a large number of ipo applications were all sent back. This road was temporarily blocked, and then a lot of clauses were introduced to restrict it.

After all, it's risk control!

Besides, it’s not just what kind of company you want to do with an ipo in China. In the past, there were some companies that were messed up, and IPOs were successful, which led to a lot of problems in the domestic financial system.

To be honest, the domestic ipo companies do not know how many companies have financial frauds.

The famous one belongs to the fellow An Ran, the first domestic ipo medicine. Over the years, I don’t know how many problems have been exposed, but they are still very chic, that is, they are becoming more and more excessive. The meaning of rectification was to beat them to death in one fell swoop.

All right!

There is a legal problem involved here, that is, it has not been completely perfected. For those who have these problems and the company, the punishment is not strong enough, and there is no strict law, which causes the punishment to be too low. Compared with the punishment, they do some illegal things, and the cost is not too low.

For example, a financial fraud can bring them billions of dollars in return.

But if they were found, they would be fined hundreds of thousands, and then it would be over.

Billions of billions, and compare it with a fine of hundreds of thousands. Do you think no one will do it?

This is also true. Many people operate in this way, and there are some private transactions and behind-the-scenes transactions, etc., which have caused chaos to get together and affect the entire financial system.

This is probably why many people shook their heads and sighed when they mentioned the domestic stock market, at least for retail investors. It can be said to be both love and hate. It can only be said that the roller coaster-style explosions and collapses are almost unnecessary. It's too normal.


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