Li Jun followed Su Hao's instructions, and the entire navy was focusing on the point of plagiarism and imitation.

"Penguin is really cute, not only plagiarizing YY product ideas, but now even a small game is plagiarized, a landlord contest rules are plagiarized intact, Penguin, have your brains been eaten by dogs?"

"I have never seen such a despicable and shameless person, Penguin, you are the most shameless company I have ever seen. There is no shameless bottom line. What new features are updated in YY, you immediately copy and imitate, and now you even have to fight the landlord contest. Copy, is it YY to eat shit, you also eat shit?"

"Penguin really makes me feel sick, YY Landlord Contest, you have to change the game, mahjong game, chess game nothing, this I have no brain plagiarism, it is really disgusting."

The navy flew up with this rhythm.

Netizens felt the same after seeing these remarks, and began to spray even more ruthlessly.

"Shameless Penguin, make me sick, get out of the internet, Penguin."

"Request the state to sanction Penguin, a company that has no bottom line for copying the ideas of other companies, this kind of shameless company without a lower limit, our country does not need, the Internet does not need, the public does not need."

"Requesting the state to sanction Penguin, Penguin simply loses the face of the people, there is no lower limit for plagiarism, and it is asking for sanctions."

"Penguin, do you think that two million bonuses can entice me to go with you? In your dreams, don't say two million, even if it is ten million or twenty million, don't think that I will be with you."

"Two million, look down on who, Penguin, do you think that increasing the prize money will allow people to participate in your Fighting Landlords competition? I tell you, dreaming, I will never go, I will never use your Penguin products in the future. With penguins, I feel dirty."

"Yes, using penguins. I think it's dirty. It's all plagiarism. It's really disgusting."

"Don't think about the bonus. Maybe this bonus is also Penguin's routine. Penguin is so shameless, how could it be possible to give out real gold and silver to everyone? Maybe the last top ten are Penguin customized man-machines, even the top 100. It may be the man-machine of the penguin, everyone wake up, don't be the penguin."

"Yes, YY is the real conscience company, not only YY Farm, YY Show, YY members have a penny package, this is the real conscience company, YY will never cheat everyone."

"Penguin has been losing money all the time, and if it buys Lianzhongworld at a big price, it will give out so many bonuses to reward netizens? Wake up, this is impossible."

"Reject companies that are shameless and have no bottom line and uninstall Penguin. Starting from me, I will never go with Penguin."

"Reject companies that are shameless and have no bottom line, and uninstall Penguins. Starting from me, I will never drink penguins and go with each other."

For a time, netizens unified the front and all major platforms made this remark.

Regardless of the efforts of the major platforms, this comment is overwhelming, and Penguin's flattering remarks are completely submerged in this remark.

All major platforms are confused, Penguin is confused, and everyone in the industry is confused.

"This, this cohesion, is this YY going to become a general trend?"

"It's more than a general trend, YY is going to be a major event."

"Netizens actively support, and the whole network is supporting, YY is awesome."

"It is estimated that Penguin would never dream of such a result. The acquisition of Lianzhong at a high price, the update of the farm and the game function, all functions are the same as YY, the prize of the Landlord Contest is higher than that of YY, the whole network public relations, and finally the whole network boycotts. The tragedy of the penguin is going to be planted."

"Unlimited plagiarism is really offensive. Penguin's trick is too stinky."

"If YY didn't make any move, the penguin fell?"

"It's not necessarily. Maybe the netizens are just talking about it. It's not that people have never seen it. The two million prizes are there. Netizens are still very likely to participate in the Penguin Fighting Landlord Contest."

All Penguin employees are extremely depressed, even desperate.

Penguin Xiaoma and the generals learned that Penguin online users were declining rapidly, and they couldn't understand why it was such a tragic result.

"How many online users have fallen?" Penguin Xiaoma asked quietly.

"Twenty million. From last night to now, it lost 10 million. Only 20 million is left. At this rate, it will soon fall to 10 million."

Everyone is silent.

"Oh." Penguin Pony sighed softly.

Plagiarism? No one can make any conclusions about this. YY has never mentioned Penguin plagiarism. It is all netizens who say that Penguin can't find any reason.

It can only be said that this bitter fruit was planted by him now. If he didn't plagiarize in the first place and slowly develop new features, Penguin would definitely not be the rat crossing the street that everyone shouts and beats now.

"Who can do it?" Penguin Pony asked quietly.

All the generals bowed their heads and remained silent. For a time, no one can break the boat.

The general of the Propaganda Department raised his head and gritted his teeth and said: "Brother Ma, we can't control the comments of netizens at all. It is not realistic to suppress the comments of netizens on the Internet, but we can turn over through realistic comments, as long as we win the bid. Wang, when the Spring Festival Gala is broadcast, people all over the country will know about us penguins, and then use us penguins, so that we have a chance to comeback."

"There are only more than 200 million Internet users on the Internet, but there are 1.2 billion people. As long as the advertising effects are good, we can definitely turn around."

"What's your opinion?" Penguin Pony asked the generals.

"I agree."

"I agree."

The generals agreed.

"Okay." Penguin Xiaoma decided: "Then we will go all out to win the Spring Festival Gala advertising banner king, life and death in one move, if we still fail this time, everyone knows the result, in the end less than half a month, everyone will do it. I'm so self-employed (Is Zhao's) own work, waiting for the Spring Festival Gala advertisement to show off."

"Yes, Brother Marco." All the generals responded.

Su Hao has been paying attention to the comments of netizens, and seeing that the entire network is full of the phrase ‘Reject companies that are shameless and have no bottom line, uninstall Penguins, and start from me, never drink penguins in the same way.’ Su Hao felt enthusiastic and moved.

Netizens support so much, they must give back to all users, and by the way, also add a fierce suppression of Penguin.

Su Hao took out his cell phone and dialed Li Hong's number.

"Manager Li, immediately upgrade YY Farm. It's time for the farm mission system to appear."

Li Hong: "Okay, Su Shao, I will make arrangements."

Su Hao put away the phone.

Zhou Xue couldn't help asking: "Only upgrade YY farm, YY doesn't update it?"

Su Hao smiled and said, "Don't worry, I need to come a little bit by bit, and I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, know?".

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