Merchants have called to become 30% off products, and even some merchants directly said that they are willing to pay one million advertising fees to

The customer service of was stunned to hear that one million yuan, and didn't know how to respond for a while.

"You can't be the leader who reports to you. If your leader agrees to open the quota, you must recommend my shop, please." The merchant madly recommended himself.

When Wang Chan heard the report from the customer service, he immediately relayed it to Su Hao.

At this moment, the three merchants who refused regretted their refusal and missed the opportunity to make a big profit by selling 100,000 orders a day.

"I'm still too timid, am I really not suitable for business?"

"Once there was an opportunity to make millions of dollars a day before me, but I didn't know how to cherish it. I'm really a stupid pig, so stupid to die."

Merchants who are under-stocked also regret it.

I knew it was selling so well, let alone one hundred thousand orders, they were willing to two hundred thousand orders, there was still half a day, and the night was the peak of the traffic, I just missed it like this, oh~ oh. . .

Other businesses watched the surge in orders, and they were all happy. When I saw an explosive order of goods, I made every effort to stock up. I can make a thousand pieces of money if I stock up one thousand more pieces. I don't cherish such a good opportunity and I don't know what time I have to wait for next time.

And this activity is free, and the next time it's free? impossible. This time is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and must be cherished.

Su Hao learned that a business had taken the initiative to call for cooperation, and chuckled softly: "It seems that there are still a lot of smart people, Wang Chan, tell me about your decision."

Su Hao took the opportunity to test Wang Chan.

Wang Chan knew that Su Hao was testing her, and organized a good language to say: "Su Shao, then I will show my ugliness."

"Nowadays, many products are out of order, and there are not many products left. Moreover, the peak of traffic is at night. We have to let other merchants make up. In this way, our sales will not be affected and we can create better The record of the company has shocked those big brands."

"How to make up?" Su Hao asked softly.

Wang Chan said: "My suggestion is to charge, the first batch of merchants contacted us proactively, but it is free. The second batch must be charged."

"We need the second batch of merchants to make up for the cost of YY drainage."

"I suggest a 3% draw, and they will definitely accept this ratio."

"Three percent?" Su Hao was also taken aback when he heard this ratio.

If you really follow Wang Chan’s proposal, can draw 300 million in sales of 10 billion yuan. This money seems a bit too good to make.

"Yes, as far as I know, they also have a profit of almost 78% at a 30% discount, and we are absolutely within their acceptance range for taking 3%." Wang Chan believes.

Su Hao thought for a while, and decided to say: "That's OK, just talk as you said. The two remaining companies on your previous list have joined in. Just let the three businesses that rejected us before. We are not that easy to talk. of."

"I guess those stores don't have many stocks, so if you have a big order, you can choose three more stores to make up five stores. This may be able to support the entire event."

"Also, their price is not 30% off, but 25% off. We want to talk about credibility on We say that there is only one chance of 30% off, and the price of 30% off can no longer be used."

"This will also stimulate users to buy other products, which will kill two birds with one stone."

"Of course, if they disagree with the 3% rake, then forget it. Our is not that cheap."

Wang Chan nodded and said, "Okay, Su Shao, I will make arrangements now."

Wang Chan quickly made arrangements. First, he contacted the two remaining merchants who were selected before. The merchants contacted were extremely excited, and readily agreed that was offered a 25% discount and a 3% discount.

It is sold at a 25% discount, and the profit is close to 10%.

As long as there is no loss, as long as there is a profit, they will naturally agree. A fool would not agree to such a good opportunity.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, some of the most popular products were replaced by new merchants, and the price was 25% off.

At the same time, merchants also issued announcements about new merchants.

"In order for the majority of users to be able to buy things they like, communicates with other merchants and sells 25% off products from new merchants. These merchants do not stock much. Don't miss this opportunity again. Miss this. The next chance will be even less discount. If you buy it, you will earn it. Don’t hesitate anymore.”

·· 0 Seeking flowers··········

When merchants saw's announcement, they even called to request to join the event. Unfortunately, the response they got was that would call you if necessary. users are all overjoyed when they see that there are new products on the products that have been sold out before. When they see that it is 25% off, they are all taken aback.

After seeing's announcement, he was relieved.

" is too thief. I can't stand the excitement. I can't help it. I have to place an order. If I don't place an order now, I'm afraid it will cost 20% later."

"Oh my God, I was still thinking about buying it. I didn't expect that the discount on new products would be a little bit less. I won't wait any longer. Order with 30% off, haha."

"I heard that there are not many products left in many products. It's almost time for get off work, so you have to place an order, otherwise it will be gone soon after the office workers get off work."

..... ... 0

As Su Hao thought, the 25% discount really stimulates the consumer's desire to consume.

Users have placed orders for 30% off products, and sales have grown rapidly. By four o'clock, sales exceeded 10 billion.

When Taotao announced the good news of 10 billion sales, users were even more stimulated.

"F*ck, if you don’t buy it, it’s really gone. No, I have to inform Xiaoli that she can’t let her wait until she is off work. I am afraid that she will buy a 25% off when she is off work. Three thousand yuan. Fifty dollars."

" also said that the first batch of merchants stocked a little more. I am afraid that the second batch of merchants stocks very little. I am afraid that it will be 20% off if you wait. Good friend, you have to thank me, or I will inform you. The salary is not enough for this discounted price." users have informed their relatives and friends so that they can buy 30% off products on as soon as possible.

Suddenly, users increased a lot, and orders were also growing rapidly.

At 6 o'clock in the afternoon,'s sales exceeded 15 billion, and sales increased by 5 billion within two hours from four to six.

Half of the first batch of goods are sold short.

Wang Chan quickly asked his employees to contact the second batch of merchants and quickly put 25% off goods on the shelves.

When announced 15 billion in sales, most offline store owners were confused.

15 billion, how could it be sold so hard? ten thousand.

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