"Don't worry about this, take your time, you leave this to the employees below, and I have more important things for you to do." Su Hao solemnly said.

Li Hong said, "Shao Shao, you said."

Su Hao said directly: "You go to Bangzi Country and take the agency rights of several games."

Su Hao thinks of the big fire games in Bangzi Country. Adventure Island, Audition and other games are all gold-sucking weapons.

If you win the agency, you will earn a profit. Su Hao didn't want to miss such a good opportunity to make money, so he asked Li Hong to wipe it all back.

"Try to buy out the agency rights. If you don't share it, you won't be divided. If you can buy the game parent company, it will be better." Bangziguo's game team ability is still good. If you can buy the other company, Su Hao can make Bangzi. The employees of the country act as tool men.

"Okay, Su Shao, I see, I will set off for the country of Bangzi tomorrow." Li Hong promised: "I will try my best to negotiate the best contract."

"Well, just do your best, don't have too much pressure." Su Hao said: "We have YY drainage in the 20s. The quality of these games I said are good, and you can make money if you buy it."

"Well, I see, Su Shao." Li Hong secretly vowed in his heart that he must take all of them, and absolutely live up to Su Hao's expectations.

After leaving Haoyu Game Company, Su Hao went to Haoyu Network Technology Company.

"Zhou Xue, YY music, YY video can be put on the agenda, you order the R & D department to get YY music first." Su Hao received three kinds of music-related god-level abilities inspired, decided to add YY music and YY video On the agenda.

The 3G network is about to be put into commercial use, and the network will be faster. Now it is right to engage in YY video.

"Well, I will notify the manager of the R&D department." Zhou Xue didn't ask much, she believed Su Hao's decision very much.

"Now YY has no competitors. We must build a perfect ecosystem as soon as possible. Not only YY music, YY videos, YY news, and YY mailboxes must be created as soon as possible." Su Hao solemnly said: "We must create a user-centric A perfect ecosystem, so that users can't do without us YY."

"Ecosphere?" Zhou Xue heard this new word for the first time.

Su Hao explained: "Yes, you can understand it as a model of fully serving users. For example, users want to play games, we have YY games, users want to listen to songs, we have YY music, users want to watch news, we have YY news, Users want to send emails. We have YY mailboxes and so on. As long as users are used to YY, they spend most of their time on YY, and they can't do without YY."

Zhou Xue was shocked, looking at Su Hao like an alien.

"Do you think I'm excellent and can't help falling in love with me?" Su Hao sensed Zhou Xue's shock and asked softly.

"Not serious." Zhou Xue scratched Su Hao and said: "I will order to let the R&D department get everything you said as soon as possible."

"Well, thank you for your hard work." Su Hao asked, "How is Taotao.com now? What do the big brands that have made it possible?"

Zhou Xue replied: "After the customer service told those big brands Taotao.com to treat them equally, they still chose to settle in. Now there are 50 big brands settled in."

"Only fifty, too few." Su Hao frowned slightly.

"Is there still less than fifty?" Zhou Xue asked rhetorically.

"There are so many big brands in China, but only fifty have settled a lot?" Su Hao smiled and said: "But this is not anxious. We can't force them to settle in. As long as there are no competitors, they will settle in our Taotao.com sooner or later. ."

"A competitor?" Zhou Xue suddenly remembered a comment from a netizen she had seen before, and said: "Some netizens said that Ari's father is engaged in an online shopping retail platform. I don't know if it is true."

"Papa Ari?" Su Hao frowned slightly.

"There is no wind and no waves. Dad Ali was originally engaged in this piece, but he is a small and medium-sized enterprise. Now that retail is so hot, he naturally wants to get involved."

"I'll just say why so few big brands have settled in, maybe Ari's father has already blocked those big brands in advance."

"Will it?" Zhou Xue asked: "Ali's dad's online shopping platform is not online. Will those big brands believe in Ali's dad?"

Su Hao said: "As long as there are enough benefits, those big brands will naturally choose to put in the arms of Ari's father."

"Then, should we be a little biased towards those big brands?" Zhou Xue worried that too many big brands would enter Ari's father. Taotao.com could not compete with Ari's father.

"No, we have our advantage. Only Taotao.com is the only one for YY drainage. Dad Ari's online shopping platform has a long way to go before it becomes popular. For the time being, don't worry about him." Su Hao said, "Say OK. It’s certainly not self-destructive to treat everyone equally."

"Well, Dad Ali will leave it to you in the future, and I will just develop steadily." As for the intrigue, Zhou Xue felt that she was not as good as Su Hao for 10,000.

Su Hao's cell phone rang suddenly.

Su Hao saw Professor Huang Zhenguo's call, a wry smile appeared on his face, and the old man was looking for him again.

"Professor Huang, what's the matter?"

Huang Zhenguo: "Su Hao, high-level government officials want to visit our research institute, do we agree?"

Su Hao was completely stunned when he heard the words.

What the hell, high-level national officials are coming to visit the scientific research institute? Do you want to be so sudden?

Su Hao asked, "Do you know who it is?"

Huang Zhenguo: "It should be the second elder leading the team."

Su Hao is full of doubts. Grandpa Su leads the team. Then why doesn't Grandpa Su contact him?

After thinking about it for a moment, Su Hao guessed Grandpa Su's thoughts. He probably didn't want him to be under too much pressure.

Su Hao is speechless. You always come to visit in person and don't call to contact me. I am also under pressure.

Su Hao said: "Well, promise. The country wants to visit, how can we refuse."

Huang Zhenguo: "Okay, I wanted to agree directly, but after thinking about it, I'd better ask you first, after all, scientific research institutes are your asset."

"Professor Huang, your words are serious. Without your hard work day and night, the research institute could not have succeeded." Su Hao said politely.

Huang Zhenguo: "Okay, I won't tell you this, I'll go and talk to you first."

At the end of the call, Su Hao fell into deep thought.

The high-level officials of the state visited the scientific research institute in person, and this signal is enough to show a lot of things.

Forget it, what do you think so much, just act by chance.

For the 3G network, Su Hao has a plan in mind and will never give up unless he achieves his goal.

Zhou Xue asked curiously: "Su Hao, what are the top officials of the country going to visit?"

Su Hao simply told Zhou Xue about the 3G network of the research institute.

Zhou Xue was shocked after hearing this.

It turned out that Su Hao was even better than she knew.

Thank you [Maoshan Taoist] for your monthly pass. Thank you very much, thank you! .

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