Large foreign supermarkets and local supermarkets hit it off.

Both sides have the same needs, so they can naturally come together. Opponents who had been beaten to the forefront have put down their hatred and become temporary teammates because of the major threat of Jiajiafu Supermarket.

Ten senior representatives of major supermarkets sat together to discuss how to solve the threat of Jiajiafu supermarket.

Large foreign supermarkets took the lead in proposing their method, directly consulting Jiajiafu Supermarket, and even jointly pressured Jiajiafu Supermarket to stop activities.

The major supermarkets restored their pre-war prices and operated separately.

In order to make Jiajiafu Supermarket abandon its activities, major foreign supermarkets can promise not to block Jiajiafu Supermarket in the future.

In a word, if they develop their own supermarkets, who can occupy more markets depends on their ability.

High-level representatives of local supermarkets frowned slightly when they heard about the methods of foreign supermarkets.

Isn't it now that they are operating independently, ~ relying on their ability?

Negotiation is okay, put pressure? -Are you kidding me?

How to put pressure? Is it a threat? What threat-Wenjiajiafu supermarket?

I heard that Su Hao, the owner of the Haoyu Group behind the Jiajiafu Supermarket, has a good relationship with the second elder, and put pressure on Su Hao? Are you tired of living?

After the high-level representatives of the local supermarkets expressed these concerns, the high-level representatives of the foreign supermarkets were a little confused.

There is another concern that the local big supermarkets have not said it.

That is, if people in the country know that they are cooperating with foreign big supermarkets to deal with Jiajiafu supermarkets, then they will definitely encounter all kinds of criticisms, and they may even become street rats that everyone shouts and beats.

Naturally, local supermarkets will not tell foreign supermarkets about this.

"Does the Jiajiafu Supermarket have a backstage?" asked the representative of a large foreign supermarket.

A senior representative of a local supermarket said: "It should not be wrong, although it is uncertain, but since there are such rumors, it is very likely that this matter is true."

"Is it impossible to put pressure on Jiajiafu supermarket?" Representatives of large foreign supermarkets frowned.

A representative of a local supermarket said: “It’s okay to put pressure on it, but what kind of pressure is it? It should be impossible for Jiajiafu supermarket to compromise on policy.”

The representative of a foreign supermarket asked: "Then what is your best solution?"

The local supermarket representative said: "We can only talk to Jiafu Supermarket. If he is willing to reconcile, it is a good thing. If he is not, then we can only find another way."

"At this point, the two supermarkets, Jiashike and Carrefour, must sincerely apologize to Jiajiafu Supermarket."

"What, let us apologize, it's impossible." The senior representatives of the two supermarkets, Jiashike and Carrefour, directly refused.

"Then there is nothing to talk about. It was caused by your first blocking Jiajiafu Supermarket. If you do not show your sincerity to apologize to Jiajiafu Supermarket, how can Jiajiafu Supermarket be willing to settle?" The local supermarket representative said: "If You don’t even have this sincerity, and there is no need to talk about it."

Representatives of other large foreign supermarkets are staring at the two supermarket representatives Jiashike and Carrefour.

The representatives of the two supermarkets were stared at by everyone, and the pressure was high.

"You have caused the matter. You must apologize. There is a saying that is true. A man can bend and stretch. Apologize." The representative of Wal-Mart Supermarket spoke directly.

Representatives of other big supermarkets echoed.

The representatives of Jiashike and Carrefour Supermarket were all depressed.

"I can't decide this, I have to ask the boss." The representatives of the two supermarkets said one after another.

"Call directly."

Representatives of two supermarkets, Jiashike and Carrefour, called the boss behind the scenes on the spot.

After explaining the pros and cons, representatives of the two big supermarkets waited for the answer from the boss behind the scenes.

"No, as an international brand, how can our Shike apologize to a small supermarket? There is no discussion about this. If they don't agree, they will come back immediately. I don't believe in a small supermarket." This is the owner of the Shike owner. Respond hard.

The answer of Carrefour’s boss is the same as that of Jiashike’s boss, that they look down on Jiajiafu Supermarket.

In a word, apologize, dream.

The local big supermarket heard the answers from the two supermarket owners, Jiashike and Carrefour, and realized that there was no need for the joint meeting to go on.

The big bosses abroad look down on the ** and the ** companies, they are still sitting here and being insulted, that's stupid.

After half a minute of quiet discussions among the four major local supermarkets, they left angrily.

"Several people, you will not be here for your attitude."

"The mountains and rivers meet, see you in the rivers and lakes."

"Also, to remind you, this is **. To do business in **, you must first have a heart of respect for **."

When foreign supermarkets saw the representatives of the four local supermarkets leave in anger, they cast unkind eyes on the senior representatives of the two major supermarkets, Jiashike and Carrefour.

"Family family, Carrefour, do it yourself."

"This is the territory of other people. The respect that should be given must be. If your attitude just spreads out, you can wait for it to go bankrupt."

The other four large foreign supermarkets also left one after another, leaving behind the two supermarket representatives Jiashike and Carrefour with a blank look.

What did we do wrong? This is where? What am i doing?

After a long time, the representatives of the two supermarkets came back to their senses, remembered the seriousness, and immediately reported them.

The bosses behind the two supermarkets didn't take it seriously.

"This matter is nothing at all. Many people are pursuing foreign brands. You don't have to worry about this. If it spreads, it will be spread. It will affect at most three to five days. After ten days and eight days, the people will Forget about it, our business is still booming."

The senior executives of the two supermarkets were relieved when they heard the boss say this.

"Don't worry, activities like Jiajiafu Supermarket will not last long, at most one month. After this month, we can continue to block Jiajiafu Supermarket and block other big supermarkets, so that local supermarkets can have knowledge and capital. How powerful."

"Okay, boss, I know how to do it."

With the boss's words, the representatives of the two supermarkets calmed down.

After leaving the four major local supermarkets, they all looked sad.

"what should we do?"

"If this continues, we won't be able to survive for long. Large foreign supermarkets have the capital and strength to survive, but we can't survive."

"Let's talk to Jiajiafu Supermarket. I hope Jiajiafu Supermarket can see us as a fellow Chinese."

"That's the only way to go. By the way, tell Jiajiafu Supermarket about the cooperation of foreign big supermarkets to deal with Jiajiafu Supermarket."

"Before contacting Jiajiafu Supermarket, we must negotiate the conditions. We are soft when we find Jiajiafu Supermarket this time. We have to have the attitude that we should have, otherwise Jiajiafu Supermarket will not take care of us."

"Yes, the life of Jiajiafu Supermarket is normal and normal operation. We have no one to find, but we can only find Jiajiafu Supermarket."

"Okay, Jiajiafu Supermarket will definitely rise this time. We can't stop it at all. The domestic market is not something that Jiajiafu supermarkets can eat. As long as Jiajiafu supermarkets let us go, what do we mean by bowing our heads once? "

"Yes, as long as you can live, it's nothing to bow your head once."

"Aren't netizens shouting for Jiajiafu to dominate? We can use this as an entry point to act as a brother to Jiajiafu supermarkets and drive out the big foreign supermarkets."

"What you said, hehe, nothing wrong."

"In this way, as long as we have a good attitude, I believe that family portraits will give us a little face."

Four local supermarkets reached an agreement.

The attitudes of the four major foreign supermarkets are completely opposite. They didn't believe in the so-called backstage at all, so they decided to ask the local high-level officials for help.

After listening to the requirements of the four major supermarkets, the local high-level officials learned that the four major supermarkets had to deal with Jiajiafu supermarkets and refused without hesitation.

f*ck, what's a joke, the second elder of the Haoyu Group behind the Jiajiafu Supermarket is covered, let us go to the Jiajiafu Supermarket, isn't that a death.

"The Jiajiafu Supermarket is operating normally. It operates in **, and no one has any privileges. In this case, I don't want to hear it again. You can compete in business wherever you want. It does not violate the law. Everything is not a problem." This is the response of local high-level officials to large foreign supermarkets.

The executives of the four major supermarkets were a little confused after receiving hard-hearted responses from the local executives.

This, this, when did the government be so hard on foreign investment?

At this moment, the four big supermarkets are also fully aware that Jiajiafu Supermarket really has a backstage, and the backstage is very hard.

Four local supermarkets contacted Su Hao's mobile phone number through personal connections.

Su Hao was taken aback when he received the call.

"Mr. Su Hao, hello, I am Su Zhongqi, the senior representative of Runhua Wanjia Supermarket. On behalf of the four major domestic supermarkets, I want to talk to you."

Su Hao asked: "Hello, Mr. Su, we seem to have nothing to talk about, right?"

Su Zhongqi, the representative of Runhua Wanjia Supermarket, said quickly: "Mr. Su, today six major foreign supermarkets have found us and discussed with us to deal with Jiajiafu Supermarket."

"Oh, isn't it? Then you can deal with it together. It seems that you don't need to talk to me?" Su Hao is not afraid of the other big supermarkets joining forces.

·· 0 Seeking flowers··········

If you join hands, you will still be beaten.

Su Zhongqi was anxious, and quickly explained: "Mr. Su, I don’t mean that. We are both ** enterprises. We will never go with foreign companies. Our domestic supermarkets are on your side. We Just in the East China Sea, I hope you will give us some time. Can we sit down and have a good talk?"

Su Hao thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll be waiting for you at the headquarters of Haoyu Group. Come here directly."

Su Zhongqi quickly said: "Thank you Mr. Su, we will go over immediately."

After finishing the call, Su Zhongqi let out a long sigh of relief.

This was the most stressful call he ever made, and the call with his boss was not so stressful. Fortunately, the result was good, and Su Hao agreed to meet them.

If Su Hao doesn't want to meet, they really don't take Su Hao.

Su Hao told Chen Junyong the news that representatives of the four major supermarkets of Runhua Wanjia were coming over.

Chen Junyong was taken aback for a moment and asked, "Why are they here?"

"What else can I do? Other big supermarkets are very deserted now. Can they sit still?" Su Hao asked with a smile.

"Yes, haha." Chen Junyong took the opportunity to boast: "Shao Shao, you are the best, and all the big supermarkets have lost everything."

"Haha." Su Hao chuckled softly: "I'll see what they say later."

Senior representatives from four major supermarkets came to the headquarters of Haoyu Group.

The first time the four people saw Su Hao, they were very polite, even with respect in their voices.

..... ........ .......

This time I came here to beg for peace and forgiveness, not tolerate their disrespect.

"Mr. Su, I'm bothering you."

Su Hao said lightly: "You are welcome."

Su Zhongqi said directly: "Mr. Su, we came here this time to tell you that the owners of the two supermarkets, Jiashike and Carrefour, have extremely disrespect for our ** enterprises, and even underestimate us **."

Su Zhongqi told Su Hao about the process of the joint meeting with foreign supermarkets in detail.

Su Hao heard this, with anger gleaming on his face.

How dare you look down on the ** company, disrespect **, family members, Carrefour, you are really looking for death.

As an adult, Su Hao was so upset that he secretly decided to kill the two supermarkets, Jiashike and Carrefour.

"Thank you for telling me about this. You can rein in the precipice and refuse to cooperate with the big supermarkets that don't respect us. You did it right."

Su Zhongqi took the opportunity to say: "Mr. Su, netizens are shouting to drive those foreign big supermarkets back to their hometown. I hope that Mr. Su will give us the opportunity to cooperate with Jiajiafu supermarkets to defeat the foreign big supermarkets and raise our country's prestige."

Su Hao smiled slightly when he heard the words.

This is the true purpose of the four major supermarkets.

What kind of whistleblower, not cooperating with foreign big supermarkets is bullshit, if there is a way to deal with Jiajiafu supermarkets, they will not cooperate with foreign big supermarkets?

Su Hao doesn't believe in this at all. All righteousness is imaginary, and businessmen are only profiting. This is the truth that has not changed through the ages.

Su Hao lost his thoughts.

The domestic market is so big that Jiajiafu Supermarkets absolutely cannot occupy all of them. Without lubricating the big supermarkets like Wanjia, there will be other big supermarkets in the future. Why not take this opportunity to determine the leading position of Jiajiafu Supermarket.

Everyone in Su Zhongqi saw Su Hao meditating, so they didn't dare to bother. Because they know that Su Hao's words will determine the life and death of their own supermarket.

Chen Junyong did not speak. He supported any decision of Su Hao and believed that Su Hao's decision was the most correct.

A minute later, Su Hao said: "There is one sentence you said very right, to raise the prestige of our country, I like it very much."

"I can give you a chance. I believe you also know that only I can reverse the current situation in your supermarket, but what can I get?"

When Su Zhongqi heard the words, everyone in their hearts was relieved.

Su Zhongqi stated the conditions that everyone had discussed before, "Mr. Su, Jiafu Supermarket will be the leading supermarket in China from now on, and this will definitely not change."

"We promise that we will never block Jiajiafu Supermarket in the future. If foreign supermarkets enter the market in the future, we will cooperate with Jiajiafu Supermarket to knock them out."

Su Hao was very satisfied and asked, "Can you be the master?"

Su Zhongqi said: "Mr. Su, we have communicated with the boss before coming. There is absolutely no problem. These can be written into the contract. If any supermarket violates it in the future, you can ask for compensation."

Su Hao smiled and said, "Okay, I promised."

"Next, let's talk about how to crush foreign supermarkets." Wan.

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