"Have you seen the new products on the shelves of Huaxin Electric? The price is so high, I can't believe my eyes. How can there be such a cheap rice cooker."

"Not only rice cookers, but electric fans are also cheap. If the weather isn't right now, I would definitely buy one."

"Follow him, buy it first, let's talk about it, the warranty is one year, what are you afraid of."

"Yes, it's so cheap, it's a rare opportunity, buy it first, and then you can use it next year."

"This price is a bit cheaper than the price after the subsidy for home appliances to the countryside. Is this a clearance sale for Huaxin Electric?"

"What is the clearance sale at a loss? Didn't you see that it's a new product? How could it be a big sale at a loss when a new product is on the shelves."

"Look at the product data. This product is simply awesome. This is the most energy-efficient rice cooker I have seen. It doesn't work anymore. I can't help it. I have to buy one."

"It's really too power-saving. I deliberately compared the data with other rice cookers. After comparison, I found that the new product of Huaxin Electric's rice cooker saves half of the electricity than other rice cookers. Oh my god, I can save money for a rice cooker in a year."

"It's so cheap, I can't believe the product data, but Haoyu Group can't make false advertisements. Besides, there is still a one-year warranty. I bought it. I bought it."

The new appliances on the shelves of Watson Electric are extremely popular, and they are selling well both online and offline.

Ningsu and Guomei, two major domestic brands of electrical appliances, were a little confused by the new products launched by Huaxin Electric.

What the hell is Huaxin Electric going to do?

Is this going to aggressively attack the home appliance market?

Previously, the opportunity for home appliances to go to the countryside was not cherished, but now it’s time to spoil the situation. What kind of trouble is this?

Young man, doing things is really crazy. . .

Ningsu and Guomei both bought all the new products of Huaxin Electric back to 600 for research.

After research, the new quality of Huaxin Electric is very good, better than their products of the same type. The product is good, the price is cheap, how does this compete?

Not only the two major domestic brands, Ningsu and Guomei, but other electrical appliances brands are also beset by the sudden low-priced new products of Huaxin Electric.

The big foreign electrical brands have not taken it seriously. The new electrical appliances of Watson Electric are small electrical appliances, which can't be put on the table at all, and they can't be threatened at all.

Most high-level thoughts of Ningsu and Guomei are the same as those of major foreign brands of electrical appliances. As long as Huaxin Electric does not launch large-scale affordable appliances, it will not threaten them at all.

However, there are still a small number of high-level executives who are thoroughly concerned about Huaxin Electric and put Huaxin Electric on the list of threatened peers.

Su Hao completely ignored external discussions, and has been doing research in the research room. One by one technological breakthroughs, the same new products have been successfully developed.

Every few days, Huaxin Electric will launch a new product.

Every time Watson Electric launches a new product, the pressure on the electric appliance brands on the market is greatly increased.

When Huaxin Electric launched a new TV set, all domestic electric appliance brands were extremely shocked.

Huaxin Electric directly launched color TV sets, with perfect product data and perfect prices.

According to the data of Huaxin color TV, the price should be more than 5,000, but the price of Huaxin color TV is 2399, which is more than half cheaper. This price makes all electrical appliance brands be dumbfounded.

The electrical appliance brand is dumbfounded, but the Chinese are cheering and ecstatic.

"Haha, I finally waited for the TV. Haoyu Group must have spent a lot of money on electrical technology. These are the new TV series, the exclusive technology of Huaxin Electric, which saves electricity as always, and the quality is super good."

"To buy a TV set with 5,000 or 6,000 on the market at 2399, Huaxin Electric is really too strong. I don't know if the production capacity can keep up."

"Follow him, buy it first. I don't know how many stocks there are, so I bought it first, haha."

"The 2399 color TV is just right. I just wanted to change the TV at home. I wanted to change it a few days ago. Fortunately, I was holding back the new products of Huaxin Electric. It really made me wait. Huaxin Electric, you are the best good."

"The reputation of Haoyu Group and Su Hao is the guarantee. I don't need to say much, just buy one and go home."

For this price, people in villages and towns still find it a bit expensive, and these people have called Huaxin Electric to offer new cheaper TV sets.

"Huaxin Electric, can you produce a thousand yuan TV set, the quality is a little bit okay, and it's okay if it is smaller, two thousand yuan is still expensive for the country folks, let's make a thousand yuan TV set."

"Yes, Su Hao, Su Shen, get a thousand-yuan TV."

"If it is more than 1,000, I will definitely buy it, but if it is more than 2,000, I will not bear it."

"Su Hao, come on, pay a cheap TV. I believe you have this ability."

"Haha, wait, Su Shen will definitely produce cheaper TV sets."

Su Hao heard the call from the netizen and directly asked Huaxin Electric Store to release the information.

Huaxin Electric has been researching and developing new styles and will launch more styles soon. Thousand-yuan TV sets are not a problem, so stay tuned.

Netizens were all overjoyed when they saw Huaxin Electric's announcement.

"Haha, I know Su Shen won't let us down, Qian Yuan Ji, I'll wait."

"Thousand-yuan TV, haha, I'll buy it right away when I come out."

"Working outside, renting a house, really reluctant to buy too expensive TV, Huaxin Electric, I will wait for your thousand-yuan TV."

"I hope that the country will also allow Huaxin TV to join the preferential policy of home appliances to the countryside, so that the people can enjoy more preferential treatment."

"Yes, Huaxin TV is so cheap, I don't want state subsidies, I just hope to enjoy other policy concessions."

"Hehe, I also hope that Huaxin TV can enjoy the national electricity subsidy policy. Dozens of dollars are also money, so I can buy a lot of things."

Su Hao did not respond to this, it was not something he could decide.

When other electrical appliance brands saw that Huaxin Electric had to launch a thousand-yuan TV set, they were completely confused.

Is this going to kill them all?

2399 We still have the possibility of competition. If we launch a thousand yuan machine, how can we compete? Do we still want to sell our TVs?

No, it is necessary to stop the momentum of Watson Electric. If Watson Electric keeps disrupting the market like this, it will be difficult for them to get along.

Guomei Electric takes the lead to convene large-scale and medium-sized domestic electric appliance brands to discuss together.

National Magnesium representative: "Let's talk about it. It is absolutely impossible for Huaxin Electric to only launch these new products. In the future, they will introduce more new products. Let Huaxin Electric continue to do this. Our future will be very difficult."

There was a lot of discussion among the representatives at the scene, and they couldn't come up with a good idea for a while.

Hongchang Electric Representative: "Can we suppress Huaxin Electric?"

"Yes, Guomei, you have such a tough relationship in China, can we unite to suppress Huaxin Electric and let Huaxin Electric compromise?"

National Magnesium Electric Representative: "Did you forget that Huaxin Electric is a subsidiary of Haoyu Group? Whose Haoyu Group is? Don't you know?"

"The Haoyu Group belongs to Su Hao. Don't tell me that you don't know who Su Hao is. The country supports the Hao Yu Group. We suppress the Hao Yu Group. What do you think, which relationship can help us overwhelm the Hao Hao Group? "

Everyone was silent.

Representative of Ningsu Electric Appliances: "Competing with Huaxin Electric Appliances is a fair fight. No other tricks are necessary, they are useless."

The representative of Guomei Electric agreed, "Yes, I dare to say that as long as we use a trick to deal with Huaxin Electric, we will definitely fall in the end."

"I didn't expect the Haoyu Group and Su Hao level for a while. I'm sorry. Fair competition, how do we compete fairly?"

Everyone is contemplative.

National Magnesium Electric Representative: "I have an idea. We can provoke Huaxin Electric and foreign electric appliance brands to fight first. When they lose both sides, we will attack in one fell swoop and we will definitely defeat Huaxin Electric."

"Let Huaxin Electrical Appliances fight against foreign electrical appliance brands?"

National Magnesium Electric Representative: "Yes, if we fight against Huaxin Electric first, we will end up cheaper with foreign electric appliance brands. Don't you want to do that?"

"Of course I don't want to."

"I definitely don't want to, but how can Watson Electric compete with foreign brand appliances?"

National Magnesium Electric Representative: "This is difficult to say, and easy to say. It depends on whether we can stir things up."

"Now Haoyu Group is the number one group in China, and Su Hao is the richest man in China. We can promote the topic of Huaxin Electric's driving foreign electrical appliances brands out of the country, just like Jiajiafu Supermarket drove out the six major foreign supermarkets on the Internet. Similarly, as long as we can bring most of the netizens to discuss this topic together, Huaxin Electric and foreign electric appliance brands will definitely fight each other."

"This method is good. There is a supermarket ahead. The Chinese people must hope that Huaxin Electric will create another miracle. As long as we provoke it first, netizens will definitely participate in calling on Huaxin Electric to drive out foreign electrical brands."

"Yes, this trick is beautiful."

"This trick is great, I agree."

"I agree too."

Representatives of all electrical appliance brands all agreed.

National Magnesium Electric Representative: "Before that, we must truly form an alliance and agree to advance and retreat together. Only in this way will we be united."

"No problem, I support the establishment of the Electrical Appliance Alliance."

"I also support... 0"

All electrical appliances brands have agreed.

The representative of China Magnesium Electric directly stated: "Well, since everyone agrees, from this moment on, the electrical appliance brand we are working on has established an electrical appliance alliance. The status of the alliance is equal, and there is no distinction between high and low."

"As long as we unite, our electrical appliance alliance will certainly dominate the domestic market, and both Huaxin Electric and foreign electrical appliance brands will be knocked down by us."

"Haha, that's a must."

"Yes, with the leadership of Gome, the Electrical Appliance Alliance will certainly dominate the domestic electrical appliance market."

Representatives of all electrical appliance vendors are full of confidence and smiles.

Next, the representatives began to discuss how to provoke Huaxin Electric and foreign appliance brands, as well as a series of measures.

The fight between Huaxin Electrical Appliances and foreign electrical appliances will definitely affect them. Before that, they must be prepared to minimize losses.

After the war between Huaxin Electric and foreign appliances, they attacked again.

After two or three hours of deliberation, the representatives formulated a series of measures.

"In the next half month, we will prepare well, and the action will begin on the day when the smartphone goes on sale."

"Okay, half a month to prepare is enough."

In the coming time, Huaxin Electric will continue to launch new products, and the thousand-yuan TV that everyone is looking forward to is officially on the shelves.

Thousand-yuan TVs are selling very crazy. If Su Hao hadn't prepared for it and expanded production capacity in advance, it would be really difficult to meet people's needs.

Domestic brand electric appliance manufacturers see the huge sales of Huaxin Electric's thousand-yuan TV sets, and are eager to take immediate action. But in the end they held back and developed according to the original plan.

Large foreign brands began to attach importance to Huaxin Electric.

With all the TVs out, will the refrigerator and air conditioner be far away? . .

The appearance of Huaxin TV has greatly reduced their TV sales, and the loss is quite large. When the new products of Huaxin Electric's refrigerators and air conditioners are launched, their losses will be even greater.

Major foreign electrical appliance brands have begun to consider countermeasures.

Su Hao keeps Lai Youbin paying attention to the movements of other electrical appliance brands.

Su Hao was a little dazed when he learned that the domestic electrical appliance brand hadn't moved at all.

How can there be no action? The launch of such affordable new products by Watson Electric will definitely affect all major brands of electrical appliances. How can those major brands of electrical appliances fail to respond?

Su Hao couldn't understand how he thought about it. In the end, he could only attribute the reason to the fact that other electrical appliance brands were afraid of Haoyu Group.

After all, Haoyu Group is a nationally promoted enterprise, and those big-brand electrical appliances dare not make insidious tricks at all.

Su Hao is too lazy to think so much, other electrical appliances brands do not respond best, which can save a lot of trouble.

During this time, there is another thing that makes Su Hao happy.

The establishment of Feilong Automobile Research Office was completed.

According to Su Hao's instructions, Chen Siyou, the manager of Feilong Motors, spent a huge amount of money to dig up the research team and many elites in the automobile industry to completely set up the Feilong Motors Research Office.

The Feilong Automobile Research Office was successfully established. On this day, Su Hao came to the Feilong Automobile Research Office.

All the research technicians were very excited when they saw Su Hao.

Many technicians switched to Feilong Motors because of Su Hao. If Feilong Motors is not Su Hao's, they will not join a new domestic automobile company no matter how much money is given to them.

Su Hao used advanced insights to read all the employees and found two technicians with ulterior motives.

For these two technicians, Su Hao directly used tricky questions to test. After the other party could not answer, Su Hao drove them off on the spot.

When other technicians saw Su Hao's on-site test, they even fired them directly. They were all a little nervous.

They couldn't answer Su Hao's question just now. If Su Hao continues to test, they might have to leave.

Su Hao felt everyone's anxiety and smiled and said, "Welcome everyone to join Feilong Motor. The two people just recharged their numbers, so I kicked them out."

"I believe that everyone here has real materials. In the future, we will work together to build the Feilong Motor brand into the world's best car brand."

Everyone agreed.

Then Su Hao chatted with the research technicians, throwing out a little new technology from time to time, which shocked the research technicians.

Su Hao stayed in the Feilong Automobile Research Room for two days.

In two days, Su Hao completely conquered a group of research technicians.

Su Hao threw out some technical difficulties for everyone to overcome, and then left.

Su Hao plans to conquer the electrical side first, and then devote himself to automotive research.

October 30.

This day is the time for a new round of smartphone sales. .

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