November 1.

Many foreign electrical appliance brands have carried out promotional activities one after another, and the promotion is very strong, and the price is unheard of.

Sharp-eyed people can see at a glance that foreign electrical appliances brands are targeting Watson Electric.

Foreign electrical appliance brands have pushed the price of the new electrical appliances launched by Huaxin Electric to be lower than that of Huaxin Electric, and it is not just a little lower, but much lower.

If this doesn't explain anything, then foreign electrical appliance brands only slightly cut prices on appliances that Watson Electric has not yet launched new products. This is enough to prove that foreign electrical appliance brands are targeting Watson Electric.

If the whole audience is engaged in electrical activities, everyone will not think about Huaxin Electrical Appliances. The appliances that have been greatly reduced are all electrical appliances that Huaxin Electrical Appliances has launched new products. Such an obvious target can be seen by blind people.

Foreign electrical appliance brands instantly rushed into the hot search list for Huaxin Electrical Appliances.

"I found a big thing. Foreign electrical appliance brands are targeting Huaxin Electrical Appliances."

"I have also seen that foreign electrical appliance brands are engaged in promotional activities, and the appliances whose prices are greatly reduced are all appliances that Watson Electric has launched new products, such as washing machines, refrigerators, and air conditioners that Watson Electric has not launched new products, and foreign electric appliance brands. The merchant has hardly reduced the price."

"Is it true? Foreign appliance brands really declare war on Huaxin Electric?"

"Who gave the courage to foreign electrical appliance brands? Huaxin Electric did not deal with them. They actually dared to make a move. Who gave them the courage?"

"After I saw the news on the Internet, I went to the foreign electrical supermarket on the street to check it out. It was really like that. The new products of Huaxin Electric, such as TV sets, electric fans, etc., are all on specials, and the price is higher than that of Huaxin Electric. It’s a lot cheaper, and other electrical appliances haven’t cut their prices much. Foreign electrical appliance brands are definitely targeting Watson Electric."

"How do I think this is a conspiracy? Someone is provoking a war between Huaxin Electric and foreign electric appliance brands."

"I also think that, after thinking about it carefully, the voices on the Internet the day before yesterday were too strange. It is reasonable that Huaxin Electrical Appliances is impossible to deal with foreign electrical appliance brands at this stage. This must be a conspiracy. Someone is provoking foreign electrical appliance brands. The war between Commerce and Huaxin Electric."

"It must be the case. The continuous launch of new products by Watson Electric is too threatening for electrical appliance brands. If Watson Electric continues to launch new products, when Watson Electric launches all new exclusive technical appliances, other electric appliance brands will definitely The competition is less than Watson Electric, and now they are the first to make the best."

The netizens are all incarnations of crime-solving masters, and their analysis is clear.

"Foreign electrical appliance brands are the first to start and kill Huaxin Electrical Appliances in their infancy. Who provoked the war between Huaxin Electrical Appliances and foreign electrical appliance brands? Did foreign electrical appliance direct and perform themselves, or someone else? "

"Conspiracy, no matter how you say it, this makes me feel a taste of conspiracy. I don't know which god is going to target Huaxin Electric."

"Who else can it be? The first is nothing more than a foreign electrical appliance brand self-directed and performed, and the second is nothing more than a domestic electrical appliance brand. In addition to these two parties, who else will target Huaxin Electric? Alas, the peers are enemies. ."

"This may not be true. Some people are uncomfortable with the development of the Haoyu Group. The last time the Haoyu Group defeated the six major foreign supermarkets also offended some large consortia. There are still many potential enemies of the Haoyu Group."

"Oh, Watson Electric has been targeted by many foreign electric appliance brands. It's sad at this level."

"What's the difficulty? Huaxin Electric is backed by Haoyu Group. Smart phones make tens of billions a month. What's the difficulty."

"Yes, I believe in Haoyu Group and Huaxin Electrical Appliances can survive this difficult time."

"That is necessary. Huaxin Electric will definitely survive this difficult time."

"This time, foreign electrical appliance brands took the initiative to provoke the war. I hope that Huaxin Electrical Appliances can perform the miracle of Jiajiafu Supermarket and defeat foreign electrical appliance brands and let them all roll back to their hometown in embarrassment."

"It's too difficult. Electric appliances are different from supermarkets. For example, foreign appliances are sold cheaper than Huaxin Electric. Don't you be tempted?"

"Will you choose the expensive Huaxin Electric? It's impossible. Even if someone chooses, they are Su Hao fans, but there are too few such people. Most people will choose cheaper foreign appliances."

"That's right, there are cheap ones that don't take the bastard. I won't buy two at most. Anyway, I won't buy expensive ones, and I won't have trouble with my own money."

"You don't buy it. People who want to buy it will still choose foreign appliances. After all, the quality of foreign brands is not bad, let alone some people always think that foreign products are better than domestic ones."

"Huaxin Electric may be really difficult this time. It's been jointly targeted by many foreign brands. It's not easy to pass this level."

"That’s not true. Su Hao’s fans are all young people. Young people rarely buy home appliances. The buyers are middle-aged people of our parents’ generation. They don’t care if you are Haoyu Group or Su Hao. They I only take care of my own wallet, which one is cheaper to buy, anyway, the quality is not much worse."

"No, Haoyu Group's electrical appliances are more power-efficient. This is a great advantage."

"Speaking of saving electricity, how much can be saved in a year? Foreign electrical products have many styles and cheaper prices. There will definitely be many people choosing foreign electrical appliances."

"The disadvantage of Huaxin Electric is that it has fewer styles and fewer products. If it takes another two or three years, when Huaxin Electric's products increase, Huaxin Electric will not persuade any electrical appliance brand."

Netizens are talking about it.

Su Hao was quite upset when he learned that foreign electrical appliance brands had launched activities against Huaxin Electrical Appliances.

"Mr. Su, the netizens are right. The voices on the Internet the day before yesterday were deliberately provoked. Their purpose was achieved. Now foreign electrical appliances brands are uniting against us." Huaxin Electric Manager Lai Youbin was worried.

Su Shao said: "Yes, someone is deliberately provoking a war between our Huaxin Electric and foreign appliance brands. The people behind the scenes must have planned for a long time, otherwise they won't choose the right time."

"Who will it be? Will it be directed and acted by a foreign electrical appliance brand?" Lai Youbin asked.

Su Hao said: "No, foreign electrical appliance brands will not be so stupid. They can't be so stupid to inform the enemy before the war begins."

"The behind-the-scenes must be someone else. It may be a competitor of Haoyu Group, but the most likely domestic electrical appliance brand."

"Our new electrical appliances have had too much impact on the electrical industry."

"I was still wondering how those electrical appliance brand vendors were doing nothing. It turned out that they were brewing such a big move. These people are really cunning. They don't do it by themselves and provoke foreign electrical appliance brand vendors to do it. Is this for the fisherman's profit? "

"Domestic electrical appliance brand vendors?" Lai Youbin was full of anger, and said: "They are really damned. They are not inconsistent with the outside world, and they are still behind the scenes. They are really damned."

Su Hao said lightly: "This is nothing, this is a normal means of commercial competition, and I will do the same for me."

"After all, our new products from Huaxin Electric are too threatening to them. We have been keeping us steady, and their living space will be much less in the future."

"But they forgot that while foreign electrical appliances are dealing with our Huaxin Electrical Appliances, they can't escape it. The promotion activities of foreign electrical appliance brands will also affect them. They can't escape this battle."

"Mr. Su, since it is the war initiated by those domestic electrical appliances brands, will they make preparations in advance?" Lai Youbin thought of this.

Su Hao frowned slightly and said, "You send people to visit those big-brand electrical appliances stores in China. I want to know the current situation of their stores. If they are really prepared, then they must be behind the scenes."

"Okay, President Su, I will make arrangements now."

When Lai Youbin leaves, Su Hao is lost in thought.

Su Hao is not very worried about the targeting of major foreign brands of electrical appliances. It is a pipe dream to destroy Huaxin Electrical Appliances with such a small amount of activity.

Su Hao didn't intend to fight back before he figured out what was behind the scenes.

The activities of foreign electrical appliance brands attracted countless Chinese people onlookers.

People are tempted to see the super cheap price, and many people buy it one after another.

"It's a rare opportunity at such a cheap price. I didn't expect that foreign electrical brands would also engage in such preferential activities. I have to buy a TV."

"Why buy a foreign TV? Is Huaxin TV not good?" the person next to him asked.

"How can domestic products compare with foreign products? The quality of domestic products can't compare with foreign products."

"No, Huaxin Electric's TVs are of very good quality, and they are more energy-efficient than foreign TVs."

"How is it possible, if that's the case, why don't I know?"

"It's normal if you don't know. The TV set of Huaxin Electric was only launched recently. There are no advertisements, but it is very popular on the Internet. Anyone who frequently surfs the Internet knows that Huaxin TV is good."

"What's the use of selling online? They are all deceiving young people. I still believe I saw it with my own eyes."

"Has Haoyu Group heard of it? Has Su Hao heard of it?"

"Of course Su Hao has heard of it, and I still know the richest man in the Dragon Kingdom."

"Huaxin Electric is his company. I suggest you go to see Huaxin Electric. After comparison, you can decide which one to buy."

"It's the company of Su Hao's richest man, so you can go and see it."

Some people were persuaded to return, but many people did not persuade them to buy foreign event promotional electrical appliances one after another.

Foreign electrical appliance brands are very happy to see the rapid increase in sales.

"This is just the beginning of the effort, the situation is so good, this time we won."

"Don't take it lightly. The Haoyu Group behind Huaxin Electric is the Longguo First Group. We must never take it lightly. We must always pay attention to the development of Huaxin Electric."

"Don't worry, Huaxin Electric's product chain is incomplete. How can we beat us? This time we won, it's just a matter of time."

"We still have a profit at the current price. Huaxin Electric has always been focusing on people-friendly prices. There should be little room for price reduction. No surprises, we will win."

"What are you afraid of? He cuts prices and we also cut prices. Although Haoyu Group has 100 billion assets, several of his companies do not make money. It is impossible to put all the funds on Huaxin Electric. We will win this battle."

"Don't be careless because of the small advantage in front of you. What if Huaxin Electrical Appliances Jiafu Supermarket? Don't forget the big killer of smartphones."

"Nowadays, it's different from the past. Smart phones just started selling in Longguo. Naturally, many people want smart phones. Now they have sold tens of millions of them. This trick is not easy."

"Yes, and home appliances are different from supermarkets. He draws a lottery, and we cut the price. The price drops to a certain extent. A lottery reward is nothing. Smart phones can be bought at any time. Cheap and low-priced home appliances are a rare opportunity."

"Yes, we have all thought of the tricks that Huaxin Electric can counterattack, and we will win this battle."

The domestic electrical appliance alliance was ecstatic to see that foreign electrical appliances targeted Huaxin Electrical Appliances.

"Our goal has been achieved. We only have one word in the next time. Wait. When Huaxin Electric and foreign electric appliances lose out, we will strike again and the final victory will belong to us."

"Yes, we are ready, let them fight, it will not affect us much."

"It can't be said that the impact is not big. Our sales will be bleak for this period of time."

"Didn't we think of this earlier? Otherwise, we have made preparations and we have tried our best to minimize losses. (Wang's) such a loss can't be accepted, so talk about the grand plan for dominance."

"Yes, don't care about the small loss for a while. Think about the national market. In the future, the national market will belong to us. The small loss now can be earned back casually."

"Well, wait, I hope the battle between Huaxin Electric and foreign appliances will not last too long."

"It won't be long. No one of them can afford to hold off, especially foreign electrical appliances, they can't afford to hold off."

After Lai Youbin sent someone to investigate the major domestic electrical appliance manufacturers, he immediately reported to Su Hao.

"Mr. Su, the major domestic brands of electrical appliances seem to have known this for a long time. They made preparations in advance and did not participate in this battle at all. Many stores are closed."

Su Hao said lightly: "This is to reduce losses."

"They really want too beautiful. They want to wait for our Huaxin Electric to compete with foreign appliances, and finally they come out to clean up the mess. They really want too beautiful."

Lai Youbin said: "Yes, according to their current situation, they are definitely waiting for the right opportunity to give us a fatal blow, they are really too shameful."

Su Hao smiled and said, "Since they are unkind, we can't blame us for being unrighteous."

"Originally, I didn't plan to kill them all. Now since they are unkind, don't blame me for killing them all."

"I want Huaxin Electric to become the only big-brand electrical appliance in Longguo, and to become the king of Longguo. There is no one."

Lai Youbin was full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm when he heard the words king of electrical appliances.

Lai Youbin believes in Su Hao very much. Since Su Hao dared to say this, it means that Su Hao must be confident to do it.

"Immediately hold a high-level meeting of Huaxin Electric." Su Hao decided to play a big one, and shook those big brands of electrical appliances in China and the Chinese. .

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