Both foreign electrical appliances and domestic electrical appliances have started a 10% discount promotion, and people are tempted. But the people who knew the first time were smart people, and they were waiting for Huaxin Electric to enter the market.

If Huaxin Electric does not enter the market, this electrical war will not be regarded as a real war, and the price will not be the final price.

"I only waited for one day. If Huaxin Electric does not enter the market today, I will buy foreign appliances."

"The price of 10% off is pretty good. It is the lowest price I expected. I can't help but buy it~, haha."

"Domestic electrical appliances have entered the market, and the price is also a 10% discount. It is also good to buy domestic brands."

"Except for the new products of Huaxin Electrical Appliances, other domestic electrical appliances brand products are still a bit worse than foreign electrical appliances brands. If Huaxin Electrical Appliances does not enter the market, I can only buy foreign electrical appliances."

"Yes, other domestic brand products are really not as good as foreign ones. Although the difference is not much, it is always a little bit worse."

"It's okay, Guomei Electric and Ningsu Electric are also good."

"Follow him, I will buy whoever is cheaper. If it's all the same, I will buy whoever product is good."

"Now the prices of domestic electrical appliances are basically the same as those of foreign electrical appliances. Wait for Huaxin Electrical Appliances. This event cannot be over today. It will be fine if you wait for a day or two."

"Haha, we are all waiting for Huaxin Electric to enter the market, and we don't buy it. Will foreign and domestic electrical appliances merchants be depressed?"

"It's not only depressed, no one buys the price of 10% off, but it's not only depressed, it's heartache."

"Haha, I really want to see the expressions of those high-level electrical appliances businessmen."

"I just support Huaxin Electric. I believe that Huaxin Electric, Huaxin Electric, Haoyu Group will definitely not let us down, just wait."

"Everyone is yelling, calling, and saying that we will wait a day for Huaxin Electric to see our yelling and calling."

"Yes, let's go to the Huaxin Electric Store to talk about it, go to Su Hao Weibo, and let Su Hao and Huaxin Electric see our voice."

"Haha, we support Huaxin Electric so much, and Su Hao so much, Su Hao will definitely not let us down, wait for the lowest price to come."

"My wallet is already hungry and thirsty, I can't help it anymore, haha."

"I have been at the door of the Huaxin Electric Store, and have been waiting for Huaxin Electric's promotional activities."

For a while, netizens flocked to Su Hao's Weibo and Huaxin Electric Store to speak out.

This topic quickly rushed to the forefront of the hot search list.

The domestic electric appliance alliance and foreign electric appliance alliance saw that netizens were willing to wait for Huaxin Electric for a day, and their mood instantly fell into a bad mood.

f*ck, the prices are all 10% off, do you have to wait for Huaxin Electrical Appliances, does Huaxin Electrical Appliances fart more fragrant?

Doesn't Huaxin Electric save a little bit of electricity? Do you need to maintain and support Huaxin Electric?

This Huaxin Electric brand is really deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. This battle is hard to fight.

It's not that the Huaxin Electric brand is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but the Su Hao effect. Su Hao is the richest man in the Long Country. Coupled with his young age, the people of Long Country admire Su Hao, and naturally they will support Su Hao's products even more.

This is nothing to do. This is home court advantage. We and Su Hao Huaxin Electric are completely incomparable.

Fortunately, many electrical appliances of Huaxin Electric have not launched new products, otherwise we really have no chance of winning. Now, who will be the winner is not yet known.

Foreign electrical appliances are not worried at all. After all, many electrical appliances of Huaxin Electric have not launched new products, such as refrigerators, air dryers, and washing machines. Competitiveness.

Generally speaking, they still have greater advantages in foreign appliances.

The domestic appliance alliance is even more unhappy than the foreign appliance alliance.

Why are they domestic brands, but people support Huaxin Electric and despise their products?

For what reason, Su Hao is the richest man in the Long Country, but how long is the brand of Watson Electric, and it has been more than half a year, is it worthy of your support?

Our brand has been in business for so many years. Isn't it comparable to Huaxin Electric's brand for more than one and a half years?

The domestic electrical appliance alliances are all angry. If they can, they can't wait to destroy Huaxin Electrical Appliances, even Haoyu Group, and let Huaxin Electrical Appliances and Haoyu Group disappear in the long river of history.

The employees of Huaxin Electrical Appliances who have been following the topics discussed by netizens saw the hot searched topics and immediately reported to Lai Youbin.

Lai Youbin quickly reported to Su Hao.

Su Hao was slightly taken aback when he learned that the prices of foreign electrical appliances and domestic electrical appliance alliances were all discounted.

"Unexpectedly, domestic electrical appliances would wake up, and this electrical battle has become more complicated." Su Hao said with emotion.

Lai Youbin said: "It was the netizens who woke up the domestic electrical appliance alliance. If the whole network is not scolding the domestic electrical appliance alliance big fool, it is estimated that the domestic electrical appliance alliance is still thinking about sitting in the mountains and watching the tigers fight."

Su Hao said: "Don't worry about these, since they are all down to a 10% discount, let's act."

"Although netizens say to wait for us for a day, we can't let everyone wait. Over time is too variable, and we must act immediately."

"What are the prices of foreign appliances and domestic appliances?"

Lai Youbin handed the price list to Su Hao.

Su Hao looked at the price list and asked slightly, "Their discount price is so high?"

Lai Youbin said: "Yes, it's at this price. The price they had sold was too high, so the discount is also the high price."

Su Hao smiled and said, "How can I fight us at this price? I thought I would suffer a blood loss this time, but now it seems that I won't lose much."

Lai Youbin said: "That's Mr. Su, you are great. The foreign electrical appliance alliance and the domestic electrical appliance alliance do not have such a favorable price as ours."

Su Hao said: "The cost of our new electrical appliances is lower than the 10% discount of foreign and domestic electrical appliances. Let's give the people of the whole country a big surprise first and shock the Foreign Electrical Appliances Alliance and the Domestic Electrical Appliances Alliance."

Su Hao began to set the activity price of Huaxin Electric, which was directly lower than the cost price, and all electrical appliances were sold at cost prices.

This cost price is a bit lower than the selling prices of foreign and domestic electrical appliances. This price is enough to make people crazy.

"We will not lose money at this price. If they continue to cut prices, I will give them another fatal blow and see what they fight with us." Su Hao confidently said.

Lai Youbin said: "Foreign electrical appliances and domestic electrical appliance vendors would never dream that our price, which is cheaper than them, is actually just the cost price. If they knew it, they would be crazy."

Su Hao said: "Go and make arrangements. The whole country is moving. Some well-renovated electrical supermarkets will open immediately, and those who are renovating will also speed up the renovation process for me."

"The two large processing plants in Shenzhen and Beijing are operating at full speed. We must ensure that production capacity keeps up with supply."

"Okay, I will make arrangements."

An hour later, YY directly popped up an advertisement, and the door of Huaxin Electric Supermarkets across the country also advertised with crazy loudspeakers.

"The lowest-priced electrical appliances in history, new products of Watson Electric are on the market. The lowest-priced electrical appliances in history are on sale. Don’t miss it when you pass by. The price is lower than other electrical appliances brands. ."

Su Hao directly posted a Weibo.

Expose the price list of electrical appliances directly.

Have you ever seen such a low price of electrical appliances? I haven't seen it before, but the heart is worse than the action. If you need it, hurry up and buy it. There is not much inventory.

When the netizens saw the price list posted by Su Hao, they were completely stunned and immediately ecstatic.

"Haha, I know that the price of Huaxin Electric will be lower than other appliances, I guessed it, haha."

"The price is really lower than that of foreign appliances and other domestic appliances. Huaxin Electric is really a business with a conscience."

"Haha, I read it right, they are all new products, they are all new products, refrigerators and washing machines are all new products."

"Is it really a new product? Hasn't Huaxin Electric not withdrawn from new products such as refrigerators and washing machines?"

"It's a new product. I saw it in an offline store. It's absolutely new. The product data is perfect. Power saving is the biggest advantage of Huaxin Electric. Haha, I can't help it. Buy it first."

"When I saw Huaxin Electric's activities, I went into the store the first time. I was shocked when I saw the products. Large appliances such as empty, refrigerators and washing machines are all new products. I bought these big new products and bought them."

"Would you like to wait any longer, this is only the first round, maybe they will lower the price, wait a second."

"Don't be too greedy. Seeing that Su Hao's Weibo is missing, there is not much inventory. If you don't buy it now, it may really be gone."

"That is, is the price still not satisfied?"

In the heated discussion among netizens, both the foreign electrical appliance alliance and the domestic electrical appliance alliance knew the news of Huaxin Electric's entry.

When they learned that the price of Huaxin Electric was cheaper than their electric appliances, they were a little confused.

"How can it be cheaper, is it only a few dollars cheaper?"

"It's not a few dollars, it's a lot cheaper, like a refrigerator a hundred cheaper."

"Special, Huaxin Electric is really willing to pay for it."

"Don't discuss it, continue to cut prices, and we must not allow Huaxin Electric to seize the market, otherwise we will all perish."

"How much?"

"How much?"

"It's cheaper than Huaxin Electric. It must be cheaper than Huaxin Electric. A few bucks will do. We can't support it if it is cheaper."

"That's OK, it's a few dollars cheaper. The current price of Huaxin Electric is already their lowest price, and they shouldn't cut the price anymore."

·· 0 Seeking flowers··········

"Okay, let's arrange it."

The price of foreign electrical appliances was immediately reduced, and the price was more than a few yuan more than the price of Huaxin Electrical Appliances.

The domestic electrical appliance alliance is also keeping up. It is definitely a dead end if you die or die.

People find that the foreign electrical appliance alliance and the domestic electrical appliance alliance have cut prices again, and they are all confused.

"Oh my God, the prices of foreign and domestic appliances have dropped again, and the prices are even cheaper than Watson Electric."

"They are purely aimed at Huaxin Electric. It's just a few dollars cheaper, which is really disgusting."

"This few dollars is also a lot of people's hearts. A dozen electrical appliances can save one or two hundred."

"Haha, I don't know what to buy now."

"Who can tell me what electrical appliances should I buy? Foreign electrical appliances, Huaxin electrical appliances, or other domestic appliances?"

"Huaxin Electric is so pitiful. This is a joint effort between foreign appliances and other domestic electrical brands to deal with Huaxin Electric. Huaxin Electric is really miserable."

"Will Huaxin Electrical Appliances cut prices again?"

"I guess it won't. The current price of Huaxin Electrical Appliances should be the lowest price that Huaxin Electrical Appliances can give.

"If you continue to cut prices and lose money, the money made by smartphones will not fill the hole. You must know that the national electrical appliance market is a market of hundreds of billions, and the money made by smartphones will not fill this hole."

"Oh, Huaxin Electric is really miserable. Forget it, I'm not short of that few dollars. I'll still support my idol."

...... 0 .......

"Yes, I support my idol."

Fans of Su Hao choose to support Su Hao.

Su Hao smiled bitterly when he learned that the prices of foreign and domestic appliances had been cut again.

"These guys are really hard to deal with. It won't work if you want to lose less. Forget it, I don't bother to entangle with them, and directly reduce the price to a price that they despair."

Su Hao changed the selling price to 20% off the cost price, so that the selling price is less than that of other electrical appliances brands.

Su Hao doesn't believe that they can follow up at this price. If they still follow up, Su Hao makes them lose money to grandma's house.

Su Hao updated Weibo again.

I'm sorry, I just posted the wrong picture. This is the final price of Huaxin Electric's event.

Netizens were shocked when they saw Su Hao's Weibo.

"F*ck, this price, should it be so crazy, my goodness, I can't believe there will be such a cheap price."

"I haven't seen Su Hao and said that I am too difficult? The price of Huaxin Electric must be a blood loss."

"Haha, let's not wait, buy it first, and then talk about it. For such a low price, it is estimated that foreign electrical appliance vendors will not follow up. They can't afford such a big loss."

"Yes, I bought it. Su Hao said it was difficult. We can't wait any longer and buy it."

"Su Hao said it is the final price, can't wait any longer."

"Keep waiting, I won't wait anymore, I'm very satisfied with this price."

"Haha, me too, I won't wait anymore, I'm super satisfied with this price, I bought it."

"Wait for a while, wait for them to stop fighting, and they won't be able to enjoy any benefits."

"That is, I've hit this level. What are you waiting for? I can't buy chicken feathers any longer."

Many people flocked to Huaxin Electric Supermarket stores, with three words, buy, buy, buy.

For a time, Huaxin Electric Supermarket was simply too busy, and sales continued to rise.

Others are watching, waiting for foreign and domestic appliances to cut prices again.

Foreign appliances and domestic appliances saw Huaxin Electric's price cut again, and it was a price they were all frightened of, completely daunted.

"If we drop to the sales price of Huaxin Electric, how much do we lose by selling an electrical appliance?"

"The TV loses 600, the refrigerator loses 800, and the air conditioner loses a thousand... If our goods are sold out, we will lose everything..."

"does it worth?"

"The research and development capabilities of Huaxin Electric are so strong, with the backing of Haoyu Group. If Huaxin Electric and us die, we will not be able to make back the losses this time."

"Yes, Watson Electric has already produced a lot of electrical products. Even if we sell out our goods this time, our selling price cannot be increased in the future, because this batch of electric appliances produced by Watson Electric will definitely cost Sell ​​it, so he will keep blocking us. If Huaxin Electric develops even better products, our loss this time is destined to not be made back."

"I withdrew from this electrical war, my boss couldn't bear such a big loss."

"I also withdrew from this electrical war." Wan.

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