"Is China Magnesium so good?"

"Nonsense, can you not be bullied? Guomei Electric is the largest brand of domestic electric appliances, and it can even be said to be the leader of electric appliances. Therefore, Guomei Electric is definitely not reconciled to being followed by Huaxin Electric, and will fight to the end with Huaxin Electric."

"Haha, I thought Huaxin Electric would restore prices soon, but now it seems that prices will not be restored for a while."

"What do you think, at such a low price, do you think you can fight for a long time? Now is the time to fight for capital. Who has strong capital and who can persist until the end."

"Which brands of Guomei Electric are cheaper than Huaxin Electric, will Huaxin Electric reduce their prices again?"

"I’m not sure, it’s just a few dollars, I dare not say, but Gome’s reduction of such a few dollars really has no effect. You must know that Huaxin Electric is much better than their products, and only a few dollars less, who Will buy their electrical appliances."

"That is, Watson Electric saves more than a few dollars in electricity bills a month, not to mention that Watson Electric's products are better, at least a few dozen dollars less to be competitive."

"Why do you say so much, don’t wait, don’t see Su Hao saying that it’s the final price? Is this price still not satisfied? Don’t wait anymore, don’t you see that the inventory is not enough? Now, I can only buy appliances of those brands of Guomagnesium."

"Haha, yes, Guomei Electric is only a few dollars cheaper, of course I choose Huaxin Electric."

"I also choose Huaxin Electrical Appliances. Huaxin Electrical products are better and save electricity. Who should pay for a few dollars? At least hundreds of dollars cheaper, I choose their products."

"Haha, I have already bought it, you can discuss it slowly, to remind you that when I bought it, there are not many products, you may not be able to buy it if you continue to talk about it, haha."

"F*ck, I won't say it earlier, I won't wait any longer, I'm going to buy it."

Of course, many people still think that Huaxin Electric will continue to cut prices. After all, the prices of electric appliance brands such as Guomagnesium Electric are lower than those of Huaxin Electric. They persistently believe that Huaxin Electric will continue to cut prices.

Lai Youbin reported to Su Hao on the price cuts of electrical appliance brands such as China Magnesium.

"Mr. Su, 20 shall we continue to cut prices?"

Su Hao smiled and said, "No, it's only a few dollars. Who should I do? A few dollars are not competitive at all."

"Unexpectedly, Guomei Electric would be willing to pay for it. It seems that we are not willing to be taken away by us as the leader in electrical appliances. I want to see how long they can survive."

"If they cut the price by dozens of yuan and 100 yuan less than ours, we will lower the price again. Now, there is no need to lower the price."

"Yes, with just a few dollars, our products can save a month's electricity bill, and people will definitely choose our products." Lai Youbin echoed.

Su Hao said: "Guomag Electric is still not ruthless enough, but their price cuts have cost us a lot. This time we must eliminate them."

"If they withdrew from the competition like Ningsu Electric, I might still give them a little room to survive. Now, they must be killed."

Feeling Su Hao's fierceness, Lai Youbin trembled in his heart secretly, secretly, Guomei Electric, who is not good for you to provoke, Mr. Su, you wait for destruction.

Su Hao said: "Staring at China Magnesium Electric, please notify me immediately if there is any change."

"Okay, President Su." The Lai Youbin alliance should be.

When the Foreign Electrical Appliances Alliance saw the price cuts of Guomei Electrical Appliances and some electrical appliance brands, they all laughed out loud.

"Haha, there are still idiots. This country's magnesium appliances have really helped us a lot. This time, Huaxin Electric will continue to maintain the current price, and even continue to reduce prices. In this way, Huaxin Electric will lose more, haha ."

"This country's magnesium appliances are really stupid. It's the leader of Longguo's local appliances, much stupid than Ningsu, haha."

"There is a battle between Guomei Electric and other electric appliance brands and Huaxin Electric. Let's wait. I hope Guomei Electric can hold on for a little more time, and they will lose even more in one day."

"One more day we will lose one more day."

"What is our loss? At least the small costs such as labor are lost. The losses of Huaxin Electric and Guomei Electric are called losses. I estimate that they will lose at least several billion a day."

"Haha, at this price, it is certain to lose several billions a day. The more you sell, the more you lose. It is best for Huaxin Electric to lose hundreds of billions. That way, without us, Huaxin Electric will automatically go bankrupt, haha. "

"You don't have to lose hundreds of billions, but a loss of one to two hundred billion, Huaxin Electric will have to go bankrupt."

"After Huaxin Electric goes bankrupt, our opponents will only be those of Ningsu Electric Appliances whose prices have recovered. They are not our opponents at all. At that time, the Longguo Electric Market will still be our world, haha."

"Don't be too optimistic, Haoyu Group has a smart phone, a sharp tool for blood recovery. We don't know how much Huaxin Electric has lost. We hope that everything will develop in a good direction."

"Let's watch the changes. I only waited for ten days. According to the current trend, this battle will not last ten days. Once the time comes, I will see the decision."

"That is, the inventory of Huaxin Electric will not last for ten days at all. The battle between Huaxin Electric and Guomei Electric and other electrical appliance brands may be the victory of Guomei Electric."

"I hope that China Magnesium Electric will win. The product competitiveness of China Magnesium Electric is much worse than that of Huaxin Electric. If China Magnesium Electric wins, the Longguo Electric market will be ours in the end."

"Wait, there will be results soon."

Domestic appliance brand merchants that withdrew from competition, such as Ningsu Electric Appliances, saw the selling price of Guomei Electric Appliances, and they all laughed in their hearts.

It’s just a few dollars cheaper, who should you be? The competitiveness of Huaxin Electric’s products is there. You only have a few dollars cheaper. People can save a month’s electricity bill. Why should you buy your products?

China Magnesium is still not ruthless enough. It seems that Watson Electric is the ultimate winner in this electrical war.

People can ignore these, just buy and buy.

Huaxin Electric's inventory is not very sufficient, who knows when it will be sold out, or buy it first.

Most people choose Huaxin Electric, and only a few people choose domestic electric appliance brands such as Guomei Electric.

Those who were waiting saw that Huaxin Electric did not cut prices and joined the buying corps. For a while, sales of Huaxin Electric increased crazily.

One billion, five billion, eight billion, ten billion. . .

On the 18th, Huaxin Electric's sales reached 10 billion.

Guomei Electric also sold one billion yuan, which is a huge difference compared with Huaxin Electric.

China Magnesium is also very satisfied with this sales. They don't seek to occupy the entire market of Long Country, because they know this is impossible, they just don't want to see Huaxin Electric dominates.

At 11 o'clock in the evening, after Guomei Electric closed its doors, sales were reported to the top, and Guomei Electric held a high-level meeting overnight.

"Billions of sales, what do you think?"

"The sales are neither good nor bad, I think it is just right for us."

"Just right, do you know how much we lost in one billion sales?"

Everyone is silent.

The president of China Magnesium Electric Appliances said seriously: "The combined price of our electrical products is one-third of the cost price, which means we have lost 2 billion in sales of 1 billion."

"A full double loss. If we sell 10 billion, we will lose 20 billion. Have you ever thought about this loss rate?"

"This is also compelling. Huaxin Electrical Appliances sells more than us. Huaxin Electrical Appliances will inevitably lose more. Huaxin Electrical Appliances will definitely not last long."

"Do you know the loss rate of Huaxin Electric?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"If you don’t know, don’t talk nonsense. I dare to say that the loss rate of Huaxin Electric is much lower than mine. We have no other income, but Huaxin Electric is supported by Haoyu Group and has smartphones to return blood. We can really be better than Huaxin Electric. Will it last longer?"

Everyone was silent again.

"Tell me how much all our inventory costs add up?"

"Mr. Huang, our inventory adds up to 20 billion."

Mr. Huang said: "20 billion, which means that we have sold out 20 billion, and we have to lose 40 billion. When will we earn back the 40 billion?"

"Now I finally understand why Ningsu Electric chose to withdraw. The loss is so great that no one company can afford it."

Hearing the loss figure of 40 billion, everyone was silent and did not dare to say half a word.

Mr. Huang sighed fiercely.

"We have come to this point. We cannot turn back. We must continue to go to the bank tomorrow. We must fight a protracted battle. Only by defeating Huaxin Electric can we quickly make back our losses. Otherwise we will definitely go bankrupt."

"Don't always say that Huaxin Electric has insufficient inventory. The three large processing plants are no joke. The production capacity of Huaxin Electric is increasing every day. This will be a protracted battle."

"Let our processing plant run at full capacity, we must not be out of stock, you know?"

"Yes, President Huang."

Guomei Electric decided to fight a long-term battle with Huaxin Electric.

On the 19th.

After a night of fermentation, the news of the ultra-low prices of Huaxin Electric and Guomagnesia spread all over the country, and the people all over the country knew about this electrical war.

Some people in villages and towns who do not have these two appliance stores rushed to the county to buy appliances.

If you don’t buy such a cheap electrical appliance, you can earn it if you buy it.

It has to be said that some people who don't know Watson Electric directly choose the old brand of Guomei Electric. As a result, the sales of Guomei Electric are also increasing rapidly.

People who are waiting for the price reduction of Huaxin Electric have bought Huaxin Electric after seeing that it has not cut the price.

On this day, Huaxin Electric's sales reached 20 billion.

National Magnesium Electric Appliances has sales of up to 5 billion yuan.

Seeing the sales of 5 billion yuan, Mr. Huang of China Magnesium Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. felt like a knife.

What made President Huang of China Magnesium even more desperate was that the bank did not immediately approve the loan application, but asked the headquarters for instructions.

Mr. Huang was even more desperate when he heard the news.

Asking the headquarters for what to say is actually a tactful refusal. It would be difficult for China Magnesium Electric to obtain a loan from the bank.

General Manager Huang of Guomei Electric asked the manager of the finance department to contact the other banks. All banks responded in the same way and needed to consult the senior management.

The bank is not a fool, knowing that Guomei Electric and Huaxin Electric are fighting, and this battle is about life and death. Now I am giving a loan to China Magnesium Electrical Appliances. If China Magnesium Electrical Appliances loses, this loan will definitely not be recovered, so the banks are waiting and watching.

If China Magnesium Electric won, the bank would naturally be willing to lend to China Magnesium Electric.

No bank is willing to lend, and Mr. Huang of Guomei Electric is completely desperate.

After other electrical appliance brands borrowed from the bank and were rejected by the bank, they all found Guomei Electric. After learning that Guomei was also rejected by the bank, the CEOs of these electric appliance brands were desperate.

"No, you can't continue like this. It will definitely not last long. You must exit and stop the loss in time."

"Yes, we can't continue like this. Selling for 100 million and losing 200 million, this business simply can't be done. We can't hold on for long without the follow-up funds, and we must withdraw immediately."

In the afternoon, some medium-sized electrical appliance brands withdrew one after another and changed back to the same price as Ningsu Electrical Appliances.

In the evening, big-brand electrical appliances also withdrew from the competition and changed back to the same price as Ningsu Electrical Appliances.

After all, they are not losing much, and they are still within their acceptance range. If all the inventory is sold out, they will really cry to death.

Only China Magnesium Appliances persists.

Netizens were a little confused when they saw the price reduction of electrical appliances brands resume their prices.

"What's the matter, why are the prices raised?"

"I don't understand, I went to several electrical appliance stores and saw that the prices were restored. The prices of those electrical appliance brands that were lower than Huaxin Electrical Appliances were restored to the same price as Ningsu Electrical Appliances."

"Oh my God, what the hell is going on, won't you all persuade me?"

"No, I see that China Magnesium Electric has not restored the price, and it is still yesterday's price."

"That's right, now only the price of Guomei Electric is lower than that of Huaxin Electric on the market, and the prices of the others are restored to high prices."

"In fact, it's not a high price. The price they recovered is still much lower than the price before the electrical war."

"I mean the price comparison with Huaxin Electric, and the price before the electrical war is naturally a bit cheaper, but how does it compare with the price of Huaxin Electric?"

"Is China Magnesium this just? Haha, China Magnesium, hold on."

"I hope that China Magnesium will hold on to it, but it is estimated that China Magnesium will not last long."

"Other price-cutting electrical appliances brands have withdrawn in less than two days. It is conceivable that they must have suffered a blood loss, otherwise they would definitely not withdraw so quickly."

"Friends who haven't bought electrical appliances will place orders tomorrow. I guess tomorrow will be the last day of the electrical war."

"Yes, according to this situation, whether it is Guomei Electric or Huaxin Electric, it is estimated that it will not last a few days. Buy it as soon as possible and don't wait."

"I heard that electrical appliance brands whose prices are lower than that of Huaxin Electric have a loss rate of twice the selling price. What is this concept, do you know?"

"What do you mean, I really don't understand."

"It means that if they sell one billion products, they will lose two billion."

"F*ck, my God, are you losing so much? Huaxin Electric has sold at least tens of billions in the past two days, so won't Huaxin Electric lose to grandma's house?"

"That is for electrical appliance brands such as Guomagnesium. No one knows what the loss rate of Huaxin Electric is, but I guess Huaxin Electric will not lose so much.".

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