"At this stage, it is impossible for YY to announce its entry into overseas markets. I estimate that it will have to wait for one or two billion smartphones to be sold abroad before YY will announce its entry into overseas markets."

"Haha, one or two hundred million units, it will take half a year, it's too long."

"By that time, it is estimated that new smartphones will appear, and it will be more difficult for YY to compete with foreign chat software giants."

"The electrical war has ended. Sushen should shift its focus to increasing the output of smartphones. Two large processing plants can also process smartphones."

"That is, the processing plant is not necessarily an electrical processing plant, but also a smart phone processing plant. Mobile phones are also a type of electrical appliances, haha."

"Follow him, I must grab a smartphone this time."

The electrical war ended, and the attention of netizens left it and shifted to YY and smart phones.

Su Hao's attention shifted to the Flying Dragon.

This month, his energy has been devoted to Huaxin Electrical Appliances. Although he has given some technologies for Feilong Locomotive researchers to study, it would be difficult for them to break through the technology without Su Hao's leadership.

This made Feilong Motor's researchers very frustrated. Fortunately, this time Su Hao joined in.

After Su Hao joined, in just a few days, Feilong Motor's research and development immediately made a new breakthrough, and the engine technology hurt even more.

After repeated trials, Feilong Motor's engine technology is not much worse than foreign engine technology. But this is not what Su Hao wants. What Su Hao wants is advanced technology beyond foreign countries, like the system rewards, fuel-efficient and powerful advanced engines.

November 30th is the launch date of a new round of Smart 610 mobile phones.

This time, there are still 21 countries abroad, and Su Hao did not expect to sell smartphones in backward countries. Because those countries do not have 3G networks, people have a better experience with feature phones than smart phones, and smart phones are completely uncompetitive in backward countries.

This time, the total number of smartphones sold abroad is 40 million, while the number in China is still 20 million.

Seeing this number, people have a new understanding of the capacity of smart phones.

With two million units a day, this production capacity is simply terrifying.

Two million units a day, 700 million units a year, this production capacity is really terrifying.

You must know that this is only one model. Huaxin Electric only has the Huaxin Mobile 1 model, which is only a regular version and a high-end version. If hundreds of millions of units are sold a year, Huaxin Electric is undoubtedly squeezed into the first-line mobile phones. Brand ranks.

Regardless of whether other mobile phone brands admit it or not, Huaxin Electric is the hottest mobile phone at the moment, because smart phones are the most advanced mobile phones in the world, and there is no one.

Before other mobile phone brands developed new smart phones, Huaxin mobile phones were the only smart phones in the world.

There are 40 million units abroad, almost 2 million units in each country, which makes foreign people very happy.

On this day, people in 21 countries still set up camps and queues at the door of Huaxin mobile phone stores at night.

That night, the door of Huaxin mobile phone became a carnival spot for young people abroad.

Young people started activities on their own initiative at the door of Huaxin mobile phone store, making the night of boredom become joyous.

When the Huaxin Electric Store opened in the morning, people quickly bought mobile phones.

Huaxin mobile phone has been very experienced, and it still sold out almost 2 million mobile phones in most of the day.

The whole world is reporting the shocking news that Huaxin Mobile has sold 40 million smartphones a day.

Forty million units have earned almost tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions. Huaxin mobile phones are really too profitable.

Every month abroad, there will be a news bombardment of the big sales of smartphones, and every such news will greatly stimulate those big-brand mobile phones.

This day is about to become the day of the high-level meeting of mobile phone brands.

"How long will it take to develop a new smartphone?"

"How long has this been since? A new smart phone has not been developed yet. Do you really have to wait for the Huaxin mobile phone to occupy the world market before you can develop it?"

The bosses of major mobile phone brands are extremely angry and scold their incompetence.

This has been almost half a year, and they have not yet developed a smart phone. Seeing that the production capacity of Huaxin mobile phones increases every month, and watching Huaxin mobile phones cannibalize the market, they can do nothing. The feeling is too awkward.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Huaxin mobile phones make a lot of money every month. This is the reason for their immense anger.

If they develop a new smart phone, they can also make a fortune.

Knowing that you can make money, but you can't make it, that feels really aggrieved.

The people of Longguo are delighted to see smart phones sold abroad.

"Haha, Huaxin's mobile phone is awesome, and it has made tens of billions, which is awesome."

"On this day, the Huaxin mobile phone made back all the money that Huaxin Electric lost, haha."

"Huaxin Mobile has made tens of billions of dollars this day. It is impossible for Huaxin Electric to lose tens of billions. It should not have lost that much."

"There are also 20 million smart phones in our country. When 7020 million smart phones are sold out at night, Huaxin mobile phones will make more than 100 billion yuan this day."

"One hundred billion a day? Oh my god, this is crazy."

"Is there really a hundred billion? Impossible?"

"How can it be impossible? I don't know how much money a domestic one can make for 60 million smart phones, but the price abroad is 2,000 yuan more expensive than domestic ones. After deducting the cost of tariffs, each smart phone makes more money than domestic ones. One thousand and five hundred like this."

"Even if each smart phone in China only earns 500 yuan, each foreign country can earn 2,000 yuan, 40 million is 80 billion, plus the domestic 20 million 10 billion profit, there are nine hundred Billion, but does a smart phone only make 500 yuan?"

"The price of the normal version of 3500 should be more than 500 yuan in profit. If there is a profit of 700 yuan, the Huaxin mobile phone will make more than 100 billion yuan a day, ha ha."

"I heard that mobile phones are highly profitable, and feature phones are highly profitable. I don't know about smart phones. After all, only Huaxin Mobile has developed a fully functional smart phone in the world."

"One hundred billion is a good thing. I believe Haoyu Group is a conscientious enterprise, but I also believe that Su Hao is not stupid. People don't like things that are too cheap. It is a good thing that advanced electronic products such as smartphones are more expensive to sell."

"Yes, we must know that the prices we guessed before are all five thousand. The price of Huaxi mobile phone 3500 is really too conscientious, and the profit should not be small. This day, Huaxin mobile phone earns 100 billion yuan. ."

"Oh my God, it earns 100 billion a day, Huaxin mobile phones are really awesome, Haoyu Group is awesome, Su Shen is awesome."

"You must know that this 100 billion is the money earned by Huaxin mobile phones in one month, but it is only concentrated on one day, 100 billion 30 days, 3.3 billion a day, this is not a lot of it."

"F*ck, isn't it more than 3.3 billion a day? Your whole life, no, you won't make so much money in ten lifetimes."

"I definitely can't compare with Su Shen, if I can compare with Su Shen, will I brag with you here..."

"Haha, one hundred billion a day, Haoyu Group was said to have one hundred billion in assets, what about now? It makes 100 billion a day. Su Hao is definitely the richest man in the Long Country this year. It's proper and there is nothing wrong with it."

"That's for sure, the country has announced it, it was before, but now it's just that no one can shake it."

"Give Su Hao another year. If there are no new smartphones on the market within a year, Su Hao will definitely become the richest man in the world."

"Haha, really, one hundred billion a month, plus the money made by other companies, in a year, with assets exceeding one trillion yuan, Su Hao is the world's richest man."

"What do you think, how can other mobile phones give so much time to Huaxin mobile phones? I heard that it seems that there are mobile phones that are about to develop new smart phones."

"Really? Is it so fast?"

"Normally, with Huaxin smart phone as a template, it is not a big deal to develop a new smart phone in half a year."

"Oh, that's a shame. In this way, Su Hao's time to become the world's richest man will have to be delayed."

"The world's richest man is not so easy. Unless both Huaxin Electric and Huaxin Computer can become world-renowned best-selling brands, it is difficult to rely on mobile phones alone."

"What's the difficulty? With so many powerful subsidiaries of Haoyu Group, YY alone, if YY goes public, Su Hao's net worth will definitely rise sharply."

"Haha, it's true. Internet companies are now very high in market value. Internet companies that don't make money have good market value, let alone a money-making Internet tycoon-level company like YY."

"The outside world has valued YY more than 50 billion, don't you know?"

"What, YY's valuation exceeds 50 billion? How is this possible?"

"What's impossible? YY is the only chat software of Longguo. As long as the Haoyu Group does not fall, YY will be the only market with more than one billion people. Is YY valued at more than 50 billion?"

"It doesn't seem to be much, and the valuation of 50 billion is normal. After all, YY has already made money.. 0"

"There are foreign investment companies who want to invest in Haoyu Group, but unfortunately even Su Hao's people can't be seen."

"Haha, that's natural, and Su Hao is not short of money. It's strange for those investment companies."

"There are also foreign companies who want to find ways to get YY listed, but unfortunately they still can't see Su Hao, haha."

"Awesome, my Su Shen, YY is valued at 50 billion yuan, what about Taotao.com?"

"Yes, what is the valuation of Taotao.com?"

"Taotao.com's valuation is similar to YY, hehe, are you scared?"

"F*ck, Taotao.com is also worth 50 billion yuan?"

"That's not true. Online shopping is definitely the future trend. Taotao.com is now the only retail online shopping platform in Longguo. Is the valuation of 50 billion a lot?"

"I dare say that whether it is YY or Taotao.com, if it goes public, the market value will definitely double several times."

"Cow, the two companies have a market value of 100 billion, and Su Hao's net worth has to double again."

"As long as Haoyu Group is not listed, outsiders will never know how rich Su Hao is, only a rough figure."

Netizens have been discussing Su Hao's net worth and the topic of earning one hundred million one day.

By seven o'clock in the evening, people still have not forgotten to snap up smartphones.

This time, it took a little longer to buy, and 20 million smartphones took a full minute.

Basically, young people who want to buy a smart phone grab a smart phone.

"Haha, I finally got my smartphone, and soon I can use it too."

"It took a full minute to grab it, and it seems that the domestic market is almost saturated."

"It will not be saturated. When 3G base stations are installed in towns and villages and 3G networks can be used, more people will buy smart phones."

"Yes, future functional opportunities will gradually be eliminated, and smart phones will become the mainstream."

"If you want to reproduce the phenomenon of grabbing light in one second, the second generation of Huaxin smartphones will do."

"Haha, wait, wait for other brands of mobile phones to develop new smart phones, Huaxin mobile phones will have a new version."

"Don't ask me why I know, I just know, haha."

"This was the case before YY. Penguin has been plagiarizing, and YY will only be updated. It is estimated that the same is true for Huaxin mobile phones. When other smart phones appear, Huaxin mobile phones will immediately return to Huaxin 2, and other mobile phone brands can only follow Huaxin forever. Drink soup behind the phone."

"When you say that, I'm kind of expecting other mobile phone vendors to develop smart phones."

"Haha, this mobile phone has only been used for half a year, so what anxious, wait until the last year and then release Huaxin 2, then it was just right to change the mobile phone."

"Do you think Huaxin Mobile has developed Huaxin Mobile 2 now?"

"It is very likely that half a year has passed, and the development of Huaxin Mobile 2 is also normal."

"Haha, maybe Huaxin 3 has been developed."

"The more you talk, the more ridiculous."

With 40 million smartphones sold out overseas, another 40 million foreign people use smartphones.

In this way, these 40 million people naturally use YY, and YY is even more popular for a time.

Forty million people drive more relatives and friends to use YY, and the registered users of YY ushered in a new round of soaring.

The foreign chat software giant MS looked at the number of online users declining every day, and finally paid attention to the outsider YY.

The MS executives found out that the reason for the decrease in simultaneous online users was that YY became so popular that they robbed their users, and they were very depressed.

This YY hasn't announced its entry into the overseas market, and it can steal so many users. If it really announces its entry into the overseas market, it will be fine.

Smart phones, all of this is because of smart phones, if there is no smart phone, people will not know YY, the chat software of the Dragon Kingdom, all the reasons are because of smart phones.

Can't wait anymore, you must contact Huaxin mobile phone immediately, let the MS mobile version appear on the smartphone of Huaxin mobile phone.

Before, MS did not pay much attention to mobile phones. After the introduction of smart phones, MS gradually paid attention to the mobile version of mobile phones, and has also developed a complete mobile version of mobile phones.

The MS executives also consulted the head of the head office of Soft and Micro, and the head of the head of Soft and Micro agreed with their decision.

In a word, MS must be the overlord of instant messaging chat software. .

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