Not only ordinary people are paying attention, but the high level of the country also noticed's double twelve shopping carnival. Even the second elder called Su Hao to talk about it.

It was the evening of December 10 when I received the call from the second elder.

Su Hao: "Hello, Grandpa Su."

The second elder: "Su Hao, your Double Twelve Shopping Carnival~ what's the matter?"

"Now the people all over the country are discussing this carnival, and even arousing discussion on many topics, such as whether men should pay for their girlfriends. I heard that many people have quarreled over this matter recently.-"

Su Hao is sweating, the second elder is going to beat him-is he?

But what does this have to do with him? It is not his fault that others quarrel, what can I do if they want to quarrel? The Double Twelve Shopping Carnival is just a promotional event.

"Grandpa Su, the Double Twelve Shopping Carnival is a large-scale promotional event on Recently, Huaxin Electric has lost too much. I have to earn a little blood through Taotao. Otherwise, I don’t have the funds to continue the construction of the 3G network. Go down."

Su Hao sells badly.

The second elder saw through Su Hao’s miserable sale, “You kid, don’t cry poor with me here. People across the country and even the whole world know that Huaxin’s mobile phones make 100 billion yuan a day and 100 billion yuan a day. You dare to follow I cry poor, do you want me to cancel your Haoyu Group's preferential policies?"

Su Hao hurriedly said: "Why, Grandpa Su, I'm telling the truth. I recently speeded up the construction of 3G networks and strived to have 3G networks available throughout the country before the New Year. See you on a video call with your family."

"With so many rural areas across the country, 100 billion is not enough."

The second elder was quite shocked, "Do you really plan to complete the 3G network construction before the end of the year?"

Su Hao assured: "Of course, this can't be delayed, and 4G networks have also begun to study. It is really difficult for me to spend money every day."

"More than that, Feilong Motors is also a big spender. Recently, a major breakthrough has been made in engine technology. It is also spending money every day. Don't look at making 100 billion a day, but this money really can't help but spend."

"Fortunately, this time the electrical appliance war Huaxin Electric has won. If Huaxin Electric loses, it is estimated that Haoyu Group will be implicated and the capital chain will be broken."

The second elder completely misunderstood Su Hao's words, and focused his attention on Su Hao's words, "What did you say, start developing 4G network? A major breakthrough in engine technology?"

Su Hao is speechless, Grandpa Su, I think you are not concerned about this, I think you are concerned about me and I am very poor.

"Yes, 3G technology is already at night, the research room has begun to develop 4G, and Feilong Motor's engine technology has also made major breakthroughs."

The second elders were extremely moved.

Let alone 4G technology, the second elder knows that Su Hao's research room will study 4G technology sooner or later.

The second elder was shocked that Feilong Automobile had made a major breakthrough in engine technology. This, how long has it been.

Feilong Automobile has only been established for two months, and it has achieved a major breakthrough in engine technology, which is incredible.

"Su Hao, what is the extent of the major breakthrough you are talking about, and how does it compare with foreign engine technology?"

Su Hao truthfully said: "Grandpa Su, I know that domestic engine technology is very backward. Feilong has not caught up with foreign technology in this breakthrough, but it is not far behind the most advanced technology abroad. I believe it will reach the world soon. The most advanced level."

The second elder was even more shocked, "Su Hao, can your engine technology be applied to fighters?"

The second elder looked forward to Su Hao's answer.

If Feilong Motor's engine technology can be applied to fighter aircraft, then domestic fighter aircraft and aviation industry will usher in rapid progress.

Su Hao directly said: "It should be possible, but this will take time. After all, there is a little difference between car engines and airplane engines."

Second elder: "Well, you study hard, don't worry, we are all so far behind, not so short of time, if you can develop an advanced engine, you are the country's hero."

Su Hao: "Grandpa Su, I will do my best. I don't care if I don't make any contribution. It is my honor to make a little contribution to the development of the country."

Second elder: "I am very grateful for your kindness. If the country can have more patriotic geniuses like you, why not worry that the country is not strong."

"It's a pity, people like the sky abroad..."

The second elder was full of emotion.

Regarding this issue, the country is really helpless, and can't use guns to force a genius to let him choose to stay in the country.

Su Hao blurted out: "Grandpa Su, have you ever thought that it's not that geniuses don't choose our country, but our country doesn't choose them?"

Second elder: "How do you say this, you can be more specific."

Su Hao came back to his senses and said, "Grandpa Su, I just spit it out, you think I didn't say it."

The second elder: "What are you afraid of, I order you to say, if you don't say it, I will beat you."

Su Hao was speechless, all the threats came out, is this still the kind and amiable grandfather in his heart?

"Grandpa Su, what I'm going to say next is just my own personal thoughts. If you say something wrong, please bear with me, as long as you haven't heard it."

The second elder did not speak, and continued to listen to Su Hao's text.

Su Hao: "Grandpa Su, our country never lacks talents, but why do talents choose to go abroad after studying abroad?"

"There is a reason. Is it better overseas? Of course, it is slightly better, but this is not the most important reason."

"I think the most important reason is that those talents feel that they can be valued overseas and have a sense of presence."

"Overseas environment, if you have real talents, you will never be buried, but what about China?"

"I really have to complain. Too many people in China are inaction. It is too common to be jealous of talents and suppress talents."

"With real talents but no place to display them, and worry about being stolen by the leader all day long, who wants to stay in such an environment?"

"In fact, many talents have a patriotic heart, but they are defeated by reality and they leave as a last resort."

At the end, Su Hao sighed softly. Su Hao didn't dare to be too specific, just general.

Hearing this, the second elder fell into deep thought.

Although Su Hao didn't elaborate, the second elder understood.

In a word, talents are not valued in the country, and there is no place to display their real talents, so they have no choice but to leave.

"Su Hao, what do you say should be changed?"

Su Hao: "Grandpa Su, I dare not answer your question. I don't know how to change it. I believe Grandpa Su has the courage to change."

"I have always believed in such a principle, it is absolutely right to prescribe the right medicine."

Second elder: "You kid..."

"Anyway, thank you for waking me up. The so-called authorities are fans of the bystanders. If it weren't for what you said today, I would still be kept in the dark."

"Do your research well. If there is a major breakthrough, the country will give you a big reward."

Su Hao: "Grandpa Su, I have made such a major breakthrough in the 3G network. Can I give the reward first? I'm short of money."

Second elder: "Okay, I will exempt your Huaxin Communication Company from taxation for one year, okay?"

Su Hao quickly thanked: "Thank you Grandpa Su, Grandpa Su, you are so kind, thank you."

The annual tax of Huaxin Communication Company is not a small amount. Su Hao is already happy to have this benefit. Of course, if Haoyu Group can be exempted from tax for one year, Su Hao will be even more happy, but Su Hao knows that it is impossible.

The saying that there is a one-year tax exemption for Huaxin Communications and a 3G network, and a one-year tax exemption for Haoyu Group, all major companies across the country have opinions.

After ending the call, Su Hao thought for a while.

Su Hao guessed the decision of the second elder from the reply of exempting Huaxin Communication Company from tax for one year.

This is going to be true. It is estimated that many people will be unlucky now.

Fortunately, those people don't know that because of me, otherwise I have to be more careful when I go out.

On the evening of December 11.

This night, netizens were even more crazy. Starting at nine o'clock in the evening, the traffic on quickly soared.

Haoyu Group madly promotes through all channels and is also advertising offline. People all over the country know that has this double twelve shopping carnival.

In the past few days, people have been shopping on when they have time, and most of them have dozens of items or more in their shopping carts.

Many girls’ shopping carts are even more horrible. stores are in accordance with’s recommendations, madly stocking up inventory, thinking about discounts for various fancy activities.

On the 12th, it's zero.

Netizens are crazy and place orders desperately.

Because many merchants have stated clearly that there are some hot-selling items in inventory that will be gone if they are sold out.

The fastest to grab the spot is still the Huaxin mobile smart phone.

In order to cooperate with this Double Twelve Shopping Carnival, Huaxin Mobile released 5 million smartphones, half of the regular version and the high-end version.

·· 0 Seeking flowers··········

The regular version is 3,000 yuan, and the high-end version is 4,500 yuan, both with a price reduction of 500 yuan.

This super welfare price makes everyone crazy.

In less than a second, five million smartphones were sold out.

"Haha, I got it and saved five hundred yuan, haha."

"I also grabbed it and made another five hundred yuan. I'm so lucky."

The netizens who grabbed it were all very happy.

More people are rushing to buy other products.

Five seconds later, directly announced that its sales exceeded 20 billion. Of course, this sales is all due to smart phones. Without smart phones, the sales of 20 billion is estimated to take several minutes.

Twenty minutes later, announced that its sales exceeded 50 billion.

One hour later, announced that its sales exceeded 80 billion.

People who have completed the rush to see the sales announced by are all stunned.

"F*ck, break 20 billion in five seconds? Do you want to be so crazy?"

"This is the reason for smartphones. Five million smartphones have sales of 17.5 billion. It's normal to break 20 billion in five seconds."

"That is, if there is no smart phone, it is impossible to break 20 billion in five seconds."

"That is, only 50 billion in 20 minutes, that is to say, an increase of 30 billion in 20 minutes, this data is normal."

"80 billion an hour, how much would you get on that day? Almost two trillion?"

"If you want to fart, how can you count it like you? The first hour was the craziest time. Most people who wanted to buy had already bought it. I expect's sales on Double Twelve to be around 200 billion on this day. ."

....... ...

"200 billion should be around this number. As for more, it shouldn't be possible."

"F*ck, if there are really two thousand and one sales, will definitely shock the world."

"Fortunately, the Huaxin mobile phone earns 100 billion a day is really shocking."

"It's not good or not, smart phones are the only smart phones in the world. How can be compared with smart phones, it's incomparable."

"That's how it can be compared. The two hundred billion on is as shocking as the two trillion on smart phones."

"I just want to know how much can make if there are two hundred billion in sales?"

"I heard that's rake on shops is 3%, so let's do it yourself."

"Three percent. Isn't 200 billion 6 billion? f*ck, earning 6 billion a day, more money than smartphones, my God."

"Really, Huaxin mobile phones are 3.3 billion a day, is 6 billion a day, and they really make more money than smart phones."

"It earns six billion a day. The money printing machine can't match the speed of making money, Su Shen is awesome."

"I admit I am envious, but at any rate I also contributed two thousand yuan, haha."

"I contributed 3,000 yuan, oh, I will eat instant noodles in the next month..."

"My wallet was emptied by my girlfriend, more than two thousand."

"More than two thousand, don't sell badly here, I'm over eight thousand, have I spoken, have I cried?"

"More than eight thousand, the buddies upstairs are rich."

"More than eight thousand as a fart, not a fraction of mine, I really want to cry."

"More than eight thousand are not odds, awesome, rich people."

"My girlfriend spent four thousand. This is what I discussed with her. I bought all the necessary items. I think it's worth it."

"Yes, my wife and I bought daily necessities for the next year. It cost more than 6,000. I think it's very worthwhile. It's not a loss at all. We made a profit."

"That is, what's the sale? This double twelve event is a benefit given to us by"

At 8 o'clock the next morning, sales exceeded 100 billion.

As soon as this sales came out, the whole country was shaken.

One hundred billion in sales is too awesome. This is how many people have emptied their wallets.

At six o'clock in the evening, sales reached more than 150 billion.

In the evening, there is another wave of traffic peaks.

By twelve o'clock in the evening, the final sales of's double twelve event were released.

Two thousand eight hundred million, the rest is too lazy for everyone to care, people only remember the number two thousand eight hundred million.

"Oh my God, 20.8 billion, really more than 200 billion, it's too good, a day of sales of 20.8 billion, just ask you if it's awesome..."

"This time is really going to shock the world."

"20.8 billion, this number will be remembered by the people of the whole country, and the whole world will be shocked." Wan.

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