After Su Hao approached Zhang Mengqi to learn about the 985211 tutoring website, he made a decision.

The 985211 tutoring website has spread all over the country. Last year, it made almost 2 billion yuan. This amount of money is just to support senior students in poverty-stricken areas and there is still a lot of surplus.

Moreover, there are only a few senior high school students in poor areas, and they can't spend so much money at all. Last time Zhang Mengqi said that the 985211 tutoring website is sufficiently funded, but Su Hao didn't take it seriously at the time.

As soon as I understand it now, Su Hao knows that there are still 500 million cash in the account of the tutoring website. This is because the tutoring website madly subsidizes the third year study, otherwise there will be more left.

"Mengqi, the tutoring website has to change its strategy, not just to subsidize the third year students, otherwise the money on the account will be more and more."

Su Hao said: "At the same time, in response to the country's new regulations on talents, tutoring websites must first stand up."

Zhang Mengqi said: "Well, I told you before, but you didn't worry about it. What do you say?"

Su Hao said: "Supporting senior high school students in impoverished mountainous areas is one aspect. We also need to establish schools for elite students in impoverished mountainous areas."

"Elite student school?" Zhang Mengqi didn't understand what was going on at the elite student school.

Su Hao explained: "Yes. The so-called elite school is located in a remote mountainous county -."

"The admission criteria are based on excellent grades. From elementary school to high school, tuition is free, accommodation is free, and food subsidies are provided, basically all are free."

Zhang Mengqi suddenly realized: "That's it, that several hundred million is not enough."

Su Hao said: "It's okay. This time it is the tutoring website and Haoyu Group. It can be regarded as cultivating talents for Haoyu Group and the country."

"Let those children in poverty-stricken areas who study well but don't have the money to study carefree and give them a way out."

"After they are admitted to university, they can get a certain amount of interest-free loans from Haoyu Group, and they will have priority to work in Haoyu Group to repay their debts after graduation."

"Of course, it is not mandatory for them to join Haoyu Group after graduation, but I believe that most students will have a grateful heart and choose Haoyu Group after graduation, so that they can continue to give Haoyu Group. Haoyu Group has no more worries about talents in the field of talents."

Zhang Mengqi said: "Interest-free loans, this is all you came up with, Su Hao, you are really amazing."

"What's the matter? The tuition fee per person is several thousand yuan a year, even if one million students are billions, this is nothing to the Haoyu Group."

"At a certain time, Haoyu Group will set up a private bank, then everything will be easy."

Zhang Mengqi said: "Are you still thinking about setting up a private bank?"

Su Hao said: "It's only convenient. It's no rush. When the time comes, it's okay to set up a private bank."

Zhang Mengqi said: "You are great, talk to you about this, I always feel IQ is crushed by you."

Su Hao smiled and said, "Is there only IQ? Hey."

Zhang Mengqi gave Su Hao a white look and said, "Be serious. Is it not so good to only set up elite schools in poor areas?"

Su Hao said, "For the time being, you can't do it all over the country. You can do it all over the country, and Haoyu Group can't bear it either."

"This has to be done slowly, not in a hurry."

"You can ask people to count the number of counties in poverty-stricken areas across the country, and I will look at the data."

Zhang Mengqi said: "Okay, when the 4th holiday is over, I will let people count them right away."

January 4.

Zhang Mengqi came to the tutoring website early and asked people to collect statistics on counties and cities in poverty-stricken areas across the country.

According to statistics, there are almost 600 poor counties in the country.

Children from many families in these poor counties stop studying after finishing elementary school, and a small part of them have finished junior high school, and very few have finished high school.

Is it a bad study? No, it's because of poverty and no money to study.

After Su Hao got the data from the poverty-stricken counties, he came to the tutoring website and discussed with the top of the tutoring website about the elite school.

After discussion, Su Hao decided that from the first grade to the third grade of the school, there will be a total of twelve academic years. Each academic year will enroll 1800 students, a total of 1,800 students, and a total of 1.08 million students from 600 impoverished counties.

An academic year is divided into three classes with 50 students in each class.

The elite schools adopt closed management. Any student who enters an elite school whose comprehensive score falls below the excellent score line during a semester can only regret to inform you that they cannot continue to enjoy the free policy.

After drawing up a detailed plan, Haoyu Group and the 985211 family education website held a press conference to announce the matter of elite schools in poor mountainous areas.

After the news of elite schools was broadcast, people across the country were shocked.

"This, this, should the Haoyu Group be so arrogant and set up elite schools in 600 poverty-stricken counties across the country, with a total of 1.08 million students, and all of them will finish high school for free. How much does it cost? It's a cow."

"I count you three thousand a year for every student, which is more than three billion. Besides, it should be more than three thousand. Five thousand is almost the same, that's more than five billion."

"Does the 985211 family education website earn more than 5 billion yuan a year?"

"No, I heard that there are almost two billion students in the third year of independent high school. There are not many left. Most of the money in this elite school is still paid by the Haoyu Group."

"Billions are okay, made the double twelve event. This is not a problem for Haoyu Group at all."

"It seems to be the same. Smart phones make 100 billion a day, which is nothing for Haoyu Group."

"It's one thing to make money, but it's another thing to spend so much money on charity. Is there any company that would spend so much money on charity?"

"No, there is only Haoyu Group, so Haoyu Group is a super conscientious enterprise, and it is absolutely correct to support Haoyu Group."

"Blessed are the people in more than 600 impoverished counties, but there are too few 150 students in one grade."

"Not a lot. One hundred and fifty students are quite a lot. This is just the beginning. Everything starts from scratch. When the elite schools are completed in the future, more places should be opened."

"Yes, when the Haoyu Group becomes more and more powerful, it will definitely open more places."

"This elite school is really good. In this way, good students in poor areas can be regarded as one more way. As long as you have good grades, you no longer have to worry about not being able to pay tuition. Haoyu Group sponsors you to finish high school for free. OK."

"You can still get an interest-free loan from Haoyu Group after you enter the university. It can be said that there is no pressure at all before graduation."

"Why doesn't the university sponsor for free?"

"Want to fart, the country is only nine years of compulsory education. It is super good to be able to sponsor you to finish high school for free. I also want to sponsor you to finish university for free. You will be an adult after high school. Sponsor woollen yarn for free.”

"Yes, in fact, after college, there are many opportunities for part-time jobs, such as part-time jobs on tutoring websites. As long as you have good grades, there is no need to worry about tuition and living expenses."

"What I envy most is that you can join Haoyu Group after graduating from university. Haoyu Group will give priority to recruiting these students. The benefits are simply great. Now how many people want to join Haoyu Group."

"To put it simply, Haoyu Group spends money to cultivate talents for its own group, but the cost of training is a little bit higher."

"Have you not seen the news that this is in response to the national talent policy?"

"There are more than 90,000 outstanding students in the 600 impoverished counties across the country. These are the top students in each county, and they will all be talented people in the future."

"Yes, if there is no elite school established by the Haoyu Group, many of these 90,000 outstanding students may have dropped out because their families cannot afford the tuition. Haoyu Group can be said to give them hope and change their lives."

"There is another point. The burden on one student can be reduced at home, and the other children can read more books. Such a cycle is a great thing."

"Yes, no matter how you say it, the elite school of Haoyu Group is for the benefit of mankind and the country, and I absolutely support it."

"Haoyu Group does not open donation channels. I want to give my heart to help a bunch of students in poor mountainous areas."

"Yes, if the donation channel is opened, I will also donate 100 a year to express my heart."

"Don't you see that the 985211 tutoring website does not open the donation channel? What do you think, is Haoyu Group a company that is billions of dollars?

"Yes, let me just talk about it. I like the real charities like Haoyu Group and tutoring websites. Some organizations do not disclose their expenditures. I don't know where the donated money will be spent. I don't want to donate at all. ."

"Yes, we don't know what's going on at the current charity organization. I really don't dare to donate."

"It would be great if the country could introduce some policies for these charities, then I would dare to donate boldly, and donate three to five hundred per year, which would be considered as my own merit."

"How can the high level of the country have time to pay attention to these trivial matters? National economic development is the kingly way, and the country's strength is the kingly way. Charities are all trivial matters."

·· 0 Seeking flowers··········

"It doesn't matter how much he has, it doesn't matter where the money is going to be announced, just don't make a donation."

National senior officials and national news platforms all praised elite schools. National senior officials also praised Su Hao in particular, saying that Su Hao is the pillar of the country.

Su Hao was blown up by various media all over the country again, and his image in people's minds was even higher.

Su Hao's instruction is to build 600 schools before the start of school in September this year, complete all basic work, and put them into use after September.

After giving instructions, Su Hao no longer cares about elite schools and continues to invest in Feilong Motors research.

People in 600 impoverished counties learned that elite schools will officially enroll students in September. All children with good academic performance in the family are very excited, and they urge the children who have learned to study hard and strive to become one of the children.

Many students with good academic performance know this, and they are more determined to study hard. Especially for junior high school and high school students, Su Hao is their idol. They even want to enter the elite school run by Su Hao and join Su Hao's Haoyu Group in the future.

Because of the elite schools, the learning atmosphere in 600 poor counties has changed and become better.

Regarding these, Su Hao did not know, and devoted himself to automobile research.

In December, 40 million smartphones were sold overseas, which is another 40 million YY users.

These 40 million YY users are driving more friends to register and use YY.

...... .. 0

In the three days of New Year's Day, overseas YY registered users exceeded 200 million.

YY announced in a high profile that overseas registered users exceeded 200 million, and online users exceeded 100 million.

People in 21 countries were surprised when they saw this news.

"YY registered users exceeded 200 million, online users exceeded 100 million, my goodness, isn't this about to catch up with MS?"

"If this news is true, is it true? How many MS online users are there?"

"I don't know, but people have been using MS before. I believe there must be a lot of MS online users."

"I think YY is more fun. There are YY and MS on smart phones. I still choose YY. YY's functions are much better than MS."

"The recent frequent updates of MS are all mimicking the functions of YY."

"Really? I really didn't notice, MS actually imitated YY, it's really spicy."

"I went and took a look. MS really imitated YY. Oh my god, can you point your face? As a world-class chat software giant, it's shameless to imitate YY."

"Follow him, I just want to play YY now, I give up using MS."

"Yes, all my friends are using YY, and I don't use MS anymore."

"I found that most young people are using YY. They don't use MS anymore, especially college students. They all use YY now and completely abandoned MS."

"Nonsense, YY has more functions, more fun, and much more fun than MS. Wouldn't you use MS without YY?"

"No wonder MS is imitating YY. YY has more interesting features. If MS doesn't imitate it, it will be eliminated by YY sooner or later."

"Only office workers use MS because they are used to it."

"It's not about it. Many office workers are also rushing to YY. YY's group chat function is even better. Offline file transfer is better than MS."

"Yes, all of our company is using YY now."

"Since YY announced its entry into the overseas market, the development of YY has really changed every day. I dare to say that YY will catch up with MS in the near future."

"Sure, did you start imitating YY without seeing MS? It must be able to catch up."

"It's disgusting that MS actually imitates. I hate plagiarism the most. From today onwards, I don't use MS."

"Yes, as a world-class chat software giant, it is really shameful to imitate YY. I am ashamed of using MS."

Many young people abroad think that MS imitates and plagiarizes YY too cheaply, and are ashamed. As a result, many young people gave up using MS and embraced YY. Suddenly, the registered users of YY soared.

By January 6th, YY overseas registered users exceeded 300 million.

On January 8th, YY overseas registered users exceeded 400 million, and at the same time it exceeded 200 million online.

The number of registered users increased by 100 million in two days and 50 million a day. When YY announced the news, people all over the world were shocked.

Is this YY going to surpass or even kill the rhythm of MS? ten thousand.

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