"Those who say that Haoyu Group is asking for the removal of restrictions on Haoyu Group, please don't lose your mind. Fools can see that Haoyu Group took the initiative to lift restrictions on Haoyu Group. If Haoyu Group takes the initiative, why smart phones are still Did not lift the restrictions on MS?"

"That's right, you guys are still barking here, what fools can see, please don't lose your mind."

"I really don't want to talk to the brain damage. Smartphones still have not lifted the restrictions on MS. This clearly shows that Soft and Micro is actively taking the initiative to lift the restrictions on Haoyu Group."

"Then I need to say, if it weren't for the software company to lift the restrictions on YY and continue to use YY, I would have switched to the Huaxin computer system, and now the software and micro computer system can use YY, I am too lazy to reinstall the system That's it."

"Yes, I am too lazy to hold a computer to install the system. It is troublesome. I will continue to use it if I can use it. If the software and micro-computer continue to restrict, I will not dislike the trouble, and I must switch to the Huaxin computer system."

"Return Haoyu Group's request. It is the software and micro company that Haoyu Group is asking Haoyu Group to lift the ban on MS by smartphones. Unfortunately, Haoyu Group does not kill him."

"Change me, I'm not a bird, you restrict me, why can't I restrict you? I have a way to break the game, you take the initiative to lift the restriction, then I will continue to restrict, wait until you think of a way to talk."

"Haoyu Group is so powerful on this day, it didn't instigate the world's largest soft and micro company. If it were changed to another company, it would have shaken hands and made peace."

"Huaxin Computer has entered the overseas market. With this alone, Haoyu Group has no possibility of shaking hands with Soft and Micro Computers. Huaxin Computer is trying to seize the soft and micro computer market. The two companies are destined to always have a competitive relationship. How could it be possible? Shake hands and make peace."

"Now software and micro companies are at a disadvantage. The software and micro companies cannot restrict the Haoyu Group, but the Haoyu Group can restrict the software and micro companies on the smartphone side. So now it is the software and micro company seeking the Haoyu Group."

Foreign netizens' fans' clear and thorough, thoroughly, so that netizens who support soft and micro companies can no longer refute.

Based on the disgraceful act of soft and micro companies, not only the Americans, but also more than 20 foreigners are ashamed of the soft and micro company's behavior of instigating the cartilage, and have joined the army of the soft and micro companies.

Soft and micro companies are doing their best in public relations. On the bright side of the United States, soft and micro companies are in the world. Although there are many people slandering and attacking, soft and micro companies use public relations. These attacks and slander voices are immediately suppressed.

In the United States, software and micro companies have not been affected at all.

Soft and micro companies also follow the Haoyu Group, inciting the sentiments of the people in their country and supporting their products.

Unfortunately, the national conditions are different, and the effect is naturally not as good as the Haoyu Group. Longguo is the Huaxin computer system of Haoyu Group supported by almost the people of the whole country, and only a very small number of foreign and foreign products do not support it. These can be ignored.

However, in the United States, a small proportion of those who do not support soft and micro companies feel that the behavior of soft and micro companies is shameless. In addition, soft and micro companies take the initiative to lower their heads to be soft. These people hate soft and micro companies and are attacking and boycotting soft and micro companies. .

Although they were unable to form a large-scale presence on the Internet, they were actually taking action to switch their computers to the Huaxin computer system.

It can be said that within 21 countries, the United States is the country where the most people switch to the Huaxin computer system.

More than 20 other soft and micro companies are unable to restrict online voices. There are many slanders and attacks on the soft and micro companies on the Internet, but most of these people have no actual actions to support the Haoyu Group, and only a few people actually use them instead. Huaxin Computer System.

In addition, the soft and micro companies have also been in public relations. The people of 20 countries are still affected by the soft and micro companies' public relations. They feel that the Huaxin computer system is not really better than the soft and micro computer system. The so-called ten times excellent is an exaggerated publicity.

Therefore, the people of 20 countries are naturally too lazy to switch to the Huaxin computer system.

The 21st.

Soft and micro company meeting room.

Bigey looked around at the top of the crowd.

Seeing everyone's spirits and spirits changed, back to the vigorous look of Soft and Micro Inc. when it opened up its territory, Bi Gai finally showed a smile on his face.

"Very well, I am very satisfied with your mental outlook. Your ambition and your wolfishness have not been lost."

Bige said loudly: "This time the Haoyu Group is provoking us and trying to snatch our market. We must beat Haoyu Group severely and make Haoyu Group afraid of us. I dare not covet the world market."

Very confident than Gai. This is also the confidence of being the world's richest man.

Standing at the top, Bigai is not afraid of any provocation. In Bigai's eyes, Haoyu Group can only be said to be a good opponent, by no means the strongest opponent.

But now Bige doesn't have any thoughts to underestimate the Haoyu Group. Through these few short encounters, Bigai knew that Su Hao was a super difficult figure.

If you really despise Su Hao and look down on Su Hao, software and micro companies are very likely to lose this battle.

Biga does not allow software and micro companies to lose.

Software and micro companies can't afford to lose, even he can't afford to lose.

The high-level people didn't speak, they were all waiting for Bige's later words.

Bigai continued: "You have to read all the materials of Haoyu Group and Huaxin Computer. Before fighting the enemy, you must first understand the enemy's situation. Long Guo said very well. Knowing the enemy and confidant can win all battles. ."

The information was compiled by Bige last night, including the development history of Haoyu Group and the detailed information of Huaxin Computer.

It is the first time that the senior management has seriously understood the opponent of Haoyu Group.

Seeing the strong rise of Haoyu Group in more than a year and becoming the largest group in the Dragon Kingdom, the senior leaders finally understood how stupid they were before.

Haoyu Group's assets are initially estimated to be as high as 200 billion.

The assets of 200 billion yuan are not as much as those of software and micro companies, or even less than half of those of software and micro companies. However, Haoyu Group's assets have been achieved in just over a year, and software and micro companies. . .

The senior executives thoroughly recognized their stupidity and elevated Haoyu Group's status to the level of a soft and micro company.

Haoyu Group is extremely powerful, and its potential is even greater than their soft and micro companies.

It's stupid for them to despise such a powerful opponent, thinking of pinching to death at will.

Bigey was shocked and regretted seeing the faces of the high-level people getting more and more solemn. . . It's extremely complicated, and the smiles on his face are getting more and more.

This is the effect of Biguy. Only when the high-level leaders are truly aware of the power of Haoyu Group will the high-level leaders truly unite.

Bigai believes that as long as everyone is united, the Haoyu Group will be crushed by them sooner or later.

Su Hao, you are still too young. If you are late for three to five years to stabilize the foundation of the Haoyu Group, and then enter the overseas market, maybe I am really not your opponent. Now, I will show you the number one in the world. How strong are the big companies?

All the senior executives read the information.

Bigai asked, "What do you think?"

"The Haoyu Group is very strong, and Su Hao of the Haoyu Group is very powerful." This is the unanimous voice of all the senior executives.

Bigai said: "You can realize this, I am very satisfied, I can not pursue your stupid behavior before, but from this moment on, you must give me twelve points to deal with Haoyu Group."

"The Haoyu Group is not only powerful, but its potential is extremely huge. We must take advantage of the Haoyu Group to give him a fatal blow before it truly becomes a giant, do you understand?"

"Understood." The senior executives echoed loudly.

Biguet: "Next, everyone speaks freely, and there are any good ways to say it."

In the next hour, all the top leaders spoke freely, speaking out all the ways they could think of.

In the end, Bige summarized and made a decision.

All the top executives unanimously agreed with Bige’s final decision. In this way, the software and micro company officially started to deal with Haoyu Group, no, it should be said to deal with Huaxin Computer.

In the afternoon on the 21st.

The five stores of Huaxin smartphones in the United States were required to be closed by local organizations, and the reasons are naturally unnecessary.

After Su Hao received the call, he learned that the software and micro company had acted.

"Close the front of the US, one day I will let them beg me to come back."

Su Hao did not hesitate. In the United States, Haoyu Group couldn't compete with the giant soft and micro company.

Huaxin Smart Phone will issue an announcement immediately.

"In view of the toughness of the relevant organizations in the United States, Huaxin smartphone stores in the United States have to be closed. In the future, Huaxin smartphones will no longer be sold in the United States."

Below the announcement, it was all the voices of the navy.

"The so-called free country, this is what you call a free country. If you can't compete, it will be oppressed by the power, forced to close, soft and micro companies, I really look down on you."

"Junk software and micro company, you told the relevant organizations in the United States to close the Huaxin smartphone store, it will only show that you are really scared, the world's largest, I, bah, you are not worthy."

"Soft and micro company, I just want to say to you, you are really rubbish, nothing."

With the rhythm of the navy, the American people, especially those thinking about buying smartphones, are extremely angry.

"Oh my God, this is another trick. It was the same with Wal-Mart Supermarket at the beginning, and now Soft and Micro is also like this. I can't bear it anymore. Rubbish Soft and Micro, you will solve this problem for me immediately, otherwise I will do it tomorrow. Go and smash your store."

"He was aiming. Seeing that the time for a new round of smartphone sales was approaching, Soft and Micro Inc. unexpectedly found a relationship and closed the smartphone store. Soft and Micro Inc., are you trying to die?"

"Before I just despised software and micro companies, but now I really feel very embarrassed. As the world's largest company, Haoyu Group actually plays a trick in competition, but this is not the freedom we need. The United States does not need such power. The company, software and micro company, advise you to stop immediately."

"Soft and micro company, send you a word, you will kill yourself if you do injustice. You are self-destructing."

"Brothers and sisters who want to buy smartphones, we must unite, and we must not let the software and micro companies cover the sky. We must unite, otherwise we will not even want to buy smartphones in the future."

"Yes, we must unite and let the software and micro companies give us an explanation."

The U.S. Internet is full of storms, and the American people who want to buy smartphones are completely united with the soft and micro company Hard Steel.

The people of the other 20 countries are even harsher, despising the hegemony and shamelessness of soft and micro companies.

The people of the Long Kingdom are even more violent.

"It's special, the United States closed the store of Huaxin mobile phone again. This is the bullying of Chi Guoguo. We also closed the store of Soft and WeChat, I don't believe it anymore."

"Yes, I call on the relevant organizations of Longguo to close the stores of soft and micro companies."

"Bossing the software and micro company's products starts with me. From this moment on, whoever uses the software and micro company's products, I will never be friends with him."

"Soft and micro companies are so domineering, this is Chi Guoguo's oppression of Hao Yu Group. If Hao Yu Group is not in competition, we will use power to suppress it. We can't bear this tone. We must unite and boycott the products of soft and micro companies."

"Yes, people of Longguo, unite, Su Shen is right, we must have the backbone, don't we use the products of Soft and Micro, don't we use Huaxin computers?"

Netizens have rushed to the official websites of relevant organizations to call for the closure of soft and micro companies' stores in Longguo.

Su Hao saw these voices, thought about it, and posted a Weibo.

"Thank you for the support of all the Chinese people. Others can be powerful, but we cannot learn from them. We can resist but cannot engage in hegemony. Everyone should be sensible. Do not go to the official website of the relevant organization to appeal. This is a wrong behavior. I No. I support us in uniting together to boycott the products of soft and micro companies."

When netizens saw Su Hao's Weibo, they all agreed with Su Hao's statement and stopped going to the website of the relevant organization to appeal, and continued to appeal to people to unite and boycott the products of soft and micro companies.

In this way, some people who didn't want to switch to the Huaxin computer system were too troublesome to modify the Huaxin computer system immediately. As for those who worship foreigners and foreigners, they dare not say anything.

The fawning of foreigners is clear. At this important moment for the whole people, if they dare to speak out, they will definitely have no friends.

In this way, all the stores selling computers in Longguo are completely unattended, except for Huaxin Computer.

Whether it is a large-brand computer or a small-brand computer, it is a soft microcomputer system, and the people of Longguo will naturally not buy a computer with a soft microcomputer system.

Coupled with the fact that the price of Huaxin computers is already cheap, the sales of major computers are even worse.

The executives of the major computer brands are depressed.

I, I have provoke someone. Huaxin Computer didn't even think about dealing with them. Now that the software and micro companies are making such a fuss, people actively boycott the software and micro computer products. This is a disaster.

All major computer brands held high-level meetings, and finally chose to switch to the Huaxin computer system. All the computers sold by Longguo use the Huaxin computer system.

If you don’t switch to the Huaxin computer system, which one of the relevant doors is closed is one way to go.

Su Hao also did not take the opportunity to target the major brands of computers. At this time, targeting the major brands of computers will only be extravagant and make people feel disgusted with Huaxin Computer.

The competitiveness of Huaxin computer products is there, and sooner or later it will become the leader of the computer industry. Besides, it's useless to target all major brands of computers now, and Huaxin Computer doesn't have that many stocks at all.

Now Huaxin Computer is the most important to capture overseas markets. .

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