Now if I buy the Pingguo smartphones in a few days, they will be destined to suffer a dumb loss if the price of the Pingguo smartphone is reduced like the Nuojiya and Xingsan smartphones.

Companies in the U.S. won’t refund you the price difference.

Loss is your own business, no one will sympathize with you and pity you, this is the reality of Chi Guoguo.

Based on this, most American people hesitated.

The functions of Pinguo smartphones are similar to those of Xingsan smart phones. Xinguo smartphones are so cheap, why should I buy a Pinguo phone?

Some people say that the Pinguo mobile phone system is a bit smoother than the Star 3 mobile phone system, but it is not much smoother. If Pinguo can be as smooth as a Huaxin smart phone, then they will not hesitate to buy a Pingguo smart phone.


People in the U.S. will naturally not choose Pingguo smartphones stupidly.

The people of the U.S. are not like the people of the Long Kingdom, who have a united heart to support domestic production. The people of the U.S. will not care whether you make it domestically or where you produce it.

The American people only buy good products and only the right products. The American people have no concept of domestic production in their hearts.

Due to the hesitation of the American people, the sales of Pingguo smartphones in the U.S. are poor. The sales volume in countries all over the world is not as good as that of Star 3 smartphones and Nuojiya smartphones.

In a word, if Pingguo smartphones insist on not reducing prices, there is only one result waiting for Pingguo smartphones, and they cannot be sold.

Pingguo smartphones were not overwhelmed by the poor sales. Instead, they increased publicity, and even bundled them with several major computer brands.

It's a pity that people don't buy it at all. Two days after the world's crazy publicity, the sales of Pingguo smartphones are still pitiful.

Not to mention the poor sales, people all over the world are complaining about the crazy ads of Pingguo smartphones.

"F*ck, don't you need money for advertising? Pingguo smartphone ads are everywhere you go, don't you need money for this advertisement?"

"Soft and Micro, several major brand computer companies, and Pingguo are all three joint ventures. They have money. What's the advertising fee?"

"Yes, as long as Pingguo smartphones and several major brands of computers sell well, such a small amount of advertising costs is nothing at all."

"Turning on the TV is an advertisement for Pingguo's smartphone, and turning on the computer is also an advertisement for Pingguo. Walking on the street is also an advertisement for Pingguo. It's so expensive, and no one buys your advertisement when it goes to space."

"Such a crazy advertisement will only make people more offensive. I will not buy a Pingguo smartphone when I buy a Xingsan smartphone."

"Yes, Xingsan doesn't have to be poor in Pingguo, Nuojiya is also good, Pingguo sells so expensive, why should I buy Pingguo, a fool buys Pingguo, Pingguo thought he was a Huaxin smartphone."

"If Pingguo smartphones are as good as Huaxin smartphones, there is no need to advertise, and someone will buy them. Now, let's not reduce the price and wait for it to go bankrupt."

People all over the world are complaining about Pingguo's frenzied advertisements.

The people of the United States have also joined the Tucao team.

"F*ck, speed reduction is the kingly way. Use f*ck ads."

"I feel sick when I see Pingguo's ads. The greatest smartphone, the most cost-effective smartphone, have you ignored the Huaxin smartphone?"

"Only the Huaxin smartphone is the greatest smartphone, and no one can take away the status of the Huaxin smartphone."

"Pingguo company is completely abolished. If this goes on, I will buy the Xingsan smart phone."

After Pingguo saw the crazy advertisements, sales still did not improve, and they were all depressed.

"Let's lower the price."

Soft and Micro Company Biga suggested Pingguo Company to cut prices.

If this continues, the low-end market for smartphones will be completely occupied by Xingsan smartphones and Nuojiya smartphones, which will be a fatal blow to Pingguo smartphones.

If Pinguo smartphones cannot occupy a certain market, MS will definitely be surpassed by YY, which is not the result that software and micro companies want.

Under pressure, Pingguo had to cut prices.

February 28.

Pingguo smartphones announced a price cut, and the price is the same as that of Star Three smartphones and Nuojiya smartphones, both at 300 meters.

While Pingguo was waiting for sales to improve, Huaxin Mobile announced that it would launch a new smartphone on March 1.

Watson’s new smartphone is priced at 250 meters.

Seeing this price, everyone knows the main low-end market of this new smart phone of Huaxin smart phone.

The price is cheaper than Pingguo, Xingsan, Nuojiya three mobile phones, not to mention, the data is also cheaper than Pingguo three smart phone numbers.

For a time, people all over the world have forgotten Pingguo's three smartphones and waited for the new smartphones of Huaxin to be launched.

Su Hao named the new Huaxin smartphone Huaxin L1.

On March 1, Huaxin 1 and Huaxin L1 went on sale at the same time.

Huaxin 1 still sold out in one day.

Huaxin L1 is even more popular among the people at the bottom of the world.

They absolutely love the price of 250 meters.

They can't afford rice, but they can afford 250.

After experiencing Huaxin L1, people did not hesitate to buy it.

Huaxin L1 is much better than the smartphones of Pingguo, Xingsan and Nuojiya.

Chatting, watching TV, video chatting, and playing small games are not stuck. The only difference is the memory, the camera pixels, and the processor.

These people don't care. Is it cheap? Other data is almost normal. As long as it can be used normally and can play small games, they will be satisfied.

Since the quality of Huaxin L1 is better than Pingguo's three smartphones, Huaxin L1 is also sold out in one day.

Without using Huaxin mobile phones to advertise, 20 million L1 smarts were sold short.

The listing of Huaxin L1 made Pingguo's three smartphones completely desperate.

Since the Huaxin L1 has not been sold in the United States, the American people once again severely criticized the soft and micro companies and the high level of the United States.

"Trash soft and micro company, due to your arrogant behavior, Huaxin mobile phones cannot be sold in the United States. You have violated the rights and interests of the people of the United States. You must resolve it within three days. If the next time Huaxin mobile phones are sold, the United States will not Huaxin mobile phones are sold, please be careful when you go out."

"I went directly to the software and micro company to block the door, brothers and sisters, let's take the guys to the software and micro company to block people at the door, I don't believe it, the software and micro company can do the people of the whole country."

"Yes, 10,000 people can't do it, we have 20,000 people, 20,000 people can't do it, we have 100,000 people, 100,000 people can't, we have a million people, brothers and sisters, the whole world can use Huaxin smartphones. , We must not fall behind, we cannot be treated differently, we must let the software and micro companies give us an explanation."

"All those who go to block the door together will sign up. Tomorrow, we will go to the door of the software and micro company to block people together."

"Soft and micro companies do not give us an account every day, we will block people every day."

The American people violently rioted.

Soft and micro companies don't care at all.

What an international joke, one million people block the door, and 10,000 people can block the door, I admit defeat.

In addition to the people of the United States, the people of Longguo are also very depressed, thinking that Huaxin L1 is not sold in Longguo.

"Su Shen, how can you forget the people of Long Country with such a cheap mobile phone?"

"Su Shen, I can understand your difficulties, but you can't forget us either."

"I can't bear to buy three thousand five smart phones, but only two thousand yuan smart phones, I can buy, Su Shen, don't forget the domestic market, there are many people in China who need cheap Huaxin L1."

"Su Shen, I know that you are using Huaxin L1 to let Huaxin Computer occupy more of the market, but you have to give it to the domestic market."

Most netizens are calling for Su Hao to allocate a small share to the domestic market, so that some people in need can use the cheaper Huaxin L1 smartphone.

Su Hao responded directly on Weibo.

Huaxin smartphones have not forgotten the domestic market. Starting from tomorrow, Huaxin L1 will sell 500,000 Huaxin L1s on Huaxin smartphone online stores every day.

In order to return everyone's support, Huaxin L1 does not need two thousand yuan, only 1888 yuan, I hope everyone will support it.

At the same time, Huaxin Mobile also announced the matter.

Netizens were ecstatic when they saw this message.

"Oh my God, I knew Su Shen would not forget us, 1888 yuan, and I would buy one if I smashed the pot and sold iron."

"I can't bear to buy 3500 yuan. Now it's only 1888. I can't help it anymore. I have to buy it."

"Su Shen is awesome, supporting Haoyu Group, supporting Su Shen is indeed correct, 1888, this price is completely within my acceptance range, I must buy it."

"Haha, soon I will also be a smart phone person."

"At this price, you can buy one for the elders in the family, so that it is convenient for video chats with family members."

"Yes, I originally planned to buy a Star Three smartphone, now it's fine, there is Huaxin L1, I don't have to hesitate, just buy Huaxin L1."

"Su Shen's mighty domineering, 500,000 copies a day, 15 million copies a month, very good."

The people of Longguo are all overjoyed.

At the same time, Huaxin mobile phones also announced that the same is true overseas. It will be sold once a week in 20 countries, and users who switch to Huaxin computer systems or purchase Huaxin computers will also get the first right of purchase.

In this way, Huaxin smart phones are becoming more and more popular around the world.

Some countries that do not have 3G networks also require Huaxin mobile phones to be sold in their countries. Without 3G, there are 2G networks. You can also chat on 2G networks.

However, Su Hao does not have this plan for the time being. Huaxin 1 and Huaxin L1 have completely squeezed the production capacity of Huaxin mobile phones. For the time being, Huaxin mobile phones cannot meet the needs of people all over the world.

This is the reason why Haoyu Group has vacated some electrical production lines for Huaxin mobile phones, otherwise it is impossible for Huaxin mobile phones to increase production capacity.

As a last resort, Su Hao had to build an extra large cell phone processing factory in other cities in Jiang Province.

In the future, there will be more and more models of Huaxin smartphones, and the demand for production capacity will increase. It is necessary to build one more large-scale mobile phone processing factory.

The popularity of Huaxin's smartphones has completely driven the utilization rate of Huaxin's computer system, and even the sales of Huaxin's computers have improved.

Soft and Micro Company, Pingguo Company, and several major computer brands watched the popularity of Huaxin's smartphones, and Huaxin Computer gradually stood up, completely out of touch.

Xingsan and Nuojiya basically abandon the Longguo market and the 20-country market, and instead work on the market in countries where there is no sales of Huaxin smartphones.

I have to say that Xingsan and Nuojiya are making a fortune. In other countries, Xingsan smart phones and Nuojiya smart phones are completely best-sellers, and sales are very good.

Pingguo Company saw the big sales of Xingsan and Nuojiya, and it also entered the markets of these countries.

In this way, Pingguo, Xingsan, and Nuojiya compete for the market abandoned by Huaxin smartphones, and Huaxin smartphones almost occupy the Longguo market and the 20-country market.

Only the US market is the most unique in the world.

The U.S. smartphone market is only partly occupied by Huaxin mobile phones. After the United States did not allow the sales of Huaxin smartphones, there were no smartphones in the United States.

Until the Pingguo smartphone was launched.

It is a pity that the American people do not buy it at all. The American people are calling for the resumption of the sales of Huaxin smartphones in the United States.

March 3.

The door of the soft and micro company gradually gathered the people of the United States.

These are the American people who have called on the software and micro companies to solve the problem of Huaxin's smartphones as soon as possible.

Seeing more and more people appear, the executives of Soft and Micro companies are a little confused.

"¨` How can so many people, it is impossible for so many people to block our company."

Bige was very angry when he learned that many people were blocking the door of the company.

"What are you waiting for? Call the police and let the police drive them."

The software and micro company directly reports to the police.

Soon the police officers arrived, and they were shocked to see tens of thousands of people surrounding the door of the software company.

(Wang Haohao)    What do they do with this?

Especially seeing many people with guys, the police officers who came were all dumbfounded.

Drive away?

What an international joke, if the ten thousand people in front of you are angered, they may be killed at any time.

The police officer who came to report immediately.

The local executives immediately contacted the executives of Soft and Micro.

"This is something you caused, and it must be resolved for me immediately. If a major accident is caused, your software and micro companies will not escape responsibility."

"Remind you, most of the onlookers bring guys with you, so you can do it for yourself."

The executives of the software and micro companies are all dumbfounded.

Take the guy, what are these people doing? Is this going to kill them?

After Biguet learned of the seriousness of the matter, he dared not come to the company at all. He didn't want an accident.

Bige immediately contacted the senior management of the United States to let the senior management solve the problem of soft and micro companies being besieged by people.

U.S. senior officials directly ordered the local police officers to resolve the matter.

The high-level local police officers indicated that they could not do anything.

Because up to now, 50,000 people have been around the entrance of the software and micro company, and more people are coming, so many people, not to mention the local police officers, and police officers from several cities will all be driven together. No more.

The senior officials of the United States were stunned.

"What are they doing?"

"They just want to resume sales of Huaxin smartphones in the United States."

"This, this..." The senior officials of the United States were completely confused.

When did the American people become so united?

f*ck is still so united for a foreign product.

Isn't it good to support soft and micro companies and support the world's richest man?

High-level officials in the United States immediately called Bigai.

"Mr. Bigey, you know the matter, and I believe you know the solution. You can make your own choice."

The high-level Americans pushed the matter to Bige. .

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