"Yuebao, the interest rate is higher than that of the deposit bank. Is Alipay to grab deposits with the bank?"

"It's not only high, it's much higher. The interest rate of Yu'ebao for half a year is similar to the bank's one-year regular interest. That is to say, the interest of the money deposited in PayTong's Yu'ebao is twice the interest of the bank for one year."

"Is that much more, my God, it's better to deposit the money in the bank than in Yu'e Bao, I don't know Yu Yu Bao'an is not safe."

"What I am curious about now is how can Alipay dare to do this. This shows that it is to grab deposits with the bank. Will the bank executives agree to do this?"

"What's the matter? Like loans, not only banks in the country lend money, but some private companies also lend money, but the interest rate is much higher. It is understandable that Alipay uses Yu'E Bao."

"No matter what, my deposit of more than one thousand yuan will be put in the balance treasure, haha."

"It's the same in the bank anyway, it's better to put it in Yu'E Bao to earn some interest, and withdraw cash at any time anyway."

"That's right, the cash will arrive in the account within two hours, so putting the money in the balance treasure will have no effect at all."

"Don’t worry about putting the money in Yu'E Bao. Alipay has introduced a million protection. If Alipay’s money is stolen, Alipay will pay up to one million. As long as your balance in Yu'e Bao is less than one million, you don’t have to worry about safety. problem."

"Really, I went and took a look. There is really a million guarantee and free insurance. If the money in your payment pass is stolen, the payment pass will pay you immediately, so there is no need to worry about security."

"Su Shen definitely thought that everyone was worried about this problem, so he launched this million guarantee."

"It doesn't matter, I believe in Sushen, my 100,000 deposit will be placed in Yu'e Bao."

"Yes, if you don't believe Su Shen, who else believes in 647? Su Shen is the richest man in the Dragon Kingdom. If we can save our money, the interest will be so much a year, so you can make more money by putting Yu'e Bao."

"No matter how much he is, 80,000 yuan is deposited directly into Alipay's Yu'e Bao."

"Haha, 10,000 yuan is seven or eight cents a day. I deposit 100,000 yuan, seven or eight yuan a day, and two thousand yuan in interest in a year. Then I deposit one million yuan. Wouldn’t it be more than 20,000 yuan a year? Interest."

"Wake up, you have a million, will you put Yu'e Bao to earn interest?"

"F*ck, I still want to save 10 million yuan, which is more than 300,000 yuan in interest a year."

"Haha, go to sleep, you have everything in your dreams."

"If you don't need it in a hurry, you can put it in Yu'e Bao. It's better than depositing it in the bank."

"Young people will definitely choose to deposit Yu'e Bao. Older ones will trust the bank more. Yu'e Bao is super suitable for young people."

"But young people don't have much savings, haha."

"Who said, I have one hundred thousand, my interest is ten yuan a day, hehe."

"Is it a handsome guy or a beautiful girl upstairs? If it's a handsome guy, I can be your girlfriend."

"Fuck off, seeing money open, I don't want a material girlfriend like you."

"You don't want it, I want it, beauty, I have a ten thousand deposit, come to be my girlfriend."

"Beauty, I have three thousand savings. Be my girlfriend, I just lack a girlfriend."

"With only three thousand deposits, I want to find a girlfriend, so stay single."

The whole network is discussing Yu'e Bao.

Young people naturally choose to believe in Su Hao and Yu'e Bao, anyway, their savings is not bad at all.

Elderly people don’t bother to pay attention to this matter. Although there are one million guarantees, their thinking determines that they will not easily put money on a network product. Even if the interest rate of Yu'e Bao is high, they still believe it more. Bank.

Su Hao did not intend to attract deposits from older people in the past, as long as young people accept it.

Yu'e Bao is not making money, and Su Hao has no expectations at all.

Due to Su Hao's Weibo, many people did not go to the bank to withdraw their deposits, which gave the bank staff a sigh of relief.

On this day, the high level of the state issued an order to the People’s Bank of China to immediately introduce restrictions on corporate loans, restrict loans to a red line, and resolutely refuse to lend to companies with high debt ratios.

After a day of negotiation.

Longguo People's Headquarters issued a series of regulations on April 14.

The rule is probably to list the specific details of the loan. In a word, it will be difficult for a company to want a loan compared with the previous loan.

The bank has also set up a special telephone number for reporting. If someone is found to be cheating for personal gains, the loans in violation of the regulations will be dealt with strictly.

The people across the country were cheered when they learned of these regulations.

"Haha, beautiful, the country's shots are different. Real estate companies have the highest debt ratio. Now they don't want to borrow a penny from the bank."

"Yes, companies in various industries across the country, and companies in the real estate industry are definitely the companies with the highest debt ratios. Some real estate companies have high debt ratios. If they have a little problem, they will go bankrupt. Now the country has finally dealt with the issue of politics. It is gratifying. Celebrate the whole world."

"With the help of the country, Longteng Real Estate and the small real estate companies finally have the opportunity to develop."

"No one can stop the development of Longteng Real Estate now. In terms of capital, no company has as much money as Haoyu Group."

"Not only will the Top 100 Real Estate Alliance fail to stop Longteng Real Estate, but they will also have funding problems. This time I see how long they can carry it."

"The top 100 real estate alliances can't get loans from the bank, and the house can't be sold. The capital chain will definitely go wrong. They will definitely not last long. Brothers and sisters, victory is here. We must stick to it."

"I will definitely persist, and this victory will definitely belong to us."

The people of the whole country are very happy.

Because the state's move to restrict loans is tantamount to standing on the side of ordinary people, and people are of course very happy.

On the contrary, the veterans of the Top 100 Real Estate Alliance are always frowning.

"What should I do now?"

"Unable to get a loan from the bank, what should we do next? What can we do to stop Longteng Real Estate and the small real estate companies?"

"Yes, let alone no money to stop, we don't have money, and keeping the company running is a problem."

The CEOs of the Top 100 Real Estate Alliance raised questions in the group.

The CEOs of Hengda Real Estate and several big real estate CEOs are even more troublesome.

In terms of debt ratio, several large real estate companies have higher debt ratios. They are even more unbearable.

Don't you just admit defeat?

The CEO of Hengda Real Estate is really unwilling.

Canceling the shared area and continuing to sell the house at the previous price, they made too much less.

They were originally the highest house prices, and there was no room for improvement at all. They are really unwilling to cancel the shared area, but the house price does not increase.

However, without abolishing the pooled area, the company will not be able to sustain it for long. Without funds, the company will have only one result, and that is bankruptcy.

Hengda Real Estate negotiated with several major real estate managers and finally came to a conclusion that it is imperative to cancel the pool area.

The state's restrictions on corporate loans are a veiled attitude, and they do not have to confront the state.

Since it is impossible to fight against the people of the whole country, then take advantage of the trend to cancel the pool area.

It is okay to cancel the shared area, and it is absolutely impossible to sell the house at the original price.

The top 100 real estate alliance occupies four-fifths of the country's market. As long as everyone continues to unite and raise housing prices together, the people of the country cannot help them.

That's right, that's it.

The CEOs of Hengda Real Estate and several big real estate executives all expressed their thoughts in the group.

Increasing housing prices together was finally recognized by all bosses.

It’s okay if you ask me to cancel the pool area, but it’s our own business to raise the house price.

If you cancel the pool area, you will cancel the pool area. The original house with a house price of 10,000 and 100 square meters with a total price of 1 million. After the pool area is cancelled, it is only 80 ordinary. Then I will sell 12,51 square meters. The total price is still It's one million.

In a word, it is okay to cancel the shared area, but I want to make less money and dream.

On April 15th, the Top 100 Real Estate Alliance announced the cancellation of the pooled area.

People are happy to learn that the top 100 real estate alliances have announced the cancellation of the public area.

"Haha, we have won. National real estate companies have announced the cancellation of the pool area. We have won."

"From today onwards, the shared area will become history, and we will never be entrapped by the shared area again."

"I'm so happy that we finally won. What about the Top 100 Real Estate Alliance? As long as our people across the country are united, the Top 100 Real Estate Alliance will have to surrender."

"Don't be happy, everyone. The top 100 real estate alliance has cancelled the pooled area, but their house prices have also risen. The original house price of 10,000 has been sold to 12,500. The total price is still the same as before, both are 1 million. "

"Really? I only know that they announced the cancellation of the pool area. I don't know their current house prices."

"After I heard that major real estate companies canceled the shared area, I rushed to Hengda Real Estate as soon as possible. I was absolutely right. Their house prices have increased. After canceling the shared area, the total house price is the same as the original. The total price of the area is the same."

"It's special, so they didn't cancel the pool area?"

"Yes, it's still the same money as before, which means it hasn't been cancelled."

"It's special, it's all a routine to cancel the pool area. Only Longteng Real Estate is the most sincere cancellation of the pool area.. 0 Those small real estate companies are also okay. Although the price is increased, the total housing price is cheaper than the original. NS."

"The Top 100 Real Estate Alliance actually raised the house price to the same as the original total house price. It's special, the Top 100 Real Estate Alliance, if I buy your house, I am not a human being."

"It is a routine for the top 100 real estate alliances to cancel the pool area. The total house price has not changed at all. Everyone should not buy their house."

"Yes, everyone continues to be united. Don't buy their houses. I don't believe them. They don't have capital turnover and won't sell their houses at a lower price. It's so cute. If you want to cheat us, let's dream."

"Yes, don't reduce the price. Everyone must not buy a house from the top 100 real estate alliance. In a word, the house price after the abolition of the public area is not less than the original total house price. Everyone should not buy it."

"It's really ugly, the top 100 real estate alliance is really ugly. I don’t ask you to be as conscientious as Longteng Real Estate, but you can’t be so ugly. I swear that your house prices are a dime higher than before. I definitely don’t. I will buy your house, otherwise it will thunder."

"I completely convinced the Top 100 Real Estate Alliance. I thought they finally found out that they had finally cancelled the public share area, but I didn't expect that they were all routines. It's really unscrupulous profiteers."

"If anyone buys a high-priced house from the Top 100 Real Estate Alliance, who has no friends."

"Is there any company that has the strength to enter the real estate industry? I ask you to enter the real estate industry. As long as your housing prices are right, unlike the top 100 real estate alliance, we will definitely buy your house."

"Yes, let all the top 100 real estate alliances eat shit, Longteng Real Estate, many small real estate companies, you hurry up to get the land to build a house, we all buy your houses, and let the top 100 real estate alliances go bankrupt."

"If they all went bankrupt, wouldn't there be a lot of unfinished buildings in the country? Wouldn't it be a disaster to buy a house before?"

"Don't worry about this issue. If the top 100 real estate alliance falls, the state will take care of it. Besides, will those bosses easily let their companies go bankrupt?"

"Impossible. They will never let the company go bankrupt easily. They are not yet desperate. When they are desperate, they will lower the price and sell the house."

"That is, we are not letting them sell the house at a loss. They have money to make, but they want to make more and all of our hard-earned money. We will never allow this."

"Brothers and sisters, continue to unite and let the top 100 real estate alliances eat shit."

People across the country are calling for not to buy high-priced houses from the top 100 real estate alliances.

The top 100 real estate alliance thought that after the abolition of the pool area, sales would increase.

They never dreamed that the people of the whole country would continue to call for a boycott of them. One day later, they still did not sell a house.

So the bosses are all anxious.

This trick is completely useless.

Cancel the pool area and increase the housing price. The total housing price is still the same as the original total housing price. It is strange that people do not resist, and no one is a fool.

Some real estate companies are always completely desperate and no longer believe in the big real estate companies of Hengda Real Estate, and silently withdraw from the top 100 real estate groups.

There is the first, there is the second.

The CEO of Hengda Real Estate saw that some people were leaving the group one after another, and he was a teenager overnight.

Because he knows that from now on, the domestic real estate market will no longer be dominated by their major real estate companies, but a state of contention among a hundred schools of thought.

April 16.

Some real estate companies took the initiative to cut prices, and the price was the highest price in the previous market. These are mid-range real estate companies.

Their original house price was a little lower than the highest market price, and now they have increased to the highest price. They have made a little less, but they still make money, and they make a lot of money.

As long as all the houses are sold out, it will definitely make a lot of money.

People all over the country cheered and celebrated when they learned that the top 100 real estate alliance companies have started to cut prices.

"Haha, I know they can't stand it, keep going, and see how long you can survive."

"Brothers and sisters, keep hanging them for a few days to let them know how good we are."

"Yes, if you keep hanging them for a few days, it is estimated that the house price will fall. Now this price is the highest price before."

There are also companies that have not raised the highest price, and these companies have already begun to sell their houses.

Not everyone can bear it. When everyone sees the real estate company canceling the share area and lowering the housing price, it is natural that they can't help but buy a house.

There are so many houses. When can I not buy them now?

Especially the real estate group. Real estate speculators seized the opportunity to make a big shot. .

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