Mobile payment?

What the hell is this?

Everyone is full of doubts about mobile payment.

You can log in on your mobile phone with Alipay, and you can use the mobile phone version of Alipay to pay when shopping on What is there to say?

In addition to YY and, there are also game top-ups. This is the role of Alipay. This is mobile payment. Does this need to be announced at a press conference?

Everyone can't understand why Su Hao suddenly said mobile payment.

Su Hao said: "The mobile payment I am talking about today is mobile phone QR code payment."

"Mobile phone QR code payment can only be used through the smart phone scan function."

"Now that Paypass has been updated, you can open the mobile version of Paypass and find the scan function."

"Scan the function?" Everyone is curious.

Not only the media reporters at the scene, but also those who watched the live broadcast of the press conference couldn't help but open up Pay.

If you haven't had time to update, prompt more detailed information immediately.

After the update, the new version of PayPass appeared in front of everyone.

Su Hao directly demonstrated, "Open PayPass, you can see the plus sign in the upper right corner, where there is a scan function, you can also look at the top column, and you can also see the scan function."

"Is this scanning function useful?"

"I don't know if you have noticed that you click on the plus sign and scan the following to collect and pay."

"You can see a QR code when you click Open Payment."

"The QR code payment I'm talking about refers to this QR code."

"I currently have two mobile phones in my hand. I click on one to receive and pay, and then click the QR code below to receive the payment. A payment QR code will appear on the interface of the mobile phone."

"Now I use another mobile phone to click on the scan function, scan the QR code for the payment, and then directly jump out of a payment interface."

"How much to pay, enter it yourself. For example, if I am paying 10 yuan, I just enter the amount of 10 yuan, then choose to pay, enter the payment password, and complete the payment."

"In this way, this mobile payment account that shows the QR code to receive payment will pay 10 yuan more."

Su Hao opened the Alipay account balance and checked the details, and it really showed that he had just received ten dollars.

Su Hao demonstrates again. This time, let everyone see the balance of Alipay, and then pay 100 yuan directly through the QR code. After the payment is completed, the mobile phone that shows the payment QR code is directly more than 100 yuan, which is the payment. success.

Everyone was surprised, but still couldn't think of any big effect.

Some people even think this new feature is a bit redundant.

If you want money, you don’t need to transfer money directly. It’s so troublesome to use a QR code to collect money.

But these people forget that the transfer is based on being friends with each other. What if they are strangers? How to transfer money? Add friends first? Isn't that the same trouble?

These people raised their objections.

Su Hao smiled and said: "Everyone will not know what I am launching this QR code payment for for a while. Then I will talk about it specifically."

"Mobile phone QR code payment will change the way people pay in their lives."

"Have you ever thought about going out without money in the future?"

"How is this possible? What should I do if I don't bring money to go out to buy things..." At this point, people suddenly reacted.

"Oh my god, mobile phone QR code payment, it turned out to be like this, you can use mobile phone payment without money, I know, it must be like this."

Many people at the scene responded.

The smile on Su Hao's face was even stronger, "Yes, I believe many people have guessed it."

"Mobile phone QR code payment can completely change people's daily payment methods."

"When we are shopping, as long as the merchant shows his payment QR code, we can scan the code to complete the payment, and we don't need cash at all."

"It's really like this, my goodness, if it's really like that, then you can go out without cash in the future." The audience was shocked.

Mobile phone QR code payment will completely change the way people pay.

"This QR code is good for receiving payments. In this way, you don't have to worry about receiving fake money."

"Really, you can pay by simply scanning the payment code. No cash is required. No cash is required. Naturally, there is no need to worry about receiving fake money."

"More than that, you are not afraid of being scammed by people when you go out. In some places, businesses will pinch off a corner of the money and say that the money is unusable, then check your wallet, then steal the money and exchange posts. This is the case in many parts of the country, with mobile payment. , I no longer have to worry about being stolen by those unscrupulous merchants when I travel."

"Yes, I have also experienced it. The last time I went to travel to the best of mountains and rivers, I was scammed like this. I didn't find it right until I left. I saw that my wallet was missing a few hundred yuan."

"You are considered good if you are missing a few hundred dollars. All the money in my wallet was replaced with fake money. I almost fainted at the time."

"There are still many thieves on the street. It is still not safe to carry a wallet, especially when you are on the train, you can pay with your mobile phone in the future, so you don't need to carry so much money in your wallet, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Mobile phone QR code payment is really good, too powerful. I dare say that mobile phone QR code payment will be popular all over the country."

"Then it goes without saying that the products specially introduced by Sushen can not be popular all over the country? It must be popular all over the country."

"Mobile payment has so many benefits, it's only strange if it isn't popular all over the country."

People at the scene were discussing enthusiastically.

Su Hao continued: "Mobile QR code payment was first implemented under the Haoyu Group."

"Next, you can go to Jiajiafu Supermarket, Huaxin Electrical Appliance Store, Huaxin Communication Store and other Haoyu Group's consumer products, and you can complete the payment by scanning the code on your mobile phone."

"You can think about buying things in the supermarket. It is troublesome to retrieve the coins. You don't know where to put them. As long as you pay by scanning the QR code on your mobile phone, you don't have to worry about it."

Everyone at the scene very much agreed with Su Hao's statement.

"It's really like this. I don't usually bring a wallet. I go to the supermarket and find two coins for me. I don't know where to put them. I have a lot of dimes in my house."

"Me too, I have a lot of homes, I always wait for a lot of time to take it to the supermarket to pay at one time, but that is really troublesome, now it's fine, and finally I don't have to worry about where to put the coin change anymore."

"Mobile payment has many benefits, and I definitely support it. I'll go to Jiajiafu Supermarket later."

Su Hao continued: "I believe many people are wondering why the two-dimensional code payment has not been introduced until now."

"The QR code payment must be done through a smartphone to complete the mobile scan code payment. Smart phones were not popular before, and the 3G network has not spread across the country, so the introduction of mobile phone QR code payment has little effect."

"It's fine now. 3G networks are spread all over the country, and many people across the country are also using smartphones. It is time to launch mobile QR code payment."

"The most important point is that with the introduction of mobile phone QR code payment, the circulating funds of Alipay will be extremely large, and merchants using the payment code will withdraw cash all the time."

"Perhaps you may think that there is nothing to withdraw, but what I want to say is that the bank withdraws will charge a handling fee, and the free cash withdrawal of PayTong now is that PayTong is paying the fee in advance."

"After the launch of mobile phone QR code collection, the huge capital flow, Alipay simply cannot afford such a large fee."

"So I have been waiting for the establishment of Huaxin Bank."

"This is also the reason why I want to announce the receipt of the two-dimensional code and Huaxin Bank together."

"I hereby promise that in the future, all users of PayTong bound to Huaxin Bank's bank card, as long as they withdraw cash to the bank card of Huaxin Bank, PayTong will not charge you a penny handling fee, as long as they withdraw cash to Huaxin Bank Bank cards and PayTong will allow you to withdraw cash for free."

"I can guarantee this, because Huaxin Bank is a private bank opened by Haoyu Group. I can call the shots."

"However, other banks have to charge a fee for the withdrawal of Alipay. In order to consider operating costs, if the cash is withdrawn to another bank's bank card, Alipay will charge a certain fee."

"I guarantee that as much as the bank charges, I will charge you as much as the handling fee. In terms of the cash withdrawal fee, PayTong will never earn a cent from the user."

"On the contrary, Alipay will give everyone a certain amount of free."

"What I can tell you is that the withdrawal fee charged by banks now is one yuan for cash withdrawal of one thousand yuan."

"PayTong will give each person a free quota of 10,000 yuan per year, which means that only 10,000 yuan can be withdrawn for free each year, and a withdrawal fee will be charged for more than 10,000 yuan."

"Of course, withdrawals to the ECB bank card are free forever, so everyone should try to get a ECB bank card, especially for merchants. If the working capital is more than several million a year, it can save a lot of handling fees."

The media reporters at the scene admire Su Hao.

The mobile phone QR code payment is bound to Huaxin Bank. This trick will definitely make Huaxin Bank quickly accepted by people.

Free cash withdrawal is too attractive, not to mention merchants, even ordinary people will apply for a bank card of Huaxin Bank.

No one knows what will happen in the future. If one day you suddenly want to withdraw a large sum of money, you can save a lot of money if you have a bank card from Huaxin Bank.

One thousand yuan is one yuan, ten thousand is ten yuan, one hundred thousand is one hundred, one hundred yuan may do a lot of things.

Su Hao said: "Today is to announce the two things of Huaxin Bank and mobile QR code payment."

"Finally, I would like to say that all merchants who want to use Alipay QR code to receive payments can contact Alipay customer service after Alipay**. Alipay can make payment QR code audio for you, as long as it is connected to the Internet. Next, every time a sum of money is received, the stereo will report it."

"¨` Of course, as long as you turn on the mobile phone's alert tone, the mobile phone will report, but it's not as loud as a small speaker."

"Businessmen who find it troublesome can customize a small speaker with a QR code for payment, which is really convenient."

"Thanks to all the media and reporters for your support. Before the end of this press conference, I will give you three questions, lest you always say that I will not give you the opportunity to interview."

"It's not that we said, it was you who did that, Su Shen, when did you say you would give me the opportunity to interview?" The on-site media immediately retorted.

"Su Shen, you will flash people after you have finished talking in the previous press conference. How can we have the opportunity to interview you? It's really not us talking about you."

"Three chances, Su Shen, give it to me, I'm a big fan of you."

The media reporters at the scene were so excited that Su Hao wanted to give them all three opportunities to ask questions.

The fans at the scene also booed.

"Su Shen, let me ask questions, I want to know if you have a girlfriend."

Su Hao smiled slightly and directly clicked on the reporter of the national television station.

The face of the national TV station still has to be given.

The CCTV reporter saw Su Hao spotting him and was extremely excited. After clearing his throat, he asked: "Su Shen, as the richest man in the Dragon Kingdom and a role model for young people in the country, do you have anything to say to the young people today?"

Su Hao said: "How can I say this."

"Long Country is at a time of rapid development. As a young generation, we must keep pace with the times, study hard, and absorb all useful knowledge."

"Leave the opportunity to those who are prepared. Don’t wait until the opportunity appears in front of you, but you are not able to seize it. Therefore, young people, study hard. Study hard may not be very successful in the future, but if you don’t work hard, you must It will not succeed."

"Haha." The scene couldn't help laughing.

f*ck, Su Shen's chicken soup is really special.

The second question, Su Hao gave it to his own YY ​​portal.

The question raised by the YY portal is very simple (Wang Ma Zhao).

"President Su, can you reveal the total assets of Haoyu Group?"

Everyone is very curious about Su Hao's answer.

Su Hao directly said: "Now I am not very clear, but I can tell you the data summarized at the end of last year."

"Last year, Haoyu Group's net profit exceeded 100 billion, which was a little bit more, and its net assets exceeded 200 billion."

The media at the scene were all surprised by Su Hao's answer.

With a net asset of more than 200 billion and a net profit of more than 100 billion, he deserves to be the richest man in the Dragon Kingdom and he is so profitable.

Everyone knows that Haoyu Group is in the early stage of rapid development and has invested a lot of money. If it weren't the case, the smart phone alone would have a profit of more than 100 billion.

When Haoyu Group crosses the initial stage of development, its net profit will rise to a very scary figure.

Everyone knows that as long as Haoyu Group maintains its current development speed, Su Hao may not be the world's richest man this year, but he will definitely be the world's richest man next year.

The third question Su Hao gave to the National Daily reporter.

The question from the National Daily reporter is also very simple.

"Su Shen, everyone thought that today was Feilong Motor's product launch, but it was a private bank and mobile payment. Can you tell us when Feilong Motor will be launched?"

This question is one that most people want to know the answer to.

Su Hao said, "Today is the 18th. I will try to hold another press conference this month."

Su Hao didn't say it straight, but everyone knew it.

There are still 12 days in this month. Doesn't it mean that Feilong Motors will meet with you soon? This is really a super surprise news.

In this way, this press conference is over.

The press conference ended, and the press conference news madness spread across the country. Many people were curious to walk into the Jiajiafu supermarket to experience mobile phone scan code payment. tell.

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