Zhang Mengqi said so wonderfully and said so many unknown things about the 985211 tutoring website, which made everyone on the scene look forward to the interview with the founder of Su Hao, the tutoring website, and look forward to hearing more exciting behind-the-scenes from Su Hao.

Su Hao's heart moved slightly when he felt the look everyone was looking forward to.

Since you want to hear, then I will say something you want to hear.

For Su Hao's interview, Li Min is waiting for it.

Zhang Mengqi is just the person in charge. Many things are meaningless to ask Zhang Mengqi. Only by interviewing the founder of Su Hao can we get the real answer.

The interview officially began.

Li Min: "Student Su Hao, as the founder of the 985211 tutoring website, do you have any special comments before the official interview?"

Li Min sells to Su Hao first.

Su Hao nodded lightly and said: "I really have a lot to say at this moment. After the creation of the tutoring website, Zhang Mengqi has said very clearly. I will not describe them one by one. Let me say something else."

"First of all, I thank the school and Tunghai University for providing office space for the tutoring website. The success of the tutoring website is inseparable from my status as a freshman at Tunghai University."

Principal Xiao Gang and many leaders all smiled upon hearing Su Hao's words.

Student Su Hao, based on your words, I will give you the green light for all four years of college.

Su Hao continued: "If I were just a student of a normal university, not a student of Tunghai University, I would not recognize so many students with good grades in the college entrance examination and not so many students to help. It’s difficult, so I thank the school and Tunghai University for giving me the opportunity to implement my ideas smoothly."

Su Hao held Tunghai University relentlessly, making the school leaders laugh.

Li Min also noticed the joy of the principal's leaders and did not interrupt, allowing Su Hao to flatter him.

This guy is pretty good at coming. After these words, this guy will have no problem walking sideways at school in the future.

Su Hao continued to thank: "Secondly, I am grateful to all the classmates who have contributed to the tutoring website. It is because you gave up the opportunity to go home during your vacation and stay in Donghai to help. Thank you for your contribution."

"Stu Hao, we are not free labor. You pay us a salary. We are ashamed to say that."

"Yeah, student Su Hao, you give money, we do things, it is right and proper, it should be us thank you, you let us find a good part-time job, you let us make money, it should be us thank you very much."

The students around shouted loudly.

"We are classmates. It is okay to help each other. I won't say much if you are polite. Aunt Li, you can start the interview." Su Hao couldn't keep going and ended decisively.

Hong Dabao saw the smiles that Su Hao praised by many school leaders and admired him, "The third child is worthy of being the third child. Before, he reminded me not to be so good. Those I'm talking about are all pediatrics."

"Dabao, don't compare with the third, now the third is right, haha." Li Weikang said a well-known saying.

Li Min smiled slightly and asked, "Stu Hao, just as you said, the original intention and process of the tutoring website's creation, Zhang Mengqi, said it all. I won't ask you anymore, let me ask something else."

"Can you tell me why the tutoring website gets three points?"

Su Hao whispered: "The three points are my deliberate decision. The three points are shared equally between students and tutors, and the website draws one and five points from each of them."

"These three points are used to maintain website operations and employees' salaries."

Li Min: "More than 3,000 students, the average price is 50 yuan an hour, three points should be a lot of money, right?"

Su Hao: "Yes, there are a total of 3,240 students. The average price is 50 yuan an hour. Each student can have 100 hours of tutoring time per month. The website conservatively estimates that they can receive one month. More than sixteen million yuan, three percent of which is 500,000 yuan."

Su Hao's voice fell, and the audience was in an uproar.

This data is released to the public for the first time. 500,000 yuan a month, can a tutoring website really make so much?

The tutoring website is owned by Su Hao alone. Doesn’t that mean that Su Hao can become a millionaire in two months?

All of a sudden, not only the classmates at the scene, but also many leaders looked at Su Hao's eyes hot. Even a certain leader began to think that if the tutoring website was attributed to the school, it would be extremely easy to apply for various funding in the future.

Su Hao ignored everyone’s comments and continued: “Five hundred thousand is just gross profit. Excluding website operating costs and labor costs, it is conservatively estimated that the website can earn three hundred and fifty thousand a month.”

Three hundred and fifty thousand a month, 4.2 million a year, this is still the current scale, according to the current popularity of the tutoring website, the tutoring website is willing to expand, and earning one million a month in the near future is simply a pediatrics.

Li Min calmed down and said, "Three hundred and fifty thousand a month, I really didn't expect a tutoring website to make money like this. Student Su Hao, you are really enviable."

Su Hao understood Li Min's meaning, and said with awe-inspiring justice: "There is nothing to be envious of, because I won't take the profits of the tutoring website, even a penny."

The audience was dumbfounded.

"How is it possible that you don't take a penny? Is Su Hao a fool? How much determination does it take to give up the opportunity to become a millionaire?"

"Oh my God, I can't believe my ears. Student Su Hao gave up the opportunity to become a millionaire. The tutoring website was created by him. He took the money for granted. Why did he give up?"

Everyone was puzzled and couldn't understand why Su Hao was so stupid.

Li Min suppressed the shock in his heart and said, "Stu Hao, I admire your decision. I can't do it instead of me."

"Since you don't take a penny of profit from the website, how do you plan to spend 350,000 profit a month?"

Everyone pricked their ears, looking forward to the answer Su Hao said.

Su Hao smiled and said: "All the profits from the tutoring website will be used for public welfare. Many classmates and teachers of tutoring websites are children from ordinary families. There are many students in their hometown who need our help. I intend to use the profits of the tutoring website to help. Those who need help are in the third year of high school."

As soon as the voice fell, the audience was silent, and everyone looked at Su Hao with admiration and admiration.

Thank you [Xu Sheng] for your monthly pass. Thank you very much. Thank you.

There are already 9,906 flowers, one hundred is enough for 10,000 plus more. The big guy with the flowers will come here.

There are more than three hundred evaluation votes, and a difference of more than one hundred is enough for five hundred plus more. The big guys who have the evaluation votes come here.

The rules for adding changes, guarantee five changes before the shelves, add one change for two thousand flowers, add one change for five hundred evaluation votes, add one change for one hundred comments, please support, thank you. .

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